Peg in Hole

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Implementation of Computer Vision Guided Peg-Hole Insertion Task

Performed by Robot Through LabVIEW

Conference Paper in Lecture Notes in Computer Science · August 2017

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62434-1_36


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5 authors, including:

Andres Sauceda Enrique Rodriguez

Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Jesus Romero David Ortega-Aranda



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Implementation of Computer Vision Guided
Peg-Hole Insertion Task Performed by Robot
Through LabVIEW

Andres Sauceda Cienfuegos1(B) , Enrique Rodriguez1 , Jesus Romero2 ,

David Ortega Aranda2 , and Baidya Nath Saha3
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico
andres, luis
Centro de Ingenierı́a y Desarrollo Industrial (CIDESI), Monterrey, Mexico
Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT), Monterrey, Mexico,,∼baidya.saha

Abstract. This paper presents a computer vision guided peg hole inser-
tion task conducted by a robot. We mounted two cameras: one capturing
top view and the other capturing side view to calibrate the three dimen-
sional co-ordinates of the center position of the peg and hole found in
the image to the actual world co-ordinates so that the robot can grab
and insert the peg into the hole automatically. We exploit normalized
cross correlation based template matching and distortion model (grid)
calibration algorithm for our experiment. We exploit a linear equation
for the linear and rotational displacement of the arm and gripper of the
robot respectively for computing the pulse required for the encoder. We
utilize gantry robot to conduct the experiment. The implementation was
carried out in LabVIEW environment. We achieved significant amount
of accuracy with an experimental error of 5% for template matching and
±2.5 mm for calibration algorithm.

1 Introduction

Peg-in-hole insertion is a topic largely addressed in robotic research, not only

due to its clear relevance in many industrial assembly tasks, but also for its
complexity as a control problem that requires both position and force regulation.
Peg in hole assembly is the most basic and benchmark problem in which a peg is
placed into a hole which has a bigger dimension [1]. This can be apparently an
easy task for humans, because we have the ability to perceive naturally all the
factors that this process involves, nevertheless for a robot this task can be very
complex. On the other hand, automate this process has several advantages such
as increased productivity, costs reductions, and manual repetitive task reduction.
Computer vision can automate the realization of this assembly process.

c Springer International Publishing AG 2017
G. Sidorov and O. Herrera-Alcántara (Eds.): MICAI 2016, Part I, LNAI 10061, pp. 437–458, 2017.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62434-1 36
438 A. Sauceda Cienfuegos et al.

In this research, we presented an automated computer vision guided peg-hole

insertion task performed by the gantry robot. Gantry is a widely used industrial
robot that provides the advantage of large work areas, ability to reach at dif-
ferent angles and better positioning accuracy. Towards achieving this goal, we
mounted two cameras: one capturing top view and other capturing side view to
find the three dimensional world coordinate of the peg, hole and gripper. We first
implemented a template matching algorithm to identify the peg and hole pair
based on their shape. We exploited Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC)
technique as a template matching algorithm which is invariant to brightness.
Then we executed a calibration algorithm which takes the pixel coordinate of
the peg, hole and gripeer and returns their three dimensional world coordinates.
We exploited the distortion model (grid) calibration algorithm for this
experiment because the distortion model can incorporate lens distortion as well
as angular view of the objects of interest, peg, hole and gripper in this exper-
iment. Then we utilized a linear equation based on pulse and ball screw pitch
constants of the servomotor of the gantry robot to compute the pulse required
for the encoder to provide the linear and rotational displacement of the arm
and gripper of the robot respectively so that the robot can perform the peg-hole
insertion task respectively. The peg-hole insertion task performed by the robot
kinematic controller involves four sequential steps: (i) linear displacement of the
gripper from its initial position to the center position of the peg; (ii) adjust the
gripper by rotating its arm based on the rotation of the peg and grab the peg;
(iii) carry and bring the peg to the hole; (iv) adjust the peg by rotating the
gripper arm based on the rotation of the hole and insert the peg into the hole;
(v) release the peg and return the gripper into its initial position (return home).
Step (i) and (iii) involves the rotation of the encoder of the arm servomotor, (ii)
and (iv) involves the rotation of the encoder of the gripper servomotor, and (v)
involves the rotation of the encoder of both the gripper and arm servomotor. We
executed the robot vision and kinematic computer program in LabVIEW [10]
environment. LabVIEW supports relevant libraries for data transmission and
acquisition from external hardware and both the robot vision and kinematics
can be accommodated in a single integrated system. A decent amount of accu-
racy was achieved with an error of 5% for template matching and a ±2.5 mm
error for calibration algorithm.
The organization of the paper is as follows. Section 2 presents literature
review. Section 3 discusses different algorithms of two computer vision algo-
rithms: template matching and calibration method used in this study. Computer
vision based proposed methodology for peg hole insertion task are presented in
Sect. 4. Results and discussions are demonstrated in Sect. 5. Section 6 concludes
this work. Relevant references are listed at the end of the paper.

