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English Tagalog Dictionary

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abdomen n. 1 belly: tiy´

abdomen: pus´ on

an 2 lower
to: bih´
an, kinahirat´ihan 2 used
asa’, san´ ay, hir´
3 in the habit of: kinagawi´
ati’, bant´

ache n. 1 continuous pain: pangin-


abject adj. 1 pitiful, miserable: gir´

ot, pananak´it, panghahapd´i’,
kaab´ a-ab´a, ab´ a, kahab´ ag-hab´ag 2 ot, sak´it, hapd´i’ 2 mental or
despicable, contemptible: kasukl´ am- moral suffering as dejection, grief:
sukl´am, kapo´ ot-po´
ot pighat´i’, dalamh´ ati’ • v. 1 to pain:

able adj. having sufficient power, sumak´it, kumir´ ot 2 to suffer moral
skill, etc.: may k´ aya, may pain: magdamd´ am, damdam´in
kakayah´an, malak´ as acquire v. to obtain something
above adv. in a place above or (as one’s own): mak´ uha, magtam´ o,
higher: sa ita´ as, n´
asa ita´ as • prep. matam´ o, tamuh´in, magkam´it,

over, higher than, more than: sa makamt´an, kamt´ an
abaw, hig´it sa, l´
ib´ alo sa • adj. supe- acrid adj. 1 sharp and bitter in
rior to, not stooping to, not lowering taste: maask´ ad 2 acrid in taste, as
oneself: hind´i’ nagpapakab´ aba’ of unripe fruit: mapakl´ a’
absent adj. not present: l´iban, walá’ across prep. on the other side of: sa
• v. to be absent, to stay away: kabil´a’, sa ib´
ayo, sa kabil´ ang ib´ayo o
lum´iban, hind´i’ pum´ p´anig
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absolutely adv. completely: lub´ os, act n. 1 an action: gaw´ a’ 2 doing
lub´usan or carrying out: akto, ´ paggaw´ a’,
abundant adj. more than sufficient, pagsasagaw´ a’ 3 the act of a play or
plentiful: sag´ ana, masag´ ana, pasas´ a’ drama: yugt´ o’ 4 law, decree: bat´ as
accept v. 1 to take when offered: tu- • v. 1 to do: kum´ilos 2 to play
mangg´ap, tanggapin 2 to consent to: the part of: guman´ ap (nang papél),
pum´ ayag, pay´ agan, sumang-´ ayon, ganap´in (ang papél) 3 to behave:
sang-ay´unan kum´ilos, umany´ o’, mag-any´ o’ 4 to
accident n. 1 a casualty, mishap: conduct one’s self: mag-´ asal, um´ asal
sakun´a’, disgr´ asya 2 by accident, acting adj. performing: gumagan´ ap
active adj. 1 quick: maliksi 2 ´
happening by chance, not forseen:
nang hind´i’ sinasady´ a’, nang hind´i’ alive: buh´ ay 3 industrious, diligent:
inaas´ahan, nang hind´i’ kinuk´ usa’, mas´ ugid, mas´ipag, masig´ asig 4

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nang hindi’ inak´ ala’ lively: masigl´ a
accompany v. 1 to go along with: acute adj. 1 severe, intense: matind´i
sum´ ama, sam´ ahan 2 to play an ac- 2 keen: mat´ alas 3 in medicine,
companiment: sum´ aliw, sal´iwan coming to a crisis quickly, serious:
accusation n. a charge of some of- malal´ a’, malubh´ a’
fence: par´ atang, bintáng add v. 1 to join (together):
accuse v. 1 to charge with some of- mags´ ama, is´
ama, pagsam´ ahin,
fence: magpar´ atang, parat´ angan 2 to magdugt´ong, idugtóng 2 to put
charge in court: magsakd´ al, isakd´al, with: maglag´ ay, lagy´ an, ilag´ ay
ipagsakd´ al, maghabl´ a, ihabl´a, ipagh- 3 to mix: maglah´ ok, lahuk´ an,
abl´a 3 to falsely accuse: magpar´ atang ilah´
ok 4 to increase: magdagd´ ag,
o parat´ angan nang hind´i’ mar´ apat, idagd´ ag, dagdag´ an 5 to extend, say
magbint´ang, pagbintangán something more: idugt´ ong
accustomed adj. 1 usual, ordinary: address n. 1 a speech: talump´ ati’,
kinagawi´an, kinaugal´ian, kina- disk´urso 2 the place where one lives:

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adequate 2 age
ahan, tinitirh´ an, direksiy´ on • should be done: p´ ayo, pang´ aral,
v. 1 to give an address or speech: tagub´ilin 2 news, information:
magtalump´ati’, magdisk´ urso, du- bal´ita’, pabal´ita’ 3 a notification:
misk´urso 2 to speak to (someone): patalast´ as, ab´iso 4 an instruction:
kaus´apin tagub´ilin 5 to ask advice, to consult:
adequate adj. quite sufficient: magkons´ulta, kumons´ ulta, ikons´ulta,
hust´o, k´asiya, k´
asya, sap´at sumangg´uni, sanggun´iin, isangg´ uni
adhere v. 1 to stick to: dumik´it, 6 to give advice, to advise: magp´ ayo,
manik´it, dikit´ an, kum´ apit, kap´itan pay´ uhan, pagpay´ uhan, ip´ ayo
2 to belong to (in an attached affection n. 1 strong, tender attach-
manner): um´anib, an´iban 3 to unite ment: pagmamah´ al 2 love: pag-´ibig,
in agreement: um´ ayon, ay´ unan, pags´ uyo’, pagsint´ a
sumang-´ayon, sang-ay´ unan affliction n. 1 grief: dalamh´ ati’,
adjust v. 1 to fit, to arrange: i´ ayos, pagdadalamh´ati’ 2 sorrow: lungk´ ot,
ayos, ay´ usin 2 to adapt: iakm´ a’, kalungk´utan, lumb´ ay, kalumbay´ an
pag-akma´in, it´ ama’, pagtam´ ain, 3 pain: sak´it, hapd´i’, kir´ ot 4
agay, pagbag´ ayin 3 to adapt sickness: karamd´ aman, sak´it 5
oneself: makib´ agay distress: kahir´ apan 6 misfortune:
admit v. 1 to permit entrance: kasaw´iang-p´alad
magpap´ asok, papas´ ukin 2 to con- aflame adv/ adj. in flames, on fire:
fess, to accept: um´ amin, am´inin, nag-a´alab, nagnin´ingas, nagliliy´ ab,
tumangg´ap, tanggap´in, kumil´ ala, naglalagabl´ab, nasus´ unog
anin afraid adj. 1 frightened, feeling
admonition n. 1 caution, warning: fear: tak´ ot 2 to be afraid: mat´ akot 3
babal´a’, paun´awa’, paala´ ala 2 act of to scare: tum´ akot, man´ akot, tak´utin
reminding or warning: pagpapaal´ ala, 4 to feel uneasy about: mangamb´ a,
pagpapaun´ awa’ ipangamb´ a 5 to dread: kabah´ an
adore v. 1 to worship as a deity: after adv. following the course of,
sumamb´a, sambah´in 2 to love very later than: pagkat´ apos, pagkara´ an,
much: pakamahal´in 3 to like very makal´ipas • adj. later, following:
much (coll.): gust´ ung-gust´o kasun´od • prep. according to, based
adrift adj/adv. floating without on: b´atay, alinsun´ od
being guided, drifting: natatang´ ay afternoon n. h´apon
(nadadal´a) ng ´ agos o ´alon afterwards adv. later: pagkat´ apos,
advantage n. 1 a benefit: kapak- pagkara´an, pagkal´ipas
inab´angan, pakin´ abang, kabut´ihan, again adv. 1 at a second or another
bent´aha, bent´ ahe 2 to be bene- time: mul´i’, ul´i’, na nam´ an 2 once
fited by, to profit by: makin´ abang, more: m´insan pa, mul´i’ pa, is´ a pa 3
pakinab´ angan, mapakin´ abang 3 to again and again: muli’t mul´i’, pa´ ulit-
take advantage of, to make use ulit,
´ ulit-´
´ ulit
of: magsamantal´ a, samantalah´in, against prep. 1 in opposition to:
pagsamantalah´ an 4 to get or have l´
aban, k´ ontra, salung´ at 2 contrary
the advantage over, to outdo: to: lab´ag, salung´ at 3 upon: sa
lumam´ang, malamang´ an, lamang´ an, age n. 1 the time of life: g´ ulang,
duma´ig, mada´ig, daig´in ed´ad 2 a period of time: panah´ on,
advertisement n. 1 announcement: kapanah´ unan 3 of legal age: n´ asa
anunsiy´o, paanunsiy´ o 2 a commer- karapat´ang g´ ulang, n´asa ed´ad, n´asa
cial announcement: patalast´ as hust´ ong g´ ulang 4 of minor age:
advice v. 1 an opinion about what wal´a’ pa sa ed´ ad, wal´a pa sa g´ulang,

