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Long Answer Questions cr 3: The Straight Line vertices are (— 2, 3), (2, - 1) and (4, 0)- Yer bas Tae WSyARIGHD MOPAELGHE oe Page NS 2. i Find the circumcenter of the triangle whose verti -1 LAQ: (i) et Meera vertices are (1, 3), (-3, 5) and (5, a (i) Find the circumcenter of the triangle whose vertices are given below. _- (1,3), (0, = 2) and (- 3, 1) Rag s22T 630 Tay te /ara [waa He | MaVBTAAA (Ans : Page No. 12) La@® (i) Find the orthocenter of the triangle whose vertices are (-5, -7), (13, 2) and (-5. 6). As (a) (2,1), (6-1) and (2, 5) (b) (5-2), (61,2) and (1.4) i saa Find the orthocenter of the triangle with the following vertices (5,2), (1, 2) and (1, 4) fa {8 (Ans : Page No. 15) LAQ@S5. Find the equations of the straight lines passing through the point (-3, 2) and making an angle of 45° with the straight line 3x- y + 4=0 fi 29 (Ans : Page No. 15) LAQ6. If pand q are the lengths of the perpendiculars from the origin to the straight lines x sec a +y Cosec a = a and x Cos ay sin a = cos? a. Prove that 4p*+ q? = a? marenzorats (Ans : Page No, 16) LAQ7. Find the angles of the triangle whose sides are x + y- 4 = 0, 2x + y~6 = O.and 5x + 3y— 15 = 0. Batt Gzil(Ans : Page No. 17) LA@8. Show that the origin is within the triangle whose angular points are (2, 1), (3, -2) and (+4, -1). (ans : Page No. 18) Chapter 4 : Pair of Straight Lines \ 1AQ9""Show that the lines joining the origin to the points. of intersection of the curve xe yt y oa + 3x + 3y -2 = 0. and the straight line x-y - /2 = 0 are mutually perpendicular. 'Q26_ (Ans =Fage No. 19) LA@I0™ Find the valves of k, if the lines joining the or to the points of intersection of the curve s 2e-Dxy+ By?+2x-y —1 = 0 and the line x +2y = k are mutually perpendicular. warew237az0) »_Warehe19;7028 | MayA7 aR J (Ans : Page No. 20) 1K@l1.. Show that the product of the perpendicular distance from a peint (a, to the pair of ao? + 2haB + bp (a-b)?+ 4h? straight lines ax? + 2hxy + by? = 0 is (Ans : Page No. 21) LAQ12. Find the angle between the lines joining the origin to the points of i curve x?+ 2xy + y? + 2x + 2y-5 = 0 and the line 3x-y +1 = (Ans : Page No. 22) origin) to subtend a right angle at the origin. (Ans : Pago No, 22) oe Show that the area of the triangle formed by the lines ax? + 2hxy + by? = 0 andix + my n? vn? = ab +n=0is |_—Bvh —ob _ am? = 2him+b? | (Ans : Page No. 23) Mathematics-(B) - Year AQIS. Find the condition for the lines joining the origin to the points of intersection of the circle. x? + y? = a? and the line Ix+ my = 1 to coincide. yiimeit0; C20] MarERA7/O20 (Ans : Page No, 23) LAQI6. Hips) equation s = ax? + 2hxy + by? + 2gx + 2ly + c = O represents a pair of parallel lines, en (i) W=ab (i) af’=bg? and ate [@=ae 4 [TBC ae ¢ distance between the parallel lines = 2 g(a+ by} ~2V bla rb) - MaPeR20) (Ans : Page No. 24) LAQI7. If the equation ax? + 2hxy + by? = 0 represents a pair of straight lines, then show that the latb | angle 0 between the lines is given by, cos 0 = Fa~pjrs an ‘uo:29, 0201] Makeh-23, QH9 | Mareh-18;Q19) (Ans : Page No. 25) LAQIB. If (a. B)is the centroid of Ihe triangle fomed by the Ines ox¢ + 2hxy + by? =O.and b+ my = . Way47QH9 (Ans : Pago No. 26) prove thot Bam = aT salam om ) Chapter 6 : Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios LAQIP. Findthe directioncosines of wolineswhichare connectedby therelations!