2 Literature Review
Existing automatic “peg-hole” insertion task algorithms can be categorized into
three groups: dynamic and static models, machine learning and computer vision
Vision Controlled Peg-Hole Insertaion Task 439

sensors. Dynamic and static models use mechanical contact model, machine
learning based algorithm exploits force sensor torques whereas vision sensor uses
camera to automate “peg-hole” insertion task. Details of these three groups are
given below.
First Group: Dynamic and Static Models
Automated assembly has a lot of problems with uncertainties in the environ-
ment. Dietrich et al. [6] analyzed the implementation of static contact models in
assembly situations using parallel robots.
Navarro et al. [18] introduced a multimodal assembly controller approach
to effectively increase the knowledge of industrial robots in multimodal robots
working in manufacturing. The performance of the operation increases with time,
as the robot learns more efficient ways of completing the task.
Because of the uncertainties in a robot assembly process, problems with col-
lision and small positional alignments often occur. To solve this, Xia et al. [27]
developed a compliant contact dynamic model to solve these problems. Using the
basis of the dynamic model, the no-jamming and no-wedging assembly strategies
can be obtained.
To realize a peg in hole insertion with a multi degree of freedom manipula-
tor, you would normally need the precise position of the hole, this is obtained
using cameras or with force/torque sensors. Park et al. [20] provided an intuitive
assembly strategy that does not use any of those; instead, it first pushes the peg
towards the hole, once it touches the hole, the peg is dragged in a pattern until
it matches the hole, and then, the peg is inserted into it. For this experiment, a
simulation was done to verify the procedure, after that, it was physically tested
with a Kitech Arm.
Tsuruoka et al. [26] presented contact analysis in a 3 dimensional space,
map regions of the contacts are presented for analysis. The simulations took in
consideration the orientation of the peg and how it makes contact in the hole.
Callegari et al. [2] described the architecture of the virtual prototyping envi-
ronments that can be presently set up to try to make the best from a concurrent
mechatronic design of mechanical devices and control systems. Integration of
different software modules can do the job.
Callegari and Suardi [3] proposed a new parallel kinematics machine for the
assembly task. The architecture of the system was explained and the dynamic
behavior was tested. A position/force controller was developed for the purpose.
The robot used was a 3-RCC parallel machine.
Reinhart and Radi [23] implemented a telepresence system to make an assem-
bly. The system is composed of three parts: the human operator side, the robot
side, and the communication between them. For this paper, a peg-and-hole
assembly is planned for the task. First the movements are fast, until the position
of the robot is close to the hole, in which the movements are changed to be slower
and more precise. Once the peg touches the hole, the user receives feedback from
the robot and controls the movements of the robot using a joystick to complete
the insertion. A KUKA industrial robot is used for this paper.
440 A. Sauceda Cienfuegos et al.

