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Balance Shift Politics and Genocide

in the Horn of Africa!

(Toronto, Canada)

Dear readers, this is an ethnographic account written about the current

political drama in Ethiopia.

Since ethnography always make reference to history, let me begin my

article by referring to the 16th century Oromo migration in which lots of
Oromo groups infiltrated large areas in the east, west, north and south,
with large numbers settling in Shewa and adjacent parts of the central

Others penetrated as far north as eastern Tigray. The effect of the

Oromo migrations was to leave the Ethiopian State fragmented and
much reduced in size. After 500 years, Oromo migration changed into
Oromo expansion, and it is causing for the death of innocent civilians in

After 27 years of corrupted leadership, the dictatorial TPLF-led

government removed from Ethiopian political ladder through strong
public uprisings, even if the expected change was stolen by double role
player political leaders.
After promising freedom and human rights, the so called reformist
leaders of Ethiopia, introduced new autocratic leadership technique
called balance shift politics and systematic ethnic cleansing in 2018.

The current political philosophy of the Oromo-centered Ethiopian

government has one clear objective: eradicating the Semitic people from
Ethiopia and replacing the country's geo-political triangle into Cushitic
lead Oromization.
This balance shift political drama has two role players:

(1) Extremist Oromo leaders who are always busy in expanding the
Oromo map towards the four directions of Ethiopia as their old fathers
did in the 16th century.

Addis Ababa is the center of gravity for Oromo extremists that since
2018 millions of Oromo farmers are flowing to Addis Ababa to create
demographic imbalance in the capital city.

Their objective is to swallow the capital and make Oromiffa the official
language of Ethiopia. The other line of expansion is towards the northern
part of the country.

This map will eradicate the Shewa Amharas that extremist Oromo
leaders are creating a clear map which goes from Addis Ababa to Tigray
region by controlling Debre-Brihan, Shewa Robit, Dessie, Combolcha,
and Raya.
This means, the Shewa Amharas and the Wollo Amharas will be
overwhelmed and dominated by the next planned Oromo movements.

The other line of expansion is towards the south. The current Oromo
expansion is very aggressive and fast towards the Southern part of
Ethiopia. More than 54 ethnic groups will be fully controlled by the
current Oromo movements.

Besides, there are other sub-lines that are affected by the current Oromo
expansion. For instance, controlling Benishangul Gumuz, some parts of
Somali region, Harar and Dire-Dawa could be mentioned.

The extremist Oromo movement is led by Shimeles Abdissa, president of

the current Oromia region, Jawar Mohammed and all Oromo-centered
political Parties. This team has its own strong military power, well
organized financial assistance and information system.
So as to create homogeneous Oromo Society in the country, they kill
innocent civilians of the Semitic race in horrific manners. Due to this,
only since 2018, more than 17,000 Amharas were massacred due to
their race and religious background.

(2) Pseudo-Pro-ethiopianists are the other role players of the current

political drama in the country.

This team pretends as if they love the country and get the support of the
wider society plus recognition from international societies. Most of their
activities are based on showing national and all inclusive public dramas.

This team is lead by Dr. Abiye Ahimed Ali, the current prime Minister of
Ethiopia. At least once in a month, they deliver attractive public
speeches in order to make the rest of Ethiopians to be dormant about
their existential traits.

This team has two different supporters:

(a) Voluntarily enslaved intellectuals who are living for their own benefits
than defending their people and (b) confused supporters who do not
know what is going on in the country.

The current government lead anti-Semitic Oromo movement used direct

and indirect methods of ethnic cleansing. On the one hand, they are
performing direct and horrific genocides and war crimes against the
Semitic people, especially against the Amharas.
In order that the displaced people could not go back to their home-lands,
after killing the victims, genociders consume the organs of Amhara
victims; they perform sexual interaction with dead bodies of Amhara
women in front of their children; and they crucify dead bodies upside

On the other hand, they provoke war among Semitic ethnic groups in
order that they will be eradicated by themselves. The best example will
be the current war between Amhara and Tigray regions.

Due to war crimes performed by TPLF in Maichadra town against

Amhara civilians, the two peoples (Amhara and Tigrayans) are becoming
permanent enemies which satisfies the current Oromo leaders.

If the current political drama continues in the country, in the coming five
years, Ethiopia will not be found as a state. Therefore, all concerned
citizens of Ethiopia and friends should struggle the current aggressive
Oromo Movement in Ethiopia before bloody civil war erupts in the

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