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TS_SSC_ PRE-FINAL – I & II- 2023

EXAMINATIONS (All Districts)



Chemical Equations


1. Balance the equation (2M)

2. What is the information that we get from the balanced chemical equation (2M)

3. Calculate the volume, and mass of hydrogen liberated when 460 gr. of sodium reacts
with an excess of water at S.T.P.? (4M)

4. Balance the following chemical equations (4M)

i) ii)


5. Balance the adjacent equation and measure the

quantity of Calcium nitrate required to get two moles of oxygen. (Ca = 40U, N=14U,
O =16U) (4M)

6. Balance the following chemical equations.

i) ii)

iii) iv) (4M)

7. What is the extra information that we get from a balanced chemical equation? Explain
with an example. (4M)

8. Calculate the volume and number of molecules of gas liberated at STP, if 50

grams is treated with dilute Hydrochloric acid which contains 7.3 gm of

dissolved Hydrochloride gas. (6M)

9. Calculate the volume and number of molecules of CO2 gas liberated at STP, if 50
grams of CaCO is treated with dilute Hydrochloric acid which contains 7.3gm of
dissolved Hydrochloric gas.
10. What could happen if there is no method of writing chemical equations? (2M)
11. What happens if a chemical equation is not balanced? (2M)


1. Observe the given below chemical equation and answer the questions under

the chemical equation

i) Write the names of the formula units from the given chemical equation.

ii) Write the number of atoms of the element present on the left-hand side and
right-hand side of the given chemical equation.

iii) Why the given chemical equation has to be balanced?

iv) Write the balanced chemical equation for the given chemical equation?

2. Write any four advantages of a chemical equation. (4M)


1. The atomic masses of Fe = 56U, and atomic masses of O = 16U, then molecular mass of
Fe2O3 is
A) 54 U B) 102 U C) 160 U D) 112 U

2. The precipitation reaction among is

A) B)
C) D)
3. Which of the reaction is not exothermic

A) B)

C) D)

4. The symbol represent in a chemical equation is

A) Catalyst B) precipitate C) physical state D) heat

5. Downward arrow in a chemical equation indicates

A) Direction B) Precipitate C) Gas D) Heat

6. Identify precipitate in chemical equation

A) B) AgCl C) NaCl D) NaNO3

7. Gram molar volume =

A) 2.24 litres B) 22.4 litres C)224 litres D)224 litres

8. is represent in the reaction

A) Precipitation B) Gas C) Liquid D)Catalyst

9. At STP, the no of molecules present in 2 grams of (H2) hydrogen are

A) 6.023×1046 B) 6.023 × 1023

C) 3.023 × 1023 D) 3.023 × 1023

10. Precipitate in a chemical reaction is indicated by which arrow mark

A) B) C) D)

11. Which of the following is incorrect pair?

A) Represents heating B) Represents gas evolved

C)+Q on product side – Endothermic D) Represents precipitation formed

12. Which of the following is exothermic reaction

A) B)

C) D)

13. The symbol to represent that a gas is evolved in a chemical reaction is .........

A) B) C) D)

14. Number of molecules present in 2 grams of Hydrogen at STP

A) 6.02 × 1023 B) 6.02 × 1024

C) 6.02 × 10–23 D) 6.02 × 1022

15. in this reaction, which one is reduced

A) B) CuO C)H2O D)Cu

16. Which of the given below is exothermic reaction

A) B)

C) D)

17. actual balanced chemical equation

A) B)

C) D)

18. Ca = 40U, O = 16U, H = IU, then the molecular weight of the calcium hydroxide is

A)70 amu B)57 amu C)72 amu D)74 amu

19. Which of the following chemical equation is not balanced

A) B)

C) D)

20. How much carbon dioxide (CO2) evolved in the following chemical reaction, when 12 Kg

of carbon (C ) burned (Atomic weights of C = 12U, O = 16U)

A) 12 Kg B) 16 Kg C) 28 Kg D) 44 Kg

21. Which of the following is balanced equation

A) Zn + HCl ZnCl2 + H2 B) 2Zn + HCl 2 ZnCl + H2

C) Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + 2H2 D) Zn + 2 HCl ZnCl2 + H2

22. Atomic molecular weight of CaCO3 is

A) 100 B) 110 C) 112 D) 120
23. Which of the following is balanced equation
A) H2 + O2 H2O B) C3H8 + 5O2 4 CO2 + 3H2O

C) C + O2 2CO D) CH4 + O2 CO2 + H2O

24. The p, q, r values of a balanced equation of

A) 2, 2, 1 B) 2, 1, 2 C) 1, 2, 2 D) 1, 2, 1



1. What happens, if we store Plaster of Paris in moisture container? (2M)

2. A student dipped pH paper in rainwater. What would be the colour pH paper? Why?


1. In an experiment metal hydrogen carbonates reacts with acids. Write the required
material procedure, and result. (6M)

2. List out the materials required to test whether the solutions of given acids and bases

contain ions or not? (6M)

3. What is the material you require to identify strong acids, bases, weak acids, and
bases with an experiment? (2M)

4. How can you prove hydrated copper sulphate contains water molecules? (6M)

5. Write the experimental procedure to show whether all compounds containing

hydrogen are acids or not? (6M)

6. Explain the method of a n experiment for t h e reaction of acids on carbonates

and metal hydrogen carbonates. Also, write two precautions for this experiment.

