Solar System LP

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Daily Lesson Plan

Science 5

A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of… characteristics of planets in
the solar system.
B. Performance Standard
The learners should … design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit

C. Learning Competency
compare the planets of the solar system
1. Unpacked Competency


A. Topic
The Solar System

B. Science Ideas
The Solar System is made up of a star-the Sun- eight planets, 146
moons, a bunch of comets, asteroids and space rocks, ice, and several
dwarf planets, such as Pluto. The eight planet are Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.

C. Science Processess
Describe, Observing, Analyzing
D. Value Focus

E. Materials

Pictures, Laptop, Powerpoint, Visual Aid

F. References Curriculum guide Page 81,
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Preliminaries Activity
1.1. Prayer

1.2. Greetings

1.3. Energizer

1.4. Checking of Attendance

1.5. Setting Standards

A. Engage
1. Drill
Present to the class a picture that
represent the different planet.

2. Review
Have them answer the following

 Can you identify the different

planets? -Yes sir!

-Okay, what are they?
- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, sir!
B. Explore
1. Motivation
- Before we start our lesson.
I will call 11 pupils to pick letters from the

(each pupil pick a letter)

2. Presentation
 Arrange the following letters to form
a word. I will give you atleast 2
minutes to arrange the letters.
 Your 2 minutes starts now. (pupil are helping each other to arrange
the letters)
(after 2 minutes)

 Anybody come in front to present

what you have done?
 Now, what is the arrange word?
-Solar System, sir!

3. Pre-activity
- Divide the class in two groups: (Doing what the teacher’s asked.)

a. Setting the Standards in doing the


b. Group Activity

c. Group Reporting

4. Activity Proper

Rubrics for Group Activity (Group ___)

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1


Time Frame



Group-1 (Know me and I tell you!!)

a. Label the planets.

Mercury Venus Earth Mars

Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

Group-2 Get me and paste me!!)

a. Put the planet where orbit it belongs.

C. Explain
1. Group Reporting
> Group Presentation of Output

2. Discussion

 What was the presentation all

about? -All about Solar System, sir!
 What can you say about the
solar system? -Solar System composed of Sun, and
different planets, sir!
 Very Good!

 Let’s discuss first The Sun.

The Sun is a huge ball of very

hot gasses. Its temperature is
15,000,000 °C at the center
and 5,000 °C at the surface.
The Sun is just a middle-sized
yellow star however; it is the
largest object in our Solar

Class, what is the

characteristic of the Sun?
The Sun is a huge ball of very hot gasses.
Its temperature is 15,000,000 °C at the
center and 5,000 °C at the surface. The
Sun is just a middle-sized yellow star
however; it is the largest object in our
Solar System.

-Very good!
The Sun is a major source of
energy. The Sun rotates on its own. Its period
of rotation is equal to 2.5 Earth days.

This is how Sun looks like.

The Sun is the center of our Solar


After having the Sun as a center of

our Solar System. Let’s discuss the other
members of the Solar System.

 Planet are celestial body moving in

an elliptical orbit around the star.

- What is a planet?

- Excellent! - Planet are celestial body moving in an

elliptical orbit around the star, sir!

 Planets are celestial bodies

distinguished from the fixed stars by
having an apparent motion of its own
(including the moon and sun).

 The Solar System has two types.

Terrestrial or rocky planets and gas
giant planets. Terrestrial planets are
made of solid like rocks and metal.
While, gas giant planets are made of
primary of gas, mostly hydrogen.

 The first terrestrial planet is

-Mercury is the closest planet to the
sun. it is one of the hottest planets. It is also
considered as the second smallest planet.

-Mercury is less than half the size of Earth. Its

gravity is less than half as strong as Earth’s.

The temperature ranges from 426 °C during

the day to 170 °C at night. It has no moon.

-What is the characteristic of the planet


-Mercury is the closest planet to the

sun. it is one of the hottest planets. It is
also considered as the second smallest

-Mercury is less than half the size of

Earth. Its gravity is less than half as
strong as Earth’s.

The temperature ranges from 426 °C

-Very good! during the day to 170 °C at night. It has
-Although Mercury is close to the sun, the no moon.
long night means some parts are very hot,
and the other parts are cold.

This is the picture of Mercury.

 The second planet in our solar

system is Venus.

-It is the brightest object in the sky

aside from sun and moon. It is often called
the morning star when it is in the west at

-It is considered as the twin planet of

Earth due to its size and mass similar to the
Earth’s. it is also the hottest planet due to its
atmosphere. Venus has no moon.

-What is the characteristic of Venus,

-It is the brightest object in the sky aside
from sun and moon. It is often called the
morning star when it is in the west at
-It is considered as the twin planet of
Earth due to its size and mass similar to
-Very good. the Earth’s. it is also the hottest planet
-Venus is the second closest planets to due to its atmosphere. Venus has no
the sun. it is also called the Earth’s evil twin moon.
sister. The thick atmosphere causes extreme
greenhouse effect.

This is what Venus looks like.

 Let’s have the third planet in our

solar system. The Earth.

-This is the Earth.

-Earth is the third planet from the
sun. It is the only planet where life
is known to exist. Earth has
abundant liquid water and supports
life. It also has atmosphere that
supports and protects life. Earth
has one large moon.

