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Pressure in Fluids & Atmospheric Pressure

Class: IX (CH: 4) Page: 78-97

Ans.1: Thrust is the force acting normally on a surface. Thrust exerted by a body on a surface = weight of the
body. It is a vector quantity. It is denoted by the letter (F).
The S.I unit of thrust is newton (N).
Ans.2: Pressure is the thrust per unit area of surface. If a thrust F acts on an area A, then
Thrust 𝐹
Pressure (P) = or, P = 𝐴. It is a scalar quantity.
The S.I unit of pressure is newton per metre 2 abbreviated as N m – 2 or pascal (Pa).
Ans.3: (a) The physical quantity measured in bar is pressure.
(b) The relationship between bar and pascal is: 1 bar = 10 5 Pa.
Ans.4: One pascal is the pressure exerted on a surface of area 1 m 2 by a force of 1 newton acting normally on
1 Newton
1 pascal (1 Pa) = .
1 metre 2
1 Pa = 1 N m – 2.
Ans.5: Thrust is a vector quantity.
Ans.6: Pressure is a scalar quantity.
Ans.7: Difference between thrust and pressure:
Thrust Pressure
1. Thrust is the force acting normally on a 1. Pressure is the thrust per unit area of surface.
2. It is a vector quantity. 2. It is a scalar quantity.
3. S.I unit of thrust is newton. 3. S.I unit of pressure is N m – 2 or Pa.
Ans.8: Pressure exerted by a thrust is inversely proportional to the area of surface on which it acts. P ∝ 𝐴.
Example: The foundations of buildings are made wider to increase the area of contact so that the pressure
exerted by the building on the ground becomes less.
Ans.9: The tip of allpin is made sharp so decrease the area of contact so that large pressure is exerted through
the pointed ends and they can be driven into with less effort.
Ans.10: (a) It is easier to cut with a sharp knife than with a blunt one because the area of contact is less for a
sharp knife compared to a blunt one. Thus the pressure exerted by a sharp knife on the surface is more
compared to the pressure exerted by the blunt one. Hence, cutting can be done with a less effort/thrust using
a sharp knife.
(b) Sleepers are laid below the rails to decrease the pressure exerted by the iron rails on the ground. The
sleepers are wide and hence increase the area of contact. Since, pressure is inversely proportional to the area
so it decreases and does not allow the rails to sink in the ground.
Ans.11: A substance which can flow is called a fluid. All liquids and gases are together called fluids.
Ans.12: The pressure exerted by a fluid on the walls and the bottom of the container is known as fluid
pressure. Fluids exert pressure at all points and in all directions.
Ans.13: A solid exerts pressure only on its base downwards while a fluid exerts pressure at all points in all
Ans.14: Aim: A liquid enclosed in a vessel exerts pressure in all directions.We take a vessel filled with a water
upto a certain level. We place it on a horizontal surface and make several small holes in the wall of the vessel
anywhere below the free surface of water. We will observe that the liquid spurts out through each hole. This
shows that the liquid exerts pressure at each point on the wall of the vessel. When we put our finger on any of
the hole, finger feels a thrust due to liquid. This demonstrates that
the liquid contained in the vessel exerts thrust at all points below its
free surface.