+m+n=Oanc mn ~ 2n1— Zim = 0. aayet7, aad tMare7, 241 Ma LAQ20. Find the angle between two diagonals of a cube. matehas ea Mayi22/38 1Marcit®;azi (Ans : Page No. 28) LA@21. Find the direction cosines of two lines which are connected by the relation |= 5m + 3n = 0 and 7 + Sm? —3n? = O. suive23) G24 raat M Bi (Ans : Page No. 29) 1AQ22. Show that the lines whose d.c’s are given by | n= 0, 2mn + 3nl- Sim = 0 ar Perpendicular to each other. aig-22, 433 (Ans : Page No, 29) LAQ@23. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines satisfy the equations | +m. 1 = 0, F +m? —n?= 0. oets24, 025 | March49,020 (Ans : Page No. 30) LAQ24._ Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are given by the equations 31- Lx M+5n= 0 and émn — nl + Sim =O inaeéh-20, 21 | Mareh-s,@24|(Ans : Page No. 31) LA@25.. If aray makes angles a, B, ¥,8 with the four diagonals of a cube find Costa + COS’ + COsty + COS*S. Mayi48/ OH May-16/O21|(Ans : Page No. 32) Chapter 9: Differentiation gy If x” = y* then show that LAQ27. Establish if Y1-x? + /1-y? or, vstooy—v e xly lo xd (Ans : Page No. 33) \aqas. ity ! or ania for 0 < |x| <1, find Neva ay46/022 (Ans : Page No. 34) LAQ29._ Find the derivatives of the functions. i) 1-cos 2x ( 1 +cos 2x LAQ30._ Establish the following, If = 1 ( Bxaxe =I (ax 48 z) tan! ( 95525) tan ( 8854 4) then ) Cot. 1a¥22/036(Ans : Page No. 25) y= t0n7"( s LAQ31._ Find the derivatives of the following function. (sirve)!2 + 3° une49; G22 | ateh15/G22 (ans : Page No. 36) LAQH® Ifx” + y= a? then oy dx (ans : Page No. 37) 2 ‘Mathematies-(8) - I" Year =—— dy _ y{1-logxlogy oe or yi LAag?/ Estabish ita" = logx then Se= [Eos server TuarReTaR (An LAG34. Find the derivatives of the function log (lon 5x) AigSERyeEyMaySEZTGSA (Ans : Page No. 38) 10 No. 38) , 3 Jone + (sinx)eo™s, find SX. (ans : Page No. 39) LAQ35. Ify LAQ36. fy = w/e? +x? +0?loq(x+Vo2+x2) then prove that f= 2/a%+x2. MaRERESTERE(Ans : Page No. 40) 1A@a7,_ Find $f of each of the function y = = 201+ 30) an, pope nea (ex) (1 7) tives Chapter 10: Applications of De: five numbers whose sum is 15 so that the sum of their squares is minimum. LA@38. Find two po: LAQ39._ Show that the equation of the tangent fo the curve (S+(2) 2(a £0.b 40) at the point (a, b) is 2+ 2 = 2. MaRERTBTGH (Ans: Page.No. 41) LA@4O. Find the angle between the curves y? = 8x ; 4x?-+ y? = 32 aRe-337GH3 (Ans : Page No. 41) LAQAI. If ax? + by? = 1, a,x? + b,y?= 1 then show that the condition for orthogonality of above eee cunesis §-H =a LAQ@42. If the tangent at any point on the curve xi+y3= a3 intersects the coordi in Aand B, then show that the length AB is a constant. Sexsziyaze jmaren=19/<22 Ma HMaieh-18)Q23 (Ans : Page No. 43) a(1—cost), find the lengths of t jent, (ans : Page No. 44) LAQ43. At any point ‘t’ on the curve x= a(t + sint), LA@44, Find the maximum area of the rectangle that can be formed with fixed perimeter 20. From a rectangular sheet of dimensions 30 cm x 80. cm, four equal squares of side xm are removed at the corners, and the sides are then tumed up so as to form an