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PCEIT 02-301P

1. There are sayings that the cultural relativism is one of the reason to encourage people to draw
apart from each other , how can you prove that it's wrong?

~ Cultural relativism sometimes became the reason of being apart but for me it is not the reason and the
reason is the unable of a person to understand that each of us has our own cultural beliefs that can
affect our morality. It is not always our personal choice but we based it sometimes on the culture that
we belongs to. In any society, people rise by climbing on top of other people. It is a socially acceptable
way of creating discrimination. We see this today in the wage gap that women face, the educational
opportunities that minority groups face, and the violence we see because of political oppression.
Cultural relativism allows the individual to define their moral code without defining the moral code of
others. Each person is separate in such a society. That separation creates equality because each person
can set their own definition of success.

2. How does cultural relativism became one of the problems in morality?

- Understanding cultural relativism is hard for some people because of being not knowledgeable on the
other's culture and it become hard for them to accept the reasons behind the desicion which is
commonly based on the culture of the other person.


What do you think is right to do when you goes to one place and they are into cultural relativism and
you're believing only in subjectivism and they are not eating pork but it is your favorite. How will you
handle this situation? Would you still insist that pork is not that bad on our health or you'll just accept
and respect their desicion even it is against on what you believe?

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