Allah's Messenger, Peace Be Upon Him, and Social Life

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ee sic pee te io wp ec none of te Mena er Flings Shean mest. The lesen 2. en te gest te Meee sng cl ton. teaches met: 3, cunt nvetn xi pie nth crlpmen of Min Se {eval ee and harmony by ecg its cos pao ce On The Quraysh clans, Ban lsh, Band Zura and Band Taym ibn Murr, al gateredo hold a mesting cher they formed ps nd joined in liane wih one another eommmitingterselves by Allah to unite 1 single fore in slidarity withthe oppressed agnne the oppressor unl the former's ight is estoned ‘Tae Prophetabpariciated inthis alliance (hil) with his unces, relatives and ext of kin. This was before before he became a Prophet and sent as aMessenge & by All ‘Allah's Messenger) even befor is prophethood~ gave a wonderfl example through his filaton to his people and society. He participated in public events and occasions, such asthe bulding ofthe Holy Kabah, jst as he lo partpaed inthe Hlfal-Fogl (Alliance ofthe Virtuous) where Bend Hash, Bani Zula and Band Taym tn Mura ll gathered i he house of Abdul ib Jad, who prepared food forthe ad they established the alliance ina sacred mont (shh ars), namely, Dhul-Qe dah “They formed a pct and joined in alliance with one another commiting themselves by Allah to unte as 2 single force in solidarity withthe oppressed against the oppressor unt the former's ight is estored, The Prophetigettended this alliance (il) which ie regarded ns ne ofthe proud achievement ofthe Arabs and their acknowledgement of human righ. The Messengerawvould say: SA LN hae lh ah A lly 6 S88 A SS CCensinly had witnessed analane inthe house of Abdulldh fb Jaan | would not want to substitute ft for ard of red camels If were o be invited to itnow during the time of Islam, woud repond (ie. sccep the invitation). (Narrated by al-Bayhagt) Tideni The signiiance of the following: 1 etaliching the alliance ding that period 4h patsipuion of re Propeupia de allies “a ‘The care and concern of the Prophet % for family bonding and cohesion: All's Messengecatok great care in building the frst building block of sie (he Family) strong, solid and firmly bonded as its strength by necessity serves as support structure to society. The est and concer hat the Messngerhad fo the bonding and eokesion of his own family ean be demonstrated by: |. his benevolence and kindness towards his wives = his fir and equitable weatment of them andthe ay he joked with them. We learned that he raced Lady ‘Aisha es> more han onc, 2. hisbenevolence and kines towards his daughters 2 and his compssioate treatment of them, We leamed that when Lady Fatima sa was approaching, he would tnd upto greet er and kiss het ‘on the forehead to honor hes, 3. his benevolence and kindness wards his grandchildren for he used toplay with them, entertain them and cheer them up. 4 his benevolence and kindness towards his Servants. Anas ib Mik reported: “I serve Allah's Messenger for nine yeas, nd donot know him eve to have side me “fan™(en nection expressing anger or displeasure), nor to have sid to me or anything did, why did you do such end such? why did you not do such and such ater." (Narted by Muslin, I speci ‘ny role within my family soit can bea strong building block athe Emit society. Prophetic guidance with respect to social relations ‘Avnlghbor inherits ‘Strengthening te bonds between the members of society ian important ask and huge mission that serves to preserve the dignity and prestige of society and prevents sciel maladies and cit ils ‘om arng it spat. Hence Allah's Mesengergiwas keen to bolster the ies and dations betwen all ‘the sectors of sce such asthe relation of good neighbolines, which is a ean tat is wide and ‘compeehensivein scope encompassing the close and familia, the distant snd strange the Mustim andthe ‘non-Muslim. is reported on the authors f Ibn Umar (Abdi son of Una) <> who sid The “Messenger of Aah "Iie kept on advising and counseling me concerning my neighbor so much So tha Thought tht hes going to make him one of my heirs (Nard by sl-Bulhi and Muslin). Heapwamed aginst casing harm tothe neigh Is reported onthe authority of Uhh bm Amir who std: All's Messengers “On the Day of Returcton the frst wo adversaries disputing with ‘ach other willbe two neighbors” (Narrated by Ahmad), This meas that the St wo adversaries to be ‘red and judged onthe Day of Resuretion willbe wo neighbors one of whom harmed and cause injury tote ober, Texplain: ‘he signification implied in the fact that the first adversaries onthe Day of Resuecton wil be two eighbors “Taking the init ive and volunteering: Allas Messengerwould share and join peopl in ther joys and sorows and he was an examplary ‘model of conduc and source of meri and tanqility fr people Its reported onthe authority of Anas ib Malik. who sid that hey heed screamin Madinah coming rom the Sal (which 2 mount