open _Find the value of x, so that the volume of the box is greatest. March) ay-15/024 (Ans : Page No. 45) in the shape of a rectangle surmounted by a semicircle. If the perimeter of the window is 20ft find the maximum area. (fare=f3}034 | Mareh-17) G24] Mar (Ans : Page No. 46) ‘A wire of length ‘7' is cut into two parts which are bent respectively in the form of a square and a circle. What are the lengths of the pieces of the wire respectively so that the sum of the areas is the least? May:ie/a24 (Ans : Page No. 47) LA@48, Find the angle between the curves. y? = 4x: x2 + y? = 5 Mayl22/G57 [JURSADVERS (Ans : Page No. LAQ49. Find the angle between the curves given below. i Mo 2y8-9x = 0; 3x?+ 4y =0 {in the 4th quadrant) Mareh:207G23 (Ans : Page No. 49) LAQS0. Show that the curves y?= 4(x + I) and_ y?= 36(9 — x) intersect orthogonal BORE (Ans : Page No. 50) WEY AMORA lock, - 171A LAQSI.. The profit function P(x) of a company, selling x items per day is given by P(x) = (150 -x) x= 1600. Find the number of items that the company should sell to get maximum profit. Also find the maximum profit. 68247630 (Ans : Page No. 50) ———* Mathematics-I(B} - I" Year Short Answer Questions ((-/.\°' (ini SAQI. SAQ2, SAQS. SAQA. SAQS. SAQSE. SAQZ. SAQB. SAQI. SAQI. SAQI2. SAQIS. SAQIO. Chapter 1: Locus (i) Find the locus of the third vertex of a right angled triangle, the ends of whose hypotenuse are (4, 0) and (0, 4). wayza ave | Mareh tay G74 led triangle are (0, 6) and (6, 0). Fine i f a right angi (il) The ends of the hypotenuse of a right ang! siersleg the equation of the locus of its third vertex. Mareh23/ a4 |Aug=22, {ans : Page No. 51) {)_A(2,3) and B{-3, 4) are two given points. Find the equation of locus of P so that the area of the triangle PAB is 8. vat | mareh:20; 074 (ii) A(S; 3) and B(3, -2) are two fixed points. Find the equation of locus of P, so tha | Maret the area of triangle PAB is 9. may:22, a47 {Jane-19, a4 | May-17 (ii) Find the equation of the locus of a point, which forms a triangle of area 2 with the points A(1,1) and B{-2,3). Alid-22, a18 /Marehe47 4 Hii. (Ans : Page No. 52) Find the equation of locus of P, if the line segment joining (2, 3) and (-1, 5) subtend aright angle at P. Oct-24; ait] march-t3, 071 {may-12, Q11 (Ans : Page No: 53) Find the equation of the locus of a point, the difference of whose distances from (5,0 and (5, 0) is 8. May-48,011, (Ans : Page No. 53) A (1, 2), B (2, -3) and C (-2, 3)-are three points. A point ‘P' moves such that PA + PB? = 2PC?, Show that the equation to the locus of P is 7x 7y + 4 = 0. oetiaivay [March-48,42 (Ans : Page No. 53) S Find the equation of locus of a point which is equidistant from the points A(-3, 2) anc B(O, 4). May22/G%8 (Ans : Page No. 54) . If the distance from P to the points (2, 3) and (2, ~ 3) are in the ratio 2:3, then find the equation of the locus of P. GIT | May-5, G44 (Ans : Page No. 54) Find the equation of the locus of P, if A = (2. 