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agency 3 angry
men´ or de ed´ ad 5 of the same age: way: magkat´ ulad
kaed´ ad 6 of the same period, era: all n. 1 everyone, every one of: lah´ at,
kapanah´ unan 7 old age: katanda´ an lah´at-lah´at, ang lah´ at 2 each and
• v. 1 to become old: tumand´ a’ 2 to everyone: b´ awat is´ a • adj. 1 entire:
make old: magpatand´ a’, makatand´ a’, bu´o’, tan´ an, kabuo´ an 2 above all:
patanda´in hig´it sa lah´at
agency n. an agent’s office or dis- allegory n. a representation of a fig-
trict: ahénsiya urative story: alegor´iya, talingh´ aga’
agree v. to suit one especially cli- alley n. a narrow back street: esk´ina,
mate, food, etc.: mahiy´ ang, mag´ing eskin´ita, kalyeh´ on
hiy´ang syn bumágay, bagáyan, all right adj. 1 correct: t´ ama’,
magíng bágay 1 to be good for one: tump´ ak, wast´ o’ 2 yes: oo ´ 3 good
makab´ uti 2 to be in accord with: enough: mab´ uti
sumang-´ayon, sang-ay´ unan alphabet n. abak´ ada, alpabéto,
agreement n. 1 a mutual under- baybáyin
standing: kasund´ uan 2 harmony: already adv. before or by this time:
pagkakasund´ o’, pagkakais´a, pagkaka- na
suw´ ato 3 an arrangement: tip´ anan 4 also adv. in addition, besides, too,
a bargain, deal, contract: kontr´ ata, likewise: rin, din, pat´i, man, nam´ an,
pagkakayar´i’, kasund´ uan gay´un ,din
aid n. 1 help, support: t´ ulong, altar n. alt´ ar, damb´ ana’
pant´ulong 2 succor, relief: sakl´ olo 3 although conj. though: k´ ahit na,
a helper, an assistant: kat´ ulong • v. k´ahit man, mask´i, bagam´ an
1 to help: tum´ ulong, tul´ungan 2 to altitude n. height: ta´as
give relief: sumakl´ olo, saklol´
ohan always adv. at all times: l´ agi’,
aim n. 1 an intention: l´ ayon, par´ati, pal´agi’, pirmé
unin, tung´ uhin, b´alak 2 a pur- ambition n. 1 a wish, intention:
pose: sady´ a’, dahil´
an, p´ akay 3 the adh´ika’, ambisy´ on, hang´ arin 2 a
act of pointing a firearm: puntiry´ a, fervent or tenacious wish, desire or
punteriy´a, pagpuntiryá, pagt´ utok • ideal: lunggat´i’ mith´i’
v. 1 to direct or point something amusement n. recreation, diver-
such as a gun: pumuntiry´ a, ipun- sion: lib´angan, al´iwan, dibersiy´ on
a, puntiryah´in, pumunteriy´
tiry´ a, angelus n. prayer: orasy´ on
ipunteriy´a, punteriyahin, umasint´ a, anger n. 1 vindictive passion: g´ alit,
iasint´ ´
a, asintahin 2 to intend: pagkag´ alit 2 a suppressed anger
magb´ alak, bal´
akin or rage: ngitng´it, pagngingitng´it 3
airport n. the place for airplanes to hatred: po´ ot, kapoot´ an • v. 1 to
land at and start from: palip´ aran, anger, make angry: magpag´ alit,
himp´ilan ng erupl´ano ikag´alit, galitin, pagal´itin 2 to feel
aisle n. space between rows of seats anger or be angry: mag´ alit 3 to
in a church, theatre, etc.: pag´itan, feel anger but to be suppressing
da´anan it: magngitng´it 4 to cause anger:
alight adv/adj. 1 on fire: makag´alit, ikag´ alit
nagnin´ingas 2 lighted up, bright: angry adj. 1 gal´it 2 to get angry:
maliw´ anag, nagliliw´anag mag´ alit 3 to make angry, provoke:
alike adj. similar, like one another: magpag´ alit, gal´itin 4 to feel angry
magkamukh´a’, magkakamukh´ a’, but to be suppressing it: magn-
magkat´ ulad, magkahaw´ig, magka- gitng´it 5 to show an angry face:
parého • adv. similarly, in the same sumim´ angot, simang´ utan, mand´ilat,

