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In the mystical realm of Astoria Academy, John Ray, an unexpected newcomer, finds himself
sorted into the underestimated House Filthspire. Despite initial reluctance, he discovers a sense
of belonging among his new housemates, challenging his preconceptions about their worth. As
John navigates the intricacies of academy life, he forges unlikely bonds and confronts the
discrimination that plagues Filthspire.

Amidst escalating tensions between the rival houses, John Ray prepares to represent Filthspire in
the prestigious chivalry race. With the honor of his house at stake, he must summon courage and
determination to defy the odds and prove their worth. However, as secrets unravel and tensions
reach a boiling point, John uncovers shocking truths that shatter his understanding of Astoria
Academy and his place within it.

As the eve of the race descends, Marion, fueled by resentment and ambition, devises a sinister
plan to ensure House Dragonheart's downfall. Enlisting the reluctant aid of Neomi, a surprising
ally from Filthspire, Marion sets in motion a scheme that threatens to unravel John's world.
As I stepped through the ornate gates of Astoria Academy, my heart thumped with a mix of
excitement and nerves. The grandeur of the academy's halls took my breath away, filled with
students bustling about, their robes swirling with every step, and magic brooms buzzed around
the air.

"Wow," I murmured to myself, eyes wide as I took in the sight. "This place is impressive, not as
impressive as my mansion though" I said snarkly.

"You tell me'' a voice from beside me. I turned to see a girl with bright eyes and a mischievous
grin, her Phoenix scarf wrapped snugly around her neck. "Welcome to Astoria Academy! I'm
Lhyn, by the way."

"John," I replied with a grin, extending my hand. "But you can call me Ray."

Lhyn grabbed my hand and dragged my spirit to the halls of Astoria running past every student
in our way. "HEY WHAT ARE YOU-" I screamed but my voice was muffled by the wind.
"There's no time to wait, the housing ceremony is about to start!" Lhyn said enthusiastically.

I nearly forgot the housing ceremony, amidst the whirlwind of excitement and nerves that had
consumed me since arriving at the academy.

As we reached the grand hall, I was exhausted and breathing heavily thinking "how could a witch
run that fast?!" After catching my breath I took in the sight of the towering ceiling adorned with
shimmering chandeliers and the long rows of polished wooden benches filled with students, their
eyes alight with anticipation.

Lhyn and I were at the hall where the sorting ceremony was held. I was in awe of how bougie
this place is and wondered how they could afford to maintain it.

Lhyn finally looks back at me after running like Usain Bolt at Mach 5 and told me to sit at the
table where the newcomers go and told me "let's meet again when you get your house, and
hopefully its Pheonix!' I was flustered and took in the compliment from my senior.

I joined the throngs of students as we waited for newcomers' names to be called, the air buzzing
with nervous energy.

The room buzzed with noise until a single cling from the dean's glass silenced the halls. As the
dean of Astoria Academy rose from his chair, his voice commanded attention. "Welcome, dear
students, to the heart of Eldoria! Here, great minds and formidable figures hone their skills.
Welcome to Astoria Academy!" the student applauded enthusiastically.

"To begin the grand ceremony each student will be placed into their respective house, each
student will be dictated by the Sorting Hat" I looked at the hat and it somehow looked like
someone fed it lemon and got stuck with it.
"The Sorting Hat has been with the academy since ages and the vast knowledge it contains will
determine where you fit in Astoria. Let us begin the Sorting ceremony!"

The dean poofed his wand out of thin air and there came a floating bowl with papers inside of it.

The dean took out a folded paper and read what was inside of it "Sir Marion Balais" the students
applauded as Marion walked towards the Sorting hat.

"Ah, Marionnnnnnnnn" the Sorting Hat murmured as it was placed upon his head.

Marion felt at ick after his name was called, it reminded me of those weird uncles at family

"A heart as bold as a blacksmith's flame" the hat said and continued to murmur some more "and
a spirit that knows no fear. You belong in— DRAGONHEART!!!"

