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Group 2 Physical Hazard Reporting Script

Ariane: Good Morning everyone, we are the group 2 and we are now going to tackle Physical
There are various physical hazards that employees in the workplace face including
ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, noise, vibration, illumination, and
temperature. The use of time, distance, and shielding are important tools in ensuring worker
safety, especially in occupations with exposure to ionizing radiation.
Time is one of the valuable tools in controlling exposure to ionizing radiation. The
shorter the time of exposure, the smaller the radiation danger.
Distance is also one of the solutions in preventing these hazards. Radiation levels
from some sources can be estimated by comparing the squares of the distances between the
worker and the source. In this case, the radiation level decreases with the distance from the
source. The intensity of radiation decreases with the square of the distance, which means that
doubling the distance from the source reduces the radiation exposure by a factor of four. This
is why workers are often instructed to maintain a safe distance from sources of this kind of
Shielding also is a way to protect against radiation. The greater the protective mass
between a radioactive source and the worker, the lower the radiation exposure. However, the
aforementioned safety measures are not enough to make sure that we are safe.
Noise as another significant hazard can be controlled by reducing equipment noise
levels, enclosing or shielding noisy equipment, and providing hearing protection. Radiant heat
exposure can be controlled by installing reflective shields and protective clothing. It is
essential to take necessary measures to reduce physical hazards and ensure worker safety in
the workplace.


Non-ionizing radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that does not have

enough energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules, which means that it does not
create ions. Non-ionizing radiation covers a wide range of frequencies and wavelengths, and
it includes visible light, radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, and ultraviolet (UV)
radiation with lower energies.
Ionizing radiation is a type of radiation that has enough energy to remove tightly
bound electrons from atoms or molecules, which results in the formation of ions. Ionizing
radiation covers a wide range of frequencies and wavelengths, and it includes X-rays, gamma
rays, alpha particles, beta particles, and other high-energy particles.
Alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma/x-rays are the three main kinds of ionizing
radiation. Each type has different properties, and they interact with matter in different ways.
Alpha particles are relatively large and heavy, and they travel only a short distance in
air. They can be stopped by a sheet of paper or the outer layer of skin, but they can be very
damaging if they are inhaled or ingested.
Beta particles are much smaller and lighter than alpha particles, and they can travel
further in air. They can be stopped by a sheet of aluminum or plastic, and they can penetrate
the outer layers of skin.
Gamma rays and x-rays are very high-energy photons that can travel long distances
in air and penetrate many materials. They can be stopped by thick layers of concrete or lead,
but they are difficult to shield against completely. They are commonly used in medical
imaging and radiation therapy, but they can also be produced by nuclear reactions and can
be a hazard in certain environments.


Exposure to hazardous noise at work is a significant occupational health concern that

affects millions of people in the United States. High levels of noise can cause permanent
hearing loss that cannot be corrected with surgery or hearing aids. Short-term exposure to
loud noise can cause temporary changes in hearing, such as a feeling of stuffiness in the ears
or ringing (tinnitus), which may go away within a few minutes or hours after leaving the noisy
area. However, repeated exposure to loud noise can lead to permanent tinnitus and/or
hearing loss. In addition to these physical effects, loud noise can also create stress, reduce
productivity, interfere with communication and concentration, and contribute to workplace
accidents and injuries. The effects of hearing loss can be profound, leading to social and
psychological isolation and limiting one's ability to enjoy social activities.


When sound waves enter the ear, they cause the ear drum to vibrate, which in turn
causes the three small bones in the middle ear to amplify and transmit the vibrations to the
inner ear. The inner ear contains the cochlea, which is filled with fluid and lined with cells that
have fine hairs. These hairs move with the vibrations and convert them into nerve impulses,
which the brain interprets as sound.
Exposure to loud noise can cause damage to these hair cells in the inner ear, leading
to permanent hearing loss. (WHAT ARE THE WARNING SIGNS THAT YOUR
WORKPLACE MAY BE TOO NOISY? ) Therefore, it is important to be aware of the warning
signs that your workplace may be too noisy. These signs include hearing ringing or humming
in your ears when you leave work, having to shout to be heard by a coworker who is an arm's
length away, and experiencing temporary hearing loss when leaving work.
If you notice any of these warning signs, it is important to take steps to protect your
hearing. This may include wearing hearing protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs, reducing
exposure to loud noise, and seeking medical attention if you experience any hearing loss or
discomfort. By taking these steps, you can help prevent hearing loss and protect your hearing
for the future.