7. List out the materials required in the experiment of CO2 gas evolved when acids
react with metal carbonates. Mention the precautions to be taken and the
experimental procedure. (6M)

8. Compounds such as alcohol and glucose contain hydrogen but they are not
categorized as acids. describe an activity to prove it. (6M)

9. Write precautions to be taken while strong acid is being is being diluted. (2M)

10. Write the procedure and observations of the experiment to observe the electric
conductivity of dilute HCl. (6M)
11. List out materials required and write the experimental procedure to prove H2 gas is
liberated when Zn reacts with dil. HCl, Write precautions to be taken while
experimenting. (6M)

12. List out the materials required to test whether the solutions of given acids and bases
contain ions or not ? (2M)

13. Write the experimental procedure of metal reaction with acid. Draw a neat diagram ?

14. Write the materials required to observe the reaction of metal with acid. (2M)

15. Mention the precautions that we should take while mixing acid and water? (2M)
16. In an experiment metal hydrogen carbonates reacts with acids. Write the required
material procedure, and result. (6M)

17. Explain the aim required material and experimental procedure for the experiment
acids react with the metals. (6M)
18. What are the material you require to identify strong acids, bases, weak acids, and
bases with an experiment? (2M)

19. Write about the activity done by you to know the electrical conductivity of acids. (6M)

20. Write are the materials required to show that whether all compounds containing
Hydrogen are acids or not? (2M)


1. Read the information given about four solutions named A, B, C, D and answer the
following questions

Solution pH value
A 1
B 7
C 13
D 8

i) List out the acidic nature solutions.

ii) What is the nature of solution B.

iii) Identify a strong base from the above table.

iv) What is the colour change of solution “D” if it reacts with the Methyle Orange
indicator? (4M)

2. Observe the below table

Substance A B C D E F G

pH 2 11 5 7 14 3 9

Write the answer for the following questions.

i) Identify milk of magnesia [ Mg(OH)2].
ii) Which is neutral substance?
iii) If substance A reacts with G, salt is produced. What is the nature of salt?
iv) If MgO reacts with ‘F’. What is the product? (4M)

3. Answer the following questions

L1 Be B C N O F Ne

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

Questions :

i) In which group silicon exists Why?

ii) Write the names of two Chalcogen group elements?

iii) Write elements which have two valance electrons.

iv) How does metallic nature vary from to Cl.


1. Write the uses of bleaching powder.

2. Write any four uses of washing soda and baking soda.

3. Ramu’s father brought bleaching powder from a shop. Ramu wants to know uses of it

what are they? (2M)

3. What are the uses of bleaching powder and Plaster to Pairs in our daily life. (4M)

4. Write the formula and daily life’s uses of washing soda and baking soda. (6M)
5. Mention any two importance of pH value in daily life. (4M)

6. Mention any two importance of PH value in daily life? (2M)

7. Write the crystalline and amorphous forms of carbon that are used in daily life? (2M)

8. Write the preparation method of baking soda and mention its uses? (4M)


1. The chemical used in fire extinguishers

A) NaCl B) CaOCl2 C) NaHCO3 D) Ca(OH)2
2. List out the required material in the experiment to observe the reaction of acids with
carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates. Write the experiment procedure.
Choose the correct pair
1) Strong acid ( ) a) HCl

2) Strong base ( ) b) CH3 COOH

3) Weak acid ( ) c) NaOH

4) Weak base ( ) d) NH4OH

A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d B) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d

C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d D) 1-b, 2-a, 3-a, 4-c

3. In laboratory testing is done with natural indicators and synthetic indicators. Given
below which observations are correct
i) In acid, blue litmus paper turns red

ii) In the base, red litmus paper turns blue

iii) HCl solution in Methyl orange solution turns yellow.

iv) KOH solution in phenolphthalein solution turns blue.

