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1. What do you think is the role of the artists in the 20th century society? (5pts) - In my personal
perception the role of the artist - I think that the roles of the artists in the 20th century society was to
paint artworks that would complement each of their beauty of the authors as well as to convey what
they are specifically feeling the moment that they painted their artworks. Many artists experienced
hatred because most of the people in that time look down on arts and to the paintings that the artists
paint. Usually, the artists undergo suicidal thoughts and depression because they thought that they are
painting their works and expects the people to also relate to them or at least find their art attractive but
not every single one appreciates it.

2. What are your knowledge about the National Artist Award of the Philippines? Does it have a
relevance to us ordinary citizens? (10pts.) – – My knowledge about the national Artist awards of the
Philippines is they give a highest distinct bestowed upon Filipino artist whose body of work recognized.
These are the artist who promoted the culture of the Philippines they preserving the culture by their
work to influence other people to see the beauty of the hidden culture of our other Filipino ancestors
such as, music, dance, theatre, literature, film and media, arts, architecture and design. Also, in their
creation they were acknowledge and being awarded for it has a big impact in the society where they can
influence and give relevance to others, as a good example. Hence, they can convince and motivates
others to share their creation. It does have relevance to us ordinary citizens because as I stated before,
the creation of the artists here in Philippines makes a good example for the aspiring artists as well. It
gives inspiration and motivation for the people that has been planning for ages to be an artist. It could
also influence the people that are ordinary citizens to create such a masterpiece.

3. Identify one artist (Filipino or foreign). List down and describe his/her works. (10pts.)

- Georges Braque is fauvism artist one of his arts is Landscape near Antwerp. Landscape near Antwerp
the dotted accents of the font help to preserve this contrast between surface and depth. the depth of
the region next to the earthen mound is indicated by the hue of the water, However, they also firmly
reiterate the picture's surface at the same time. Landscape near Antwerp (Paysage prés d’Anvers, 1906)
is set on the dunes there. On the opposite bank, we can see one of the large commercial buildings and
some of the smaller houses along the embankment. Near the center of the painting is the brightly
colored spar of a sailboat, and in the distance off to the right are the more elaborate masts of a group of

- Balustre et Crane - featuring a much brighter colour scheme than found in some of his other abstract
paintings. This kind of artwork it represents the life of Braque called vanitas it’s symbolized agony and
mental misery. Within this body of art, there is an inner conflict that is expressed. The items ultimately
stand in for his personal suffering brought on by war, notably the aftermath of World War I and the
approaching onset of World War II. In fact, he purposefully used a bright, dramatic color palette to
better express his personal dissatisfaction with some aspects of society at the time. Although it is awful
to learn what inspired this outstanding body of work, it undoubtedly advances our comprehension of
what transpired.

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