Noise is measured in decibels, which is a logarithmic scale. Exposure to loud noise
can cause damage to a person's hearing, and the amount of damage increases with the
amount of noise exposure. OSHA has set standards for workplace noise exposure, including
an 8-hour TWA limit of 90 dBA, beyond which hearing protection programs must be
implemented. NIOSH recommends an 8-hour TWA limit of less than 85 dBA to prevent
hearing loss. Hearing conservation programs involve measuring noise levels, providing free
hearing protection, training workers, and conducting evaluations of hearing protection
effectiveness. Employers must implement these programs if workers are exposed to an 8-
hour TWA noise level of 85 dBA or higher.

Engineering controls are methods used to reduce noise exposure in the workplace,
with the aim of eliminating or minimizing the risk of hearing loss. These controls involve
modifying equipment or making physical changes to reduce noise levels. Even a small
reduction in decibels can significantly reduce the risk of hearing loss, improve communication,
and reduce noise-related annoyance. Engineering controls are technologically feasible for
most noise sources and can include choosing low-noise tools and machinery, maintaining and
lubricating equipment, placing barriers between the noise source and employees, and
enclosing or isolating the noise source. Effective engineering controls can eliminate the need
for additional requirements of the OSHA Noise standard, such as hearing tests, hearing
conservation programs, and provision of hearing protectors.

Administrative controls are methods used to reduce noise exposure in the workplace
by changing work practices or policies. One such control is controlling noise exposure through
distance, which involves increasing the distance between the worker and the noise source to
reduce their exposure. This can be an effective, simple, and inexpensive method, especially
when workers are present but not working with a noise source or equipment. For every
doubling of the distance between the noise source and the worker, the sound level of the
noise is decreased by 6.02 dB.
Another administrative control is implementing an effective hearing conservation
program by employers in general industry or the construction industry, where worker noise
exposure exceeds certain levels. This program aims to prevent occupational hearing loss,
preserve remaining hearing, and provide workers with knowledge and hearing protection
devices to protect them. More information on hearing conservation programs can be found in
OSHAcademy Course 751, Hearing Conservation Program Management.
Hearing protection devices (HPDs), such as earmuffs and plugs, are considered as a
secondary option to control noise exposure in the workplace. While engineering and
administrative controls are the preferred methods to reduce noise exposure, HPDs can be
used as a temporary solution until more effective controls are implemented. HPDs can also
be used in situations where engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or when
a worker's hearing test indicates significant hearing damage. However, relying solely on
HPDs for hearing protection is not as effective as implementing engineering or administrative
controls, which should be the primary means of reducing noise exposure.

Vibration is a potential hazard that can be caused by machinery, and it can result in
discomfort, reduced performance, and even injury. Vibration transferred from machines to the
human body can cause conditions like hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) or damage to
the circulatory system of the upper extremities (Raynaud's syndrome). Raynaud's Syndrome
is a disease that affects the hands, in which the blood vessels in the fingers collapse due to
repeated exposure to vibration. HAVS is a more advanced condition that can affect the entire
hand or arm due to exposure to vibration. Symptoms of HAVS can include numbness and
tingling in the fingers, hands, or arms, as well as difficulty using the hands. Advanced HAVS
can lead to disability for an extended period of time.

The excessive vibration caused by machinery can cause discomfort, reduce
performance, and even result in injuries such as Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) or
Raynaud's Syndrome. To prevent these hazards, possible solutions include engineering
controls such as vibration isolators and damping techniques, and safe work practices that
reduce exposure to potential vibration. To maintain machines in good working order,
unbalanced rotating parts or unsharpened cutting tools should be fixed. Workers should also
alternate between using vibrating and non-vibrating tools and take regular breaks from the
source of vibration. Additionally, workers should be trained on the hazards of working with
vibrating tools and instructed to keep their hands warm and dry, and not grip the tool too

Illumination is the amount and quality of light in a work area. Inadequate or poor-
quality lighting can lead to potential hazards such as slips, trips, and falls, electric shocks and
burns, and the inability to exit the space. OSHA has established standards for illumination
(1915.82, 1926.26, and 1926.56) that require proper lighting systems in different work areas.
The requirements for temporary lights include having guards or being recessed to prevent
accidental contact with the bulb, being equipped with heavy-duty electric cords, not being
suspended by their electric cords, and having splices equal to the insulation of the cable.
Cords must also be protected from damage, and exposed non-current-carrying metal parts of
temporary lights must be grounded. Temporary lighting must be equipped with overcurrent
protection such as fuses or circuit breakers. Portable emergency lighting such as flashlights
or light sticks must be provided, and workers must not enter dark spaces without a suitable
portable light. Finally, burning torches should not be used to illuminate work areas, and the
minimum illumination intensities listed in OSHA Standard 1926.56 must be met while any
work is in progress.