The halls filled with applause as Marion took his place at the Dragonheart table, his eyes
gleaming with pride, his demeanor already showing he's going to be seated at House

The next student was a somewhat shy looking guy, he looked friendly and hopefully I could
interact with him when I'm in House Phoenix.

"Marquiz," the Sorting Hat continued, its voice thoughtful.

"A mind as sharp as a sphinx's talons, and a humility that belies your brilliance. You will find
your home in— PHEONIX!!!"

Across him, Icee, a senior student of House Phoenix nodded in agreement, a smile tugging at the
corners of his lips as he joined his new housemates at the Phoenix table.

More and more students were called and placed to their respective houses, "Justine— HOUSE
They were gleaming with pride and their prestigeous aura shine bright like a diamond that I
wished I had glasses with me.

But there was one student who took the halls by surprise, Neomi, a half-kin walked towards the
sorting hall where the halls were shut silent and looked attentively at her. As Neomi approached
the Sorting Hat, her heart pounded with anticipation. She had heard stories of the prestigious
houses at Astoria Academy, and she couldn't help but hope that she would be sorted into one of

But as the hat settled upon her head and whispered its decision, a condescending voice brush fell
over the Hat's voice. "Filthspire," it declared, its voice echoing through the silence.
Neomi's heart sank as she made her way to the brown and green table, her steps heavy with
disappointment. Around her, she could hear the murmurs and whispers of her fellow students,
their expressions filled with disdain and judgment.

"Filthspire? What a joke."

"Poor thing, she must be devastated."

Neomi's cheeks burned with embarrassment as she took her seat among her new housemates, but
the people of Filthspire felt the opposite, she was welcomed with acceptance yet feeling the
weight of their stares like a heavy cloak. She couldn't help but feel like an outsider, like she
didn't belong among the other students at Astoria Academy.

And then it was my turn.

As I approached the Sorting Hat, my heart swelled with anticipation. I was sure I'd be sorted into
Phoenix, just like my family before me. I imagined the hat would barely touch my head before
declaring me a member of the esteemed house.

But as the hat settled onto my head and began its deliberation, I couldn't help but feel a pang of
nerves. It seemed to be taking longer than usual, as if it was considering something carefully.

"Ahh, John," the Sorting Hat's voice echoed in my mind, drawing my attention away from the
expectant gazes of my classmates. "A mind as sharp as a phoenix's talons, and a humility that
belies your brilliance. You would thrive in Phoenix, where wise and brilliant minds like yours are

My heart swelled with pride at the hat's words. This was it, I thought. I was about to join the
ranks of the elite in Phoenix.

But then, just as I was about to celebrate, the hat's voice took on a different tone, one filled with
unexpected conviction.

"However... there is another path for you," the hat continued, its voice now tinged with
uncertainty. "A path of kindness, adaptability, and resilience. A path found in….."

"What?" i told the hat, waiting anxiously

"Filthspire" the hat murmured…. "WHAT?!" i screamed

"FILTHSPIRE!!!" the hat exclaimed and the uproar of gasps filled the air

Filthspire? My heart sank at the unexpected twist. This couldn't be right. I was meant for
Phoenix, not Filthspire.
But as I made my way to the brown and green table, I couldn't help but feel a sense of
resignation. Perhaps the hat saw something in me that I hadn't yet discovered myself.


As I watched John Ray being sorted into Filthspire, a smirk played across my lips. "Filthspire," I
muttered to my housemates, shaking my head in mock disbelief. "Looks like they're scraping the
bottom of the barrel this year.'' I said rethorically.

"Can you believe it? Filthspire," Justine said, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. "I bet their
common room smells like old socks and stale potions," Junard chimed in, eliciting more laughter
from the group. In that moment, I felt a surge of superiority, reveling in the knowledge that I
belonged to the most prestigious house at Astoria Academy—Dragonheart.

I really thought I could just live in peace since I'm in House Dragonheart already and enjoy what
was passed down from me but my amusement was short-lived as the booming voice of the dean
interrupted our banter. He announced that the annual chivalry race would be advanced due to the
influx of newcomers.