Zhou et al. [30] conducted a 3D modeling simulation of the contact forces

occurring during peg-in-hole assembly operations. The orientation of the peg
should be explicit in the force/torque output function since it affects the feedback
Second Group: Machine Learning
Cervera [4] described a robot programming architecture for learning fine motion
tasks. Learning is an autonomous process of experience repetition, with the goal
being completing the task in with the minimum amount of steps. The sensor
data was analyzed, and it determined the route that the robot should take.
Balletti et al. [1] showed how to achieve an accurate peg-in-hole insertion
using only position sensors when resourcing to Variable Impedance Actuator.
For this, the CubeBot, a 13 DOF Variable Stiffness Actuator is used. The robot
uses a search algorithm to drive the position of the peg and the hole in the
same plane, after that, the peg is inserted with an oscillation movement to solve
orientation uncertainties and jamming.
Lopez et al. [13] demonstrated that robotic agents can be benefited from
integration of perceptual learning in order to modify its behavior against chang-
ing environments. Camera perception and force sensing are of big help for the
learning process, and using those, the robot can adapt and be a flexible system.
The robot used is a KUKA KR15.
While robot assembly operations can be performed by specifying the name of
the operation, this is not recommended because of uncertainties in the operation.
Lopez et al. [15] developed a Neural Network Controller consisting of two stages
to adapt and decide the best way to complete the assembly. The robot used is a
Puma 761.
Lopez et al. [14] created self-adapting robots using a Neural Network Con-
troller. A force/torque sensor was used by the robot to get data and adapt its
movement and orientation on the line, using previously obtained data. The robot
used is a Puma 761.
A biology multimodal architecture called MARTMAP, based on the biological
model of sensorial perception, was integrated in a robot by Lopez et al. [16] so
that it can adapt to the environment. This method, while slower in practice, has
other benefits that make it practical for certain situations.
Lopez et al. [17] used a method using 2D image object representation for
grasping. The method used only two image patterns from a regular or irregu-
lar object for training. From this, it was possible to recognize a lot of objects
achieving invariance to: rotation, scale, and location.
Sharma et al. [25] analyzed and compared different mathematical optimiza-
tion models for peg insertion. The main problem being that it must work without
specifications of peg and hole. A neural network strategy based on moments and
descend of the peg was generalized for tilted pegs.
Yun [29] investigated the usefulness of passive compliance in a manipulator
that learns contact motion. The robot learnt the policy for peg in hole insertion
using a gradient descending method. The compliance helped with the contact
motion and it yielded more stability and a slower sampling time.
Vision Controlled Peg-Hole Insertaion Task 441

Third Group: Vision Sensors

Choi et al. [5] solved an assembly task by using different sensor data. Vision
and proximity sensors were mainly used for gross motion control, and the
force/torque sensor was used for fine motion control of the robot. Each data
of the sensor was evaluated to see the usefulness of each sensor.
Kim and Cho [9] used vision sensors to solve for misalignments of the peg
because of deformation. An algorithm is designed and tested, and proved to be
effective in detecting misalignments and fixing the errors.
Xue et al. [28] introduced and used a new type cell of Self Organizing Manip-
ulator for dual-peg-in-hole insertion. A camera and a force/torque sensor is used
to complete this process, using the results obtained from an analysis of geometric
and force conditions in performing that work.
Newman et al. [19] implemented intelligent methods to deal with an assembly
task. The reason is that they work faster and better than blind search. For this,
sensory data is gathered and interpreted; furthermore, pattern matching can be
used for some cases to improve greatly the time required for completion.
In this research, we used computer vision based algorithms to automate the
“peg-hole” insertion task. Towards achieving this goal, we first implement tem-
plate matching algorithm to match the peg-hole pair which provides the image
coordinates of the center position and rotation of the peg, hole and the position
of the gripper. Then calibration algorithm converts the image coordinates to the
world coordinates which are used as an input to the robot kinematics algorithm.
Different well-known methods of template matching and calibration algorithm
are mentioned in the next section.

3 Related Computer Vision Algorithms

3.1 Template Matching Algorithms

Different template matching algorithms are available in literature [21]. Some of

them are explained below.
Naive Template Matching. In this method, we are provided with the pattern
image representing the reference object we are looking for and the input image
to be inspected. To perform the search, the pattern is positioned over the image
at every possible location, and each time we will compute some numeric measure
of similarity between the pattern and the image segment it currently overlaps.
Finally we will identify the positions that yield the best similarity measures as
the probable pattern position.
Grayscale-Based Matching. This is an advanced algorithm that extends the
original idea of correlation-based template detection enhancing its efficiency and
allowing to search for template occurrences regardless of its orientation. To do
this, it uses a process called “Image pyramids”, this process reduces the scale of
both, the template and the second image, while this removes fine details of the
original pictures, the template is still identifiable on the second image. Therefore,
442 A. Sauceda Cienfuegos et al.