A) I and ii B) ii and iii C) iii and iv D) i, ii, iii and iv

4. The substance which doctors use as plaster for supporting fractured bones in the
right position

A) Washing soda B) Plaster of Paris C)Baking soda D) Caustic soda

5. A gas is liberated in a chemical reaction that extinguishes a burning candle and turns
lime water into milky

A) H2 B)O2 C)N2 D) CO2

6. The pH value of pure water is

A) < 7 B)> 7 C)7 D) 7.7

7. Reaction of acids and bases with metals refers to

A) Chemical combination B) Chemical displacement

C) Chemical decomposition D) Chemical double displacement

8. Bases turn phenolphthalein to

A) Red B)Yellow C)Pink D) No change

8. During the electrolysis process with sodium chloride this gas is liberated at the anode

A) Hydrogen B) Chlorine C)Oxygen D) Nitrogen

9. Which gas evolves when the reaction takes place between Zinc (Zn) granules and dilute
hydrochloric acid? (dil HCl)

A) O2 B) H2 C) CO2 D) N2

10. Which one of the following chemicals is used for the water treatment process

A) H2 B) Cl2 C) NaOH D) HCl

11. The chemical formula of limestone is

A) Ca(OH)2 B) CaCO3 C)CaO D) Ca(NO3)2

12. The gas that evolved in the reaction between carbonates and acid is

A) O2 B) CO2 C) H2 D) Cl2

13. Antacid among the following is .........

A) HCl B) NaCl C) NaHCO3 D) HCO3

14. Identify the correct statement

A) Acid turns red litmus to blue colour

B) Methyl orange colour is red in acids

C)Bases turn blue litmus to red colour

D) Phenolphthalein colour is red in acids

15. What gas is produced when magnesium is react with sulphuric acid

A) Hydrogen B) Oxygen C) Carbon dioxide D) Nitrogen

16. In neutralization reaction is formed with water

A) Acid B) Salt C) Base D) Ice

17. The pH value of pure water is

A) < 7 B) > 7 C)7 D) 7.7

18. Reaction of acids and bases with metals refers to

A) Chemical combination B) Chemical displacement

C)Chemical decomposition D) Chemical double displacement

19. The chemical used in fire extinguishers in

A) Sodium chloride B) CaOCl2

C)NaHCO3 D) CaCl2

20. Which of the following gas evolved in the reaction of “carbonates with acids”
A) Oxygen B) Carbon dioxide C) Nitrogen D) Hydrogen
20. Which one of the following types of medicines is used for treating indigestion

A) Antibiotic B) Antigen

C)Antacid D) Antiseptic

21. Which one is not an olfactory indicator

A) Clove oil B) Onion

C)Vanilla essence Turmeric

22. The colour of the phenolphthalein indicator in the basic solution is -----

A) Yellow B) Green C) Pink D) Orange

23. A. Bleaching powder i) Brine solution

B. Baking soda ii) CaSO4 . H2O


C. NaCl Aq. Solution iii) NaHCO3

D. Plaster of Pairs iv) Used in the preparation of chloroform

A) a-ii, b-iv, c-i, d-iii C) a-i, b-ii, c-iv, d-iii

B) a-iv, b-iii, c-i, d-ii D) a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii

24. Match the following and choose the correctly matched one

i) Baking soda a) Na2CO3. 10H2O

ii) Bleaching powder b) NaHCO3

iii) Plaster of Pairs c) CaOCl2

iv) Washing soda d) CaSO4. 1/2 H2O

A) i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a B) i-c, ii-b, iii-a, iv-d

C) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b D) i-a, ii-c, iii-d, iv-b

25. The indicator we used in observing the neutralization reaction

A) Methyl Orange B) Acids

C) Phenolphthalein D)Bases

26. The PH value of blood is given as 7.4 Then it might be

Strong acid B) Strong base

C) Weak acid D) Weak base

27. When few drops of methyl Orange indicator is added to HCL solution it will turn into
A) Red colour B) Pink Colour C) Yellow Colour D) Blue Colour

28. Antacids are used

A) To produce acid in a stomach
B) To produce water in a stomach
C) To neutralize the excess base in the stomach
D) To neutralize the excess acid in the stomach
29. Number of water molecules in washing soda.
A) 5 B) 10 C) 2 D) 8
30. Which gas converts lime water into milky white
A) Hydrogen B) Carbon di oxide C) Oxygen D) Chlorine

1. Explain the quantum numbers in brief?

2. Into which Orbital electron will enter first? Either 2p Orbital or 3s Orbital? Give the
reason. (2M)

3. What are the principles used to write electronic configuration? Write about them. (6M)

4. State and explain the Aufbau principle with an example. (6M)

5. Write a set of quantum numbers for an electron present in 4s1. (4M)

6. Explain the quantum numbers in brief? (6M)

7. Electron enters the first 4s orbital and then enters the 3d orbital. Give reason. (2M)
8. What is hybridization? Explain the formation Bec12 molecule using hybridization. (4M)
9. Draw the shapes of orbitals which are present in second orbit. (4M)
10. Explain Aufbau principle and Hand’s law with examples? (4M)


1. Rani wrote the electronic configuration of the oxygen atom as 1s22s12p5. Her friend
Sita says that the electronic configuration is wrong. Do you agree with Sita why?

2. What happens if the electrons do not revolve around the nucleus? (2M)

3. The electron configuration of an element is given below Explain which rule it deviates
from and correct it


4. Write the important postulates and limitation of Bhor’s atomic model? (6M)

1. Predict and write, how the electron configuration of Oxygen will be changed if it does
not follow Hund’s rule.


n l ml

1 0 0
2 0 0
1 -1, 0, +1
3 0 0
1 -1, 0, +1
2 -2, -1, 0, +1, +2

i) Name the sub-shell for n = 1?

ii) How many orbitals are present for subshell n = 2

iii) What is the maximum value of l for n = 3?

iv) How many values can ‘l’ have for n = 4?