"Attention, students," he called out, commanding our attention. "Due to the increase of students
this year, I would like to formally announce that the long awaited Chivalry race will be moved to
next week! That is all for today, May the magic spark your destiny!" My heart sank at the news.

The chivalry race was one of the highlights of the school year, a chance for Dragonheart to assert
our dominance over the other houses. And my senoirs gaze already told me that 'you already
know you're joining the team' and now, it seems that I have to be ready for next week. Nepotism
is really something in Astoria, i just wanna relax and take advantage of my heritage but my
senior: Junard really looks like my dad, yuck.

Glancing over at John Ray, sitting among his Filthspire comrades with a devestated expression
on his face, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. Perhaps there was more to Filthspire
than meets the eye. As the dean's voice faded away and the students began to disperse, I made a
mental note to keep an eye on John Ray. After all, you never knew what surprises the underdogs
of Filthspire might have up their sleeves.


As we headed towards our dorms, I couldn't shake the nervous rumbling in my stomach. it's
maybe the elf soup I had, i feel like an ulcer forming in my stomach. Filthspire was known as the
least prestigious house, and I had hoped to be sorted into one of the more esteemed houses like
Dragonheart or Phoenix. The grandeur of the academy's halls had faded into the background,
replaced by the anticipation of meeting my new housemates in Filthspire. At first i thought
filthspire might be stinky hence the name but maybe Filthspire wasn't as bad as it was rumored to

As I entered the Filthspire common room, I saw a familiar face across the hall; 'it's the half-kin!'
I said in my mind, I approached the girl but was suddenly greeted by a warm atmosphere by the
people of Filthspire, blocking my view of the girl. The bombardment of questions immediately
distracted me from the girl.

"HEY IM MAURICE NICE TO MEET YOU!" one boy echoed4

"How did some arstistrocrat such as you landed here?" one short elf commented

I was taken back from the questions but the room finally calmed down a bit. Before saying
anything else I looked around the room and saw how cozy it was, with comfortable armchairs
arranged around a crackling fireplace, and walls adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of
resilience and adaptability. One by one, my fellow housemates introduced themselves, each one
sharing stories of their experiences at Astoria Academy and offering words of encouragement.

"Hey, I'm Maurice '' a boy chimed in, his voice friendly. "Glad to have you with meeeeeen, it's

good to have another brother like you in theses halls''

"The name's Hannah, I may be short but I'm way older than you so remember that!" the shortest
girl echoed beneath the ground. As i talked with them i began to see the half-kin sitting in the
corner, i couldnt help myself seeing her that way after being humiliated at the sorting ceremony.

"And you are?" I asked while I was approaching her, "I'm John by the way but you can call me
Ray" I introduced myself with a friendly smile, my excitement bubbling over. After all, it's not
every day you meet someone new at Astoria Academy, especially with her reserved demeanor.

The girl returned the smile, but there was a hesitance in her eyes. She seemed shy, almost
hesitant to speak. "I'm Neomi," she replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Nice to
meet you, John— ah I mean Ray!" I couldn't help but chuckle at her slip-up, finding her mix-up
endearing rather than embarrassing.

"It's okay, Neomi," I said with a warm smile, "John, Ray, whatever works. I'm just glad to meet
you too." Neomi's cheeks flushed with a delicate shade of pink, and she looked down, clearly
flustered by her mistake. "Sorry," she mumbled, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Her smile widened, and the tension seemed to melt away as we shared a moment of
understanding. In that instant, I knew that Neomi and I would get along just fine.

Morning came along and im estatic on my new journey at Astoria Academy, my perception of
House Filthspire has change but i couldn't by the likes of me understand where the
discrimination come from, as I made my way through the hallway, I came face to face with
Marion and his crew from House Dragonheart.

Marion's eyes narrowed as he looked me up and down, his expression one of disdain.

