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STI College-Surigao

Magallanes Street, Surigao City

Task Performance
Science, Technology, and Society

“Synthesis Paper on Climate Change and the Energy


Submitted by:
Josielyn L. Taro
Vincent S. Leyson
Ellyzza D. Chavez
John Clyde G. Bacarro

April 1, 2019
I. Title
Study on Energy Crisis and the Future of Fossil Fuels
II. Abstract
The steady increase in energy consumption coupled with environmental pollution has
promoted research activities in alternative and renewable energy fuels. Many countries in the
world are continuously developing materials and methods for effectively utilizing the
alternative fuel resources available in their region. Alternative fuels, also known as non-
conventional or advanced fuels, are any materials or substances that can be used as fuels, other
than conventional fuels. Conventional fuels include: fossil fuels (petroleum (oil), coal, propane,
and natural gas), and nuclear materials such as uranium. Some well-known alternative fuels
include biodiesel, bio alcohol (methanol, ethanol), chemically stored electricity (batteries and
fuel cells), hydrogen, non-fossil methane, non-fossil natural gas, vegetable oil, and other
biomass sources.

III. Approach
The world is gradually marching towards a severe energy crisis, with an ever-increasing
demand of energy overstepping its supply. We have always known that the energy we use
every day is not unlimited, yet we take it for granted. Oil, gas, power, even water has limited
availability. Yet, we have not taken enough precautions to deal with a possible energy crisis.
Oil and gas have already become too expensive, and with each passing day, they are moving
towards being extinct. Some ignorant people think that energy crisis is a myth. They fail to see
the big picture. There have been three major energy crises so far – the 1973 oil crisis, the 1979
energy crisis, and the 1990 oil-price hike, apart from several regional crisis. Prices have been
rapidly increasing for the last five years, thanks to the ever-increasing demand and the
increasing shortage of energy resources.

Causes of Energy Crisis

Market failure is possible when monopoly manipulation of markets occurs. A crisis can
develop due to industrial actions like union organized strikes and government embargoes. The
cause may be over-consumption, aging infrastructure, choke point disruption or bottlenecks at
oil refineries and port facilities that restrict fuel supply. An emergency may emerge during
unusually cold winters due to increased consumption of energy. Pipeline failures and other
accidents may cause minor interruptions to energy supplies. A crisis could possibly emerge
after infrastructure damage from severe weather. Attacks by terrorists or militia on important
infrastructure are a possible problem for energy consumers, with a successful strike on a
Middle East facility potentially causing global shortages. Political events, for example, when
governments change due to regime change, monarchy collapse, military occupation, and coup
may disrupt oil and gas production and create shortages.
Environmental and Social Problems
When oil and coal is burnt, they emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other harmful
gases, which have a negative effect on the environment, like sulphur dioxide. Carbon dioxide
traps in the sunlight as it only lets light in, it does not allow it to leave the atmosphere which
causes temperatures to rise. If temperatures are too hot, it is terrible for children and elderly
people who find it hard to cope with hot conditions. To stop the greenhouse effect, we must
find alternative transport. Did you know that for every litre of petrol used, 3 kilograms of
carbon dioxide is released into the air? If you multiply that by the average amount of petrol a
car uses in a lifetime and multiply that by the number of cars that have been on the streets, you
have a lot of Carbon dioxide in the air. (Fig 1)

Fig 1: Carbon dioxide emission

Coal and Oil also let off sulfur dioxide which mixes with the moisture and clouds in the
air and forms sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid is known as acid rain as when it falls, it causes
forests, vegetation and crops to die, which upsets the equilibrium of many ecosystems. Acid
rain occurs in Australia but is not as bad as in Europe where some of the most beautiful forests
in the world are dying as a result of acid rain. With these effects in mind and the fact that fossil
fuels are predicted to run out within the next 40-50 years, it is essential that we find alternative
and renewable energy sources. The researchers will now give some information about the three
main renewable resources which may be the answer to our energy crisis.

