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Wisma Fauziah, Jalan Babakan Tengah No 114B, Darmaga, Bogor, West Java
Mobile : 085283462008 - 085773576869 / Email :

Bogor, 16th April 2013

Human Resource of Perum Jamkrindo

Dear Sir and Madam,

Reading announcement on website of job vacancy on CDA (Career Development Affair) of Bogor
Agricultural University about recruitment staff as Staff Officer Development Program at Perum
Jamkrindo, I would be interested in exploring the possibility of obtaining such a position within this
I was graduated student from Department Communication and Community Development, Bogor
Agricultural University (IPB) by acceleration program which can graduate for 3.5 years. I was
active in organization while my college period. I had experience work about 2 years in one of non
profit organization in Bogor. I am able to communicate both spoken and written in English.
Furthermore, I have good discipline, honest, responsible, hard worker and able to work in team. For
your consideration, I enclose my qualification as follows:
- Curriculum Vitae with my recent photograph
- Copy of Academic transcript
Thank you for your kind attention and consideration upon my application. I am looking forward to
hear news from you and I would like to meet you in time and place of your convenience.

Best Regard,

Zuhaida Khoirun Niswah, S.KPm

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