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ME 2201 – Fluid Mechanics

Semester 4
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Module I
• Fundamental Concepts in FM
• Fluid Properties, Velocity & Stress Fields, System and Control Volume, No Slip
Condition, Flow Types;

• Hydrostatics
• Basic equation of fluid statics, Absolute and Gauge pressures, Buoyancy and
Stability, Forces on Submerged Bodies

1/30/2024 ME 307 2
Main Topics
✓The Basic Equations of Fluid Statics
✓Pressure Variation in a Static Fluid
✓Hydrostatic Force on Submerged Surfaces

1/29/2024 ME 307 3
Hydrostatics The Basic Equations
of Fluid Statics

1/29/2024 ME 307 4
Hydrostatics The Basic Equations
of Fluid Statics

Pressure is the compressive force per unit area,

and it gives the impression
of being a vector. However, pressure at any point
in a fluid is the same in all
Directions. That is, it has magnitude but not a
specific direction,
and thus it is a scalar quantity.
2/1/2024 ME 307 5
Hydrostatics The Basic Equations
of Fluid Statics
For constant density, force balance in z- direction

Dividing by ∆𝑥∆𝑦 everywhere

2/1/2024 ME 307 6
Hydrostatics Buoyancy

1/29/2024 ME 307 7
Hydrostatics Buoyancy

• Buoys,
• Hot air Ballooning,
• Hyperlocal weather stations
• Hydrometer,
• Underwater monitoring stations

1/29/2024 ME 307 8
Hydrostatics Stability of Immersed Bodies
An important application of the buoyancy
concept is the assessment of the stability of
immersed and floating bodies with no external
This topic is of great importance in the design
of ships and submarines.

For an immersed or floating body in static

equilibrium, the weight and the buoyant
force acting on the body balance each other.

Translational Stability
Rotational Stability
1/29/2024 ME 307 9
Hydrostatics Stability of Floating Bodies
A measure of stability for floating bodies is the
metacentric height GM, which is the distance between
the center of gravity G and the metacenter M—the
intersection point of the lines of action of the buoyant
force through the body before and after rotation.

The length of the

metacentric height GM
above G is a measure of
the stability: the larger it is,
the more stable is the
floating body.

1/29/2024 ME 307 10
Hydrostatics Hydrostatic Force on
Submerged Surfaces
✓Plane Submerged Surface

1/29/2024 ME 307 11
Hydrostatic Force on Submerged

✓Plane Submerged Surface

1/29/2024 ME 307 12
Hydrostatic Force on Submerged
• Plane Submerged Surface
• Integral Equations – Total Pressure Force
Where pc is the absolute pressure
in the liquid at the location of the
centroid of area.

1/29/2024 ME 307 13
Hydrostatic Force on Submerged
• Plane Submerged Surface
• Algebraic Equations – Net Pressure Force

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