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anguish 4 approach
pandil´atan s´
ala’ o pagkuk´ ulang
anguish n. 1 very great pain or append v. to add, to attach:
grief: h´ apis, dalamh´ ati’, s´ akit, magdagd´ag, idagd´
ag, magl´akip,
panggigipusp´os 2 to be in anguish: mags´ ama, is´ ama, ilak´ip
magdalamh´ati’ appetite n. 1 a relish for food
animal n. a beast: h´ayop or drink: g´ ana 2 a desire, incli-
annex v. to join or add (a small nation: h´ilig, gust´ o, pagkagust´ o,
thing) to a large thing: magdugt´ ong, pagkakagust´ o
idugt´ong, dugtung´an, magdagd´ ag, applaud v. 1 to show approval by
dagdag´ an, idagd´ ag • n. an addition clapping the hands: pumalakp´ ak
to a building: dugt´ ong, dagd´ag palakpak´ an 2 to praise or approve:
annoy v. 1 to feel annoyed: mayam´ ot pum´ ´
uri’, purihin
2 to feel annoyed because of some applause n. 1 approval expressed
monotonous or continuous act: by clapping hands, shouting, etc.:
mabag´ ot, mabuw´isit 3 to cause mga palakp´ ak, palakp´ akan 2 praise:
annoyance to, to annoy: mangyam´ ot pap´ uri’, pagp´ uri’
4 to molest, disturb: mang-ab´ ala, apple n. mans´ anas
ahin 5 to pester: mambuw´isit,
abal´ apply v. 1 to put on: magp´ atong,
buwis´itin, manggul´ o 6 to tease: pat´ungan, ip´atong, maglag´ ay,
manuks´o, tuksuh´in 7 to make angry: lagy´an, ilag´ay 2 magp´ ahid, pah´iran,
magpag´ alit, gal´itin ip´
ahid 3 to use, to put in use as
another adj. 1 different: ib´ a 2 one a rule or law: gum´ amit, gam´itin,
more: is´a pa • pron. a different one, magsagaw´a’, isagaw´ a’ 4 to apply
someone else: ib´ a for work: magprisint´ a, magpris´inta,
answer n. reply to a question, etc.: mag-apl´ay, aplay´ an 5 to apply
ot, tug´ on • v. to reply: sumag´ ot, gently and lightly: magdamp´i’,
sagut´in idamp´i’, dampi´ an
ant n. 1 small insect: langg´ am 2 a apprehend v. 1 to seize, ar-
big type of ant: hant´ik 3 flying ant: rest: hum´ uli, mah´ uli, hul´ihin,
gamugam´o dumak´ip, m´ adakip, dakip´in, dakp´in,
antiquated adj. 1 out-of-date, sumungg´ab, sunggab´an 2 to
old-fashioned: sina´ una, makal´ uma’ understand: umun´ awa’, mau-
2 obsolete: lip´ as na, la´ os naw´aan, unaw´ ain 3 to comprehend:
anxious adj. 1 worrried, uneasy, umintind´i, maintindih´ an, intindih´in
restless: bal´isa’, hind´i’ mapalag´ ay, 4 to expect with anxiety or fear:
nababah´ala’ 2 earnestly desirous mangamb´a, mabah´ ala’, mabag´ abag
or longing for something: sab´ik, apprehension n. 1 a seizing or ar-
nanamab´ik 3 to be anxious, to be rest: pagh´ uli, pagkah´ uli, pagkakah´ uli,
worried: mabah´ ala’, mag-ala´ ala, pagdak´ip, pagkadak´ip, pagkakadak´ip
mag-alal´a, alalah´ anin, mag-´ agam- 2 a fear or dread of future evil:
agam, mabal´isa’
´ pangamb´ a, pagkabah´ ala’, bag´abag,
anything adv. at all: man l´ amang pagkabag´abag
• n. a thing of any kind: anum´ ang approach v. to drag near: lum´ apit,

agay • pron. any thing: anum´ an, lap´itan • n. 1 the way by which

ahit an´ o, k´ahit na an´ o, mask´i an´ o a place can be reached: da´ ang
apology n. 1 asking pardon: pagh- pat´ungo’, da´ an sa pagpunt´ a 2 the
ingi’ ng táwad (paumanhin) 2 an´ act of contacting (approaching) a
explanation: paliw´anag (pagpa- person: pagl´ apit, pakikipagk´ita 3
paliw´anag) tungk´ ol sa nagaw´ ang the act of coming near: pagl´ apit,