Marion: "Well, well, well, look who it is. The newest member of Filthspire. You better watch
your back, Ray, because your role as royalty doesn't work around here, you're now a bottom

I bristled at his words, refusing to let him see how much they bothered me. Instead, I flashed him
a cocky grin. "Oh, I don't know, Marion," I replied, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "That's rich
coming from you"

"Oh yeah?!" Marion casted a fireball around his hand "Wanna see how serious i can be?" he said
with intent to harm me.

"Great spell and all but I bet you can't do this, '' I said with a mischievious grin.

"Do wha-" his words were cut short by a gust of wind from my spell, almost choking on his
words. "WHY YOU LITTLE—" Marion's face flushed with anger, but before he could respond,
Lhyn stepped in to diffuse the tension. "Come on, Marion. Let's not waste our time with him."

I was shocked, senior Lhyn gave me the cold shoulder this morning, infact i didnt see her at all
after the ceremony ended.

As Marion and his crew stalked off down the hallway, Marion walked away in anger while
screaming "Just you wait, I'm gonna kill you in the chivalry race" I couldn't help but say "I heard
Filthspire's got some pretty impressive chariots. Wouldn't want to lose to us now, would you?"
and I felt a sense of satisfaction. Maybe I had gotten under his skin more than I realized

"It's not your fault, you know," Hannah said, her voice breaking the heavy silence that had
enveloped the hall like a suffocating blanket. Her words, soft yet laced with conviction, seemed
to hang in the air, each syllable carrying the weight of years of oppression.

"The other houses, they've always looked down on us. Since the dawn of time, House Filthspire
has been always been discriminated against."

Her words struck a chord within me, resonating with a truth I had long suspected but never fully
grasped. As I glanced around at my fellow Filthspire students, I saw a mixture of resignation and
defiance in their eyes, a silent testament to the injustices they had endured

It wasn't fair that we were judged solely based on the tarnished reputation of our house, without
anyone bothering to see the strength and resilience that lay within each of us. "Yeah, but who
needs them anyway?" Neomi said, her voice tinged with a defiant glint as she met my gaze.

"We've got each other, and that's all that matters." Her words brought a glimmer of hope amidst
the darkness, reminding me that unity and solidarity were our greatest weapons against the
prejudice of the other houses. But Hannah's next words reignited the flame of determination
within me.

"You know we need someone like you in the games," she said, her tone earnest yet tinged with

"We need someone with the fighting spirit like yours, are you up to it?" I hesitated, uncertainty
gnawing at the edges of my resolve. The thought of representing Filthspire in the upcoming
games was both daunting and exhilarating, a chance to prove our worth to the other houses and
perhaps even change the perception of our house for the better.

But I couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered in the back of my mind.

"I thought the teams were already decided? And I'm a newcomer, I don't think I'm up for it," I
replied, my voice tinged with a hint of self-doubt.

"One of our seniors got injured last week just before the sorting ceremony, so we were one man
down against the houses," Maurice interjected, his eyes alight with a spark of hope.

"We need someone like you to fill the gap, John Ray. Someone brave enough to challenge the
status quo." I thought carefully about Maurice's words, weighing the risks and rewards of
stepping into the fray.

It could be my chance to make a difference, to finally earn the respect and recognition that
Filthspire so desperately deserved.

But it could also be a fool's errand, a futile attempt to defy the entrenched prejudices of the other
houses. "It could be a way for us to be recognized once and for all by the other houses," Neomi
interjected, her voice brimming with determination.

"No one could stand up to Marion, let alone House Dragonheart. But you, John Ray, you've got
some balls." she said without a filter. "We definitely need that kind of courage in the chivalry

As I listened to Neomi's words, a sense of resolve began to blossom within me. Maybe, just
maybe, this was my chance to make a difference, to stand up for what was right and prove that
House Filthspire was more than just its reputation. With a nod of determination, I made my

"I'm in"

Three days had passed since we began our rigorous training regimen. I was focusing on building
my upper body strength to withstand the intense pressure of the wind during the race. The
mechanical horses, magically enhanced to perform at their peak, were a marvel of engineering,
crafted by none other than the ingenious Maurice.