When we note the distance from the bottom of the vessel to the
point where the liquid from a hole strikes on the horizontal surface,
it is noted that as the depth of the hole below the free surface of
liquid increases, the throw of liquid also increases. The liquid reaches
to a greater distance on the horizontal surface. This shows that liquid
pressure at a point increases with the increase of depth of point from its free surface.
Ans.15: The three factors on which the pressure at a point in a liquid depends are:
(i) depth of the point below the free surface (h). Pressure at a point in a liquid is directly proportional to the
depth (h) of the point below the free surface of the liquid when g is kept constant.
(ii) density of liquid (𝜌). Pressure at a point in a liquid is directly proportional to the density 𝜌 of the liquid
when g is kept constant, and
(iii) acceleration due to gravity (g). Pressure at a point in a liquid is directly proportional to acceleration due to
gravity g when depth and density of liquid are kept constant.
Ans.16: The expression for pressure at a point inside a liquid is: P = h 𝜌 g, where ‘h ‘ is the depth of the point
below the free surface of liquid, ‘𝜌’ is the density of liquid and ‘g ’ is the acceleration due to gravity. If
atmospheric pressure acting on the free surface of liquid is P0, then,
Total pressure in a liquid at a depth h is, P = P0 + h 𝜌 g.
Ans.17: Let us consider a vessel containing a liquid of density 𝜌. Let
the liquid be stationary. To calculate the pressure at a depth h, let us
consider a horizontal circular surface PQ of area A at a depth h below
the free surface XY of the liquid. The pressure on surface PQ is due to
the weight of the liquid column above the surface PQ.
The thrust exerted on the surface PQ = Weight of the liquid column
PQRS = Volume of liquid column PQRS x density x g = (Area of base
PQ x height) x density x g = (A x h) x 𝜌 x g = A h 𝜌 g.
Thrust on surface 𝐴ℎ𝜌 g
This thrust is exerted on the surface PQ of area A. Therefore, pressure (P) = = = h𝜌g.
Area of surface 𝐴
If the atmospheric pressure acting on the free surface of liquid is P0, then
Total pressure in a liquid at a depth h = Atmospheric pressure + pressure due to liquid column = P0 + h𝜌g.
Ans.18: The pressure at a certain depth in sea water is more than that at the same depth in river water. It is
because the density of sea water is more than the density of river water.
Ans.19: Pressure at free surface of a water lake = P1 ; Pressure at a point at depth h below its free surface = P2.
(a) P2 = P1 + h 𝜌 g.
(b) P2 > P1.
Ans.20: A gas bubble released at the bottom of a lake grows in size as it rises to the surface of lake because
when the bubble is at the bottom of lake, total pressure exerted on it is the sum of the atmospheric pressure
and the pressure due to water column. As the gas bubble rises, due to decrease in depth, the pressure due to
water column decreases, so the total pressure exerted on the bubble decreases. According to Boyle’s law, the
volume of bubble increases due to the decrease in pressure. When the bubble reaches the surface of liquid,
total pressure exerted on it becomes just equal to the atmospheric pressure only which is minimum and so
the size of bubble on surface becomes maximum.
Ans.21: A dam has broader walls at the bottom than at the top to withstand the enormous pressure exerted
by the liquid at its base. The pressure exerted by a liquid increases with its depth. Thus, as depth increases,
more and more pressure is exerted by water on the wall of the dam. A thicker wall can withstand a greater
pressure, therefore, the wall of the dam is made with thickness increasing towards the base.
Ans.22: Sea divers need special protective suit to wear because in deep sea, the total pressure exerted on the
diver’s body is much more than his blood pressure. To withstand it, a special protective suit is needed to
maintain the pressure at one atmosphere.
Ans.23: The five laws of liquid pressure:
(i) Inside the liquid, pressure increases with the increase in depth from its free surface.
(ii) In a stationary liquid, pressure is same at all points on a horizontal plane.
(iii) Pressure is same in all directions about a point inside a liquid.
(iv) Pressure at same depth is different in different liquids. It increases with the increase in density of liquid.
(v) A liquid seeks its own level.
Ans.24: It is noticed that as the depth of the hole below the free surface of water increases, the throw of
water also increases and water reaches to a greater distance on the horizontal surface. It is because the liquid
pressure at a point increases with the increase of depth of point from its free surface. Water from hole A
reaches a greater distance on the horizontal surface than from hole B.