As a general rule, office temperature and humidity are matters of human comfort.
OSHA has no regulations specifically addressing temperature and humidity in an office
setting. However, Section III, Chapter 2, Subsection V of the OSHA Technical Manual,
"Recommendations for the Employer," explains that while OSHA does not have specific
regulations addressing temperature and humidity in an office setting, they do provide
recommendations for employers to prevent or alleviate indoor air quality problems. The OSHA
Technical Manual recommends engineering and administrative guidance to control room
temperature and humidity as a means of air treatment. The recommended temperature range
for an office is 68-76 degrees Fahrenheit, and the recommended humidity range is 20%-60%.
These recommendations are based on ensuring human comfort and minimizing indoor air
quality problems.

This part is about the potential for heat stress in employees who work in
environments with high air temperatures, radiant heat sources, high humidity, direct physical
contact with hot objects, or who engage in strenuous physical activities. There are several
industries and work settings where these conditions are common, such as iron and steel
foundries, bakeries, chemical plants, and outdoor construction sites.
Heat stress can occur when the body is unable to regulate its internal temperature,
which can lead to serious health consequences such as heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and
dehydration. Workers who are at risk of heat stress should take precautions such as drinking
plenty of water, taking breaks in cool areas, wearing appropriate clothing, and using cooling
measures such as fans or air conditioning. Employers should also take steps to protect their
workers from heat stress by providing adequate training, monitoring workers for signs of heat
stress, and implementing engineering controls such as ventilation or shade.

Engineering controls are measures implemented in the workplace to eliminate or
reduce the potential for hazards or risks that may cause harm to workers. In the case of hot
work environments, engineering controls can be used to reduce heat stress. There are five
major types of engineering controls used for this purpose, which are ventilation, air cooling,
fans, shielding, and insulation.

General ventilation involves using a ventilation system to dilute hot air with cooler air,
which is typically brought in from the outside. This technique is more effective in cooler
climates than in hot ones. A permanently installed ventilation system can handle large areas
or entire buildings, while portable or local exhaust systems may be more practical for smaller

Air treatment or air cooling methods, on the other hand, reduce the temperature of
the air by removing heat and sometimes humidity from the air. Air conditioning is one method
of air cooling, but it can be expensive to install and operate. Alternatively, chillers can be used
to circulate cool water through heat exchangers over which air from the ventilation system is
then passed. Chillers are more efficient in cooler climates or in dry climates where
evaporative cooling can be used.

Fans, shields, and insulation are three of the five major types of engineering controls
used to reduce heat stress in hot work environments.
Fans can help cool workers by increasing the convective heat exchange and the rate
of evaporation between the skin surface and surrounding air. However, this method doesn't
actually cool the air, so any increase in air speed must impact the worker directly to be
Shields can be used to reduce radiant heat, which is heat coming from hot surfaces
within the worker's line of sight. Instead of reducing radiation from the source, shielding is
used to interrupt the path between the source and the worker.
Insulation methods include insulating the hot surface that generates the heat and
changing the surface itself. With some sources of radiation, such as heating pipes, it is
possible to use both insulation and surface modifications to achieve a substantial reduction in
radiant heat.

Administrative controls and work practices are policies and procedures implemented
to control behavior and reduce the exposure to heat stress. These controls aim to reduce the
physical demands of work, provide recovery areas, use shifts, rest periods with water breaks,
relief workers, worker pacing, assign extra workers, and limit worker occupancy. Training is
an important administrative control that helps employees gain adequate knowledge, skills,
and abilities to use safe work practices when working in stressful temperature conditions. The
heat stress training program should include knowledge of hazards, recognition of danger
signs and symptoms, awareness of first-aid procedures, employee responsibilities, dangers of
using drugs and alcohol, use of protective clothing and equipment, and purpose of
environmental and medical surveillance programs. Hot jobs should be scheduled for cooler
times of the day or year to minimize heat stress exposure.

The topics covered physical hazards in the workplace, including ionizing and non-
ionizing radiation, noise, vibration, illumination, and heat. To mitigate risks, it is essential to
implement appropriate controls, such as engineering controls, administrative controls, and
personal protective equipment (PPE). Solutions may involve modifying the work environment,
implementing policies and procedures, and using PPE. In non-office work environments,
additional hazards may arise, and solutions may include fans, shields, and insulation, as well
as administrative controls and safe work practices. Overall, it is important to understand the
hazards, their effects on the human body, and to implement appropriate controls to reduce
exposure and protect workers' health and safety.

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