Designand Practicefromthe Micromouse Competitiontothe Undergraduate Curriculum

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Design and practice from the micromouse competition to the undergraduate


Conference Paper · October 2015

DOI: 10.1109/FIE.2015.7344099


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4 authors, including:

Li Zhengjiao
Beijing Jiaotong University


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Design and Practice from the Micromouse
Competition to the Undergraduate Curriculum

Shenghua Dai, Bingxian Zhao, Zhengjiao Li, Ming Dai

School of Electronic and Information Engineering
Beijing Jiaotong University
Beijing, China, 100044

Abstract—This article has probed an innovative conversion complete several tasks such as maze searching, path
from micromouse competition to a systematic curriculum design memorizing and maze solving. Winner is the fastest one [1].
that integrates practice with theory. Micromouse competition is
an event where small robot mice are designed to solve a 16x16
maze. The process includes multi-disciplinary knowledge such as
electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering and
algorithm design. Limited by the competition rules, micromouse
is easy to learn but difficult to master, which provides a high
suitability with the teaching processes of foundation courses of
embedded system for undergraduate students. This paper Fig. 1. Standard maze for micromouse competition.
elaborates the emphasis, difficulties and innovation of the
conversion process, of which the core is student engagement. In
the class, students must take part in the whole micromouse II. ADVANTAGES OF MICROMOUSE
design progress to comprehend the interactive method of The reason why micromouse is introduced to classroom
hardware and software of embedded devices and strengthen the and applied to undergraduate practice teaching is that
ability of applying professional skills. Students are required to micromouse provides a high suitability with the teaching
participate in the entire micromouse building process, including requirements of electric and electronic majors in many aspects.
welding, assembling, environment building, debugging and
The coverage of the knowledge points is the first reason.
finishing the competition in groups. This curriculum focuses on
training students’ research interests, competition skills and Micromouse must have the following capabilities to
teamwork spirit. Final examination scores are mainly based on complete the competition tasks [2].
each group’s ranking in the final round, and technology
innovators will be given appropriate incentives. • Stable and fast walking
• Accurate judgment
Keywords—Micromouse; Academic competitions;
Innovative teaching; Practice course • Path memorizing
• Maze solving ability
Micromouse is a science and technology competition In order to satisfy these requirements, the design of
project which began in late 1970s. It quickly swept the world micromouse have to involve several subjects including circuit
after the birth. “Principles and Practice of Micromouse” is an design, motion control, mechanical design, sensor applications,
innovation practice course designed based on the micromouse algorithms optimization and programming. These hardware
competition for the undergraduate students. As a device of and software design skills are just necessary for an electronics
mechanical and electrical integration, participating in the engineer. Based on the study of Williams, A, B [3], it can
development process of micromouse can train the students' significantly improve students' technical level by using robots
ability of innovative practice. Theoretical knowledge is applied in engineering teaching. The process of micromouse design
in practical operation in this curriculum, which is mandatory can show a basic development process for electromechanical
for electronic engineering students. Moreover, the micromouse systems to students clearly, and exercise their comprehensive
contains a wide range of disciplines. Therefore, systems ability of professional skills.
integration capability and academic vision expanding are also Secondly, micromouse possesses a simple structure and
concerned in this course. clear mandate. So it is relatively easy to understand for tyros.
In simple terms, micromouse competition is an event where The students can achieve a simple control for this mobile robot
small robot mice could solve a 16x16 maze (Fig. 1). It needs to through a unified basic teaching mold. In the same time,
micromouse is a racing competition. Under the premise of
accomplishing basic tasks, the pursuit for better performance

978-1-4799-8454-1/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

and better algorithm is almost a never-ending improvement A. Course preparation.
direction. The characteristic of easy to learn but difficult to Because of the difference between micromouse contest and
master ensures good compatibility with students in different classroom, lots of course preparation should be completed
stages and different abilities in the classroom. beforehand, including micromouse modules subdivision,
Thirdly, combination of theory and practice is one of the routines splitting and process standardization (Fig. 2.).
most important features of the experimental curriculum.
Students can achieve the real-time transformation from the Hardware
voids theoretical knowledge to practical application ability by Modules
micromouse platform. This conversion process is visualized. Modules
Students can clearly observe how their modifications impact Subdivision
the operation of the micromouse, Software
Last but not least, electrical and electronic major generally
use experimental box or development board as the platform for
experimental courses. Compared with this, micromouse has Course
incomparable advantages in interests, competition and Teaching
teamwork. Moreover, since this course grew out of a
competition, it can be considered an example of "gamification"
of learning. Dominguez Adrian's research [4] shows that this
teaching method can effectively increase student motivation Process Design
and engagement. Once the students get interested in the Standardization Environment
curriculum, the purpose of their study could be transformed
from getting good grades into meeting their own interests.
Obviously, it will be beneficial to both class atmosphere and Debugging
teaching effectiveness. Process