3), B = (2,-3) and PA+PB=8. May-16, G11 (Ans : Page No. 55) Find the equation of the locus of P, if A = (4, 0), B= (-4, 0) and |PA~PB| May-13{Qi1 (Ans : Page No. 55) Chapter 2: Transformation of Axes Show that the axes are to be rotated through an angle of 4 remove the xy terrf from the equation ax? + 2hxy + by? = 0, if a # b and through the angle 4. if When the origin is shifted to (-1, 2) by the translation of axes, find the transformec equation of x? + y? + 2x— ay + 1 = 0 Aug-22) G19] may22/Q19 (Ans : Page No. $7) bb. maysi7/at2 | MarEHI3/GI2 (Ans : Page No. 56) When the axes are rotated through an angle a, find the transformed equation of x cos¢ + sin = p. Mareh-A9/Q14 (Ans : When the axes are rotated through an angle 45°, the transformed equation of ¢ curve is 17x*-léxy + 17y? = 225. Find the original equation of the'curve. (G12 (Ans : Page No. 57) sAQl4. SAQIS. SAQIS. SAQIZ. SAQIB. SAQI?. SAQ2I. SAQ22, SAQ23. SAQ24. SAQ25. SAQ26, SAQ27. SAQ28. Mathematies-(B) - I" Year = () When the axes are rotated through an angle = equation of x?+ 2/3 xy is find the transformed WY? = 2a, aeRRSy CY gi2/ C0 May 2248] MATERA (i) When the axes are rolated through an angle of 3x? + 10xy + 3y? = fe 4 find the transformed equation + Uune:23) 042 [Otay ata [una-tOyaTa | mareneIT az [May TOOTS (Ans : Page No. 58) When the axes are rotated through an angle 30°, find th ir hi following points (0, 5) (Ans : Page No. 58) ‘aI og \@ new coordinates of the Chapter 3: The Straight Line hs Straight Line If Q(h, k] is the foot of the perpen-dicular from P(x,, y,) on the straight line ax + by h-x _k-y: (ax: +by, +c) BT 7 grap? MARERRS7GIS (Ans : Page No. 53) Find the valve of p, if the straight lines x + p =.0, y + 2=0, and 3x + 2y +5 =0are Concurrent. une:28/<13 | Oct24 | maret20; ai) may-¥7) 2 [MARCH G2 [MAVL16/Q2] (Ans : Page No. 59) +c =0 then prove that Find the value of p, if the lines 3x + 4y = 5, 2x + 3y = 4, px+4y 1Kug?22/G24|[May-22)G21_ (Ans : Page No. 59) Find the value of k, if the angle between the straight lines 4x- y + 7 = 0 and kx- 5y-9 = Ois 45°, 0824/0151 May47; G13. (Ans : Page No. 60) are concurrent. won * Transform the equation += into the normal form when a > 0 and b > 0. If the perpendicular distance of the straight line from the origin is p, deduce that ile ; + Lr SineA87GHS (Ans : Page No. 60 = GE t pe ¢ 19° No. 60) Pp Find the equation of the straight line passing through the points (-1, 2) and (6, find the area of the triangle formed by it with the axes of coordinate: (Ans : Page No. 60) Find the foot of the perpendicular drawn from (4, 1) upon the straight line 3x~ 4y + 12 §Ms¥22,@22 (Ans : Page No. 61) Find the image of the point (1, 2) in the straight line 3x + 4y— 1 = 0. Aug=22/a227 (Ans : Page No. 61) A straight line through P(3, 4) makes an angle of 60° with the positive direction of the X-axis. Find the co-ordinates of the points on the line which are 5 units away from P. May40, 13 (Ans : Page No. 62) Find the equation of the line perpendicular to the line 3x + 4y + 6= 0 and making an intercept —40n the X-axis. March-i0/013 (Ans 19@ No. 62) A straight line through Q(¥, 2) makes an angle % with the positive direction of the X - axis. If the straight line intersects the line /3x - 4y+8 = 0 at P, find the distance PQ. . Find the equation of the straight line parallel to the line 3x + 4y = 7 and passing through the point of intersection of the lines x- 2y- 3 = Oand x + 3y-6=0. Mmareht6ars arch: 443 (Ans : Page No. 63) (Ans : Page No. 63) Astraight line