we first identify matches in the highest level, and then we search on a lower
level of the pyramid, performing the search again considering only the template
positions that scored high on the previous level. Grayscale-Based Matching uses
this pyramid search to allow for multi-angle matching by computing a set of
pyramids, one for each possible rotation of the template. During the search, the
algorithm identifies both, position and orientation.
Edge-Based Matching. Edge-based Matching enhances grayscale-based
matching using one crucial observation, that the shape of any object is defined
mainly by the shape of its edges. Therefore, instead of matching the whole
template, we could extract its edges and match only the nearby pixels, thus
avoiding some unnecessary computations. In common applications, the achieved
speed up is usually significant. In edge-based matching, the gradient direc-
tion of the edge pixels is what is matched, not their intensity, as this would
cause a match anywhere wherever there is a large enough blob of the appro-
priate color. There are two important properties associated with the gradi-
ent: (1) the vector G|f (x, y)| points in the direction of the maximum rate of
increase of the
function f (x, y), and (2) the magnitude of the gradient, given by:
G|f (x, y)| = G2x + G2y equals the maximum rate of increase of f (x, y) per unit
distance in the direction G. From vector analysis, the direction of the gradient
is defined as: α(x, y) = tan−1 ( Gxy ), where the angle α is measured with respect
to the x axis.
Cross-Correlation. The fundamental method of calculating the image corre-
lation is called cross-correlation, which essentially is a simple sum of pairwise
multiplications of corresponding pixel values of the images. The cross-correlation
function plays an important role in matching the characteristic features of the
object to match. Its main drawback is that it is biased by changes in global
brightness of the images, so changing the brightness of the image may increase
or reduce the value of the cross-correlation, even if the second image is not similar
at all.
Normalized Cross-Correlation. The equation of cross-correlation for tem-
plate matching is motivated by the distance measure (squared Euclidean dis-

d2f,t (u, v) = [f (x, y) − t(x − u, y − v)]2

where f is the query image and the sum is over (x, y) under the window con-
taining the template t positioned at (u, v). Expanding d2

d2f,t (u, v) = [f 2 (x, y) − 2f (x, y)t(x − u, y − v) + t2 (x − u, y − v)]
x,y [t (x − u, y − v)] is constant. If the term
2 2
The term x,y [f (x, y)] is
approximately constant, then the remaining cross-correlation term

c(u, v) = [f (x, y)t(x − u, y − v)] (1)
Vision Controlled Peg-Hole Insertaion Task 443

is a measure of the similarity between the image and the feature. There are
several disadvantages to using (1) for template matching:
• If the image brightness varies with position, matching (1) can fail. The cor-
relation of the feature and a bright spot may be higher than the feature and
an exactly matching region.
• The range of c(u, v) is dependant on the size of the feature.
The correlation coefficient overcomes these difficulties by normalizing the
image and feature vectors to unit length, yielding a cosine-like correlation coef-
x,y [f (x, y) − fu,v ][t(x − u, y − v) − t̄]
N CC(u, v) = 
¯ 2  [t(x − u, y − v) − t̄]2
x,y [f (x, y) − fu,v ] x,y

3.2 Calibration Algorithms

To understand the calibration algorithm we describe here how an image is formed
through calibration algorithm [8]. Figure 1 illustrates how an image is created.
Figure 1 illustrates the following:

Fig. 1. How the image is formed in a Calibration technique

• The calibration target is represented in a real-world coordinate system

(Xw , Yw , Zw ).
• The camera coordinate system is represented as (xc , yc , zc ), with the z axis
aligned with the optical axis and the x and y axes aligned with the horizontal
and vertical axes of the image plane.
444 A. Sauceda Cienfuegos et al.

• An intermediate plane, parallel to the image plane, illustrates the shape of

the calibration target in an image.
A camera coordinate axis is displaced from a real-world coordinate axis by
the following transformation:

Pc = R(Pw − T )

Pw equals a point in the real-world coordinate system,
Pc equals the homogeneous point in the camera coordinate system,
R equals the rotation matrix between the real-world coordinate axis and the
camera coordinate axis, and
T equals the origin of the real-world coordinate axis minus the camera coor-
dinate axis.