In summary, as a teaching platform for experimental

course, it has an ideal performance in coverage of expertise, Fig. 2. Course preparation for Principles and Practice of
friendliness of the development process, practical ability and Micromouse.
interests. Based on the above analysis, micromouse is boldly
introduced to the undergraduate teaching. A practice In the process of participating in contest, participants
curriculum named “Principles and Practice of Micromouse” generally pay more attention to the overall performance and
has been opened in the past two years. parameters of the micromouse. Someone even just focus on the
most important adjustment of sensors and motors, but never
III. TRANSFORMATION FROM THE CONTEST TO note the structure, principle and function of other modules.
CLASSROOM This approach is understandable for a contest with short
process and clear purpose. But as a practical course,
Although the micromouse possess a natural advantage as a competition process needs to be manifested in the form of
teaching platform, but it was developed for a technology academic hours. Therefore, such modules subdivision must be
competition after all. Its original organization and participation completed at first.
process have a large difference from classroom.
The first is the division of hardware modules. The
In the university, participations in science and technology micromouse is subdivided into the following modules based on
competition mostly start from the students’ own interests. functional clustering [5].
Loose organization and participation mode result in the lack of
competition documentation and process standards. At the same • Power: Provide the power to maintain the operation of
time, the goal of competition is generally simple and clear, so the micromouse, including the power supply circuit and
most students focus only on the performance but show little a battery.
interests in principles. The lack of theoretical knowledge has • Control module: It is the control core of micromouse,
become a very common phenomenon. including a micro-controller and its minimum system.
But different from technology contest, classroom has a
• Motor driver: All motor behavior of micromouse is
broader audience and more stringent requirements. The
controlled by this module, which consists of two motors
classroom content must be systematic and theoretical with
and a drive circuit.
standard teaching documents, presentation slides, etc. The
teacher should lead the classroom, act as technical heritage • Sensor: Detect the operational status and the external
links, teach theoretical knowledge and basic operation and environment of micromouse by six infrared sensors.
guide students to complete practical tasks. Teaching methods
should be universal and reproducible. In order to improve the • HCI: Display status information for assisting in
time efficiency, appropriate performance standards should be debugging. Various buttons, lights, and LED digital
developed with some specific procedure. display tubes are contained therein.
• Interface: Provide several common communication
interfaces including serial, SPI and JTAG.
• Mechanical structure: Various mechanical devices are
used to assemble the components into a complete
This division is based on progressive approach to display
micromouse’s composition, theory and application methods.
The development and debugging process of an
electromechanical system is presented through this division.
The routine splitting should be also completed in the course
preparation. Based on the above modules division, the original
complete program is split into multiple subroutines for
different modules. Each routine corresponds to only one or a
few simple tasks, which can show the different functions of
each module and their relationships more clearly and directly. Fig. 4. Micromouse Curriculum Kit.

Moreover, because the micromouse competition with a Standardization process does bring a lot of benefits to the
high degree of openness almost has no constraints for classroom according to the teaching experience acquired
micromouse design, the present micromouse are vastly during the past two years. First of all, students may encounter
different in hardware structure, development environment, roughly the same faults in the unified debugging process. This
design philosophy and debugging method. In terms of an facilitates problem solving. Then, a detailed "manual" is
undergraduate course, such characteristic is not friendly probably the friendliest ‘Getting Started’ for the novice. And it
enough. So a series of standardized work is very necessary for can avoid some of improper explorations to waste valuable
micromouse. class time or even the damage of teaching equipments. Sum up,
• Standard teaching mold. Combined with available teaching process standardization makes limited teaching
micromouse technology [6], a number of standard resources to maximize utilization which greatly enhance the
micromouse for classroom are completed prior to teaching efficiency.
commencement (Fig. 3.). Unified batteries, chargers,
emulators and related auxiliary debugging device are B. Realization in classroom.
fully equipped at the same time (Fig. 4.). To enable students to understand how an electromechanical
• Standard design environment. Type, version, and system containing the design of software, hardware and
installation procedures of IDE software, device drivers mechanical components is designed from scratch, the entire
and related link library files are ordained. course is divided into several parts as hardware assembly,
environmental construction, parameter adjustment, algorithm
• Standard debugging process. Adjustment of each optimization and real competition (Fig. 5.).
module is provided with a standard template with
detailed regulation steps. These templates can Commencement Real Competition
effectively reduce the difficulty of the entry in the early

Hardware Algorithm
Assembly Optimization

Installation Interpretation Iterative

Package Algorithm Debugging

Environmental Parameter
Construction Adjustment

Fig. 3. Standard micromouse PCB board.


