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Management (MSBTE) 1-49 _Introduction to Mani

(@) Activity (b) Task at ‘Top management includes.

(©) Decisions —(d)_ Actions (a) Prosident (b) Superintendents
: (d)] () Branch managers (d) General foreman
Which of the following is not included in the three [Ans.: (@)]
a3 e
general manager roles identified by Henry ai2z Which of the following does not belong to middl
Mintzberg? management?
(@) Figurehead roles (b) Interpersonal roles (a) President (b) General foreman
(©) Information roles (d) Decision roles (©) Branch mana gers (d) Superintendents
[Ans .
: (a)]
[Ans. : (d)]
Manager is responsible for activities of his/her Q.13 Middle management — is concerned — with
a4 by
(a) Employee (b) — Ordinates implementation of policies and plans chalked out
(© Subordinates (6)
Supervisor (a) Lower management
: (c)]
cscs Ole involves receiving collecting of (b) Top management
information and distributing
them as required. (©) Upper middle management
(a) Interpersonal (b) Information (6)_None of the above
[Ans. : (b)]
(©) Decisional (d) Managerial
14 ‘Top management does not belong to ......-
: (b)] (a) Board of directors
a6 Decision roles include..... () Managing directors
(a) Negotiator (b) Monitor (©) Chief executives
(c) Disseminator @) ‘Spokesperson (d) Branch managers
: (a)]
a7 According to Peter Drucker, ...... is what the Q.15
modem worid is all about".
(2) Controlling (b) Management
(©) Directing (d) Innovation
: (b)]
as ‘Administrativeis also called as.....
(a) Middle level management
() Low level management
() Top level management
(d)_None of the above Qi7
: (c)]
ag Executiveis also called as.....
(2) Top level management
() Low level management
() Middle level management
(d)_None of the above
: (c)]
Q.10 ‘Supervisory
is also called as...
(2) Top level management
(b) Middle level management Q.19
(©) Low level management
(d) None of the above
(Ans. : ()]
‘manfunctagion em
involvesen settintg goals
Sacer and creating speci fic
completing them?
plans for
" -
(@) Planning ©) so Crpsmingy
© Controllin 9 (Leading
Q.30 Which level of management is responsib
establishing a visio n for the
developing broad plans and strategi tion,
directing subordinate managers? es, and
{@) First level managers
(&) Costing (©) Middle managers
(©) Executive managers |
[Ans. : (c)) (@) Sec
l man
31 Which level of management is [Ans : (c)
(@) Process of managing implementing programs that are intres
ponsible for
(©) Process of controlling out ed to
the broader objectives of an organization set by
(©) Process of management executives?
(2) None of the above ‘Supervisory manage
(0) Middle managers
2.25 Lower man [Ans: .(c)] (©) First level managers
is a
as .. (@) Chief financial managers
(@) Foreman (0) Inspector
(©) Director (@) — Supervisor @.32
Q.26 —Exelevc el u
is t
g but
: (d)
y th
(@) Middle level management (@)
(0) Top level management Division of command
(©) Chain of command
(©) Lower level management (©) Unity of direction
(2) No
of n
the e
above (9) Unity of command
[Ans: (a)
deploying, and utilizing a var
Fesources to
iety of essential
contribute to an organization's
(a) Planning (b) Organizing
(b) Chofacom
iman nd
(c) Staffing (C)_ Uni
of dire
ty ction
(4) Management (4) Unoficotmmyand
ee eae ane
eR teca co
was |" |
= ty y
e (©) Administrative
sii Ans.: (a)
35 The ability of a manager to interface and work
‘effectively with individuals and groups is descriptive
‘of what type of managerial ski?
(@) Technical (b) Administrative
(©) Interpersonal (6) Organizational
[Ans.: (c)]
@.42 Which
of the following characterize
@ manager
2.36 By exceeding the monthly marketing budget set for being effective? 9§ tote
a company, a manager would fail to meet which of resources
(a) They use a minimum amount
the amount of outputs produced.

type of performance measure?
(@) Quantity (©) They devote a large amount of time to
(©) Quality and workmanship planning.
(©) Cost and budget control (©) They achieve their goals.
(6) Customer satisfaction (d) They interview, select, and train people who
[Ans. : (¢)] are most suitable to fill open jobs.
: (¢)]
Q.37 If a manager leads a team to exceed their monthly
goal of new clients, which type of performance @.43 Which of the following characte rizeas
a manager
results have they attained? being efficient?
(a) Quantity (a) They use a minimum amount of resources for
(b) Quality and workmanship the amount of outputs produced.
(c) Cost and budget control (b) The devote a large amount of time to planning
(d) Customer satisfaction (c)_ They achi eve
their goals.
[Ans.: (a)] (d) They interview, select, and train people who
Q.38 For a manager, which should take priority- the job are most suitable to fill open jobs.
task or the employees performing the job? [Ans.
: (@)]
(a) The job task always takes priority over @.44 Which management principle states that work
employees. should be divided so that each person will perform a.
(b) Employees always take priority over the job specialized portion?
task. (a) Division of work —(b)_ Chain of command
(c) Neither, a manager should balance interest in of direction]
(©). Unity of command
(4) __ Unity
the job task with the needs of the employees fans.: (@)]
performing the job.
() Neither, administration of the business takes @.45 What two major end results are managers seeking
priority over the job task and the employees. on a daily basis?
[Ans. : (c)] (a) A product or service
@.39 Economic uncertainty, regulatory requirements, and (b) Management and efficiency
new competitors are examples of what type of (©) Energy and utilities
factors that affect managers?
() Facilities and equipment
(a) Intrapersonal factors
(b) Internal factors
In management, the various roles
(0) Interpersonal factors are called on to perform are
(d) External factors process? J
[Ans. : (d)]
() None of these
[Ans. : (a)]

(©) Objective oriented ‘Which of the following

(@ None (@) Revenue
[Ans. :(a)] (©) Flexibility
they are aims which management
ons to achieve,
(b) Objectives
— (d)_ Noofne
i [Ans. :(b)]
8 ane. Mell
‘0 look things from others point of

(4) Communication
ir [Ans.
: (a)]
style which takes decisions with
: [Ans.
: (@)]
ts have great effect on the
‘and nation economy?
-(b) ‘Fire
0 @ “All
are o [Ans.
: (a)]
(@) Allofthe above
: (d)]
e following is indirect cost of accident
Money paid for treatment of worker
Compensation paid to worker
Cost of lost time of injured worker
Alllof the above
(b) Employment
None o the above
[Ans. : (b)]

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