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appropriate 5 assault
pags´ apit 1 the act of arresting or seizing:
appropriate adj. suitable, fit: pagh´ uli, pagdak´ip, pag-arésto 2
b´agay, angk´ op, wast´ o’, akm´ a’, a checking or stopping: pagp´igil,
kar´ apat-d´ apat • v. 1 to take for pagkap´igil, pagkakap´igil, pagpa-
oneself to the exclusion of others: pat´igil, pagkapat´igil, pagkakapat´igil
kumamk´am, kamkam´in, umangk´in, arrival n. 1 act of arriving: dat´ing,
angkin´in 2 to set apart for some spe- pagdat´ing 2 eventuality: pagsip´ ot,
cific use: magla´ an, ila´ an, paglaan´ an, paglit´aw, pags´ apit
magtakd´a’, itakd´ a’, pagtakda´ an arrive v. 1 to come: dumating, ´
apt adj. 1 likely: malam´ ang, sumip´ ot 2 to make one’s appear-
maa´ ari’, pos´ible 2 quick to learn: ance: sumip´ ot, lumit´ aw 3 to reach
matal´ino, madal´ing mat´ uto 3 fitted the end of a journey: sum´ apit,
or suited: b´ agay, nabab´ agay, akm´ a’, apit, dumating, idat´ing
is´ ´
naaakm´ a’, angk´ op, naaangk´ op, arrow n. 1 the thing that is shot
tugm´ a’, natutugm´ a’, kar´apat-d´apat from a bow: palas´ o’ 2 bow and
area n. 1 district: pur´ ok 2 a region: arrow: p´ana’
po´ok 3 extent: lak´i, l´ awak 4 the size art n. 1 skill: kasan´ ayan 2 principles
or measurement: lak´i, s´ ukat 5 part: or methods: para´ an, sistéma 3 as
bah´ agi’ 6 area of specialization: in drawing, painting, acting: s´ining,
lar´ angan arte
arm n. 1 the part of a person’s artificial adj. 1 made by human
body: b´isig, br´ aso 2 arm twisted skill or labor, not natural: artipisy´ al,
or crooked: pingk´ aw, k´ omang 3 to hind´i’ t´unay, hind´i’ natur´ al 2 pre-
fold the arms: maghalukipk´ip (ng tended or make believe: pakunwar´i’,
kam´ ´
ay), ihalukipkip (ng kam´ ay) gaw´ a-gaw´a’ l´amang 3 hypocritical:
arms n. weapons: mga arm´ as, mga pak´itang-t´ao
sand´ ata aside adv. 1 apart, besides: buk´ od sa
army n. 1 an organized group of 2 on one side, to one side: sa is´ ang
soldiers: hukb´ o’, armi
´ 2 a multi- ´
tabi 3 to set aside or apart: mag-
tude, very large number: kulup´ on, buk´ od, ibuk´
kulump´ol, kulup´ ol ask v. 1 to ask a question: mag-
around adv/ prep. on all sides tan´ong, tanung´in, itan´ ong 2 to
of: sa pal´ibot, sa pal´ibut-l´ibot, sa request: huming´i’, hing´ an, hing´in,
pal´igid, sa pal´igid-l´igid • adj. 1 pamanh´ikan, maki´ usap, pakius´ apan,
about: humig´it-kum´ ulang 2 to go ipaki´usap 3 to ask on behalf of:
around: maglib´ ot, maglib´ ut-lib´ot, ´ ´
ihingi’, ipanghingi’ 4 to invite: mag-
´ ´
magpalibut-l ibot, lib´ utin, lum´igid, any´ aya, anyay´ ahan, kumumbid´ a,
maglig´id-lig´id, magpal´igid-l´igid, mangumbid´a, kumbidah´in
lig´irin 3 to look around (by turning asleep adj. 1 sleeping: tul´ og,
the head): lum´ingos, lum´inga’ natut´ulog 2 half-asleep, half-awake:
arrest v. 1 to seize by authority alimpung´ at, naaalimpung´ atan 3 to
of law: hum´ uli, hul´ihin, dumak´ip, fall asleep: makat´ ulog, maidl´ip
dakip´in, dakp´in, umarésto, arestuh´in assault v. 1 to attack: sumal´ akay,
2 to stop, to check: pum´igil, pig´ilin, salak´ayin 2 to attack, esp. in force:
map´igil, magpat´igil, patig´ilin, lum´ usob, lus´ubin 3 to attack fiercely:
magpahint´ o’, pahintu´in 3 to be at- dumal´ uhong, daluh´ ungin 4 to as-
tracted or fixed, e.g. one’s attention: sault a person in a scuffle: um´ away,
ma´ akit, map´ ako’ ang ting´in 4 to aw´ayin, bum´ abag, bab´ agin 5 to seize
cease: tum´igil, tig´ilan, it´igil • n. and take by force, rape: gumah´ asa’,

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assiduity 6 baby
manggah´asa’, gahas´ ain • n. an bulw´agan
attack: sal´ akay, pagsal´ akay, l´usob, aunt n. 1 sister of one’s father or
pagl´usob, dal´ uhong, pagdal´ uhong, mother: tiy´ a, t´iya, kak´
a’ 2 an uncle’s
gah´asa’, paggah´ asa’ wife: tiy´ ahin
assiduity n. 1 diligence: sig´ asig, avoid v. 1 to keep out of the way
kasigas´igan, pagsusum´ikap 2 indus- of: um´iwas, iw´ asan, um´ilag, il´
agan 2
try: s´ipag, kasip´ agan 3 zeal: s´ikap, to keep away from: lumay´ o’, layu´an,
pagsis´ikap, pagsusum´ikap 4 con- mang´ilag, pangil´ agan 3 to go aside
stancy in work: tiyag´ a’, pagtitiyag´a’, from, to be off the path: lumih´is, li-
katiyaga´an his´an
assiduous adj. diligent: masig´ asig, awake v. 1 to wake up: gum´ising,
mas´ikap, mapagsum´ikap, matiyag´ a’, gis´ingin, mag´ising 2 to be awake to,
mapagtiyag´ a’ to be aware of, to know: mal´ aman,
assume v. 1 to take for granted, mabat´id, mam´ ulat 3 to stay awake
suppose: magpalag´ ay, ipalag´ay, ipag- at night: magpuy´ at, pagpuy´ atan,
palag´ay 2 to have the appearance magl´ amay, paglam´ ayan 4 to arouse
of, to pretend: magkunw´ a’, magkun- or awaken suddenly: gumulant´ ang,
war´i’, pagkunwari´ an, mag-any´ o’, magulant´ang, gulantang´in • adj. 1
magpangg´ ap 3 to suppose something not asleep: gis´ing 2 newly awaked,
to be true: mag-ak´ ala’, akal´ain half-awake and showing sleepiness
attack n. 1 attacking: sal´ akay, in the eyes: pupung´ as-pung´as,
pagsal´akay, l´ usob, pagl´ usob, at´ake, naaalimpung´atan
pag-at´ake 2 an attack of sickness: awaken v. to rouse from sleep,
ake, sump´ ong 3 an attack in to wake up: gum´ising, gis´ingin,
words: tuligs´ a’, bat´ikos, at´ ake • pum´ ukaw, puk´ awin
v. 1 assail: sumal´ akay, salak´ ayin, award n. prize: gantimp´ ala’, prémyo
lum´ usob, lus´ubin 2 to attack with • v. to grant: magkalo´ ob, ipagkalo´ob,
force and fury, esp. when desperate: pagkaloob´ an, magg´ awad, ig´ awad,
dumal´ uhong, daluh´ ungin 3 to assail gaw´ aran
by speech: manuligs´ a’, tumuligs´ a’, awareness n. pagkabat´id, kabat´iran,
tuligsa´in, bumat´ikos, batik´
usin, pagkaal´ am, pagkaun´ awa’
mag-at´ake, umat´ ake, atak´ihin 4 to awkward adj. 1 not graceful in
suffer an attack of sickness: atak´ihin, movement, clumsy: saliw´ a’, lamp´a,
sumpung´in asiw´ a’ 2 not well suited to use:
attend v. 1 to be present at: du- hind´i’ mab´ uti, hind´i’ akm´ a’, hind´i’
mal´o, dal´ uhan 2 to take charge agay, hind´i’ angk´
b´ op 3 not easily
of: mag-asik´ aso, asikas´ uhin 3 to managed: mah´irap 4 embarrass-
care for: mag-al´ aga’, alag´ aan 4 ing: nakahihiy´ a’, kahiyahiy´ a’ 5
to wait on, to go with: umasisté, inappropriate: alang´ an
asistih´an, magsilbé, pagsilbih´ an, awning n. a rooflike cover as of can-
maglingk´od, paglingkur´ an, humar´ ap, vas, extended over or in front of a
harapin, umasik´ aso, asikas´uhin 5 to place: s´ibi, pas´ibi
heed: makin´ig, pakingg´ an, dingg´in axe n. a tool for chopping wood:
6 to regard or listen to, to obey: palak´ ol
sumun´od, sund´in, makin´ig, dingg´in,
pakingg´ an
auditorium n. a large building for B
an audience, a large hall: odit´ oryum,
audit´oryum, awditóryum, malak´ing baby n. 1 a very young child, infant:

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back 7 bargain
sangg´ ol 2 a child: b´ ata’ 3 young: bait n. 1 for catching fish, rats, etc.:
b´ata’ p´ain 2 to set a bait: magp´ain, pa´inan
back n. 1 part of a person’s body: • v. to torment by unkind or annoy-

lik´od 2 the back of an animal: lik´ od, ing remarks: magpas´ akit, pasak´itan
gulug´od 3 the back of a chair or bakery n. baker’s shop: panadery´ a
couch: sand´ alan 4 the part opposite balcony n. 1 an upper floor in
the front: lik´ od 5 the space at the a theater or hall with seats for
back: likur´ an 6 the back seat, e.g. an audience: p´ alko 2 projecting
of an auto: hul´i, hulih´ an, lik´ od, platform with an entrance from an
likur´an • adj. behind in time: hul´i, upper floor of a building: balk´ on,
nakara´ an • adv. behind: sa hul´i, balkon´ahe 3 a roofless veranda or
sa likur´ an • v. 1 to back, to go or terrace over a porch: asotéa
cause to go backward as a vehicle: bald adj. 1 wholly or partly with-
um´ urong, magpa´ urong, paur´ ungin, out hair on the head: kalb´ o, pan´ot

urong, umatr´ as, iatr´ as atras´ an 2 completely bald but made so by a
2 to back down, to withdraw: close hair cut or shaving the head:
um´ urong, ur´ ungan, i´ urong, 3 to pin´anot, kinalb´ o • v. to shave the
backslide, to return to former vice, head: kalbuh´in, pan´ utin
etc: manumb´ alik sa d´ating b´isyo ball n. 1 a playing ball: b´ola 2 a for-
bad adj. 1 not good: masam´ a’ 2 mal dance: b´ayle, say´ awan
spoiled, e.g. food: sir´ a’, pan´is 3 balloon n. airtight bag filled with
rotten: bul´ ok 4 severe: matind´i 5 some gas: l´ obo
bad odor: mab´ aho’ • n. 1 evil: bamboo n. 1 kaw´ ayan 2 bamboo
sam´ a’, kasama´ an, kasam´ aan 2 bad grove: kawayan´ an 3 split bamboo:
luck: m´alas’, kamal´ asan’ • v. 1 to go tinil´
ad na kaw´ ayan, patp´ at, palatp´at
from bad to worse: magpakasam´ a’, banana n. 1 the fruit of the banana
sumam´ a’ nang sumam´ a’ 2 to feel plant: s´aging 2 the banana plant:
bad , to feel unwell: sumam´ a’ ang p´unong-s´aging
pakiramd´ am 3 to feel displeased or bar n. 1 an iron bar: b´ aras na
hurt: maghinanak´it, magdamd´ am • akal, kab´ilya 2 iron or steel grill:

interj. Too bad!: S´ayang! réhas na b´akal 3 a counter or place
badge n. 1 metal badge worn on for drinking: bar, bar´ikan 4 the
breast: ts´ apa 2 a badge on the legal profession: bar 5 an obstacle:
arm: ins´igniya 3 a sign or emblem: hadl´ang, sag´ abal • v. 1 to forbid:
sagisag, palatand´ aan, tand´ a’ magb´ awal, pagbaw´ alan, ipagb´awal 2
bag n. 1 a suitcase: maléta, malet´in to block: maghadl´ ang, humadl´ ang,
2 a paper or cloth bag: s´ upot 3 a bag hadlang´ an, mahadlang´ an 3 to lock
made of woven palm fiber: bay´ ong or bolt: magtrank´ a, magtarangk´ a,
4 a handbag: h´ andbag, h´ anbag 5 a tarangkah´ an
sack: s´ ako • v. 1 to kill or catch barefoot adj/adv. without shoes
in hunting: hum´ uli, mah´ uli, hul´ihin, or stockings: nakayap´ ak, yap´ ak,
pumat´ay, mapat´ ay, patay´in 2 to put nakatap´ak, tap´ ak, nakapa´ a, pa´
in a bag: mags´ upot, is´upot barely adv. 1 scarcely: bahagy´ a’ na
bail n. the guarantee necessary 2 only just: h´alos
to get a person free from arrest bargain n. 1 an agreement: ka-
until he is to appear for trial: sund´uan 2 something offered for
piy´ ansa, l´agak, • v. to obtain such sale cheap or bought very cheap:
freedom: magpiy´ ansa, pumiy´ ansa, is´
ang kasund´ uan iy´ on 3 a bargain
piy´ ansahan sale: barat´ilyo, amonéda • v. 1 to

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bark 8 become
agree beforehand concerning some- bay n. part of a sea or lake: lo´ ok,
thing: magkasund´ o’, pagkasundu´ an, d´agat
makipagkasund´o’, magkaunaw´ aan, be v. There is no real verb ”to be” in
mak´ipag-unawa´ an 2 to trade: ipag- Tagalog. He is rich: May´ aman siy´ a.
pal´it, makipagpal´it 3 to make a Siy´a’y may´ aman. ”Ay” is only a lig-
bargain, to buy at a cheap price: ature.
makam´ ura 4 to try to get a good beach n. a sandy seaside: apl´ aya,
deal: mataw´ aran, makipagtawar´ an, tab´ing-d´agat, bayb´ayin, dalam-
tum´ awad ´
pasigan • v. to cause to run ashore:
bark n. outside covering of the isads´ad
trunk and branches of a tree: bal´ at bean n. 1 pod (kidney or lima)
ng k´ ahoy • v. 1 to remove bark from bean: pat´ ani’, bin, bins 2 string
a tree: magbal´ at, balat´an, mag-´ upak, bean: s´itaw 3 soybean: bal´ atong
up´akan 2 to scrape or be scraped off, 4 small type of kidney bean:
e.g. the skin: gumasg´ as, gasgas´in, bitsuwélas, habitsuwélas
magasg´as, magasgas´ an, tumukl´ ap, bear v. 1 to endure or to be able
matukl´ap, tuklap´in, matuklap´ an to endure: magbat´ a’, mabat´ a’,
bark n. sound made by a dog, etc: batah´in, magti´is, tiis´in, pagtiis´ an,
tah´ol, kah´ol • v. 1 to bark as a dog: mapagtiis´ an 2 to carry or be able
tumah´ol, tahul´ an, kumah´ ol, kahul´an to carry: madal´ a, dalh´in, mak´ aya,
2 to shout out: sumig´ aw, sigaw´ an kay´ ahin
bashful adj. shrinking from notice, beat v. 1 to strike with hand, stick,
shy: mahiy´ ain, dung´ o’ • v. to be slippers, etc: pum´ alo’, mam´ alo’,
bashful: madung´ o’, mahiy´ a’ pal´
uin, manghamp´ as, hampas´in 2
basin n. 1 a wash basin or dish: to beat with a club: bumugb´ og,
palangg´ ana 2 one attached to the bugbug´in 3 to beat by pounding
wall, sink: lab´ abo with a stone, hammer, or heavy
bat n. a flying animal that looks like piece of wood: pumukp´ ok, pukpuk´in
a mouse: paniki’´ 4 to beat to helplessness: gumulp´i,
bat n. a stick of club used to hit the gulpih´in 5 to pulsate as the heart
ball in baseball, cricket, etc: bat • v. does: tumib´ ok 6 to mix by beating:
to hit a ball with a bat: pum´ alo’ ng magbat´i, bumat´i, batih´in 7 to defeat:
bóla, pal´uin ang b´ ola tum´ alo, tal´unin 8 to be defeated:
bath n. 1 a washing of the body: mat´ alo • n. 1 the heart beat:
pal´igo’, palil´igo’ 2 a sponge bath: tib´
ok ng p´ uso’ 2 the beat in music:

unas, bany´ os 3 a room or other kump´ as, tiyémpo
place for bathing: paligu´ an 4 a tub beauty n. gand´ a, kagand´ ahan
for bathing: banyéra 5 to take a beautiful adj. 1 very pleasing to the
bath: mal´igo’ 6 to take or give a senses or mind: magand´ a 2 pretty:
sponge bath: magp´ unas, pun´ asan, marik´it 3 lovely: ka´ibig-´ibig 4 charm-
magb´ anyos, banyus´ an ing: maalind´ og, ka´
bathe v. 1 to take a bath: mal´igo’ because conj. 1 for the reason that:
2 to give a bath to another: mag- sapagk´ a’t, pagk´a’t, kas´i, sa dahil´
pal´igo’, palig´ uan 3 to pour over: d´ahil sa 2 by reason of: d´ ahil sa,
magh´ ugas, hug´ asan 4 to cover or be dahil´an sa 3 since, whereas, in as
covered: mal´igo’, palig´ uan much as: y´ amang, yay´ amang 4 for
bathroom n. a room for tak- this reason, for that reason, on this
ing baths: b´ anyo, paligu´ an, sil´id account: palibh´ asa
paligu´ an become v. 1 to come to be: mag´ing

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bed 9 beside
2 suit, look well on: bum´ agay dence: tiw´ ala’, pagtitiw´ ala’ 5 an
bed n. 1 a resting place or bed: opinion: palag´ ay, paniw´ ala’
k´ama, k´ atre, hig´ aan, hihig´ an 2 believe v. to think something is true
a low, bamboo bed: p´ apag 3 the or real: maniw´ ala’, paniwal´ aan
ground under a body of water: belly n. 1 the abdomen: tiy´ an 2
alim lower abdomen: pus´ on
bedroom n. tulug´ an, sil´id-tulug´an belongings n. 1 the things that
beetle n. 1 a coconut beetle (large belong to a person, possessions:
and black): uw´ang 2 a greenish bee- ar´i-ar´ian 2 property and money:
tle with golden back: salagint´ o’ 3 a kabuh´ayan, ar´i-ar´ian, pag-a´ ari’
beetle often found in mango trees: beloved adj/n. someone held dear:
salag´ubang mah´ al, minamah´ al, g´iliw, ginig´iliw,
beg v. 1 to ask for alms: mag- sint´a, sinisint´ a
palim´ os, mamalim´ os, manghing´i’ below adv. 1 beneath, down: sa
ng lim´ os 2 to ask earnestly: mag- ibab´a’ 2 downstairs: sa ibab´ a’, sa
maka´ awa’, ipagmaka´ awa’, sum´ amo’, s´ilong, sa l´
upa’ • prep. underneath:
magsum´amo’, is´ amo’, maki´ usap, sa il´alim ng...
pakius´ apan belt n. 1 for clothes: sintur´ on 2 belt
beggar n. one who lives by begging, for a machine: kuréa o koréya • v. 1
a very poor person: pul´ ubi to put a belt on: magsintur´ on, sin-
begin v. to start, commence: turun´an 2 to beat with a belt: sin-
magsimul´ a’, simul´ an, mag-umpis´ a, turunin´
umpisah´ an bend v. 1 to bend down or forward,
beginning n. 1 the start, com- to stoop: yumuk´ o’, iyuk´ o’ 2 to bend
mencement, time when anything something: magbalukt´ ot, mabalukt´ ot,
begins: simul´ a’, pasimul´ a’, umpis´ a ibalukt´ ´
ot, baluktutin, magbalikuk´ o’,
2 origin, source: pinagsimul´ an, mabalikuk´ o’, ibalikuk´ o’, balikuku´in
pinagmul´an, pinanggal´ingan 3 to curve or shape by curving:
begrudge v. 1 to envy: maingg´it, hum´ ubog, hub´ ugin 4 to bend or
kainggit´an 2 to be reluctant to curve as a road: kumurb´ a, lumik´o’ •
give: magmaram´ ot, pagmaramut´ an, n. a curve or turn: k´urba, lik´ o’
ipagmaram´ ot 3 to refuse: magka´it, benefit n. 1 profit: pakin´ abang,
pagkait´ ´
an, ipagkait kapakinab´ angan 2 advantage: b´ uti,
behead v. to cut off the head: kabut´ihan, kaparar´ akan 3 a benefit
pum´ ugot ng ulo,
´ pug´ utan ng ulo
´ show: benep´isyo • v. 1 to be of
behind prep. at the back of: sa benefit, to profit by: mapakin´ abang,
lik´od ng, sa likur´an ng • adv. 1 at mapal´ a’, mahit´ a’ 2 to do good to,
the rear: sa hul´i (hulih´ an) 2 not to to help: makab´ uti, makat´ ulong
schedule: hul´i, atras´ado bent adj. 1 crooked: balukt´ ot,
belch v. 1 to throw out gas from balikuk´ o’ 2 in a stooping position,
the stomach through the mouth: hunchback: k´ uba’ 3 determined:
dumigh´ ay, idigh´ay 2 to throw out disid´ido
with force: magbug´ a, ibug´ a • n. beriberi n. an oriental disease
a throwing out of gas from the caused by lack of vitamin B:
stomach, to burp: digh´ ay, pagdigh´ ay beribéri, man´as
belief n. 1 the act of believing: beside prep. 1 by the side of: sa
paniw´ ala’ 2 thing believed in: tab´i..., sa p´iling... 2 near, close to:
pinaniniwal´ aan 3 spiritual faith: katab´i, mal´ apit, kap´iling, kas´iping,
pananampalat´ aya’ 4 trust, confi- n´asa tab´i... 3 away from, not con-