Ans.25: (i) The liquid pressure on the diver increases as he moves to a greater depth. It is because, inside the
liquid, pressure increases with the increase in depth from its free surface.
(ii) The liquid pressure on a diver remains unchanged on moving horizontally. It is because, pressure is same at
all points on a horizontal plane.
Ans.26: Pascal’s law of transmission of pressure states that the pressure exerted anywhere in a confined liquid
is transmitted equally and undiminished in all directions throughout the liquid.
Ans.27: Two applications of Pascal’s law are:
(i) Hydraulic press is based on Pascal’s law of transmission of pressure in liquids. When a force is applied on
the smaller piston, it exerts a pressure on liquid contained in the first cylinder of small cross-section area. This
pressure is transmitted through liquid to the bigger piston of second cylinder of large cross-section area due
to which the bigger piston tends to move upwards. Since the area of cross-section of first cylinder is less than
that of the second cylinder, therefore by applying a small force on smaller piston a large weight kept on bigger
piston can be lifted easily. If a bale of cotton is kept on the piston of larger cross-section area it gets
compressed when the piston rises up against a fixed roof.
(ii) Hydraulic brakes used in cars are based on Pascal’s law of transmission of pressure in liquids. When the
foot pedal is pressed the piston attached to it exerts pressure on the liquid in the master cylinder and makes
the liquid in it to run out to the wheel cylinder. As a result, the pressure is transmitted equally and
undiminished through the liquid to the two pistons of the wheel cylinder and they get pushed outwards. The
brake shoe gets pressed against the rim of the wheel due to which the motion of vehicle retards. Since the
area of cross-section of the piston attached to the pedal is less than the pistons of the wheel cylinder, a small
force applied at the foot pedal produces a large force on the pistons of the wheel cylinder, which retards the
motion of the vehicle.
Ans.28: The principle of hydraulic machine is that a small force applied on a smaller piston is transmitted to
produce a large force on the bigger piston. According to Pascal’s law, the pressure exerted on a piston of small
cross-section area is transmitted through the confined liquid to the other piston of bigger cross-section area.
This exerts an upward pressure on bigger piston which is equal to the pressure exerted by the smaller piston
on the confined liquid. If the pressure exerted by the piston of smaller area is P1 and the pressure exerted on
the piston of larger area be P2 the, P1 = P2. If the cross-section area of smaller piston be A1 and the cross-
section area of bigger piston be A2 then, pressure applied on smaller piston P1 = , where F1 is the force
exerted on smaller piston. The pressure on bigger piston P2 = , where F2 is the upward force exerted on
𝐹 𝐴2
bigger piston. Since, P1 = P2, therefore, 𝐹 2 = . Since, A2 > A1, therefore F2 > F1.
1 𝐴1
Thus a small force F1 applied on the smaller piston can be used to produce a large force F2 on the bigger
piston. This is the principle of a hydraulic machine.
Two devices which work on this principle are hydraulic brakes and hydraulic press.
Ans.29: Hydraulic press works on the principle of a hydraulic machine.
The principle of hydraulic machine is that a small force applied on a smaller piston is transmitted to produce a
large force on the bigger piston.
Hydraulic press is used for extracting the juice from sugarcane, sugar beet, etc.
Ans.30: (i) X is press plunger or ram; Y is pump plunger.
(ii) When the lever arm is moved down the valve B closes and the valve A opens.
The water level in cylinder P decreases and the water level in cylinder in cylinder Q increase.
(iii) The valve B closes due to an increase in pressure in cylinder P. The valve A opens as the pressure in pipe
becomes greater than in cylinder Q.
(iv) When the release valve is opened the press plunger or ram X gets lowered and the water of the cylinder Q
runs out into the reservoir.
(v) When the lever arm is moved up then the valve B in cylinder P opens upwards.
(vi) When the lever arm is moved up the pressure in cylinder P decreases and it opens the valve B upwards.
(vii) It is used for pressing cotton bales and goods like quilts, books, etc.
Ans.31: Working of Hydraulic jack: When handle H of lever is pressed down by applying an effort, the valve V
opens because of increase in pressure in the cylinder P. The liquid
runs out from the cylinder P to the cylinder Q. As a result, the
piston B rises up and it raises the car placed on the platform.
When the car reaches the desired height, the handle H of lever is
no longer pressed. The valve V gets closed so that the liquid may
not run back from the cylinder Q to the cylinder P.