Homography. A physical projection, or homography, defines a geometric map-

ping of points from one plane to another. In calibration, a homography can
describe the conversion of 3D coordinates in the real world to pixel coordinates
in the image.
A physical projection transformation maps the real-world point
P (Xw , Yw , Zw ) to the image point p(xw , yw ) A typical homography can be
expressed as
p = sHP,
p equals the image plane projection expressed in camera coordinates
[Xc Y c 1]T that correspond to 2D image coordinates.
P equals a real-world point expressed in 3D real world coordinates
[Xw Yw Zw 1]T
s equals a scaling factor, and
H equals homography.
Homography (H) is a 3×3 matrix which is the product of two matrices: a camera
matrix (M ) and a homography matrix (W ).
Camera Matrix. A camera matrix (M) describes the following internal camera
• Focal length
• Principle point position
• Pixel size
• Pixel skew angle

Internal camera parameters are represented with the following matrix:

⎡ ⎤
fx αfx cx
M = ⎣ 0 fy cy ⎦
0 0 1
where, fx equals Sx
Vision Controlled Peg-Hole Insertaion Task 445

fy equals SFy and

F equals the focal length, in millimeters
Sx equals the horizontal size of a pixel in the camera sensor, in pixels per mil-
Sy equals the vertical size of a pixel in the camera sensor, in pixels per millimeter
Cx equals the horizontal displacement of the imager from the optical axis, in
Cy equals the vertical displacement of the imager from the optical axis, in mil-
limeters, and
α equals the pixel skew angle of y with respect to x. α is typically equal to 0.
The camera focal length (F ) and pixel dimensions (Sx , Sy ) cannot be directly
calculated. Camera calibration can only calculate the derivative focal length and
pixel dimension combinations (fx , fy ).
Homography Matrix. A homography matrix (W ) consists of the rotation
matrix and translation vector that relate a point in a real-world plane and a
point in an image plane. The physical projection transformation matrix can be
expressed as
W = [R t]
R equals the rotation matrix and
t equals the translation vector
The rotation matrix (R) can be expressed as 3 separate 3 × 1 matrices, so that
R = [r1 r2 r3]
Thus, the original homography p = sHP can be expressed as,
⎡ ⎤
⎡ ⎤ X
x ⎢Y ⎥
⎣y ⎦ = sM [r1 r2 r3 t] ⎢ ⎥
Because calibration is performed with a planar calibration target, we can
generalize that Z = 0 to further simplify the homography as,

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
x X
⎣y ⎦ = sM [r1 r2 t] ⎣ Y ⎦
1 1
Different calibration algorithms [8,12,24] are available in literature. One of
the well-known methods are Tsai two-step method, in which the process of calcu-
lating the camera parameters is divided into two steps. The first step is to solve
linear equations to get parts of the external parameters. The focal length and
distortion correction coefficients will be figured out in the second step. It only
needs one image to get the rotation and translation matrix of the camera model,
and most equations in this method are linear, so that reduces the calculation
446 A. Sauceda Cienfuegos et al.

4 Proposed Methodolody
Proposed methodology for peg-hole insertion task consists of two sequential step:
(i) vision control and (ii) robot kinematics as shown in Fig. 2. Two cameras
were mounted to capture the top and side view of the peg and hole. Vision
control returns the three dimensional world coordinate of the center position and
rotation of the peg, hole and gripper. From this position, the robot kinematics
can compute the number of rotations required for the encoder of the robot arm
servomotor so that robot gripper can reach to the peg position, then pick pulse
are sent to the gripper servomotor to pick the peg and then the arm servomotor
provides the linear motion for the gripper to reach to the hole position, then
insert pulse are sent to the gripper servomotor to insert the peg into the hole.
After that release pulse are sent to the gripper servomotor to release the peg and
then return pulse are sent to the robot arm servomotor to return the gripper to
its initial position. The mathematical model used by vision control and robot
kinematics are given below.