Fig. 5. Course preparation for Principles and Practice of

• Hardware assembly programming capability and conversion capability from
the theoretical knowledge to practical application.
At the beginning of the course, students get just some
scattered parts, rather than a directly available Of course, with the modification of program logic, the
micromouse. They are asked to weld and assemble control parameters may also need to be amended
these parts together into a complete micromouse based accordingly. These processes are closely linked. And
on the BOM and assembly drawings by themselves. Of iterative improvement is necessary. Each element
course, this micromouse would accompany them to should be taken into consideration in the latter part of
complete all the subsequent courses. debugging.
• Environmental construction • Real competition
Before the micromouse commissioning work begins, a As a contest-based curriculum, the best way to inspect
series of software installation and configuration must be the outcome is contest ranking. Moreover, this example
completed on the computer. In this part of the course, of "gamification" of learning do needs a clear indicator
the teacher would instruct students to install the driver to measure students' learning outcomes. So, all teams
of emulator, C language compiler (IAR Embedded will be scheduled for a complete micromouse contest in
Workbench 32K Free version) and some of the libraries the last class of each semester. The competition process
used to support the work of the core controller, etc. The is strictly enforced in accordance with the standard
reason why software installation should be taught as a rules.
dedicated part is that different computer operating
For the sake of fairness, the competition maze map and
systems express different compatibilities for the
the order of appearance were determined by lot before
software. The installation process may give rise to
the game started. Than the maze should be built on the
various problems. Uniformly solving these problems in
spot. Each team played the game according to the order
the class can effectively improve the efficiency of the
of the draw with three competition opportunities or
fifteen minutes at most. The game used a laser sensor to
• Parameter adjustment detect the timing. The team which finished the game
with the shortest time was the winner
After the hardware assembly and development
environment building are done, the course officially The final results of this competition would account for a
entered into the commissioning phase. It is very pretty big proportion of the student's course grade
difficult and inefficient to modify the program logic evaluation.
directly for people new to micromouse. Students are
provided with a basic version of the operating IV. TEACHING METHODS
procedures in the beginning. This program is only able
to complete the most basic tasks with inefficiencies. A The main content of this course is to show the general
variety of control parameters in the program are process of electromechanical systems design with micromouse
required to make the appropriate adjustments due to the as an experimental platform. Through the hands-on
tiny differences in hardware. The design purpose of this experiments, students can gain a profound understanding of
part of the course is to guide students to develop an how software and hardware are combined into a specific
understanding of micromouse by modifying the values functional electromechanical system. Team is the basic unit of
in the program. After this phase of training, students this course. The core concept of the curriculum is to create an
have been able to skillfully use the IDE software atmosphere of good teamwork, healthy and interest-driven
programming. And they may also be very clear for the competition, and encourage innovation.
general debugging method and debugging steps. Their In the teaching process, every three students are teamed up
micromouse can successfully complete a simple maze as a group. They will work together to complete the teaching
task in a more stable state. tasks in the whole semester. As some tasks cannot be
completed by a single person, team members must learn to
• Algorithm optimization
communicate and collaborate. They will face the competition
In addition to a body with stable operation, micromouse assessment together in the end of the semester. Moreover, since
also needs a smart brain to help itself perform complex the final competition rankings will largely determine the
calculations and solve the maze. This part of course grades, in order to get a good score, students must defeat other
would surely involve the program logic modifications. competitors instead of an examination paper. Improving
To complete this part of classroom tasks, students need learning motivation by the sense of competition is the
to have a clear understanding about the overall structure significance of this teaching model.
of the program. And mathematical knowledge learning
The interest-based classroom climate is another major
in other courses may be used to optimize the calculation
driving force in independent study. Appropriate started
method legitimately. It can be said that this part is the
difficulty allows students to adapt to the classroom content
most essential part of the whole curriculum which can
quickly. As the modular, progressive and visualization target
help students bring up code reading capability,
division, students can get a great sense of accomplishment by
completing each task, which can help student maintain
continuous enthusiasm. All teaching equipments are teamwork and competition sense. Through this classroom
assembled, kept and maintained by the students themselves. form, the students have maintained a high degree of enthusiasm
The sense of belonging and responsibility is also able to in the classroom. And great teaching effectiveness can be
motivate students to maintain interest and participate into the achieved.
class activities.
By training in this course, the proportion of students to
Although the neat process facilitates the classroom a lot, complete the end contest is 100%. The students from this
students’ divergent thinking is locked out, too. Conservative course have obtained excellent results in 2014 Beijing
strategy may be able to achieve better competition results. But Micromouse Competition. On the basis of the original
in such a practice classroom, the new ideas and methods with micromouse technology, multiple students innovative practice
some bright spots are the most exciting. In order to encourage projects have been derived, some of which have applied for
innovation, all reasonable unique improvements had been used patents.
as an important indicator of the final score.
The most important is that these ideas are not stuck in the
theoretical design stage, but have truly happened in every REFERENCES
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