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bet 10 blow
cerning: lab´as, mal´ ayo’ • v. 1 to be blackboard n. dark, smooth surface
beside: sum´iping, is´iping, sip´ingan, for writing on: pis´ ara
´ ´
tumabi, itabi, tabih´ an 2 to put or blacksmith n. 1 a man who works
place beside: itab´i, is´iping with iron: pand´ ay 2 a worker in iron:
bet n. a wager: pust´ a, pust´ ahan, magbabak´al
tay´a’ • v. 1 to bet: pumust´ a, pus- blast n. an explosion or the sound
tah´an, pust´a 2 to bet with another: caused by an explosion: put´ ok, pag-
magpust´ahan, makipagpust´ ahan put´ok • v. to blow up (rocks, earth,
betel n. the betel palm and also its etc) by dynamite: magpas´ abog,
fruit: b´unga, ikm´ o’, ng´anga’ pasab´ ugin
betrothed n. a person engaged to blaze v. 1 to burn with bright flame:
be married: katip´ an • adj. engaged: magliy´ ab, pagliyab´in 2 to burn with
magn´ obyo a small blaze or flame: magd´ingas,
beyond prep. 1 on the other side of: dum´ingas 3 to blaze with anger:
sa kabil´a’ ng..., sa ib´ayo ng... 2 later mag-´ alab sa g´ alit • n. 1 a bright
than, past: lamp´ as, lagp´as 3 out of flame: liy´ ab, d´ingas, n´ingas 2 the
reach, superior to: di ab´ ot, di ma´abot state of being bright with flame:
big adj. 1 large: malak´i 2 important: pagdir´ingas, pagliliy´ ab, pag-a´alab
mahalag´a bleed v. 1 dumug´ o’, padugu´in 2 to
bill n. 1 an account: kuwénta, bleed much: magdug´ o’, dugu´in 3 to
utang 2 a debt: utang
´ ´ 3 a ban- take blood from: k´ unan ng dugó’
knote, paper money: salap´ing papél, blindfold v. to cover the eyes of:
papél de b´angko 4 a proposed law: ´
magpiring • adj. with the eyes
panuk´alang-bat´ as 5 a handbill, no- covered: nakap´iring
tice: patalast´as, paun´ awa’, babal´ a’, blister n. small watery sack on the
kartél 6 the beak of a bird: tuk´ a’ skin: palt´os • v. to blister: magpalt´ os
• v. to send a bill to: magpadal´ a block n. 1 a solid piece of wood,
ng kuwénta, ipadal´a ang kuwénta, stone or the like: tip´ ak, bl´
oke 2 an
suming´il, maning´il, singil´in obstruction: sag´ abal, hadl´ ang 3 a
billfold n. kartéra, portamonéda number of buildings close together:
bird n. ´ibon blóke • v. 1 to fill up so as to
bitter adj. 1 mapa´it 2 sour, such as prevent passage: bumar´ a, barah´ an,
vinegar, lemon juice, etc: ma´ asim mabarah´an, magh´ arang, har´ angan,
3 acrid, tart: mapakl´ a’ 4 pungent: mahar´ angan 2 to stop, to im-
maangh´ang 5 bitter feeling, resent- pede: pum´igil, pig´ilan, humadl´ ang,
ment, hurt: malak´ing sam´ a’ ng lo´ob, hadlang´ an
alit, hinanak´it

7-Eleven Canada
black adj. 1 without any light,
blood n. dug´ o’
blow n. 1 a hit with the fist: sunt´ ok,
dark: madil´im 2 unhappy, gloomy: d´
agok 2 a blow with a whip or stick:
malungk´ot • n/adj. the opposite of
white: it´im, mait´im • n. 1 a black

alo’, hamp´ as, bugb´ og 3 the blow
of the wind, sudden blow or gush:
person: it´im, négro 2 the absence ´ihip • v. 1 to give a blow, to strike
of light, darkness: dil´im, kadilim´ an, with the fist: sumunt´ ok, suntuk´in
kariml´ an • v. 1 to make black, 2 to strike or give a blow with a
to blacken: magpait´im, itim´in, whip, stick, etc.: pum´ alo, pal´uin,
paitim´in, itim´an 2 to wear black in humamp´ as, hampas´in, bumugb´ og,
mourning: magluks´ a’ bugbug´in 3 to give a blow with the
blackberries n. a small, black or elbow and shoulder: dag´ilin 4 to
purple fruit: blakbéri, lumb´oy, d´ uhat give a blow or nudge with the elbow:

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blunder 11 bottom
sum´iko, sik´ uhin 5 to blow as the boot n. a leather or rubber cover-
wind: hum´ angin, hang´inin, hum´ihip, ing for the foot and leg: b´ ota • v.
um´ihip 6 to be blown by the wind 1 to kick: sum´ipa’, man´ipa’, sip´ ain,
(as a small boat): hang´inin ´ ´
sumikad, manikad, sik´ aran 2 to put
blunder n. a stupid mistake: on boots: magb´ ota, magsu´ ot ng b´ota,
kalok´ohan, pagkakamal´i’ • v. to isu´ot ang b´ ota
make a stupid mistake: magkamal´i’ bootblack n. a person who shines
blunt adj. 1 not sharp: mapur´ ol 2 boots and shoes: limp´iya-b´ota,
less sharp: pulp´ ol, pudp´ od 3 outspo- manlil´inis ng sap´ atos
ken: derétso (tah´as, tah´ asan) kung border n. 1 brink: b´ingit 2 a
magsalit´ a’, tap´
atang magsalit´ a’ • v. margin: pal´ ugit 3 the side or edge of
1 to become less sharp: pumur´ ol, anything: g´ilid, pag´ilid 4 boundary,
mapulp´ ol 2 to make less sharp: frontier: hangg´ anan • adj. close to:
magpapur´ ol, papurul´in, pumulp´ ol, kalap´it
pulpul´in bore v. 1 to make a hole: magb´ utas,
blurred adj. dim, not clear: mal´ abo’ bum´ utas, but´ asin, but´asan 2 to tire
boa n. a very large snake that is not or make one fed up: mayam´ ot, ya-
poisonous: saw´ a mut´in, main´is, inis´in 3 to become
boastful adj. speaking too highly impatient or weary: main´ip
about oneself: hamb´ og, pal´ alo’, bore adj. a tiresome or dull person:
may´ abang, mah´ angin nakayayam´ot, nakasusuy´ a’
boil n. a red, painful swelling on born v. brought forth: ipinangan´ ak,
the body: pigs´ a’ • v. 1 to bubble isin´ilang
up and give off steam: kumul´ o’ 2 borrowed adj. to borrow: hir´ am
to cause to bubble up and steam: boss n. 1 the head: p´ uno’ 2 the
magpakul´ o’, pakulu´in 3 to cook by chief: hépe 3 a foreman or man-
boiling: magl´ aga, il´aga’, pakulu´an ager: tagapangas´iwa’, m´ anedyer,
bold adj. 1 brave (see ”brave”): tagapamah´ ala’ • v. to be the boss
mat´apang, malak´ as ang lo´ ob 2 of, direct, control: mam´ uno’, pa-
venturesome: pangah´ as, mapangah´ as mun´ uan, mangas´iwa’, pangasiw´ aan,
3 rude, impudent: bast´ os mamah´ ala’, pamahal´ aan, mag-
bolo n. a cutlass-like weapon com- pal´akad, palak´ arin, magpat´ akbo’,
mon in the Philippines: g´ ulok, it´
ak patakbuh´in
bond n. 1 anything that binds: bother v. 1 to trouble, to disturb,
bigkis, g´ apos, t´
ali’, bukl´od 2 a pris- to worry: mang-ab´ ala, abal´ ahin,
oner’s bonds: g´ apos, p´ osas 3 bail: maab´ ala, mangg´ ulo, guluh´in, mang-
ansa 4 a guarantee: garantiy´ a, orbo, istorbuh´in 2 to be a
panag´ot 5 a pledge, pawn: sangl´ a 6 cause of disturbance: makaab´ ala,
a binding force, unity: pagkakais´ a makaist´orbo 3 to take the trouble:
7 a certificate given, esp. by a mag-ab´ala, pagkaabal´ ahan, mag-
government, for money borrowed: pakaab´ ala • n. trouble, disturbance:

ono ab´ala, moléstiya, ist´orbo
bonfire n. 1 a fire built outdoors: bottle n. b´ ote, botélya • v. to
a’ 2 to make a bonfire: magsig´ a’, put into a bottle: magb´ ote, ib´ ote,
siga´an magsab´ote, isab´
ote, maglag´ ay
book n. 1 libr´ o, akl´at 2 book of tick- (ilag´ay) sa b´ ote
ets: libréta • v. to reserve seats, etc.: bottom n. 1 the lowest part:
magresérba, magparesérba, iresérba, ailaliman, ang il´alim, puw´it 2 the

magla´an, ipagla´ an, paglaan´ an seat: up´ uan 3 the source: ug´ at,

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bountiful 12 broil
pinagmul´an • prep. at the bottom: mab´ ali’, bal´iin 6 to snap (off) as
sa il´
alim a stick, branch or stalk: mabakl´i’,
bountiful adj. 1 generous: mapag- bakli´in 7 to snap, to break as string
big´ay, buk´
as ang p´ alad 2 plentiful, or wire: malag´ ot, lagut´in 8 to break
abundant: sag´ ana’, masag´ ana’ with: makipagkasir´ a’, magkasir´ a’,
bowl n. a hollow, rounded dish: makipaghiwal´ay, maghiwal´ ay • n. 1
mangk´ok, tas´ on, t´
asa a severing of relations: pagkakasir´ a’
bow-legged adj. having the legs 2 a break, as in a glass: b´ asag,
curved outward: sak´ ang put´ ok, lámat 3 an interruption:
box n. 1 a blow with an open hand: t´igil, pagkat´igil, patl´ ang, pahing´ a,
tamp´ al, samp´ al 2 a blow with a pagkapahing´ a
fist: sunt´ok, bunt´al 3 a blow at the breast n. 1 the chest: dibd´ib 2 the
back of the head, nape: d´ agok • v. part or gland that gives milk: s´uso
1 to fight with fists: magsunt´ ukan, breeze n. a gentle or soft wind:
makipagsunt´ ukan, makipagb´ oksing, s´imoy
magbunt´alan, makipagbunt´ alan 2 bribery n. the act of bribing:
to slap with open hand: sumamp´ al, pags´ uhol, panun´ uhol, pagpapabags´ ak,
sampal´in (on the cheek), tumamp´ al, pagpaparat´ing, lag´ ay
tampal´in 3 to punch: sumunt´ ok, bridge n. 1 a structure built over a
suntuk´in, bumoks´ing, boksing´in river, road, etc.: tul´ ay 2 the bridge
bracelet n. an ornament worn of a ship: platap´ orma • v. to make
around the wrist: pulséras a way over a river or anything
braid n. a band formed by wearing that hinders: magtul´ ay, tulay´an,
strands of hair: tirint´as • v. to plait maglag´ay (lagy´ an) ng tul´ay
the hair: magtirint´ as, tirintas´in, tir- brigand n. a robber: tulis´ an, man-
intas´an daramb´ ong
branch n. 1 of a tree or a river: bright adj. 1 giving much light,
sang´a 2 a small thorny branch clear: maliw´ anag 2 vivid, as color:
of bamboo: si´it 3 a branch of a matingk´ad 3 clever: matal´ino 4 gay,
company: sang´ ay 4 a branch of a cheerful or lively: masay´ a, masigl´
road: sang´ ang-da´an, sanganda´ an • shining, as metal surface like brass,
v. 1 to divide: magsang´ a 2 to put or gold: makin´ ang 6 sparkling (as
out branches as trees: magsang´ a stars): maningn´ing
brave adj. 1 without fear, having brilliant adj. 1 very clever: na-
courage: mat´ apang 2 courageous, pakatal´ino 2 shining: makin´ ang 3
stout-hearted, plucky: malak´ as ang sparkling as heavenly bodies, or
ob 3 heroic: mag´iting 4 daring,
lo´ jewels: maningning, nagniningn´ing,
bold, venturesome: pangah´ as • v. 1 makisl´ ap, nangingisl´ap
to dare: mangah´ as, pangahas´ an 2 to brim n. the edge of a cup or bowl:
meet without fear: maglak´ as-lo´ob abi’, bib´ig

bread n. tin´ apay bring v. 1 to come with something:
breadfruit n. r´imas magdal´ a, dalh´in, dalh´an 2 to come
break v. 1 to damage: sum´ira’, with a person: mags´ ama, is´ ama
mas´ira’, sir´ain 2 to break into brittle adj. 1 easily broken, as
pieces, to smash: dur´ ugin 3 to glass: babasag´in, madal´ing mab´ asag
be broken into pieces: mad´ urog, 2 easily snapped: madal´ing mab´ ali’,
magkadur´ug-dur´og, mab´ asag, magk- bal´iin, bakl´iin 3 crisp: malut´ ong
ag 4 to break in two: broil v. to cook by exposing to flame:
mabiy´ ak 5 to break apart, to snap: mag-´ihaw, i´ihaw, idar´ ang (sa ap´ oy,

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