Fig. 2. Block diagram of the proposed vision controlled peg-hole insertion task

4.1 Vision Control

The vision control consists of two sequential steps: (i) Template Matching, and
(ii) Calibration.
(i) Template matching. We exploit normalized cross correlation technique
for matching the expected peg and hole shapes. Normalized cross-correlation
Vision Controlled Peg-Hole Insertaion Task 447

is an enhanced version of the classic cross-correlation method that introduces

two improvements over the original one: The results are invariant to the global
brightness changes, i.e. consistent brightening or darkening of either image has
no effect on the result (this is accomplished by subtracting the mean image
brightness from each pixel value). The final correlation value is scaled to [−1, 1]
range, so that NCC of two identical images equals 1.0, while NCC of an image
and its negation equals −1.0.
(ii) Calibration. We exploit distortion model (grid) calibration. Distortion
modelling is typically used to correct radial distortion introduced by a lens, or
telecentric distortion introduced by sensor misalignment. The Calibration Train-
ing Interface also corrects for perspective distortion during distortion modelling.
Given a set of calibration points, the projections of the calibration points in the
image plane are determined, the error in the projected positions are calculated,
and these errors are used to solve for the camera calibration parameters. The
actual camera calibration parameters are obtained and can be used regardless of
where the camera is later located in scene. The principle behind the solution to
the camera calibration problems is to measure the locations (xi , yi ) of the pro-
jections of the calibration points onto the image plane, calculate the deviations
(δxi , δyi ) of the points from the correct positions, and plug this measurements
into equations that model the camera parameters. Each calibration point yields
two equations. The solution requires at least enough equations to cover the
unknowns, but for increased accuracy more equations that unknowns are used
and the overdetermined set of equations is solved using nonlinear regression.
Assume that the approximate position and orientation of the camera in
absolute coordinates is known. The parameters of the regression problem are
the rotation angles θ, ω, k; the position of the camera in absolute coordinates
px , py , and pz ; the camera constant f ; the corrections to the location of the
principal point (xp , yp ); and the polynomial coefficients for radial lens distortion
k1 , k2 and k3 . Since we have initial estimates for the rotation angles, we can
formulate the exterior orientation problem in terms of the Euler angles in the
rotation matrix using the next equations:

rxx = cosθ ∗ cosk

rxy = sinω ∗ sinθ ∗ cosk + cosω ∗ sink
rxz = −cosω ∗ sinθ ∗ cosk + sinω ∗ sink
ryx = −cosθ ∗ sink
ryy = sinω ∗ sinθ ∗ sink + cosω ∗ cosk
ryz = −cosω ∗ sinθ ∗ sink + sinω ∗ sink
rzx = sinθ
rzy = −sinω ∗ cosθ
rzz = −cosω ∗ cosθ
448 A. Sauceda Cienfuegos et al.

The equations for the exterior orientation problem are:

x rxx xa + rxy ya + rxz za + px

f rzx xa + rzy ya + rzz za + pz

y ryx xa + ryy ya + ryz za + py
f rzx xa + rzy ya + rzz za + pz

Replace x and y  with the corrected positions of the camera model,

(x − xp )(1 + k1 r2 + k2 r4 + k3 r6 ) rzz xa + rxy ya + rxz za + px

f rzx xa + rzy ya + rzz za + pz
(y − yp )(1 + k1 r + k2 r + k3 r )
2 4 6
rzz xa + rxy ya + rxz za + px
f rzx xa + rzy ya + rzz za + pz

The regression algorithm will require good initial conditions. If the target is
plane, the camera axis is normal to the plane, and the image is roughly centered
on the target, then the initial conditions are easy to obtain. These are:
x = translation in x from the origin
y = translation in y from the origin
z = distance of the camera from the calibration plane
f = focal length of the lens
xp = yp = 0
k1 = k2 = k3 = 0.

4.2 Robot Kinematics

The Cartesian coordinate system uses the pulse-width modulation (PWM)

and movement control signals for the actuators, i.e. the number of revolutions
achieved by the servomotor will be linked to the number of pulses that are sent
as a reference signal. To approach X = N R T the linear distance traversed by the
robot arm in millimeters, where X = P g (X, Y, Z) − P h (X, Y, Z), N = number of
pulses required to send to servo drivers for the encoder to traverse the distance
X, R = constants for number of pulses required for one revolution of the encoder,
T = ball screw pitch. Hence we get,
N= (2)
Figure 3 shows how the encoder does work. Figure 7 shows the implementa-
tion of the gantry robot kinematics through LabVIEW.
Vision Controlled Peg-Hole Insertaion Task 449