2. Answer the following questions from the information given below in the tabular

S.No Elemen n l 2 3 4
t l 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3
subshell(l 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p 4d 4f
1 F 2 2 5

2 Sc 2 2 6 2 6 1 2
3 Ni 2 2 6 2 6 8 2

i) What is the valency of Fluorine?

ii) Mention the number of protons in the Scandium.

iii) Write the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in d –


To which block in the periodic table does Nickel belong? (4M)

3. In an atom the number of electrons in the M-shell is equal to the number of electrons
in the K-shell and L-shell Answer the following questions. (4M)
a) Which is the outer-most shell

b) How many electrons are there in its outer-most shell

c) What is the atomic number of elements

d) Write the electronic configuration •of the element


1. Draw the shapes of p and d orbitals. (4M)

2. Draw the shape of all orbitals which represent the quantum numbers n = 4, l = 2.
3. Draw the different shapes of d-orbitals and write their names. (6M)

4. Draw the shape of S, P orbitals. (6M)


1. Spin is an intrinsic property of

A) A proton B) A neutron C) An electron D) Nucleus

2. Which of the following rule will tell about the lowest energy orbitals are filled first

A) Aufbau principle B) Hund’s rule

C) Pauli exclusion principle D) Erwin Schrodinger

3. The quantum number m represents the orbital

A) Shape B) Orbital Orientation C) Energy D Spin

4. is the electronic configuration of the element

A) Cu B) Ca C) Co D) Cr
5. Arrange the s, p, d, and f orbits in order according to their energy levels

A)s > p > d > f B)s < p < d < f

C)s = p = d = f D) s > p < d > f


n l m1 ms

3 0 0 +1/2

Write these four quantum numbers, Electron belongs to Orbital

A)3s1 B)3p1 C)3d1 D) 3f1

7. Maximum no of electrons that can be accommodated in the M shell is

A)18 B)32 C)16 D) 2

8. “No two electrons in an atom have the same set of 4 quantum numbers” this rule was
stated by ______

A) Pauli B) Aufbau C) Hund D) Bohr

9. The quantum number that provides information about the energy of an electron in an
orbital is___

A) n B)l C)ml D) ms

10. Cupric chloride produces ___________colour flame

A)Yellow B)Green C)Red D) Blue

11. According to the Aufbau principle, an electron enters into which orbital first among the

A)5s B)4p C)3d D) 5p

12. l = 3, then the maximum value of ml is

A)1 B)3 C)5 D) 7

13. Which orbital is in double dumbell shaped _________

A)s B)p C)d D) f

14. In an atom, if n= 3, then the number of electrons present is

A)18 B)8 C)2 D) 32

15. Possible values of l for n = 2

A)0, 1, 2 B)1, 2 C)0, 1 D) –1, 0, +1

16. If l = 1 for an atom, then the number of orbitals in its subshell is

A)1 B)2 C)3 D) 0

17. Choose the correct option

1. Maximum number of electrons in an orbital A) 1,2,3,4

2. The maximum value for ‘l’ B) 2n2

3. The possible value of ‘s’ C) n –1

4. The ‘n’ can be taken as values D)

A) 1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – D, 4 – A B) 1– C, 2– B, 3–D, 4–A
C) 1–B, 2–C, 3–A, 4–D D) 1– C, 2 –B, 3–A, 4–D
18. The maximum possible “l” value for principal quantum number two ( n = 2)

A) 2 B) 3 C)1 D) 4

19. If l = 2 for an atom then the number of orbitals in its subshell is

A)0 B)2 C)7 D) 5

20. In an atom, if n= 3, then the number of electrons present is

A)18 B)8 C)2 D) 32

21. According to the Aufbau principle, electrons enter into which of the following orbital

A)4p B)4s C)4f D) 3d

22. Match the following

Set – I Set - II

i) Principle quantum number a) Shape of subshell

ii) Angular momentum quantum number b) Shape and energy of the shell

iii) Magnetic quantum number c) Spin of the electron

iv) Spin quantum number d) Orientation of the orbitals

A) i - b, ii -a, iii -d, iv -c B) i -b, ii -c, iii-d, iv – a

C) i-b, ii-d, iii-c, iv - a D) i -b, ii -c, iii-a, iv –d

23. Which of the following orbital has more (n+1) value
A) 3d B) 4d C)6p D) 7p
24. The shortest wavelength colour in VIBGYOR is
A) Green B) Red C) Violet D) Blue
25. The number of electrons present in 4s orbital
A) 2 B) 6 C) 10 D) 14
26. Which sentence is wrong
A) Quantum numbers describe the energy of electrons
B) Quantum numbers describe the probability of finding the electrons in the atom
C) Quantum numbers are indicated by n, l, m, s
D) Quantum numbers describe the proton, neutrons and nucleus.
27. When CuSO4 is heated ____ light will produce.
A) Brown B) Green C) White D) Black
28. The (n+1) value of “3d” orbital is
A) 5 B) 4 C) 3 D) 2




1. Define ionization energy? Write the factors on which it depends. (6M)

2. How do atomic size, Ionization energy and Electro negativity change in groups and

Explain. (6M)

3. Explain the factors affecting the ionization potential of elements in the periodic table.
4. Explain predicting the properties of missing elements and Anomalous series of
elements in Mendeleeff’s Periodic table. (2M)

5. Explain the salient features of the modern periodic table. (6M)

6. Explain the term ionization energy and on what factors the ionization energy of
elements depends. (6M)
7. Define ionization energy? Write the factors on which it depends. ( 4M)
8. Write the factors of Ionization energy and how it changes in groups and periods?
9. Explain the arrangement of elements in the periods of the modern periodic table. (4M)

10. How does atomic radius change in a group and a period? (2M)

11. How do the following properties change in a group and a period?

a) Atomic radius b) Ionization energy c) Electronegativity (4M)

12. How atomic size, Ionization energy and Electro negativity changes in groups and
periods? Explain. (4M)

13. What would happen if the elements had been not classified? (2M)

14. Write the salient features of the modern periodic table? (6M)



Element Electronic configuration

A 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
1s1 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6
4s2 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2

i) Name the element that has valency “two”.

ii) What element belongs to the VA group & III period?

iii) Write the atomic number of the givens s-block element.
Write the name of the inert gas given in the table. (4M)
2. Observe the information given in the table and answer the questions given below it.
Group 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18

Period B C D E

3 X

4 Y

5 Z

i) Which element has the least atomic size is above the table.

ii) Write the electronic configuration of elements B and E?

iii) Arrange the elements in increasing order of their electronegative values?