Ans.32: Working of Hydraulic brake: To apply brakes, the foot

pedal is pressed due to which pressure is exerted on the liquid in
the master cylinder P, so liquid runs out from the master cylinder P
to the wheel cylinder Q. As a result, the pressure is transmitted
equally and undiminished through the liquid to the piston B1 and B2
of wheel cylinder Q. Therefore the pistons B1 and B2 get pushed
outwards and brake shoes get pressed against the rim of the wheel
due to which the motion of vehicle retards. Since, the area of cross-
section of piston A in the master cylinder P is less than that in the
wheel cylinder Q, a small force applied at the foot pedal produces a large force on the pistons B1 and B2 of the
wheel cylinder Q. This is the force responsible for retarding the motion of the vehicle. On releasing the
pressure on the pedal, the liquid runs back from the wheel cylinder Q to the master cylinder P and the spring
pulls the brake shoes to their original position and forces the pistons B1 and B2 to return back into the wheel
cylinder Q. Thus the brakes get released.
Ans.33: Fill in the blanks: Answers given in the book.
Sol.1: Force (F) = 1.5 N;
Area of cross-section of A = 2 mm 2 = 10 6 = 2 x 10 – 6 m 2.
Area of cross-section of B = 6 mm 2 = = 6 x 10 – 6 m 2.
10 6
𝐹 1.5
Pressure on nail A = = x 10 6 = 0.75 x 10 6 = 7.5 x 10 5 Pa.
Area of cross−section 2
𝐹 1.5
Pressure on nail B = = x 10 6 = 0.25 x 10 6 = 2.5 x 10 5 Pa.
Area of cross−section 6
Sol.2: Mass of block (m) = 7.5 kg; Dimensions of block = 12 cm x 8 cm x 10 cm; Area of contact = 12 cm x 8 cm.
1 kgf = 10 N.
(a) Volume of block (V) = (12 x 8 x 10) cm 3 = 960 cm 3 = = 96 x 10 5 m 3.
Mass 7.5
Therefore, Density of block (𝜌) = = x 10 – 5 = 0.78125 x 10 – 5 = 7.8125 x 10 – 6 kg m – 3.
Volume 9.6
Height (h) = 10 cm = 0.1 m.
Thrust (T) = V 𝜌 g = 9.6 x 10 5 x 7.8125 x 10 – 6 x 10 = (9.6 x 7.8125) = 75 N. Or,
Thrust (T) = weight of block
= m g = 7.5 kgf = (7.5 x 10) N = 75 N.
(b) Area of contact = 12 cm x 8 cm = 96 cm 2 = = 96 x 10 4 m 2.
10 4
Thrust 75 75
Pressure exerted (P) = = = x 10 – 4 = 0.78125 x 10 – 4 = 7812.5 Pa.
Area 96 x 104 96
Sol.3: Height of water column (h) = 1.5 m; Density of water (𝜌) = 10 3 kg m – 3 ; Acceleration due to gravity
(g) = 9.8 m s – 2 ; Area of base (A) = 100 cm 2.
(a) Pressure (P) = h 𝜌 g
= (1.5 x 10 3 x 9.8) = 14.7 x 10 3 = 1.47 x 10 4 Pa (N m – 2).
100 1
(b) Area of base (A) = 100 cm 2 = 4 = = 10 – 2 m 2.
10 10 2
Thrust (T) = Pressure x Area
= 1.47 x 10 4 x 10 – 2 = 1.47 x 10 2 = 147 N.
Sol.4: Area of base (A) = 300 cm 2; Density of water (𝜌) = 1000 kg m –3
; Height of water column (h) = 6 cm;
Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m s – 2.
(a) Height of water column (h) = 6 cm = 100 = 0.06 m.
Pressure (P) = h 𝜌 g
= 0.06 x 1000 x 10 = 600 Pa.
300 3
(b) Area of base (A) = 10 4 = = 0.03 m 2.
Height of water column (h) = 6 cm = 100 = 0.06 m.
Volume of vessel (V) = Area of base x height = (0.03 x 0.06) = 18 x 10 – 4 m 3.
Thrust at bottom (T) = V 𝜌 g = ( 18 x 10 – 4 x 1000 x 10) = 18 N.
Sol.5: (a) Density of mercury (𝜌2) = 13.6 g cm – 3 ; Height of mercury column (h2) = 70 cm.
Let the height of water column be h1.
Density of water (𝜌1) = 1 g cm – 3.
Volume of water = Volume of mercury = V
Acceleration due to gravity is same for both the cases = g.
Therefore, h1 𝜌1 g = h2 𝜌2 g
⇒ h1 x 1 x g = 70 x 13.6 x g
⇒ h1 = 952 cm = 9.52 m.
The height of water column is 9.52 m.
(b) No, the height of water column does not change if cross-section of water column is made wider.
Sol.6: Pressure of water on ground floor (P1) = 40,000 Pa; Pressure of water on first floor (P2) = 10,000 Pa.
Density of water (𝜌) = 1000 kg m – 3 ; Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m s – 2.
Let the height of first floor be h.
Therefore, P1 - P2 = h 𝜌 g.
⇒ 40,000 – 30,000 = h x 1000 x 10.
⇒ 10,000 = h x 1000 x 10.
⇒ h = 3 m.
The height of first floor is 3 m.
Sol.7: Height of water column (h1) = 13.6 cm = 0.136 m; Density of mercury (𝜌2) = 13.6 x 10 3 kg m –3
Density of water (𝜌1) = 10 3 kg m – 3.
Let the rise in mercury level be h2.
⇒ h1 x 𝜌 1 x g = h2 x 𝜌 2 x g
⇒ 0.136 x 10 3 = h2 x 13.6 x 10 3.
⇒ 0.136 = h2 x 13.6
⇒ h2 = 0.01m
⇒ h2 = 1 cm.
The rise in mercury level in the other arm is 1 cm.
Sol.8: Force applied on first piston (F1) = 2 N; Area of cross-section of first piston (A1) = 10 cm 2; Area of
cross-section of second piston (A2) = 100 cm 2.
Let force on second piston be F2.
By Pascal’s law of hydraulic machine, Pressure on first piston = Pressure on second piston.
𝐹1 𝐹2
⇒ =
𝐴1 𝐴2
2 𝐹2
⇒ = .
10 100
2 x 100
⇒ 𝐹2 = .

⇒ 𝐹2 = 20 N.
Force obtained on piston of cross-section 100 cm 2 is 20 N.
Sol.9: Force on pedal (F1) = 0.5 N; Force on brake shoe (F2) = 15 N
Let the area of cross-section of master cylinder be A1 and area of cross-section of wheel cylinder be A2.
Area of cross−section of master cylinder Force on pedal
By Pascal’s law of hydraulic machine, = .
Area of cross−section of wheel cylinder Force on brake shoe
𝐴1 𝐹1
⇒ = .
𝐴2 𝐹2
𝐴1 0.5
⇒ = .
𝐴2 15
𝐴1 5
⇒ = 150.
𝐴1 1
⇒ = .
𝐴2 30

The ratio of area of cross-section of master cylinder and wheel cylinder of hydraulic brake is 1 : 30.
Sol.10: Area of smaller piston (A1) = 5 cm 2; Area of larger piston (A2) = 625 cm 2;
Force on larger piston (F2) = 1250 N.
Let the force on smaller piston be F1.
Force on smaller piston Area of smaller piston
By Pascal’s law of hydraulic machine, = .
Force on larger piston Area of larger piston
𝐹1 𝐴1
⇒ = .
𝐹2 𝐴2
1 5
⇒ 1250 = .
1250 x 5
⇒ 𝐹1 = .