5 Experimental Results
Gantry Robot. We conducted the peg hole insertion task experiment using
gantry robot. A gantry robot consists of a manipulator mounted onto an over-
head system that allows movement across a horizontal plane. Gantry robots are
also called Cartesian or linear robots. They are usually large systems that per-
form pick and place applications, but they can also be used in welding and other
applications. Unlike other industrial robots, gantry robots have one additional
feature that give them a leg, or rather an arm, up on other systems. Because
they are mounted from above, they are capable of reach angles and crevices that
even standard floor mounted robots may have trouble reaching during an appli-
cation. Along with their reach and all position capability, gantry robots are also
fundamental in packaging and other material handling applications. Because of
their track, they can pick up items or boxes of items and move them to another
work station or space down the line, something a floor-mounted robot could
never achieve. It is this kind of versatility that makes gantry robotics attractive
to manufacturers in several different industries [22]. The gantry robot used in
this experiment has three degrees of motion and have one servomotor for each
of this motion as shown in Fig. 3.
Camera Used in this Experiment. The camera used for this experiment is
a Basler acA640-90gm with resolution 659 × 494 px, frame rate 90 fps, pixel bit
depth 12 bits.
Advantages of LabVIEW for Robot Programming. We executed the code
in LabVIEW environment [11]. For the robot control we exploited LabVIEW in

Fig. 3. Diagram of the experimental set up with gantry robot, servomotor of the arm
and gripper as well as ball-screw pitch
450 A. Sauceda Cienfuegos et al.

Fig. 4. LabVIEW block diagram of the proposed vision control

Fig. 5. LabVIEW block diagram of the template matching algorithm

order to have a whole system integrated in just one programming language.

LabVIEW has a lot of advantages for data transmission and acquisition from
external hardware due to its libraries.
Figures 4 and 7 illustrate the implementation of the robot vision control
and kinematics through LabVIEW respectively. The implementation of tem-
plate matching and calibration are demonstrated in Figs. 5 and 6 respectively.
Figure 5 shows that we use multiple input templates at different angles and
Vision Controlled Peg-Hole Insertaion Task 451

Fig. 6. LabVIEW block diagram of the calibration technique

Fig. 7. LabVIEW block diagram of the gantry robot kinematics

brightness as the input of template learning and then fuse these templates
which use as an input for template matching algorithm. Fusion of multiple tem-
plates increases the accuracy of template matching algorithm. Figure 6 demon-
strates that multiple images of circular dots and the distances among them
are used as the input of the calibration algorithm. The output of the cal-
ibration algorithm is the inverse of the homography matrix as discussed in
Sect. 3.2 which is used as the input of the template matching algorithm. The
pixel coordinate of the center position of the peg, hole and gripper found from
452 A. Sauceda Cienfuegos et al.

template matching algorithm are multiplied with this inverse of the homog-
raphy matrix which provides their three dimensional real world coordinates
P p (X, Y, Z), P h (X, Y, Z), θp (X, Y, Z), θh (X, Y, Z), P g (X, Y, Z) that are used as
the input of the robot kinematics controller as shown in Fig. 2.
Pick the Peg. The gantry robot is composed by three ball screw actuators that
determine the motion of the robot. One ball screw actuators are used for each
axis. The models of the AC servos and ball screws are given in the Table 1.

Table 1. Models of AC servos and ball screws of gantry robot.

AC servo motor Ball screw

X axis Yaskawa SGMAH THK SKR55 20 mm
Y axis Yaskawa SGMAH THK SKR55 20 mm
Z axis Yaskawa SGMAH THK KR33 10 mm

In order to control the position of each axis of the gantry robot we have to
operate the servo drivers on position control. For the purpose of generating the
pulses to move the robot, we use DAQ Assistant to send the pulses from the
card NI SCB-68A to the AC Drivers. N pulses generated by the DAQ Assistant
as shown in Eq. 2 where we set high time that is the time that the pulse is on
high and the number of samples that is the number of pulses or pulse train as
demonstrated in Fig. 9 that is obtained from the respective parameters of the
Eq. 2. The pulses train is driven out of the DAQ SCB-68A to the servo driver
(Yaskawa SGDH Servo Driver as shown in Fig. 8) where it internally processes
the necessary signal for the AC servo motor (Yaskawa SGMAH AC Servo as
illustrated in Fig. 8). For determining the rotation of the servo motion is needed
an digital signal that is sent to the servo driver as the same way showed in Fig. 8.
In general, the servo driver receives two inputs: the position control and rotation
Insert the Peg. We used a commercial two fingers gripper composed by two
DC AX-18 servos, one for the hold and release the peg and the second one for