Which element has the highest electropositive element above the table?

3. Electron configuration of an element is 1s22s22p63s23p64s1 then

i) Write the name of the element.

ii) Which group and period does the element belong to?

iii) How did the element obtain a noble gas configuration

iv) Write the valency of the element. (4M)

4. Electronic configuration of x, y, z are given

below x = 2, y = 2,6; z = 2, 8, 2

a) Which is the 2nd-period element

b) Which is the 2nd group element

c) Which is the 18th group element

d) Which elements are in a gaseous state (4M)

5. Observe the table and answer the questions

Element Symbol
Sodium Na
Magnesium Mg
Aluminium Al
Silicon Si
Phosphorous P
Sulphur S
Chlorine Cl
Argon Ar

i) What is the trend of Ionization Energy from Na to Cl ?

ii) Among the given elements, which elements are noble gases?

iii) Which elements are metals in the given table?

iv) These elements belong to which period of the periodic table? (4M)
6. Observe the following table and write the answer to the questions given below


2nd period Li Be B C N O F Ne
3rd period Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

i) Write the names of inert gases in the given table.
ii) Write the names of metals in the above table.
iii) Write any two non-metals from the above table.
iv) Which of the above elements are metalloids?
v) What is the valency of the VA group elements?
vi) Which of the above element has more atomic radius? (4M)

7. Observe the table and answer the following questions

Electron affinity in Kj mol–1

VIIA (Halogens) F(-328); C(-349); Br(-325); I(-295); At(-
VIA (Chalcogen) O(-141); S(-200); Ge(-195); Te(190); Po(-

i) Explain how electron affinity changes in a group from top to bottom?

ii) Explain how Electron Affinity changes in the period from left to right?
iii) What does the -ve sign in the table indicates?
iv) Write any 2-Factors which influence the Electron affinity

Group No Element
1 (IA) Li
2 (IIA) Ca
3 ( VIA) O
4 (VIIIA) Ne
1) What is the Valency of Li?

2) How many valence electrons are there for Ca?

3) How many more electrons are needed for Oxygen to get an octet Configuration?

4) Which is the inert gas element among the above?


Group Element

1(IA) Li

2(IIA) Ca

16(VIA) O

18(VIIA) Ne

Questions :

i. What is the Valeney of Li?

ii. How many valence electrons are there for Ca?

iii. How many more electrons are needed for Oxygen to get octet Configuration?
iv. Which is the inert gas element among the above?
1. More electro-positive elements from the following
A) Cl B) O2 C) C D) K
2. High reacting element among the following
A) Hg B) Fe C) Zn D) Na
3. Who stated that the filling of elements must be like the given below
A) Aufbau B) Hund C) Pauli D) Bohr
4. Electronic configuration 2s’ is given by
A) n = 2, l = 1 B) n = 2, l = O C) n = 2, l = 2 D) n = 1, l = 1

5. The number of valance shell electrons that a Group-IA Element loses to get octet

A) 4 B) 2 C) 1 D) 3

6. Which one of the following is caused due to “Screening effect”?

A) Increase in ionization energy B) Increase in nuclear charge

C) Decrease in ionization energy D) Decrease in atomic size

7. How many s-block elements and p-bloc elements are there in the third period of the
periodic table?

A) 2, 8 B) 8, 2 C) 4, 4 D) 2, 6

8. The element with the highest electronegativity belongs to

A)3rd period and 17th group B) 2nd period and 17th group

C) 2nd period and 16th group D) 2nd period and 18th group

9. Which one of the following is an example of the Dobereiner triad

A) Na, K, S B) Mg, Ca, Sr C) Cl, Br, I D) Mn, Co, Fe

10. Which of the following element is electronegative

A) Sodium B) Oxygen C) Magnesium D) Calcium

11. Match the following
Part – A Part – B
i) VIII A a) Alkali metal family
ii) VI A b) Chalcogen family
iii) I A c) Halogen family
iv) VII A d) Noble gases
A) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d B) i-d, ii-b, iii-a, iv-c
C) i-d, ii-a, iii-b, iv-c D) i-c, ii-b, iii-a, iv-d
12. Match the following
Group – A Group - B
i) Boron family A) VIA
ii) Halogen family B) VIII A
iii) Noble gas family C) VIIA
iv) Chalcogen family D) IIIA Correct answer is
A) i-A, ii-B, iii-C, iv-D B) i-D, ii-C, iii-B, iv-A
C) i-B, ii-D, iii-C, iv-A D) i-D, ii-B, iii-C, iv-A

13. The properties of the eka-boron, were close to________which was discovered later

A) Germanium B) Gallium

C) Silicon D) Scandium

14. “ The physical and chemical properties of elements are the periodic functions of the
electronic configuration of their atoms’