the westem prof Madinah), People ran inthe ietion ofthe sound, and was met by the Prophetinho ad beaten them othe sound, and who suid t them: wiguilagisan “Don't be seared, don't be seared”. He was onthe back of an unsadled horse belonging to Aba Talbah ith a sword arond his neck He sid sald dyads “Truly found i (the hore) tobe like the sa" or (he Said) “Indeed, itis ike the Sea" (Narrated byal- ula. Texpect! ‘Totve tat made the Propheubeat the people to the source ofthe sound Tinker the significance of the Prophetaaving headed towards the plas from whence the sound emied before Ae ret uf the pepe. identify ‘he correct behavior inthe following cases 1 Lsaw group of youngsters ace one another in their cas on «main sree. 2. heard voice coming fom a building asking for lp fom he peopl passing by. 3. Taawa traffic acident inthe ret 4, Tawa suspicious group of yout gathering together in acertin aes, 5, Theme atx pti in anil weds dom psc blood group, Lemon Five A postive social exempt ‘The Messenger @ did not content himself with strengthening social ses ranging ffom the fily to good ‘neighbrtines and positive mitiativsin his community, instead he went futher tan tet, priate ‘ith people in heir businesses and lve them through their circumstances inorder to be oe of them, 0 feel what they fel and be sited by what fics them. This led to an increas inthe bonds af ov, * scogthenng in he ies ef mutual affection Which further mretsed and bolstered the colsion and solidarity ofsociey ienracte ‘ont sttxie for rteing soil es fom te es eo > Ont suhriy of Sain Han. who ui , ey a in i nd des 38” ‘All's Messenger goo weak Msi on vss, be eased ofthe who weril anong them and tnd hee (Nate by al kin. > On the authority of 2yd iba Argam wh sid "Ga idee had ge” "Alls Mesmpe vised me becase of pin into) had in my eye" (Narated by Ab vid), > On the authority of bir bm" Aba <= who sid 8 Ay 8 a Gin Gi ats gd lh SR il tal J Bigs J gs J Li iat GALS J ey eSEK Ja Sy ele ao hh Stay aie i. lle By 8 Se Sa “My father died an left behind nine daughters. I married» woman (who had brea previously ‘mari All's Messenger to me: bi have you goten maid? I said: Yes, He seid A ‘ew or one previously married? Isai: One who was previously manied, whereupon he sais Why ‘ida you marys young gi so that you could por with he and she could sport with you, oF you ‘ould amuse her and she coud amuse you? I sido him: My father died and le nine dager, behind him, odd not ke the dea of binging them someone («young gi) jus ke them, and therefore I mantied a woman who cou look after them. Allah's Messenger @ td: May Allah less _you" (Narrated by l-Bukie. Onde auurty of Bar os who ae ty fil all Fs a3 Ss a gin gs “The Propheéworkedon moving dst on the day ofaLKhandag Bate ofthe Trent until he ‘coved his abdomen in dst or his abdomen was covered in dust” (Nartdby al-Buie), e— _| > On teary of sha who report: 8 is Ja pa in wa dh sain Sea ci yn she ena worsn tobe bted ona fromthe a-Ange Helper) Allah's Prophets, 0 ‘hah, cid’ you have sme play nd fanbase the Anke play an fun” (Nard by sbi, > onthe auhoiy of Asm bint Ab Bakr > who si “iy meter ao vst me desing (00d sons with ms) and sh was pote ding he lite ofthe Propet. So, sk the Poh Can I vist her” He sis." Nara by Buh) > On the authority of Ana ibn Mik who sid : Heo Gata athe se das adh gas” "The Prophet used o vst the al-Angir (Helpers), pret their boys and pat them on their hiads™ (Narrated by a-Nast, > Ont autoriy of Anes Me wh sau SER Eo ati yt Gai a ge as A ay gtk” gal ie ge gl SAG iG ti A oN ial Jy “abel Once wa whi with Alls Messen bandhe was wearin Naat obe wih ick ‘margins, Abdou caught p wih hi and pulled hi by is robe vey a the of he ek of Al's Mesenger andthe margin fhe robe ad made ms ont because of he Valens witht as pulled. The Bedouin si 0 Muara Give me same of las wea which i wih You Al's Mesengertued and looked thin, an smiled, andthe ordered hat eb given somthing” (Sate by Maslin. T give an example from the Prophatic Sunnah and idenfy the satay Ise we in the example as inthe examples above Haat — Tadduce proof: lov way of examples that resto the wy th United Arab irate takes coe of the social apes fie and teinfrces it through state institutions “The Charter of al Madinah >the constitutlon of ciizenship: ano ah Madinah 7 the constitution of citizenship: After the migration ofthe Prophet a- Madinah he founda bars ad biter social realy. On he one hand hee ws rampant riba animosity between Aws and Khsraj and, onthe oer, between them and ‘he Jews. The Jews had disputes and grievances among themselves that mide them goto the Messengets ‘nd have him st injuget of thm inorder to sete thei esputes and grievances Confonted by this ars ely, the Messengerdpfrmlated the Charter of -Madngh al: Munawwaah hich was deemed the first poli attempt inthe eal Islamic erased at leading society out from the vortex of tribal conic into