As we diligently worked on assembling our chariot, Senior Lhyn and other members of the
Phoenix guild strolled past our area. Their presence alone seemed to irk the members of Pehonix
guild, who approached us with hostility.
"Sheesh, I guess the loser squad doesn't know when to quit," Sam remarked with a sneer of
arrogance. "I agree. These losers don't seem to understand their place in society," added Icee, her
voice dripping with disdain.

Maurice, busy tinkering with the mechanical horse, chose to ignore their derogatory remarks. But
when Icee, in a fit of rage, kicked Maurice's toolbox, all hell broke loose.

"What is wrong with you?!" Maurice exclaimed, his voice filled with fury. The commotion
caught my attention, and I hurried over to intervene.

"Hey, hey, knock it off, you two," I interjected, attempting to diffuse the escalating situation.
"Phoenix, what are you even doing here in our area? Don't you have anything better to do?"

Our bickering continued until our professor intervened, forcing the other guild members to leave
before we caused a full-blown commotion. Despite the heated exchange, Senior Lhyn remained
silent, leaving me with a sense of disappointment.

"I thought you were better than this. I thought you were different from them, but I guess not," I
muttered as she walked away, unable to gauge her thoughts or feelings as she refused to look

As the tournament drew closer, tensions between the houses reached a boiling point. The
interactions with House Dragonheart became scarce, replaced by a palpable aura of hostility that
House Pheonix hung in the air like a thick fog. Despite our best efforts to focus on preparing for
the upcoming tournament , the looming tension cast a shadow of uncertainty over our

Then, on the eve of the tournament, we learned something shocking that would change


"The night is falling, and time is slipping away," I began, my gaze drifting toward the darkening
sky. "I can't stomach John Ray's arrogance toward House Dragonheart any longer. We need to
take action."

Justine's voice was firm and resolute as he agreed, "Absolutely, but what's your plan?"

With a mischievous grin dancing on my lips, I leaned in to share my scheme. "I've got an idea,
one that's a bit risky, but it might just give us the advantage we need for the chariot race."

Junard, always up for a challenge, leaned forward eagerly. "Tell us more."

"A forbidden spell that's been passed down in my family for generations," I explained, feeling a
thrill of excitement. "It allows me to control people's minds and manipulate their actions."

Ferlene interjected, her eyes widening with realization, "So you'll use it on John Ray to sabotage
the chariot race from within?"

"Exactly," I affirmed, nodding in agreement. "But for the spell to work, we need a talisman to be
in close proximity to the target."

Justine voiced her concern, "But how will we manage that?"

"Already taken care of," I replied confidently.

As if on cue, there was a sharp knock on our dorm door. I swung it open to reveal Neomi
standing in the doorway, her presence causing a collective gasp from my companions.

"The half-kin?!" they exclaimed in unison, their expressions bordering on panic as they
instinctively cast out their spells.

"Hold!" I commanded, my voice carrying authority as I stepped forward to address Neomi. "She
means no harm, at least not for now. Neomi, you're here to assist John Ray to sabotage his own
team, aren't you?"

Neomi, visibly frightened, nodded in agreement.

Junard voiced his skepticism, "But how can we trust her? She's from Filthspire!"

I reassured them, "We've entered into a binding vow contract. Neomi will aid us in exchange for
a spot in House Dragonheart. Besides we need the talisman to be near the person i want to
influence to be near the talisman inorder for the spell to work, we need her for this to work" i

"Since a binding vow is a whole different concept than spells and curses, we dont want anything
for the vow to be broken now do we neomi?" i said in a threatening voice

Neomi in fear nodded profusely

"Good, well off you go now, dont forget the vow you made" i said and With a firm push, I
directed Neomi out of our dorm and shut the door behind her. As I turned away, satisfied that our
plan was in motion, a sudden crash startled me, causing me to whip around in alarm. A broken
glass lay on the floor, shattered into pieces. "Must've been the wind," I muttered, dismissing the
incident and returning to my thoughts. Everything had been meticulously planned and executed,
or so I thought.


