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As I stepped through the ornate gates of Astoria Academy, my heart thumped with a mix

of excitement and nerves. The grandeur of the academy's halls took my breath away,
filled with students bustling about, their robes swirling with every step, and the air
buzzing with the promise of magic.

"Wow," I murmured to myself, eyes wide as I took in the sight. "This place is impressived,
not as impressive as my mansion though" I said snarkly.

"You're telling me," came a voice from beside me. I turned to see a girl with bright eyes
and a mischievous grin, her Pheonix scarf wrapped snugly around her neck. "Welcome
to Astoria Academy. I'm Lhyn, by the way."

"John," I replied with a grin, extending my hand. "Nice to meet you, Lhyn."

Lhyn grabbed my hand and dragged my spirit to the halls of Astoria running past every
student in our way. "HEY WHAT ARE YOU-" I screamed but my voice was muffled by the
wind. "There's no time to wait, the housing ceremony is about to start!" Lhyn said

I nearly forgot the housing ceremony, amidst the whirlwind of excitement and nerves
that had consumed me since arriving at the academy.

As we reached the grand hall, I was exhausted and breathing heavily thinking how could
a witch run that fast. After catching my breath I took in the sight of the towering ceiling
adorned with shimmering chandeliers and the long rows of polished wooden benches
filled with students, their eyes alight with anticipation.

Lhyn and I were at the hall where the sorting ceremony was held. I was in awe of how
bougie this place is and wondered how they could afford to maintain it.

Lhyn finally looks back at me after running like Usain Bolt at Mach 5 and told me to sit at
the table where the newcomers go and told me "let's meet again when you get your
house, and hopefully its Pheonix!' I was flustered and took in the compliment from my

I joined the throngs of students as we waited for newcomers' names to be called, the air
buzzing with nervous energy. As each name was announced, cheers erupted from the
respective houses, filling the hall with a cacophony of sound.
As the ceremony continued, I watched with bated breath as my fellow students were
sorted into their respective houses.

"Ah, Marion," the Sorting Hat murmured as it was placed upon his head. "A heart as bold
as a blakcsmiths flame, and a spirit that knows no fear. You belong in—

As Marion took his place at the Dragonheart table, his eyes gleamed with pride, his
confindence shows how he already knows he's going to be seated at House

"Maquiz," the Sorting Hat continued, its voice thoughtful. "A mind as sharp as a sphinx's
talons, and a humility that belies your brilliance. You will find your home in— PHEONIX!!!"

Across him, Icee, a senoir student of House Pheonix nodded inagreement, a smile
tugging at the corners of his lips as he joined his new housemates at the Phoenix table.

More and more students were called and placed to their respective houses, "Justine—
They were gleaming with pride and their prestigeous aura shine bright like a diamond
that I wished I had glasses with me.

but there was one student who took the halls by suprise, Neomi, a half-kin walked
towards the sorting hall where the halls were shut silent and looked attentively at her. As
Neomi approached the Sorting Hat, her heart pounded with anticipation. She had heard
stories of the prestigious houses at Astoria Academy, and she couldn't help but hope
that she would be sorted into one of them.

But as the hat settled upon her head and whispered its decision, a condescending voice
brush fell over the Hat's voice. "Filthspire," it declared, its voice echoing through the

Neomi's heart sank as she made her way to the brown and green table, her steps heavy
with disappointment. Around her, she could hear the murmurs and whispers of her
fellow students, their expressions filled with disdain and judgment.

"Filthspire? What a joke."

"Poor thing, she must be devastated."

Neomi's cheeks burned with embarrassment as she took her seat among her new
housemates, but the people of Filthspire felt the opposite, she was welcomed with
acceptance yet feeling the weight of their stares like a heavy cloak. She couldn't help but
feel like an outsider, like she didn't belong among the other students at Astoria

As the last student was sorted and the hall erupted into applause, I couldn't help but feel
a sense of pride in my new house. For in Filthspire, we may have been the underdogs,
but we were united by our kindness, adaptability, and resilience—a bond that was
stronger than any prejudice or discrimination could ever hope to break.

And as I looked around at my new housemates, I knew that together, we would

overcome any challenge that came our way, standing strong in the face of adversity and
proving to the world that greatness could be found in even the most unlikely of places.

Finally, it was my turn. "John Ray," called out the headmaster, his voice echoing through
the hall. I took a deep breath and stepped forward, my heart pounding in my chest as I
approached the Sorting Hat.

With a trembling hand, I placed the hat upon my head, its brim falling over my eyes as it
began to speak. "Ah, a newcomer," it murmured, its voice echoing inside my mind. "Brave
and bold, with a wit as sharp as a Gryffindor's sword."

I held my breath as the hat deliberated, my pulse pounding in my ears. And then, with a
sudden burst of clarity, the hat made its decision. "Filthspire!" it exclaimed, its voice
ringing out for all to hear.

A mixture of gasps and whispers filled the hall as I made my way to the Filthspire table,
my heart swelling with a mixture of pride and uncertainty. But as I glanced at Lhyn, her
bright eyes filled with encouragement, I knew that no matter which house I had been
assigned to, I had found a friend for life in her. And as I took my seat among my new
housemates, I felt a sense of belonging wash over me, knowing that I was exactly where
I was meant to be.
"Are you ready for the Sport Festival, John?" Lhyn asked one evening as we gathered in
the common room, studying for our upcoming exams.

"Absolutely," I replied with a determined nod. "I may be in Filthspire, but I'm not about to
let that stop me from showing what I can do."

Lhyn grinned, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "That's the spirit! We'll show them
what we're made of."

But beneath my confident facade, doubts gnawed at me. Could I really compete against
students from Dragonheart and Phoenix, with their centuries-old legacies and powerful
magic? Would my house's reputation as the underdog hold me back, no matter how
hard I tried?

As the days passed, I couldn't ignore the harsh reality of life in Filthspire. While
Dragonheart and Phoenix enjoyed prestige and admiration, my house faced
discrimination at every turn. Whispers followed us in the corridors, snide remarks laced
with disdain, and doors closed in our faces.

And within the walls of our common room, morale was at an all-time low. The once
vibrant space now felt somber and desolate, the flickering fire casting long shadows
over bowed heads and slumped shoulders. Despite our best efforts to lift each other's
spirits, the weight of prejudice pressed down upon us like a heavy blanket, suffocating
our hopes and dreams.

"Hey, John," called out Marcus, a fellow Filthspire student, waving me over. "You ready to
show those Dragonheart snobs what we're made of?"

I plastered on a grin, but inside, uncertainty churned like a storm. "Absolutely," I replied,
forcing conviction into my voice. "Let's do this."
And so, as the Sport Festival drew near and the air crackled with anticipation, I stood
ready to prove myself on the grand stage of Astoria Academy. Deep down, I knew the
road ahead would be tough, but with Lhyn and my fellow Filthspire classmates by my
side, I was determined to defy the odds and make my mark in the world of magic.

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