Alternative Fossil Fuels

Hydrogen is a colorless and odorless gas that accounts for 75% of the entire universe's
mass. It is found on Earth only in combination with other elements such as oxygen, carbon, and
nitrogen. To use hydrogen, it must be separated from these other elements, and then it can be
used for a variety of things. The most inspiring and exciting use for this element would be for
use as a fuel. Changing to hydrogen is a formidable task that many individuals and companies
will be afraid to make. Even though this is a huge undertaking to switch totally from gas to
hydrogen, there are things that are out now that will make the switch easier. One of them is a
conversion kit which converts your gas car to hydrogen. There is also a few fuelling stations
scattered across California today. Also BMW has taken major interest in the possibility and
already has prototype hydrogen powered car. Although the change will be tough, some of the
benefits will be great. For example, it is much more environmental friendly to burn hydrogen
than to burn gasoline. This will cut down on pollution as well as health problems that asthmatic
people face from living near polluted areas. Another advantage to switching to hydrogen would
be the availability of the resource. Hydrogen makes up 70% of the earth’s mass, most of it in
water, and is very easy to collect. Once the water is collected, it is a simple matter of running
electricity through it to separate the elements. One last major advantage is the fact that it would
be cheaper to refine than gasoline. This means that it would be cheaper for the consumer. With
gas prices so high, a new and cheap fuel is in high demand.
Ethanol is a clear liquid with an agreeable odor that can be made from natural products
and is diluted with gasoline to provide a cleaner, more natural fuel source. It is a renewable fuel
because it's made from plants. About 30% of all gasoline consumed in the U.S. is blended with
ethanol. There are three major types of ethanol: E95, E85, and E10. E95 is pure ethanol before
it is denatured. Most vehicles cannot use this, so it must be mixed with gasoline first. E85 is the
leading alternative fuel source in the U.S. It's a mixture of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. E10
is a combination of 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline and is the most common form currently
used. Ethanol has both economic and environmental benefits. It moderates the price of gasoline
to consumers because it takes some of the work away from the petroleum refining industry. It
also creates many jobs because there are many steps in producing it. For example, many
farmers are needed to grow the crops, and taxi drivers use the fuel to run their taxis. Ethanol
also improves rural development because farmers must grow crops to make the fuel. Also,
because ethanol is a natural product, it reduces air pollution so fewer toxins are released into
the air. Therefore, smog problems in many major cities can be eliminated. Although ethanol
can form explosive vapors in fuel tanks, it is safer than gasoline because its slow evaporation
speed keeps alcohol concentration low and therefore non-explosive.
Natural gas is mostly methane, but other hydrocarbons do exist. These hydrocarbons
include pentane, ethane, propane, and butane with the compliment of some other trace
elements. The hydrocarbons are what give natural gas its high combustion property and
methane the clean burning property. When natural gas is refined to a gaseous state, the
hydrocarbons and impurities are removed and methane is essentially burned. However, when
natural gas is used as a liquid to fuel engines, the hydrocarbons are needed for a good
combustion to occur. Thus, natural gas has become an important fuel source when used both
ways. Natural gas' largest advantage is its chemical composition; it is basically methane (CH4).
Because methane only has one carbon in its composition, it produces very low carbon
emissions. With the other hydrocarbons only have the number of carbon molecules ranging
from 1-4, when they burn; the same holds true. In addition, the blue flame that results from
burning the flame is from the molecules completing a perfect combustion, because of their
chemical structure. Natural gas' second largest advantage is convenience. The gas is pumped
directly into the consumer’s home with a network that is as efficient as delivering electricity.
This network cannot be easily damaged by weather or conditions. Secondly, natural gas is in
abundance in the US, thus the need to import from foreign countries is minimal. Because of this
abundance, natural gas is cheaper than oil to burn.

IV. Conclusion

We are currently in an energy crisis. Fossil fuels are the lifeblood of our society and
for many others around the world. Our supply has a finite end, which is why we are willing to
go to war for it and make friends with those we really hate. Our foreign aid has a legitimate
purpose. Even with our newfound friends, fossil fuels will run out and the use of them will
soon take the lives of many people. These are important reasons to find other means of getting
the energy we need to continue our society as we know it. Alternative forms of energy are
currently under development even though most of them are only in their initial stages. With
increased government and public support, we may be able to speed up the development of these
technologies and help free ourselves from the usage of fossil fuels. Oil companies will have to
be dealt with because with the future shortages of fossil fuels, they would stand to reap
enormous profits. To prevent this, oil and other energy resource providing companies should be
encouraged to develop these technologies for the sake of ethics if not for long-term profit gains
when all fossil fuel resources are exhausted.


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