-Class, what is the characteristic of

the Earth?
-Earth is the third planet from the sun. It is
the only planet where life is known to
exist. Earth has abundant liquid water and
supports life. It also has atmosphere that
-Very good. supports and protects life. Earth has one
-Earth is the only planet that has large moon.

 Our forth planet is Mars.

-This is how Mars looks like.

-Mars is known as the red planet. The

surface of it appears reddish-yellow because
of the iron oxide in the soil and dust that
covers most of the planet. It has water on its
atmosphere. It has two irregularly shaped

- What is the characteristic of the

planet Mars?

-Mars is known as the red planet. The

surface of it appears reddish-yellow
because of the iron oxide in the soil and
dust that covers most of the planet. It has
water on its atmosphere. It has two
-Correct! irregularly shaped moons.
-Mars is also called the Erath’s little
brother. It has two moons, Phobos and

 Now let’s have the first gas giant

planet. Jupiter is the largest planet
in our solar system.

-This is the picture of planet Jupiter.

-Jupiter has a permanent storm
known as the Great Red Spot.
Jupiter has 63 moons. The four
large moons are called Io, Europa,
Ganymede and Callisto.

 Let’s have the 6th planet class, what

is the 6th planet?

-Very good!

-Saturn is the biggest planet but has

the lowest density. It has a complex ring
system held in place by its gravitational pull.
Saturn has 31 moons and the largest is Titan. -Saturn sir!

- Okay class, what is the

characteristic of a Saturn?

-Very good!

-Saturn is the biggest planet but has the

lowest density. It has a complex ring
system held in place by its gravitational
-This the image of a Saturn. pull. Saturn has 31 moons and the largest
-Saturn has a complex ring system is Titan.
and its largest moon is called Titan.

 The 7th planet on our system is

called Uranus.

-This is an image of the planet


-Uranus is the third largest planet

with a system of 11 thin, dark rings.
It has at least 21 moons and the
largest in Titania.

-Class, what is the characteristic of

the planet Uranus?
- Uranus have at least 57 satellites.

-Uranus is the third largest planet with a

system of 11 thin, dark rings. It has at
 The 8th planet in our solar system is least 21 moons and the largest in Titania.

- Neptune is the fourth largest planet.

It has an elliptical orbit. It has a
dark-colored storm called the
Great Dark Spot. Neptune has 11
moons and the largest is the

- What is the characteristic of


-It is the image of Neptune.

-Neptune has a giant storms and it is
also the farthest planet.
- Neptune is the fourth largest planet. It
has an elliptical orbit. It has a dark-
colored storm called the Great Dark Spot.
Neptune has 11 moons and the largest is
the Triton.

D. Elaborate
1. Generalization
-Class what have we discussed today?
-Solar System sir.

-Class, what is Solar System?

-The Solar System is sun and everything
that revolves around it. It includes the
planets and their moons as well as
numerous asteroids and comets. These
objects are all held in orbit around the sun
by the sun’s strong gravity.
-Very good!
- The Solar System is where our eight
planets located. It also called as Sun’s
-Class, what is planet? -Planet are celestial body moving in an
elliptical orbit around the star, sir.

-Planets are celestial bodies
distinguished from the fixed stars by having
an apparent motion of its own (including the
moon and sun)

2. Application
- To test whether you understand our
discussion for today. I will group you into
two. The right will be the first group and
the left side will be the second group.
- Are you ready to play a game? We
are going to play a game entitled
“Mr. and Ms. Planet 2023”
- You are going to pick 2 planets on
the bowl.

- 1st Group
-Mercury and Venus
2 Group
-Earth and Mars

- You are going to do a mini pageant

representing the different planets,
you are going describe the planet
and tell something about its other
name or characteristic.

Here are the criteria for today’s


Presentation 60%

Orderliness 25%

Audience Impact 15%

Total 100%

-In doing a group activity everybody

-Before we start, what are the things to do should participate and the group should
consider in doing the activity? have discipline in doing the activity.

-Very good!

-I will give you 3 minutes to prepare.

- You may start now.

(after 3 minutes)

-We are going to start our pageant

 Let us witness our candidates.

-Mercury -I am the closest planet to the sun. I am

one of the hottest planets. I am also
considered as the second smallest planet.
-I am the brightest object in the sky aside
from sun and moon. I am often called the
morning star when I am in the at sunset.
-I am the third planet from the sun. I am
the only planet where life is known to
exist. I have abundant liquid water and
supports life.
-I am known as the red planet. My surface
appears to be reddish-yellow because of
the iron oxide in the soil and dust that
covers me.

E. Evaluate
-I prepared an individual activity to test
whether you understand our discussion.

(The teacher will give an activity sheets)

-All you have to do is to answer the

following questions. Identify the member of
the Solar System being described.

1. It is the fourth largest planet. It has

an elliptical orbit. It revolves outside the orbit
of Uranus and for most of its orbit moves -Neptune
inside the elliptical path of Pluto.

2. It is the only planet where life is -Earth

known to exist.

3. It is a huge ball of very hot gasses. -Sun

It is the center of the Solar System.

4. It has at least 21 moons and the

largest is Titania. -Uranus

5. It is known as the red planet. -Mars

-I will give you 5 minutes to finish your


(after 5 minutes)

- Okay class are you done?

- You may now pass your activity

-For your assignment, I want you to
bring your art materials tomorrow.
You will use that in creating a poster
of the Solar System.

- Do you understand class?

- Let’s call it’s a day, Goodbye class!

Prepared by: GROUP IV

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