As morning cast its gentle light upon Astoria, signaling the arrival of the day of the finals, a
sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. We gathered in the living room, faces alight with
hope and determination, but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was missing.

"Where's Neomi?" I inquired, scanning the room for any sign of her presence. My question was
met with puzzled looks; no one seemed to know her whereabouts since she had left the night

"I haven't seen her," Maurice replied, furrowing his brow. "Maybe she's already at the stadium."

Pushing aside my concern, I assumed she must have headed to the stadium early and decided to
proceed with our preparations for the race. We readied our chariots, each member of our team
focused and resolute.

Mentally preparing myself for the challenge ahead, I led the way toward the arena. As we
approached, the grandeur of the Colosseum-like structure filled me with awe.

"Just look at this place," Hannah marveled, her eyes wide with wonder. "It's like something out
of a dream." I said in agreement.

Upon reaching the stables, my attention was drawn to a member of House Phoenix, Marquiz who
came running toward us with a look of urgency etched on his face.

"John Ray! John Ray!" he cried out, his voice echoing through the courtyard. The urgency in his
tone sent a shiver down my spine. "What's wrong, Marquiz?" I asked, my heart pounding with

Marquiz took a moment to catch his breath before responding.

"Neomi...is...gonna...betray...you," he managed to gasp out before collapsing from exhaustion.
With a sense of dread settling in the pit of my stomach, I instructed my teammates to take him to
the infirmary for treatment.

"We'll take care of him," Maurice reassured me, his voice steady despite the gravity of the
situation. As I pondered Marquiz's cryptic warning, the blare of horns signaled the imminent
start of the race, jolting me back to the present.

"We need to focus," I said, rallying my teammates. "Let's show them what House Filthspire is
made of." With no time to dwell on Marquiz's words, we made our way to the stadium, where the
cheers of students from all three houses filled the air, each group fervently rooting for their own.

As we walked towards the racetrack, I couldn't help but notice Marion's contorted expression, a
mixture of determination and something more sinister lurking beneath the surface. I couldn't
shake the feeling that there was something off about him, but I had to stay cautious. "Just keep
your eyes peeled, everyone," I murmured to my teammates, shooting a wary glance in Marion's
direction. "I don't trust those Dragonheart troublemakers."
The dean's voice boomed over the arena, announcing the imminent start of the race. With
adrenaline coursing through my veins, I took my place at the helm of our chariot, my grip firm
on the reins. "Alright, team, let's do this," I said, my voice filled with determination as I glanced
at my fellow Filthspire members. "We've trained for this moment, and we're ready."

As the countdown began, my heart pounded in anticipation. With each passing second, the
tension in the air grew thicker, until finally, with a resounding call of "Go!" we surged forward,
our chariot tearing across the track with lightning speed.

The first part of the lap was normal for a race like this but this is Astoria. There are always
troublemakers and I was correct. As we raced around the track, the tension between House
Filthspire and House Phoenix seemed to simmer just beneath the surface.

Suddenly, without warning, a fiery ball of flame hurtled towards us, launched by Sam iin an
attempt to sabotage our progress. "Look out!" I shouted, my heart pounding as I quickly
summoned a barrier of ice to deflect the incoming fireball. The flames sputtered and fizzled
against the frozen barrier, leaving us unscathed but shaken.

"Those sneaky Phoenixes!" Hannah exclaimed, she countered with a sandy wind spell tyring to
cover their visuals off us. "They won't catch us off guard again."

But just as we thought we had gained the upper hand, another spell came hurtling towards us,
this time a slick coating of grease intended to send us skidding off course. "Not this time!"
Maurice shouted, his voice tinged with determination as he conjured the race track with a thick
wall of hardened earth to shield us from the slippery substance. The grease splattered harmlessly
against the barrier, unable to penetrate its solid defense. With each obstacle we faced, our
teamwork and quick thinking proved to be our greatest assets.