with slope 1 passes through Q[-3, 5) and meets the straight line x + y—6 = OatP. Find the distance PQ. Marei-15/G13 (Ans : Page No. 64) (———* Mathematies-(8) - " Year _ SAQ29._A straight line through Q(v3,2) makes an angle % with the positive direction of the X- axis. If the straight line intersects the line /3x-4y+8 = 0 at P, find the distance Pq, (Ans : Page No. 64) . Chapter 8: Limits and Continuity pcg om the continuity of the function f given below at 1 and 2. yume37ar4 x+1 if xs1 fx) = ]2x if 12 sIGI4 (Ans : Page No. 66) (Ans : Page No. 67) x=a [SA@36. Compute lim (sina=gsine) aya Lop ee 33957 Compute lin, LUO=Sx+4_ Sesirai7 (ans: Page No. 67) Kaw 13x9—5x2—7 SGN oViFx-Yizx [Bre Compute lin, © % SIX tans page No 68) Chapter 9 : Differentiation SAQ39._ Find the derivatives of the following functions from the fi (i) sin2x petxiyare marenaarars [may-67at@ i) Cosax Sundaes YAas=2/ 38 MayA2/O2STWAVETGIE (Ans : Page No. 69) SAQ4O. Find the derivative of f(x) = vers KRUS=227GRE (Ans : Page No. 69) rst principles, 7 SAGAI. Find the derivatives of the following function from the fst principles tan 2x (Ans : Page No. 70) +5 ry sAQ42. sAQ43. sAQ4d, SAGAS. sAQ46. SAQ&A7. sae. saa? SAQ5O. SAQSI. SAQ52. SAQS3. SAQSA. SAQSS. SAQSS. SAQS7. SAQSB. Mathematics-l(B) - I" Year e——— sin(x+o) Ity= snere) then show that S22}a34 (Ans : Page No. 70) Find the derivatives of the function from the first principles x? mayas/ai8/Mareh45 O18 (Ans : Page No. 70) Find the derivative of cos’ from the first principles marehAB/GH8 (Ans : Page No. 70) Find the derivatives of function from Ist principle xsinx. mareh:i@/ais. (Ans : Page No. 71) Find & for the fucntion x= a{cost + tsint), y= afsint ~ tcost) MaREhA6/GIS (Ane: Page No. 71) Chapter 10: App ‘ations of Derivatives = cost. y= sintat t= 4 Find the equations of tangent and normal to the curve cea: Find the equations of tangent and normal to the curve xy ='10 at (2, 5). May22) 026) mays (Ans : Page No. 72) Show that at any point (x, y) on the curve y = be”? the length of the subtangent is a 2 constant and the length of the subnormal is. warei8/@i6 (Ans : Page No. 73) Find the lengths of subtangent, subnormal at a point ‘t' on the curve x=a (cost + tsint), y= (sint—+ cost) Maeeh:2ayci7 jwaren:20,a6] may-16)c23 | Maretit7 O76 | may-15, 023 (ans : Page No. 73) Find two positive integers whose sum is 16 and sum of whose squares s minimum. may:22, G27 (Ans : Page No. 73) Show that the curves 6? — 5x + 2y = 0 and 4x? + By? = 3 touch each other at (5. ‘kug:22/037 [MayA6; CHE (Ans : Page No. 74) The volume of a cube is increasing at a rate of 9 cubic centimetres per second. How fast is the surface area increasing when the length of the edge is 10 centimetres. Siu 23,46 | March 28, 2K | MaGEh:20, 47 | MarEhA7, 7 [ May-46,Q17|May-48,Q47 (Ans : Page No.75) x8 - 3x? 9x +7 is parallel to the Find the points at which the tangent to the curve y X-axis Rug22/027 (Ans : Page No. 76) Find the approximate value of /82. Aug=22/G26) MajA7/@3. (Ans : Page No. 76) Find the equations of tangent and normal to the curve y = x° + 4x? at (-1, 3). June23; 647} Det-24/G19 | May48/Q16 (Ans : Page No. 76) A containers in the shape of inverted cone has height 8m and radius 6m at the top. is