A) Mendeleeff’s Periodic Law B) Modern Periodic Law

C) Dobereiner’s Law D) Newland’s Law

15. Electronic configuration of an element is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1 then this element
belongs to ______group
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

16. Valency of Inert gases is

A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 7
17. The following statements are related to the periodic table. Which statement is wrong?
A) Every period ends with a noble gas
B) 17th column elements are called Chalcogen
C) Number of periods is 7
D) Second group elements are called alkaline earth metals
18. The metal with highest reactivity among the following
A) Li B) Zn C) K D) Rb
19. A Dobereiner’s triad in the following is
A) Cl, Br, I B) H, He, La C) H, Na, Cl D) C, N, O
20. Which of the following element has more electro negativity
A) Nitrogen B) Sodium

C) Potassium D) Magnesium


1. Explain the ionic bond and also explain the formation of the ionic bond in sodium

chloride. (6M)

2. Draw the shapes of the following molecules.

a) Methane b) BeCl2 c) BF3(6M)

3. Explain the valency bond theory with an example.

4. What is hybridisation? Explain the formation of ammonia (NH3) based on

hybridisation. (6M)

5. Explain the hybridisation of the BF3 molecule with the figure. (6M)
6. Explain the ionic bond and also explain the formation of the ionic bond the Sodium
chloride. (6M)

7. Write the names of any two compounds which have an ionic bond? (2M)

8. Write three differences between an ionic bond and a covalent bond. (4M)

9. What is hybridization? Explain the formation of the BeCl2 molecule using hybridization.

10. Why covalent compounds have less melting points compared to ionic compounds. Give
the reason? (2M)

11. Explain the formation of N2 molecule using Valence bond theory. (6M)


1. Predict and write “bond angle” of BeCl2 is 180°, why in H2O is 104°31? (2M)


1. Electronic configuration of atoms “A” and “B” are

2. Observe the formation of the oxygen molecule and answer the following questions.

Questions :

i) How many bonds are between oxygen atoms?

ii) Mention the valency of the oxygen atom.

iii) What type of bond does an oxygen molecule has?

iv) How many valency electrons are there in an oxygen atom?

3. A : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1

B : 1s2, 2s2, 2p1
By observing the above information answer the following questions.
i) Which atom forms a negative ion?
ii) What is the valency of atom “B”?
iii)Write the molecular formula of the compound formed by atoms “A” and “B”. (4M)

4. Electronic configuration of four elements A, B, C and D are given as (2, 8) (2, 6) (2, 8)
(2, 7).
Now answer the following questions
i) Write the name of A, B, C and D elements.
ii) Which of them is an inert gas?
iii)Which element has M-shell as its outermost shell.
iv)Name the gases among the above element. (4M)
5. Observe the given diagram and answer the following questions

i) Mention the name of the molecule given in the diagram

ii) Mention how many sigma and pi bonds are present in the given molecule

iii) What is the valence of the elements given in the diagram

iv) Mention which orbitals are undergone to form sigma bonds. (4M)


1. Draw a diagram which shows the triple bond in Nitrogen (N 2) molecule. Identify Sigma

and pi bonds in that diagram. (6M)

2. Draw the structures of water molecule H2O ‘V-shape’ and Ammonia molecule NH3
trigonal pyramid. (6M)
3. Draw the shapes of the following molecules. (6M)
a) Methane b) BeCl2 c) BF3
4. Show with a diagram, the bond present in an Oxygen molecule. What type of bond
is present in that? (6M)

1. Which of the following molecule has three bond pairs and one lone pair of electrons?
A) H2O B) BF3 C) NH3 D) BeCl2

2. The bond angles in BeCl2, BF3, and H2O is

A) 180°, 109°28|, 104°31| B)180°, 120°, 104°31|

C)109°8|, 180°, 120° D)104°31|, 109°28|, 120°

3. Identify the ionic bond molecule

A) N2 B) H2 C)HCl D)NaCl

4. HCl molecule

A) Polar molecule B)Non-polar molecule

C) Ionic bond D)Not a molecule

5. Triple bond molecule

A) N2 B)O2 C)H2 D)Cl2

6. Lewis dot structure of Ar

7. The coordination no of Na+ ion in NaCl crystal is [ ]

A) 2 B) 3 C) 6 D) 8

8. The number of valance shell electrons that a Group-IA Element loses to get other

A) 4 B) 2 C) 1 D) 3
9. The number of ' ' bonds present in Nitrogen molecules is [ ]

A) 0 B) 1 C) 3 D) 2

10. Except helium remaining noble gases have the outermost valency is [ ]

A) 2 B) 8 C) 7 D) 12

11. Which of the following orbitals overlapping represents a pie bond

A) B) C) D)

12. Shape of molecule

A) V - shape B) Tetrahedral

C) Linear D) Trigonal pyramidal

13. The bond angle in H2O is

A) 180° B) 109°28| C)120° D)104°3

14. The bond present in Nitrogen molecule

A) Ionic bond B) Covalent single bond
C) Covalent double bond D) Covalent triple bond

15. NH2 is the functional group of

A) Amide B) Amine C) Ether D) Ester
16. The number of lone pair and bonded pairs of electrons in NH 3 molecule is

