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626 ||| THE BASIC ELEMENTS AND PHASORS. #37, For the network of Fig, 14:78 and the applied signal: fa, Determine j and f bs. Find i, = ST i00 sin ure + 605) FIG. 14.78 Problem 37, 38, For the network of Fig, 14.79 and the applied source ‘a, Determine the source voltage ¥, by. Find the currents i, and i, ©: Fig. 14.79 Problem 38, SECTION 14.9 Conversion between Forms 39. Conver the following ftom rectangular to polar form: aanys b2=/2 35 +)16 4. 100 + 7800 e. 1000 + 7400 £. 0.001 + 70.0065 g 16-79 he -8 +54 i -15 = j00 je $78 705 k. -2400 + 3600 15x 107? = 725 x 107% 40, Convert the following ftom polar to rectangular form: a. 6.230" , 40 280" ©. 7400 £70" 4x 10" 28° 0104 280° 0.0093 223° 65 2150° b 122138 i 500 2200" je 6320 2-35" 7522-125 1 0.008 2310° 41. Convert the following ftom rectangular to polar form: atts b. 60+ j5 ©. 001 +j03 4. 100 = j2000 5.6 +786 f -2.7 = 7386 4 42. Conver the following from polar to rectangular form: a 13 25° b. 160 287" 7X 1078 22° a 87.2177 162-4 £396 24265" SECTION 14.10 Mathematical Operations with Complex Numbers Perform the following operations. 443, Addition and subtraction (express your answers in ree tangular form): a. (42 + j68) + (7.6 +02) b. (a2 + j7) + 8 + 42) + 0.1 +709) 4X 10 +776) + (12 x 107 = 78) 4, 8 +j62)— (46 + 74.6) fe. (167 + 243) ~ (42.3 ~ j68) £ & bh (36.0 + j78) ~ (4 ~ j6) + (08 ~ 772) 6220 +8 280° 42. 245° + 62 260° — 70.2:120° 44, Muliplication [express your answers in rectangular form for parts (a) through (d) and in polar form for parts (2) through (0): a 2+ j36 + )8) b.(78 + /1N4 +727 +7 &, (0,002 % j0.006)(—2 + j2) 4. (400 ~ 2000.01 ~ j0.5(-1 +3) fe ( 2607\4 222°) £. (69 2802 2-72") g. 0.002 2 120°Y0.5 2200°%40 2-60") bh, ($40 2-205 2.180°)(62 20°) 45. Division (express your answers in polar form): a. (42 Z10°V47 260°) b. (0.006 2 120°V(30 2-20") fe. (4360 2-207V(40 £210°) 4. (650 2—80"V(8.5 2360) e+ j82 + j2) £ (@ + j42(~6 + 560) B (0.05 + J0.25)/8 ~ j60) h. (45 J6u(0.1 = j04) “+46, Perform the following operations (express your answers jn rectangular form * Gi @Fs9) 8 260° BaZa + oo + 710) (6 £20°\120 40°) + 14) 22-30" (1 yay © (GaraerlG) ea #47. a, Determine a solution for x and y if 4/9) + Betsy) —j7 = 16.20" b. Determine x if (10 220°y 2-60" 30.64 ~ 725.72 Determine a solution for x and y if (x + /10)2 — jy) = 90-770 4, Determine if 80.208 BAe = 3464-72 SECTION 14.12 Phasors 48, Express the following in phasor form: a, VI(100) sin(wt ~ 30°) b. V%H0.25) sin'1571 ~ 40° © 100 sin(or — 90°) 4. 42 sings77 + 0°) © 6X 10" cos ut £36 X 10° cos( 7541 ~ 20°) 49, Express the following phasor currents and voltages as sine waves ifthe frequency is 60 Ha: + g + a 1=40A 220° b. V=120V 20° © T=8x OPA L120" d. V=SV 290° LY) % 6000 - - e T= 2082-120 ¥ $0. For the system of Fig. 14.80, find the sinusoidal expres- son for the unknown voltage ¥, if FIG, 14.80 4, = 60 sin(3771 + 20°) Problem 50, v= 20sin 3774 S51. For the system of Fig. 1481, find the sinusoidal expres- — sion for the unknown current i if , fj al 4, = 20 10° sin(at + 90°) 6X 10° sit — 60°) FIG. 14.81 Problem 51 2, Find the sinusoidal expression for the applied voltoge € forthe system of Fig. 14.82 if ¥%, = 60 sin(at + 30°) . uo = 30 sing ~ 30°) : FIG, 14.82 Problem 52.

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