⇒ 𝐹1 = 10 N.
The force on the smaller piston is 10 N.
Assumption: In ideal situation, effort is less than load while the distance moved by effort is more than the
distance moved by the load, M.A > 1.
Sol.11: (a) Diameter of neck (d1) = 2 cm; diameter of bottom (d2) = 10 cm; Force on neck (F1) = 1.2 kgf.
Let the force exerted on the bottom be F2.
Radius of neck = 1 cm.
Area of cross-section of neck (A1) = 𝜋 (1 cm) 2 = 𝜋 cm 2.
Radius of bottom = 5 cm.
Area of cross-section of bottom (A2) = 𝜋 (5 cm) 2 = 25 𝜋 cm 2.
Force exerted on neck Area of cross−section of neck
By Pascal’s law of hydraulic machine, = .
Force exerted on bottom Area of cross−section of bottom
𝐹1 𝐴1
⇒ = .
𝐹2 𝐴2
1.2 π
⇒ = .
𝐹2 25 π
1.2 x 25 π
⇒ 𝐹2 = .

⇒ 𝐹2 = 30 kgf.
The force exerted on the bottom of the bottle is 30 kgf.
(b) The law used to find the force in part (a) is the Pascal’s law.
Sol.12: Force on smaller piston (F1) = 50 kgf; Diameter of smaller piston (d1) = 5 cm; Diameter of larger piston
(d2) = 25 cm.
Let the force exerted on larger piston be F2.
Radius of smaller piston = = 2.5 cm.
Area of cross-section of smaller piston (A1) = 𝜋 (2.5 cm) 2 = 6.25 𝜋 cm 2.
Radius of larger piston = = 12.5 cm.
Area of cross-section of larger piston (A2) = 𝜋 (12.5 cm) 2 = 156.25 𝜋 cm 2.
Force on smaller piston Area of cross−section of smaller piston
By Pascal’s law of hydraulic machine, = .
Force on larger piston Area of cross−section of larger piston
F1 𝐴1
⇒ = .
𝐹2 𝐴2
50 6.25 π
⇒ = .
𝐹2 156.25 π
50 x 156.25 π
⇒ 𝐹2 = .
6.25 π
50 x 156.25
⇒ 𝐹2 = .

⇒ 𝐹2 = 1250 kgf.
The force exerted on the larger piston is 1250 kgf.
Sol.13: Area of cross-section of piston A = 8 cm 2; Area of cross-section of piston B = 320 cm 2; Mass on piston
A = 4 kg.
(i) Thrust on piston A = 4 kgf, Area of cross-section of piston A = 8 cm 2.
Thrust 4 kgf 1
Therefore, Pressure on piston A = = = kgf cm – 2 = 0.5 kgf cm – 2.
Area 8 cm 2 2
(ii) By Pascal’s law of hydraulic machine, Pressure on piston A = Pressure on piston B.
Therefore, Pressure on piston B = 0.5 kgf cm – 2.
Thrust on piston A Area of cross−section of piston A
(iii) By Pascal’s law of hydraulic machine, = .
Thrust on piston B Area of cross−section of piston B
Let the thrust on piston B be F2.
4 8
⇒ = .
𝐹2 320
320 x 4
⇒ 𝐹2 = .

⇒ 𝐹2 = 160 kgf.
The thrust on piston B is 160 kgf.
Sol.14: Area of cross-section of first piston (A1) = 2 cm 2; Area of cross-section of second piston (A2) = 12 cm 2;
Force exerted on second piston (F2) = 150 N.
Let the force exerted on first piston be F1.
Force on first piston Area of cross−section of first piston
By Pascal’s law of hydraulic machine, = .
Force on second piston Area of cross−section of second piston
𝐹1 2
⇒ = .
150 12
𝐹1 1
⇒ = 6.
⇒ 𝐹1 = .