A) 3, 1 B) 1, 3 C) 3, 3 D) 1, 1
17. Shape of the P - orbital
18. Number of water molecules in washing soda.
a) Methane ( ) 1) 120°

b) Water ( ) 2) 107°48’

c) Ammonia ( ) 3) 109°28’

d) CO2 ( ) 4) 104°31’

A) a-1, b – 2, c – 3, d - 4 B) a – 4, b – 2, c – 3, d -1

C) a – 3, b – 4, c – 2, d - 1 D) a – 2, b – 4, c – 1, d – 3

19. Co – ordination number of Na+ in NaCl crystal

A) 4 B) 6 C) 8 D) 10
20. The bond angle of Boron tri fluoride is
A) 180° B) 120° C) 110° D) 104°



1. Mention the methods to prevent the rusting of metals used in day-to-day life. (2M)

2. Why corrosion of iron occurs in water and air? (2M)


1. List out the material required to experiment to investigate the conditions under

which iron rusts. (2M)

2. An experiment to prove that the presence of air and water are essential for
corrosion. Explain the procedure. (4M)

3. Corrosion (Rusting) of iron occurs in presence of water and air, Suggest an

experiment to prove and explain the procedure. (6M)

4. What are the materials and apparatus required in the activity to understand the
corrosion of metals? (2M)

5. Write the experimental procedure and the material required to know the factors that
effect the rusting of iron? (6M)


1. Observe the given below table and answer the questions given under the table

S.No. Ore Formula

1 Bauxite Al2O3.2H2O

2 Copper Iron Pyrites CuFeS2

3 Zinc Blende ZnS

4 Magnesite MgCO3

5 Magnetite Fe3O4

6 Rock Salt NaCl

7 Carnallite KClMgCl2.6H2O
8 Galena PbS

1. Write the name of the sulphide ore.
2. Write the name of the metal extracted from Carnallite.

3. Write the name of ores for moderate reactivity series metals. (4M)

1. 2. Observe the following table and answer the questions.

S.No. Name of the Formula Metal


1. Bauxite Al
2. Rock salt NaCl Hg

3. Cinnabar HgS Hg

4. Zinc blende Zns Zn

5. Zincite ZnO Zn


Questions :

v) How many oxide ores are there in the above table? Write their names.

vi) Which one is Sulphate ore in the above table?

vii) In the above table, which elements are concentrated in the froth floatation

viii) In the above table which metals are extracted in the electrolysis method?

1. Draw and label the diagram of the Reverberatory furnace and explain the process of
roasting and calcination? (6M)

1. Mention the metals which one having low reactivity and what are their uses. (2M)

2. Write about the thermite process and its applications in our daily life. (4M)

3. Write two precautions to prevent the corrosion of metals in your daily life. (4M)

4. Explain the thermite process and mention its applications in our daily life. (6M)

5. Mention the applications of the thermite process in our daily life? (2M)

6. How do you prevent corrosion? What are the advantage of preventing corrosion?

7. What methods are generally used in daily life to prevent the corrosion of metals?

1. Froth floatation is the method mostly used for the purification ______of ore
A) Sulphide B) Oxide C) Carbonate D) Nitrate

2. Which of the following is a carbonate ore

A) Gypsum B) Galena C) Magnesite D) Bauxite
3. A substance added to the ore to remove the gangue from it by reacting with the

A) Roasting B) Poling C) Liquation D)Flux

4. Which of the following cannot prevent the formation

A) Galvanizing B) Alloying C) Painting D) Oxidising

5. Among the following metals in their increasing order of reactivity Al, Ca, Mg, Na, K

A)K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al B) Na, Ca, Al, Mg, K

C) Al, Mg, Ca, Na, K D) Ca, Mg, Al, K, Na

6. Which of the ore of calcium?

A)Bauxite B) Lime stone

C) Rock salt D)Hematite

7. Galena is an ore of

A)Zn B) Pb C) Fe D)Al

8. Match the following

Part – A Part – B

i) Distillation a) Low melting metals

ii) Poling b) Impure metal is taken as anode and pure

metal strips are taken as cathode

iii) Liquation c) The molten metal is stirred with green logs

iv) Electrolytic refining d) Low boiling metals

A) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d B) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b

C) i-a, ii-d, iii-c, iv-b D) i-d, ii-c, iii-b, iv-a

9. The metal that occurs in the native form is

A) Fe B) Hg C) Pb D)Au

10. The following alloys have the advantage that their resistance varies very little with
temperature and they do not oxidize easily

i) Nicrome ii) Maganin iii) Bronze iv) Duralumin

A) iii and ii B) iii and iv C) i and ii D)i and iv

11. Burning of crude metal in the presence of Oxygen is

A) Roasting B) Smelting C) Calcination D) Froth floatation
12. Burning of crude metal in the presence of Oxygen is
A) Roasting B) Smelting C) Calcination D) Froth floatation
13. Among the following, the ore of calcium metal is
A) Bauxite B) Limestone C) Rock salt D) Haematite
14. Match the following
i) Cinnabar ( ) a) ZnS

ii) Bauxite ( ) b) HgS

iii) Zinc blend ( ) c) Al2O22H2O

A) i-C, ii-B, iii-A B) i-B, ii-C, iii-A

C) i-C, ii-A, iii-B D) i-B, ii-A, iii-C



1. The carbon compounds X and Z have molecular formulae C2H6 and C2H4

respectively. Which one of the two is most likely to undergo additional reactions?
2. Explain the cleansing action of soap? (4M)