As we surged across the first lap line, the roar of victory from the crowd filled the air, a
testament to our hard-fought triumph. But even as we basked in the glory of our success, I could
sense the looming threat of House Phoenix still lurking behind us, their determination

Drawing upon the ancient power of wind magic, I felt my aura pulsating with a vibrant green
hue, I imbued my voice box with the strength of Thu'um. With a commanding presence, I raised
my voice, channeling the essence of ancient Nordic words that resonated with power.

"FUS RO DAH!" I thundered, unleashing a torrential force of wind that surged forth like a
speeding bullet. The sheer force of the shout struck with unparalleled might, causing the
mechanical horse of House Phoenix to veer wildly off course, their faces contorted in fear as they
struggled to regain control.

"House Phoenix has been eliminated from the course," the dean's voice boomed over the arena,
echoing triumphantly as the crowd erupted into cheers. The announcement was music to my ears,
and with that we pressed on onward to the final lap.
As our chariot thundered around the track, the rivalry between Marion and me reached its peak.
With each twist and turn, the tension between us crackled in the air, fueling the competitive fire
burning within.

Suddenly, in a burst of red light, Marion unleashed a spell i was not aware of.

"Soulbind's Embrace." marion mumurred and I felt a chill run down my spine as his dark magic
enveloped me and my mind was transported into a void like room

"Submit to my command, and we shall emerge victorious." Marion's voice echoed in my mind,
dripping with malice

Gritting my teeth, I tried to fight against the suffocating grasp of his magic but Marion's
influence was relentless, his dark will twisting and contorting my thoughts. With each passing
moment, it became harder to distinguish my own desires from his manipulations.

In a moment of clarity, I somehow broke free from Marion's grasp, my determination shining
bright in my eyes. "Not today, Marion!" I declared, channeling every ounce of my strength to
reclaim control.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!! HOW DID YOU DISPELL MY DARK ARTS?!?!" Marion, consumed by

rage at my defiance, conjured a fiery inferno ball and hurled it towards us. "Burn, filthspire
scum!" he roared, his voice laced with venom.

I dodged the fireball with lightning-fast reflexes, narrowly avoiding disaster. "Nice try, Marion,
but you'll have to do better than that!" I taunted, a smirk playing on my lips.

Marion brandished a steel rod, and sinister gleam danced in his eyes, and with a wicked
incantation, Flames erupted from his fingertips, swirling and coalescing into a fiery bow and
arrow, each ember burning with a malevolent intensity. The air crackled with energy as the
blazing red projectile took shape, casting an ominous glow over the track.

"Wallahi we're cooked 😭" Maurice said

But Hannah had an ace up her sleeve. She unleashed an ice projectile with a viscous liquid
slowing down their chariot as our wheels gained speed, propelling us forward. However,
Ferlene's fierce counterattack melted the ice, restoring their traction but igniting the frozen grease

"Hang on tight, everyone!" she exclaimed but a second after she shouted as their chariot erupted
into flames. "We're burning up!" Panic gripped them as they fought to maintain control amidst
the inferno.

Despite the peril, Marion and his team pressed on relentlessly, their determination undiminished.
As we neared the finish line, I rallied my companions, shouting above the roar of the flames,
"We can do this, team! Together, we'll conquer any challenge that comes our way!" With each
passing moment, victory seemed within our grasp.

In a final act of desperation, Marion unleashed a sinister spell from his family's dark repertoire.
With a chilling cry, he bellowed, "LETUM OBSCURA!!!!"

The spell surged towards me like a relentless predator, aiming to consume me whole. With
milliseconds to spare, I barely managed to evade its deadly grasp, but not without consequence –
the curse grazed my left eye, leaving a searing pain in its wake. Despite the agony, we surged
forward, fueled by the fervent cheers of our fellow Filthspire members.

With victory almost in our grasp, the strain proves too much. As I neared the end of the lap, the
world blurred into darkness, and everything faded away…

In the depths of darkness, a voice pierced through the void, calling out to me. It was familiar,
comforting even. It was Neomi. Struggling to grasp my surroundings, I asked her what had
happened to her, where she was now.