⇒ 𝐹2 = 25 N.
The force exerted on piston of area of cross-section 2 cm 2 is 25 N.
Pressure in Fluids & Atmospheric Pressure
Class: IX (CH: 4) Page: 78-97
Ans.1: The thrust exerted per unit area on the earth surface due to column of air, is called the atmospheric
pressure on the surface of earth.
Ans.2: The atmospheric pressure on the surface of earth in pascal is 1.013 x 10 5 pascal.
Ans.3: Atmospheric pressure is measured in torr.
The relationship between torr and S.I unit of atmospheric pressure (pascal) is:
⇒ 760 torr = 1.013 x 10 5 pascal.
1.013 x 10 5
⇒ 1 torr = pascal = 0.00133289473 x 10 5 pascal.
⇒ 1 torr = 133.28 Pa.
Ans.4: Atmospheric pressure is expressed in the unit ‘atm’.
1 atm = 1.013 x 10 5 pascal.
Ans.5: We do not feel uneasy even under the enormous pressure of atmosphere above as well as around us
because the pressure of our blood (blood pressure) balances it. The blood pressure is slightly more than the
atmospheric pressure.
Ans.6: The existence of atmospheric pressure is demonstrated in laboratory by the following experiment. We
take a thin tin can fitted with an air tight stopper. The stopper is removed and a small quantity of water is
boiled in the can. As the steam occupies the entire space of can by expelling the air from it the stopper is
fitted tightly and the flame beneath the can is removed. Then we pour cold water over the can. We will
observe that the can collapses inwards. The reason is that initially the pressure due to steam inside the heated
can is same as the air pressure outside the can. But on pouring cold
water over the can, fitted with a stopper the steam inside the can
condenses, producing water and wate vapour at a very low
pressure. The air pressure outside the can exceeds the vapour
pressure inside the closed can. Consequently, the excess
atmospheric pressure outside the can causes it to collapse inwards.
This demonstrates that the atmosphere outside the can exerts a
Ans.7: (i) When air is inside the balloon it does not collapse because the air pressure inside the balloon is
same as the atmospheric pressure outside the balloon. But on removing the air from the balloon, the air
pressure inside it decreases compared to the outside atmospheric pressure. The excess atmospheric pressure
outside the balloon causes it to collapse inwards.
(ii) Water does not run out of a dropper unless its rubber bulb is pressed. The reason is that initially when the
rubber bulb is not pressed the pressure due to the water inside the dropper is same as the atmospheric
pressure outside the dropper. But on pressing the bulb the pressure due to water inside the dropper
decreases compared to the atmospheric pressure outside the dropper. The excess atmospheric pressure
outside the dropper causes the water to run out of it.
(iii) Two holes are made in a completely filled sealed tin can to take out oil from it. The reason is that there is
no air inside completely filled and sealed oil can. When the can is tilted, the pressure due to the column of oil
at the hole is much less than the atmospheric pressure outside the can, so the oil does not flow out of the
hole. But on making one more hole at the opposite end allows the air to enter the tin can and exert more
pressure on the oil from inside along with the pressure due to oil column. This results in the increase in
pressure on oil, and so it easily flows out through the hole of the can.
Ans.8: When the piston is pulled up in the barrel, the pressure of air inside the barrel below the piston
becomes much less than the atmospheric pressure acting on the liquid. As a result, the atmospheric pressure
forces the liquid to rise up in the syringe.
Ans.9: When the piston is pulled up in the barrel, the pressure of air inside the barrel below the piston
becomes much less than the atmospheric pressure acting on the water. As a result, the atmospheric pressure
forces the water to rise up in the water pump.
Ans.10: (a) The pressure inside the bell jar decreases on creating vacuum inside it.
(b) The pressure inside the balloon increases on creating vacuum inside the bell jar.
Ans.11: A barometer is used to measure the atmospheric pressure.
Ans.12: A barometer is an instrument which is used to measure the atmospheric
A simple barometer uses a hard glass tube of about 1 metre length closed at one end.
The tube is completely filled with pure mercury such that no air bubble remains inside
the tube. The open end of tube is closed with thumb and the tube is then made upside
down several times so as to force out any air bubble which might have entered in it. The
completely filled tube with its open end closed by thumb is then inverted into a trough
of mercury in such a way that the open end of tube is well immersed in mercury and the
test tube stands vertical. The thumb is then removed and care is taken that no air
enters in the glass tube.
Ans.13: The atmospheric pressure acts at all points outside the tube on the surface of mercury in the trough.
The pressure at point A is due to the weight of mercury column AB above it. The mercury level in the tube
becomes stationary when the pressure inside the tube at point A which is at the level of the point C, becomes
equal to that at the point C. Thus, the vertical height of mercury column in it is a measure of atmospheric
pressure and is called the barometric height. If the atmospheric pressure increases, the
pressure at point C increases and mercury from trough flows into the tube thereby
increasing the vertical height of mercury column in the tube so as to equalize pressures
at the points A and C. On the other hand, when the atmospheric pressure decreases,
the vertical height of the column in tube decreases to balance it. Thus, the vertical
height of mercury column from the mercury surface in the trough to the level in tube, is
a measure of the atmospheric pressure.

Ans.14: A simple barometer uses a hard glass tube of about 1 metre length closed at one end. The tube is
completely filled with pure mercury such that no air bubble remains inside the tube.
The completely filled tube with its open end is inverted into a trough of mercury in such
a way that the open end of tube is well immersed in mercury and the test tube stands
vertical. The atmospheric pressure acts at all points outside the tube on the surface of
mercury in the trough. The pressure at point A is due to the weight of mercury column
AB above it. The mercury level in the tube becomes stationary when the pressure inside
the tube at point A which is at the level of the point C, becomes equal to that at the
point C. The vertical height of mercury column in it is a measure of atmospheric
pressure. It is observed that the mercury level in tube falls till its height above mercury
level in the trough becomes 76 cm, which is the atmospheric pressure a place.
Ans.15: Same as answer 13.