Fig. 8. Robot kinematics for the arm servo motor

Vision Controlled Peg-Hole Insertaion Task 453

Fig. 9. Robot kinematics for the gripper servo motor

Fig. 10. Flow chart of the gantry robot kinematics

the roll axis. In order for a better grip and for the pick and insertion task, the
gripper has to have the same rotation as the peg/hole from the respective Y
axis. Given that angle as θp /θh , we calculated the necessary input for the DC
servo. Where θp and θh are the decimal numbers from 0 to 1023 where the unit
is 0.29◦ in that way we obtain the roll axis for the gripper. For the hold and
release task of the gripper it uses two gears with a 1:1 gear ratio for the motion
of each finger. For hold the peg the servo could rotates to 30◦ or 270◦ and for
the release of the peg the servo has to rotate to 150◦ as illustrated in Fig. 9.
A. Sauceda Cienfuegos et al.

Fig. 11. Block diagram of computer vision guided peg hole insertion task
Vision Controlled Peg-Hole Insertaion Task 455

Table 2. Experimental error.

Name of the algorithm Error

Template matching
Cross correlation 10%
Normalized cross correlation 5.0%
Point Coordinates ±4.5 mm
Distortion model (grid) ±2.5 mm

Return Home. Return home consists of release pulse for gripper servo motor
as shown in Fig. 9 and return pulse for arm servo motor as shown in Fig. 8.
Figure 10 shows the flowchart of the gantry robot kinematics. The average errors
of template matching and calibration algorithms are illustrated in Table 2.
The block diagram of the implementation of computer vision guided peg hole
insertion task through labview is demonstrated in Fig. 11.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

Peg hole insertion task is an open long standing problem for computer vision
and artificial intelligence community. In this research we implemented a peg and
hole template matching algorithm followed by camera calibration algorithm to
find the real world co-ordinates of the center position of the peg and hole. To
find the three dimensional real world co-ordinates of the center of the peg and
hole we mounted two cameras capturing the top and side view of the peg and
hole. We implemented normalized cross correlation based template matching
algorithm using different shape and size of the peg and hole in different illu-
mination conditions and different positions. Then we implemented a distortion
model (grid) camera calibration algorithm which can incorporate lens distortion
and angular view of the peg and hole. The pulse required for the encoder to
provide linear and rotational displacement of the arm and gripper of the robot
so that the robot can grab and insert the peg into the hole is computed by a
linear equation. We conducted the peg hole insertion task experiment in the
gantry robot. We used Gantry robot because gantry robot is easier to program,
with respect to motion, because they work with an X, Y, Z coordinate system.
Another advantages of gantry robot are that they are less limited by floor space
constraints that provides the advantage of large work areas, ability to reach at
different angles and better positioning accuracy. We conducted the experiment
in LabVIEW environment. A decent amount of accuracy was achieved with an
error of 5% error for template matching and an ±2.5 mm error for calibration
Our work provides several interesting avenues for future work. One of our
future directions is to teach the robot so that the robot can insert the peg into
456 A. Sauceda Cienfuegos et al.

the hole more efficiently. Towards achieving this goal, we plan to implement the
force and torque sensor in the finger of the gripper of the robot so that the robot
can change the direction and angle of the motion while inserting the peg into
the hole based on the signal captured by the force and torque sensor. Then we
plan to incorporate visual sensor with the force torque sensor to compute the
misalignment of the peg with the hole and decrease the overall experimental
error by identifying the location of the marks [9]. We would also plan to modify
the calibration algorithm to reduce the calibration error as well. We plan to
implement a linear algebra based novel cost function which is constructed in
real-world coordinates which makes calibration error uniform for different types
of geometric primitives and perspective invariant that makes non sensitive to
image resolution or camera-object distance. In the cost function formulation back
projection will be casted as a minimization problem, such that the re-projection
of the estimated world-space position, from world space to image space, achieves
a minimum difference from the annotated image position [7].

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