"Neomi, is that you?" I called out, my voice echoing into the darkness.

"Yes, John Ray, it's me," she responded, her voice carrying a hint of sorrow. "I'm trapped in

My heart sank at her words. "What? How did you end up there?"

Neomi's voice trembled slightly as she explained, "I was transported here for breaking a binding

I felt a mix of confusion and concern. "But what vow did you break?"

Neomi hesitated before admitting, "I was going to betray you all, John Ray. I'm so sorry."

I was taken aback by her confession, but before I could respond, she continued, "But something
stopped me, John Ray. My conscience kicked in, and I couldn't go through with it."

Relief flooded through me at her words, but it was quickly replaced by determination. "Neomi, I
promise you, I'll find a way to get you out of there."

There was a moment of silence before Neomi spoke again, her voice filled with gratitude.
"Thank you, John Ray. But I'm afraid I'm stuck here forever."

I refused to accept her fate. "No, Neomi. I won't let that happen. I'll find you, no matter what."
Her response was bittersweet. "I'll be waiting for you, hero."

With those words echoing in my mind, as I stirred from my unconsciousness, my eyes gradually
adjusted to the dim light surrounding me. The first faces I saw were those of Hannah and
Maurice, their expressions a mix of relief and concern.

"John Ray, you're awake!" Hannah exclaimed, her voice laced with relief. "We were worried
about you." I blinked, trying to piece together what had happened. "What happened?" I managed
to croak out, my throat dry.

Maurice stepped forward, his brow furrowed with worry. "You passed out right before we
crossed the finish line," he explained. "Marion unleashed some kind of dark spell on you, and
you collapsed."

My heart sank as the memories flooded back. Marion's treachery, the relentless pursuit during the
race, and the overwhelming darkness that had consumed me. "What happened after that?" I
asked, my voice trembling slightly. Hannah exchanged a glance with Maurice before continuing.
"Well, after you passed out, I managed to guide our chariot across the finish line," she explained.
"We won, so you're welcome hehe"

The memory of our conversation is still fresh in my mind. It was a dream, but it felt all too real.
As I regained my bearings, a sense of purpose ignited within me. I knew what I had to do - I had
to find Neomi, no matter what.

After getting dismissed at the infirmary, we relished the day's tranquility, immersing ourselves in
the festivities of the town square. The aroma of delectable foods wafted through the air from the
bustling stalls, and the booths brimmed with colorful accessories and trinkets. We laughed and
shared stories, basking in the camaraderie forged through our victory.

The next morning dawned with a formal announcement of our triumph at the hall, where we
were honored as the top house. Despite lingering prejudices, our success marked a significant
stride towards dismantling discrimination. Instead of viewing us with disdain, others now
regarded us with a wary caution of our potiential.

As for Marion and his croniess, justice prevailed when Marquiz bravely revealed their treachery,
leading to Marion's expulsion from the academy.

Following a briefing with the Phoenix Guild, we agreed to maintain neutrality with each other,
fostering peace between the houses and preventing further conflicts. Meanwhile, House
Dragonheart faced a hiatus after their seniors departed for the summer break, leaving the
newcomers without a leader. As the school year drew to a close, it was time for everyone to bid
farewell to Astoria Academy and return to their respective homes.

Amidst the impending departure and the palpable sense of unease, I made a decision that would
shape the course of my destiny. set forth on a journey to the mysterious region of Johtelhiem.
While others prepared to depart for their homes, I embarked on a new adventure, determined to
break Neomi free from her curse. I ventured into the unknown, uncertainty shrouded my path
like a thick fog.

Yet, with each step forward, I remained steadfast in my purpose with determination blazing in
my heart and courage guiding my steps, I set forth into the unknown, ready to face whatever
trials awaited me. For in the quest to break Neomi's curse, I knew that my destiny awaited, and
the journey had only just begun.














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