Ans.16: The atmospheric pressure at a place is 76 cm of Hg. It means that the atmospheric pressure at that
place is equal to the pressure due to mercury column of height 76 cm.
Its value in Pa is 1.013 x 10 5 Pa. [0.76 x 13.6 x 10 3 x 9.8]
Ans.17: This can be shown by tilting the tube till the mercury fills the tube completely. Again when the
mercury column becomes stationary, the empty space is created above the mercury column.
The space left empty above the mercury column in the tube is called the torricellian vacuum.
Ans.18: (a) The barometric height remains unaffected if its tube is pushed down into the trough of mercury.
(b) The barometric height remains unaffected if its tube is slightly tilted from vertical.
(c) The barometric height decreases if a drop of liquid is inserted inside the tube. A drop of liquid immediately
changes into vapour in the vacuum space and the vapours of liquid exerts pressure on the mercury column
due to which the barometric height decreases.
Ans.19: The two uses of barometer are:
(i) To measure the atmospheric pressure at a place.
(ii) For weather forecasting.
(iii) As an altimeter to measure the height.
Ans.20: Two reasons for the use of mercury as a barometric liquid are:
(i) The density of mercury is greater than that of any other liquid, so only o.76 m height of mercury column is
needed to balance the normal atmospheric pressure. Use of other liquids require much longer tube.
(ii) The vapour pressure of mercury is negligible, so vapours in the torricellian vacuum do not affect the
barometric height.
(iii) The mercury neither wets nor sticks to the glass tube therefore it gives the accurate reading.
Ans.21: The two reasons for unsuitability of water as a barometric liquid are:
(i) The density of water is low, so nearly 10.4 m height of water column is needed to balance the normal
atmospheric pressure. It is highly inconvenient to take a tube of height 10.4 m for a barometer.
(ii) The vapour pressure of water is high, so its vapours in the vacuum space will make the reading inaccurate.
(iii) Water sticks with the glass tube and wets it, so the reading becomes inaccurate.
Ans.22: The two demerits of a simple barometer are:
(i) There is no protection for the glass tube.
(ii) The surface of mercury in the trough is open therefore there are chances that the impurities may fall in
and get mixed with the mercury of the trough.
(iii) It is inconvenient to move the barometer from one place to another.
(iv) A scale cannot be fixed with the tube to measure the atmospheric pressure.
The demerits are removed in a Fortin barometer by the following ways:
(i) The glass tube is protected by enclosing it in a brass case.
(ii) Fortin barometer uses a narrow glass tube of length about 85 cm to 90 cm.
(iii) The mercury is kept in leather cup at the bottom enclosed by a glass vessel.
(iv) The leather cup can be raised up or lowered down with the help of a screw to adjust the mercury level in
the glass vessel.
(v) A main scale graduated in mm is attached with the brass tube to have accurate reading.
(vi) The upper part of the brass tube has a slit in it so as to note the mercury level in the glass tube.
(vii) For accurate measurement, a vernier scale is provided which slides over the main scale.
(viii) A thermometer is also mounted on the case which records the room temperature.

Ans.23: To measure the atmospheric pressure, first the level of mercury in

the leather cup is raised up or lowered down with the help of the screw S
so that the mercury level in the glass vessel just touches the ivory point I.
The position of mercury level in the barometer tube is noted with the help
of the main scale and the vernier scale. The sum of vernier scale reading
and the main scale reading gives the barometric height.

Ans.24: Aneroid barometer is an instrument to measure the atmospheric pressure. It has no liquid and is
calibrated to read directly the atmospheric pressure. It needs no prior adjustment.
Construction: It consists of a metallic box B which is partially evacuated. The top D box is springy and is
corrugated in form of a diaphragm. At the middle of diaphragm, there is a
thin rod L toothed at its upper end. The teeth of rod fit well into the teeth
of a wheel S attached with a pointer P which can slide over a circular scale.
The circular scale is graduated and is initially calibrated with a standard
barometer so as to read the atmospheric pressure directly in terms of the
barometric height.
Working: When atmospheric pressure increases, it presses the diaphragm
D and the rod L gets depressed. The wheel S rotates clockwise and pointer
P moves to the right on the circular scale. On the other hand, when atmospheric pressure decreases, the
diaphragm D bulges out due to which the rod L moves up and the wheel S rotates anti-clockwise.
Consequently, the pointer moves to the left.
Ans.25: Two advantages of aneroid barometer over a simple barometer are:
(i) It has no liquid like simple barometer.
(ii) It is light and portable, hence can be carried from one place to another.
(iii) It needs no prior adjustment and is calibrated to read directly the atmospheric pressure.
Ans.26: (i) When a barometer is taken to a mine its reading its reading increases.
(ii) When a barometer is taken to a hill its reading its reading decreases.
Ans.27: The atmospheric pressure decreases with increase in altitude in a non-linear way. Each layer of the
earth’s atmosphere experiences a pressure on it due to the thrust of the air column above it. Therefore, with
increase in height, the height of air column decreases and so thrust exerted by the air column also decreases,
which results in the decrease of atmospheric pressure with increase in altitude.
The density of the lower layers of the atmosphere is more near the earth surface. It is due to compression of
the lower layers by the weight/thrust of the upper layers. The density decreases with height and is not linear.
It is rapid at low altitude and is slow at higher altitude. Due to decrease in density of air with altitude, the
atmospheric pressure also decreases with altitude in a non-linear way.
The graph showing the variation is:

Ans.28: The two factors that affect the atmospheric

pressure with increase in altitude are:
(i) Height of air column. As we go up, the height of air column above us decreases and so thrust exerted by the
air column also decreases, this results in the decrease of atmospheric pressure with increase in altitude.
(ii) Density of air. The density of air layers is more near the earth surface and it decreases as we go higher and
higher. The decrease in density with altitude decreases the atmospheric pressure in a non-linear way.
Ans.29: At high altitude, a fountain pen leaks because the fountain pen filled with ink contains some air at a
pressure equal to the atmospheric pressure on the earth surface. When pen is taken to an altitude,
atmospheric pressure at altitude is low so the excess pressure inside the rubber tube forces the ink to leak
Ans.30: At high altitudes, the atmospheric pressure is less compared to the blood pressure. The excess
pressure of blood over the atmospheric pressure causes the blood capillaries to burst and nose bleeding
Ans.31: An altimeter is an aneroid barometer used in aircraft to measure its altitude.
The principle of altimeter is that atmospheric pressure decreases with the increase in height above the sea-
level and can be used to determine the altitude of a place.
Its scale is calibrated in terms of height of ascent with height increasing towards left because the atmospheric
pressure decreases with increase of height above sea-level.
Ans.32: (a) If the barometric height gradually falls, it indicates that the moisture is increasing. There is a
probability of rain.
(b) If the barometric height at a place suddenly falls, it means that the pressure at that place has suddenly
decreased which indicates the coming of a storm or cyclone.
(c) A gradual increase in the barometric height means that the moisture in air is decreasing. This indicates the
coming of a dry weather.
Sol.1: Density of Hg = 13.6 x 10 3 kg m – 3 ; Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 9.8 m s – 2.
Height of mercury column (h) = 1 mm = = 10 – 3 m.
10 3
Atmospheric pressure (P) = h 𝜌 g.
= (10 – 3 x 13.6 x 10 3 x 9.8) = 13.6 x 9.8
= 133.28 Pa.
Sol.2: Height of mercury column (h1) = 0.70 m; Density of mercury (𝜌1) = 13.6 x 10 3 kg m – 3; Density of water
(𝜌2) = 1000 kg m – 3 ;
Let the height of water column be h2.
Acceleration due to gravity be g.
By Pascal’s law, h1 𝜌1 g = h2 𝜌2 g.
⇒ 0.70 x 13.6 x 10 3 x g = h2 x 1000 x g.
⇒ 0.70 x 13.6 x 10 3 = h2 x 10 3.
⇒ h2 = (0.70 x 13.6) m.
⇒ h2 = 9.52 m.
The height of water column is 9.52 m.
Sol.3: Decrease in height of mercury column in the barometer (h) = (76 – 70) cm = 6 cm = 60 mm.
10 mm decrease in mercury column = 120 m of ascent.
1 mm decrease in mercury column = 12 m ascent.
60 mm decrease in mercury column = (60 x 12) = 720 m ascent.
The height of hill is 720 m.
Sol.4: Atmospheric pressure (P) = 1.04 x 10 5 Pa; Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m s – 2 ;
density of air = 1.3 kg m – 3.
Let the height of the atmosphere be h.
Therefore, Pressure (P) = h 𝜌 g.
⇒ 1.04 x 10 5 = h x 1.3 x 10.
⇒ h x 13 = 104 x 10 3.
104 x 10 3
⇒h = .
⇒ h = 8000 m.
The height of the atmosphere is 8000 m.
Sol.5: Density of air (𝜌1) = 1.295 kg m – 3 ; Height above sea level (h1) = 107 m;
Density of mercury (𝜌2) = 13.6 x 10 3 kg m – 3 .
Let the fall in barometric height be h2.
Acceleration due to gravity be g.
By Pascal’s law, h1 𝜌1 g = h2 𝜌2 g.
⇒ 107 x 1.295 = h2 x 13.6 x 10 3 x g.
107 x 1.295
⇒ h2 = .
13.6 x 10 3
⇒ h2 = x 10 – 3.
⇒ h2 = 10.1886 x 10 – 3.
⇒ h2 = 0.0101886 m.
⇒ h2 = 10.1 mm of Hg.
The fall in barometric height In mm of Hg is 10 mm (approx.)

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