filed with water at the rate of 2m*/minute, how fast is height of water changing when the level is Am? arenes @H7[MayA7,QI7 (Ans : Page No.77) Show that the tangent at any point 0 on the curve x = c sec 0, y= c tan Gis y sin 0 =X-C Cos 6, (Ans: Page No.77) (———* Mathematics-(8) - I" Year Very Short Answer Questions Chapter 3: The Straight Line VSAQI._ Find the slopes of the straight lines passing through the following pair of points (3, 4)| (7, =6). Magehez3/CHTMBRERSAVGA (Ans : Page No. 72) VSAQ2._Find the valve of x.if the slope of the line passing through (2, 5) and (x, 3) is 2. amaze [MBERTAALMAATEVGE (Ans : Page No. 70) VSAQ3. . Find the value of y, if the line joining the points (3, y) and (2, 7) is parallel to the ting! joining the points (-1, 4) and (0, 6). BERSAVGHTMaRERAT/OX (Ans : Page No. 78) VSAQ4. Find the equation of the straight line passing through (-4, 5) and cutting off equal and non} zero intercepts on the coordinate axes. May-1a/i]] MarchASTOH (Ans : Page No. 78) YSAQS. Find the equation of the straight line. passing through (-2, 4) and making non-zero] intercepts whose sum is zero. jay VSAQ6._ Find the value of p, if the straight lines 3x + 7y — 1 = 0 and 7x- py +3 =O are mutually) perpendicular. fii (Ans : Page No. 79) YSAQ7._Find the equation of the line containing the points (2, -3) and (0, -3). Maj _ (Ans : Page No, 79) YSAQ8._ Transform the following equation into normal form 3x + 4y = 5. MarR 3/GaT Maya (Ans : Page No. 79) VSAQ9. Transform equation 3x + 4y = 5 into intercept form. [MABE (Ans : Page No. 73) VSAQIO. Transform the equation x+y + 1 = Ointo normal form. WaRRAGER VSAQ11. Find the length of the perpendicular from (-2, -3) to the straight line. Sx-2y + 4=0 iii 22; G3| May46)G2 (Ans : Page No. 79) ; VSAQI2. Find the which the X-axis divide the line segment AB joining A(2, -3) and B(3, -6). 5 (Ans : Page No. 80) i VSAQI13. Find the distance between the parallel straight lines 3x — 4y = 12, 3x— 4y =7 (g-22,04 (Ans : Page No, 80) Q 9 Y Y= 7 Seal VSAQI4. Find the perpendicular distance from the point (-3, 4) to the straight line 8x - 12y = 2 ‘Riig22228 (Ans : Pago No. 80) h VSAQIS. Find the equations of the straight lines which make an angle 60° with the positive Xan measured counter-clockwise and passing through the point © and (1, 2). samaaed | (Ans : Page No. 80) VSAQI6. Transform the equation x + y-2= 0 into N (i) Slope-intercept (ii) Intercept form igs22G2 (ans : Page No. 60) YSAQI7. Write the equation of the reflection of the line x= in the Y-anis, GEG (ane Page No.4) h VSAQI8, Find the angie which the straight line y = /3x~ 4 makes with the Y-axis. (Ans : Page No. 81) : . Find the distance between the following parallel i -3y-4= ~by-92 VSAGI?. Bag ine gitonce bel 9 Parallel ines 5x- 3y~4=0, 10x—4y- 9=0 VSAQ20. Find the equation of the straight line passing through (1. 3) and (i) parallel t (i) perpendicular to the ine passing through the points (3, 5) and (-6, |}. (Ans : Page No. 81) La, - Mathematics) «I Year @——— Chapter'5: Three Dimensional Coordinates \sa@2l. Find the distance between the points (3,4,-2) and (1, 0, 7). (ans : Page No. 82) \sA@22. Find the centroid of the tetrahedron, whose vertices are (2, 3, ~4), (-3. 3. -2), (1. 