3. Write the IUPAC name of the following compounds

i) Aldehydes are formed from the Ethane
ii) Ketone is formed from butane (4M)

4. Explain sp3 hybridization in Methane. (6M)

5. What happens when a small piece of sodium is dropped into ethanol? Imagine and
write a chemical equation. (2M)

5. Write the IUPAC names of the carbon compounds given below. (6M)

6. Explain how soap molecules clean the dirt from clothes. (6M)

7. Which type of hydrocarbons under go only substitution reactions? Explain it with

suitable example? (4M)


1. What happens when a small piece of sodium is dropped into ethanol? imagine and
write a chemical equation. (2M)


1. Mention the apparatus required for the esterification reaction and write the chemical
substance names. (2M)


S.No. Molecule Formula

1 Methane CH4
2 Ethene C 2H4

3 Propyne C 3H4

4 Pentane C5H12

5 Hexene C6H12

6 Heptyne C7H12

Observe the above table and answer the following questions.

a) Write the names of saturated hydrocarbons in the above table.
b) Which compounds in the above table undergo additional reactions?
c) Which of the above compounds have triple bonds?
d) Which alkene has the least number of carbons?

2. Observe the given below table and answer the questions below the table.

S.No The general formula of Name of the

Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons
1 CnH2n+2 Alkane
2 CnH2n Alkene
3 CnH2n-2 Alkyne
4 CnH2n+1 Alkyl

i) Which hydrocarbons have a triple bond between carbon atoms?

ii) Write the formula for Butene.

iii) Write the structure for Pentyne.

iv) Write the name of hydrocarbon C6H13

3. Observe the table and answer the questions.

S.No. Compound Formula

1. Pentene

2. Heptane

3. Benzene

4. Acetic acid

5. Propyne

Questions :

i. What is the functional group of acetic acid?

ii. Write the general formula related to pentene.

iii. Which compound given in the table has a ring structure?

iv. What is the saturated compound in the table?


1. Write two applications of Nanotubes in science and technology. (2M)

2. Write any two real-life uses of graphite. (2M)

3. Give any four daily life examples of allotropes of carbon? (2M)

4. Write any two real-life uses of graphite. (2M)

5. Write any two uses of Ethanol. (2M)

6. Write the application of Fullerene C60 for medical purposes. (2M)

7. Write the uses of esters in daily life. (2M)

8. Write the Allotropes of carbon? And write its applications in our daily life. (4M)


A) Combustion reaction B) Oxidation reaction
C) Substitution reaction D) Addition reaction

2. IUPAC structure of the Butan -1 – o1

A) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 -CHO
B) CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 - OH
C) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 - OH
D) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 - CHO
3. Which of the following statement is wrong
A) Carbon can form long chins
B) Carbon exists in different forms
C) Carbon shows isomerism property
D) Carbon does not react with any ether element
4. –COOH, functional groups

A) Alcohols B) Aldehydes

C) Carboxylic acids D) Esters

5. Which of the following is not related to the Esterification reaction?


C) Conc. H2SO4 D) Conc.HCl

6. Which f the following is not a saturated hydrocarbon

A) B)

C) D)

6. The IUPAC name of the compound is

A) 1 - chloro - 1 - propanol

B) 1-chloro-3-propanol

C) 3 - chloro - 1- propanol

D) 3 - chloro - 3- propanol

7. The functional group present in Carboxylic acids


8. The maximum “number of bonds” can carbon exhibit

A)1 B)2 C)3 D)4

9. Which of the following is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of oils

A) Cr B)H2 C)Ni D)O2

10. Number of sigma bonds in the molecule shown in the figure

A) 2 B) 4 C) 5 D) 7

11. the Bond angle between carbon and hydrogen bonds in Methane molecules is

A)107°28| B) 104°27| C) 109°28| D) 180°

12. The name of the given compound CH3–CH2–CH2–COOH

A) Butan-1-ol B) Butanal

C)Butanol D) Butanoic acid

13. Solution of about 10% ethanol in gasoline is a

A) L.P.G B) C.N.G

C)Petroleum jelly D) Good motor fuel

14. Wohler Friedrich is appreciable because he was prepared in the lab.

A) Nanotubes B) Organic urea

C) Bucky balls D) Ester

10. Which of the following is alcohol

A) B) C) D)
11. the Bond angle between carbon and hydrogen bonds in Methane molecules is

A) 107°48| B)104°31| C)109°28| D)180°

12. ‘Carboxylic acid’ Functional group is


13. Match the following

The General formula of Homologous series

Part – A Part – B

i)CnH2n+2 a) Alkanes

ii)CnH2n-2 b) Alkenes

iii)CnH2n+1 c) Alkynes

iv) CnH2n d) Alkyls

A) i-a, ii-b, iii-d, iv-c B) i-a, ii-c, iii-d, iv-b

C) i-d, ii-a, iii-b, iv-c D) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d

14. Which of the following is alcohol

A) B) C) D)
15. In a soap particle, the hydrophobic end is always attracted
A) Towards water B) Toward dirt C) Towards air D) Towards glass

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