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Translating a Scholarly Article

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Translating a Scholarly Article


The original paper selected for this assignment is by Eriksen and Knudsen, titled “The

Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Financial Performance." The article reviews

prior research to examine the connection between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firm

financial success. This translated article aims to give the general audience an easily

understandable explanation of the study's results and consequences. The authors define CSR as

"the voluntary actions that corporations conduct for the betterment of society and the place

where they operate." The writers then go on to define CSR. After that, they represent the firm's

financial performance, which is determined by combining growth and profitability. Eriksen and

Knudsen reviewed prior research to assess the effect of CSR on a firm's economic success. They

examined 29 separate studies that had been done between 2009 and 2017 and correlated data on

companies' CSR policies to their financial performance.

Online News Article Translation:

Since businesses are increasingly held accountable for their influence on society and the

environment, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gained attention. A recent meta-analysis

of earlier studies on CSR and its effect on company financial performance was carried out.

According to the survey, businesses prioritizing CSR typically perform better financially than

those not. The survey also discovered that organizations with a thorough and well-defined CSR

strategy usually have a more positive effect on their financial performance than organizations

without one. Businesses with sound corporate governance systems performed better financially

and managed expenses and resources effectively.


McWilliams et al. (2016) highlight that the meta-analysis examined 92 papers

investigating the link between corporate social responsibility and financial performance. The

investigations, which included data from 42 nations, were carried out between 1972 and 2017.

According to the data, a strong relationship exists between CSR activity and financial

performance, which suggests that CSR-active businesses typically perform better financially.

According to the data, CSR is positively connected with financial success, meaning companies

that practice CSR typically experience better financial results. Economic performance and

environmental and social performance were found to be positively correlated. The relationship

between corporate political participation and financial performance, however, was found to be


The study also examined the connection between various CSR activity categories and

financial performance. According to the researchers, companies that prioritized social issues like

employee involvement and community involvement were found to have a stronger positive

association with financial performance than those that prioritized environmental sustainability.

The association between financial performance and those prioritizing economic concerns, such

as cost-cutting and efficiency, was the poorest. It was shown that businesses with the best

financial results participated in all three categories of CSR activities, such as economic value

creation, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability.

The analysis covered a specified period, and more evidence is required to confirm the

consistency of the period. Even with this, the current investigation compared two-time frames

and produced reliable results. To better understand the impact of the two potential corporate

social responsibility (CSR) strategies on financial performance, it would be helpful to collect


data on reactive and proactive CSR in future studies. Doing a dynamic analysis that would allow

for a more accurate evaluation of the effects perceived over time is also intriguing. Since these

methods take some time to thoroughly examine the influence felt on organizations' performance,

conducting this investigation will result in even more consistent outcomes.

The results of the study have significant ramifications for businesses and investors.

Businesses that place a high priority on CSR may see better financial results as well as more

significant reputational benefits. Investing in companies prioritizing CSR also benefits investors

because these businesses provide higher financial returns. The results of this study are

substantial, but they should be viewed in the context of some restrictions. For instance, we

cannot affirm with certainty that CSR results in improved financial or reputational outcomes. We

can only conclude that these two things are positively associated.

It's crucial to remember that the study does not imply that all CSR initiatives improve

financial performance. However, the study contends that businesses may see better financial

results when they engage in CSR initiatives that align with their corporate strategy. The study

also argues that companies that take part in CSR initiatives because they think they benefit

society may only sometimes reap financial rewards. These actions only occasionally result in

consumer loyalty or competitive distinction.

In conclusion, the meta-analysis shows that CSR and financial performance are positively

correlated. Businesses that prioritize CSR may see improved financial results, and investors may

profit by choosing to invest in these businesses. Companies must ensure their CSR initiatives

align with their corporate strategy to maximize the potential rewards. For instance, companies

should ensure CSR initiatives align with their overall business plan and aren't only carried out for

the show. Future research must examine if the magnitude of the association varies among

industries or nations, even though this meta-analysis found evidence of a link between CSR and

financial performance.

Based on the findings, it is possible to conclude that CSR and innovation work well

together to improve a company's financial performance. Yet, the sole adoption of CSR practices

reboots particular dubious performance successes. Given this, the facts must provide a solid basis

for policymakers to continue pushing and enhancing business CSR initiatives. Public policies

must encourage the ongoing promotion of more socially responsible activities while supporting

them because engaging in CSR activities comes at a cost and may harm a company's financial


The empirical findings from the empirical estimations show that originality is one of the

critical engines behind both the development of financial growth in businesses and sustainable

development. It is evident that compared to other strategies, expenditures in R&D and eco-

design have a significant positive impact on a company's performance.

Reflective Analysis:

I had to make several crucial choices about language, structure, and referencing norms

while converting the academic paper on CSR and financial performance into an online news

item. First and foremost, I had to ensure the article's wording was straightforward for a general

readership to understand. This required reducing the complexity of complex ideas and utilizing

simple terms whenever possible. Also, I had to make sure that the piece was understandable to

people who needed to be more familiar with the subject. I started each section with some of the

most crucial facts to help readers rapidly grasp what they needed to know before continuing.

I also had to pay close attention to how the article was organized. Headings and

subheadings were used to help the reader navigate the original scholarly work, which was written

in a more formal and organized manner. I chose a more simplified format with a distinct

introduction, body, and conclusion for the internet news item. After putting all the different parts

of the article together, I had to decide which voice to use. I chose a formal tone and word choice

for the scholarly essay because academic journals anticipated this format.

Last, I had to ensure the piece's referencing style was proper for an internet news item.

Although the original essay effectively used citations and references, I chose a more

straightforward route that conveyed the required information without weighing the reader down

with unnecessary data. The most crucial step is ensuring your authorities are consistent

throughout the essay. This makes it simple for readers to locate all the sources utilized in each

section, even if they read part of the story, then go back and read another piece.

The translated article does an excellent job of adequately communicating the main

conclusions of the original scholarly research in a manner that is understandable and interesting

to a broad audience. I hope to have improved the research's accessibility and applicability to a

larger audience by reducing the language and the structure. I've done an excellent job of

transforming the post into something more approachable for a broader readership. I hope to have

improved the research's accessibility and applicability to a larger audience by reducing the

language and the structure. Readers may find the facts in the article intriguing, which discuss

how frequently people consider their mortality.


McWilliams, A., & Siegel, D. (2016). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance:

correlation or misspecification? Strategic management journal, 21(5), 603-609.

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