4, 2), (3, 5, 1). MaiteReATESTMAVAG/GS (Ans : Page No. 82) ySAQ23. Find the coordinates of the vertex 'C' of AABC if its centroid is the origin and the vertices A, B are (1, 1, 1) and (-2, 4, 1) respectively. Mmay22]G2s] MayA8/OS|MAREAG]GA (Ans : Page No. 82) ySAQ24. ‘ind the fourth vertex of the parallelo-gram whose consecutive vertices are (2, 4,- 1). (3, 6,1) and (4, 5, 1), Ruge2aaxs MART GEYMGRERA/GS Ane: Page No. 8) \sAQ25. Show that the points (1, 2, 3), (7, 0. 1) and (-2, 3, 4) are collinear, Sez=areaTMaEn273) ren. G3 (Ans : Page No. 83) Peat Chapt \Y§AQ26, Find ¥ if the distance between (5-1, 7] and (x, 5.1) is 9 units, Ruasearer Mapai v (Ans : Page No. 83) as VsAQ27. If (3, 2,- 1). (4, 1, 1) and (6, 2, 5) are three vertices and (4, 2, 2) is the centroid of a tetrahedron, find the fourth vertex. OsE33/G%% (Ans : Page No. 83) \y$AQ28. Show that the points A(3,—2, 4), B(1, 1,1) and C(- 1, 4,~2) are collinear. wayaaze {Ans : Page No. 84) ysa@29. Find the ratio in which the XZ - 1 joining A(-2, 3, 4) and B(1, 2, 3). 2,05 hy 2 iy areca | Ma Ans Pe. 2) \SAQ30. Find the distance between the mid point of theline segment AB and the point (3,-1.2) where A= (6,3,—4) and B= (~2,~1, 2). June49/03 (Ans : Page No. 84) \VSAQ3I. Show that the points (1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 1) and (3, 1, 2.) form an equilateral triangle. (ans Page No. 84 Chapter 7: The Plane VSAQ32. Reduce the equation x + 2y - 3z— 6 = 0 of the plane to the normal form. MarerG5] MaiGHAE/G4 (Ans : Page No. 85) Fi the normal to the plane x + 2y + 2z—4=0. [Mays (Ans : Page No. 85) VSAQ34. Find the angle between the planes x + 2y + 2z~5 = 0 and 3x + 3y + 27-8 =0. ‘Gue49}Q¢| Mareh7, 4 March-16,Q4 (Ans : Page No. 85) VSAQ35. Find the intercepts of the plane 4x + 3y- 22+ 2= MSREH/04 (Ans: Page No. 66) YSAQ36. Write the equation of the plane 4x - 4y + 2z + § = 0 in the intercept form. yane23v@4] Mareh:23,04 (Ans : Page No. 86) Chapter 8: Limits and Continuity on the coordinate axes. MajH87a4] =a? VsaQs7.. lim VsAas8. lim, ( at (ans : Page No. 87) 7) sak wr VsAo9. lin, aie23; C8 [MayABTOA (Ans : Page No. 87) VSA@40. Compute lim ( VsA@41. Compute lim 8| x |+3x xem 3] x[-2x ™ SAQ42. Compute lim ‘R22 Mare 206 arch: 8 Marchi 5] Mars (Ans : Page No. 87) YSAQ43, Show that lin = 2! in 22 (———* Mathematics-If8) « I" Year VSAQ44, Compute lim 25x +2 Pine I Oe = Sx + 3_ by? VSAQAS. Find lim = $49 x ane (An (Ans : Page No. 08) VsA@as. Compute lim 5 =) eA (Ane: Page No. si ng : Page No. 88) n Sine D #0. cB. BRERAGR (Ans: Pao VSA@47. Compute lim VSAQ48. Compute iit xan :) WareRAOTOR (ans : Page No. 89) eo VSA@49. Find fim RUGERRIOA (Ans : Page No. 69) loge (1+ 5x) VSAQSO. Evaluate fim, 7 {QB (Ans : Page No. 89) VSAQS51. VSAQS2. sin(x=1), VSAQS3: Compute lim “Fay BaeaiK VSAQS54. Find im, i ee VSAQSS. fim 37 ax 5 ME Chapter 9 : Differentiation VSAQSS. Ify = sec vianx, find 2 ya 3 VSAQS7. [i] Ity= (cots) find (Mayei7a7 (ans : Pa No.91) i fe oy (il) Hy = cosec"(e®"), find SY + xl90 then find f'(1). Sune-23, G7 Aug 225 G43 | March49) G7 | Ma VSAQSB. If f(x) =1+x+x2+. (Ans : Page No. 92) VSAQS9. IF ffx) = x tan'x then find F(x). ae VSAQ6O. Find the derivative of f(x) = e*(x2+ 1) Ha28/GH2 (Ans: Page No. 92) VSAQ6I. Find the