the vast expanse of brotherhood, mutual love and tolerance. This was because it focused on many sublime humanitarian principles such as championing the cause ofthe oppressed, Protecting nighbos, honoring both thepivate and public ih (of society and its member) combating ‘ime, mutalassisane and cooperation in the paying of blood mney (yah), freedom of bel, helping the debtors, nd other such principles as would make the ciizens of he same country ~ despite Aiterences in rae ethnicity and bli -that hey area single family ne fail asked with defending the homeland in the fae of any aggression that might surprise them from the ouside. The equal that exists between them is established on the basis of common humantarisn vale, namely, qual inthe essen atrbute of human dignity. people are Tinfer: the significance ofthe following ails ofthe *AL-Madinah Chater os I ae Tails bos Gr moe (Speen ieee tea cea Soave see soe “That each party wil eden its prisoners withthe kindnes and (prone [eens ieee (actin eerie eee Seite eter eae Allah's Masenger and Social Life “Tate neighbor orally ike the best (reece: ier teteharmed nore commits lnc (uae) ‘ThatJews have thi eign and Muslims have teen, Fravernization (Mw Aka) and Altruism ba): “Te it act at the Prophetperormed afer bling the mossue was insti the practice of frateriation (SK, which was announced inthe hose of Asin Mik Musk is bond th nites etwen te Majin (niga) andthe As Heper) othe basis fred and strengthens the flings of love, eon, ep, rotstin and consolation by meas of wealth and ‘longings. This fteizaton did not give weight nd importance bal considerations or ss diteences i tough tog th member of ciety without locking sei conditions, charset, descitons, or possessions an sess Hence racist and fanatic dsppeared making oom forthe pearance of mercy and pilatvopy. Ali BE pts he pA ROSEN afb IN L303) nO SAtIB Ash te agosto {ta min qt ybibna man hija ‘ahi walk dna shim bijatan im 0G way thir ‘afi wala kn iim Kagan ‘wvman yg shu nati fa l'ka as -emainn (Sirt -ase) “But those wh before them, had homes in al- Madina) a bad adopted the Faith show tec affection osc as cameo them fr fig, deter 0 desir their ert for things ven tothe te bu gre them pefirence over temscves, ve though poverty wa ther (ov ot). ‘Ad the saved fom te covetosnest fhe own sol heya th ones at achive rsp (Gora ashe 9) Tproject {he ste of -Madoah fom soil pespective had thee hen no fatemiaton between he Main (Ging) and the Angr(Hepere) which the Messongorhad inated is 1 2 3 Lesson Five Texplain and appiy: ‘Nearly 206 nationalities co-exist inthe United Arab Emirates, thr rnsitingo residing which ‘epresent more han 150 ethnicities and use 100 dialects. These gras live together in complete harmony ‘nd intepration which has hada really good impct onthe various eas and domsns | explnin the causes behind this co-existence (an exemplary mode! on 2 labal cle inthe United Arab Emirates. 1 ‘plan for a seminar onthe effets of the societal peace that exists inte United Arab Emirates in the soci, economic ana politcal domains Messengerdsand Renna ‘Concer an consideration othe / The sti plyed by the family and eghbors base of | ( Prophets desing wih he tc effct hea on sengtening || individual af sociy with he ain thesia deneason ‘of trenghening vce a2 Whole (1 entiyng highs and dri ching ve fe Ca fa a fal amy members gar ofthe poor toes the clans y Atcding aera ui among hess and fe eee eee isting te sick tee elm with tas | eiebor an warning asi || Taking cae of the orphans an || Bom th inns of Maoh, coe cncnercimes | |andeave he sere rig of etzcship and parison in buling and prtecing te City of ‘aca. ting hi | ' J Humiiny and soa invlement an paristion + Exendigcongatltions ant ellos en the oceson of — + Sprang happiness J+ Showing pad o pres ven itney are poy ‘Show compassion 1 ciden Giving presents n labs Messenger and Social Life answer by myself + ean he apc methodlgy fr seghting ott inthe doin of ve my “heii 4 sedge sen fr 1 ft at he ropes Mah 2. the keemess ofthe Prophetato observe te rght of citizenship for Muslims and non-Mustins: + Third The Messeugesused seve suateges wo stengten soil es. Menton four of them: Fourth: atthe mot important valu and principles upon which the later of Madina was 4+ ith: Some families in cera societies aufe from a complete disintegration in soil relations ‘between fmily members because of moder social media, Suggest solutions this problem: Lesson Five eth gration siiennce and ingore. eanduet esac aa prepare eprom ulin ere (qin Madi SN ‘Are of Application Tam ¥en ees maaan societal 7 Pesce and reset he content | slement making up the Eat seve I Luce vides event om the 4 Proper Biography (sat) to rove ‘the enn of be Mesengersio| uid ecberen an wel it okey, 7 enumente the stapes of he 45 Mesenprein he ae of ad! | retions wh te em of stengieiog

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