derivative of the function x= e*""” Janss8/a8 (ans : Page No. 92) VSAQ62. Find the derivatives of the following functions. (i) sin (3x ~ 4x*) Maret=23,a8 | march ci) sin (2%) si 7 If 2x? = Sxy + y2 + x+2¥-8=0, then find SY MarEAAB|G (Ans : Page No. 93) Find the derivatives of the following functions f(x) = 5 sinx+ €* logx Mineig'@? (Ans (Ans : Page No. 92) (Ans : Page No. 92) VSAQ63. VSAQ64. ‘Mathematics-I(8) - I" Year *——— Y= a Wee: HGPABIER (Ane: Page No.93) \saass, Ity= 2E¥x#-a), find SY (ane: YSAQ67. If f(x) = 7°* (x > 0), then find F(x). (an \SAQ6S. IFf{x) =xe"sin x, then find f'(x). MAJHBTEA (Ans : Page No, 94) VsAQ69. IFy=log|sinllog x)). find SY paeRareTMRRAE (Ane ySAQ70. Find the derivatives of the following function f(x) = /2x—3 + /7— 3x Mamas (Ans : Page No. 94) YSAQ71. Find the derivatives of tan-' (logx) Ma7aSTG7 (Ans : Page No. 94) VSAQ72. If f(x) = log (tan e%), then find f(x) MaERABTES (Ans : Page No. 95) \VSAQ73. Find the derivatives of (4+ x?)e B2BS3]7 (Ans : Page No. 95) YVSAQ7A. If f(x) = log(sec x + tan x), find F(x). GEEITE¥ (ans : Page No. 95) VSAQ75.Ify =ae™ + be~™ then prove that y" = n?y MarERZOTGBTMAyAA]GN (Ans : Chapter 10 : Applications of Derivatives VSAQ76. Find the slope of the tangent to the following curve at the points a: y = 5x? at (1, 5) fimeaararoTMarete237G9 (Ans. VSAQ77. Find the value of c in Lagrange’s mean value theorem for the function f(x) = x?-1 on [2, 3]. MareR48,G10 (Ans : Page No. 96) ysAQ@és. Ify = e%”* then prove that No. 94) "age No. 94) .ge No. 94) Page No. 96) VSAQ7B. Find dy and Ay of y = f(x) = x2 +x at x= 10, when Ax = 0.1. Mai a3/ oT Jae0108 0705) see Ly AIRDRIE cane-Seve nasa) 1” CESSSISIOTSSRINeSTeSEC#] VSAQ79. If the increase in the side of a square is 4% then find the approximate percentage of increase in the area of the square. Naii@/G9|MaIHB|GI (Ans : Page No. 96) VSAQ80. Find the lengths of subtangent and sub-normal at a point on the curve y = b sin().- PEER[EROTMARERAG/GHG (Ans : Page No. 96) VSAQ8I. Find Ay and dy for the function. Y=x?+3x+ 6, atx= 10. and Ax = 0.01 nee57O9 TAUSATCHS [May-Z2/GTE|MARERISTGR (Ans : Page No. 97) VSAQB2. Verify Rolle's theorem for the function. y = f(x) = x? + 4 in [-3, 3]. Mareh1@/@3[MaA/QTO] MiareRSB{ONG (Ans : Pago No.97) VSAQ83. If the increase in the side of a square is 2% then find the approximate percentage of Increase in its areq. MarER23/QTET MARCHING (Ans : Page No. 97) VSAQ84. Find Ay and dy for the function Y= CosK, x= 60? and Ax = 19(cos 60° = 0.4848, 1° = 0.0874 racians) WaRERARGHS (Ans : Page No. 97) VSA@85. Find the slope of the tangent to the curve y = 3x‘ 4x at x = 4, Ruge2ayGta]Mayzzz ats (Ans : Page No. 97) VSAQ86. Find the slope of the tangent to the curve y =x°-x + 1 at the point whose x-coordinate is 2. BEBRTERG (Ans : Pa VSAQ87. Define strictly Increasing function and strictly Decreasing Functions on an interval Point Marei207@79 (Ans : Page No.98) VSA@88. Find Ay and dy for the following functions for the values of x and Ax which are shown against of the function. Y = Sx? + 6x + 6, x = 2, and Ax = 0.001 MaRERROZE® (Ans : Page No. 98) VSAQ89. Stae Legrange’s mean value theorem. (Ans : Page No. 98) No. 98) ne

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