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UNIT 1-4: Direct Speech, Syllables, Prefixes & Parent’s Signature:
Suffixes, Facts & Opinions, Compound Words,
Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Synonyms, Common
& Proper Nouns, Homonyms & Homophones,
Pronouns and Sentence Variety.
TERM 1 AY 2020-2021

1. Put speech marks to show where the direct speech is.

a. Watch out! Lisa shouted.
b. Are we going to the swimming pool? she asked.
c. Stay calm, Will said.

2. Circle the word to the correct definition using prefixes un-, dis-, im-, and
a. unfair  not fair very fair

b. disconnect  connect not connect

c. impossible  very possible not possible

d. misunderstand  understand correctly understand wrongly

3. Circle the adjective in each sentence.

a. My house is enormous.

b. I like your shoes. They are gorgeous.

c. Dave is looking for his dark red shirt.

4. Write a sentence that describes your house using an adjective.



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5. For each of the following statements, show whether they are facts (F) or
opinion (O).

a. The sun rises in the east. ………………………...

b. My English teacher is kind. ………………………..

c. This test is very hard. ………………………..

d. Humans have ten fingers and ten toes. .………………………...

6. Read the sentences below. Underline the proper noun in each sentence.
a. Max is a naughty cat.
b. She comes from China.
c. We are going overseas in December.
d. Sarah is my best friend.

7. Read the passage below. Look at the underlined nouns. Write C over
common nouns and P over proper nouns.

The students in Ms. Sarah’s class would like to see a panda at the zoo. They

think that observing a panda is more exciting than other animals such as fish or


Going to the zoo is a really fun way to learn biology because the children can

observe the animals and their habitats. Taman Safari is one of largest zoos in


8. Identify which word that Nouns (N) and Verb (V).

a. The boy closed that book.
b. The dog drank water.
c. The bee flew on the flower.

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d. The clown sang songs.
e. Sally sat on the chair.

9. Combine the sentences. Use and to join the underlined nouns. Write the
new sentences.
My mom baked brownies. My mom baked lasagna.

10. Write the Subject pronoun that replaces the subject noun in each sentence.

a. Pancakes are my favourite food.

________ are my favourite food.

b. Dad and I made breakfast this morning.

________ made breakfast this morning.

c. My little sister wanted to help me cook dinner.

___________ wanted to help me cook dinner.

d. Milk spilled all over the floor.

_______ spilled all over the floor.

e. Mary and John help their mom set the table for dinner.
____________ help their mom set the table for dinner.

f. Peter poured milk into the cereal.

______ poured milk into the cereal.

11. Circle the correct Homophone.

a. I can’t (wait/weight) to receive your letter in the (male/mail).
b. We (ate/eight) lots of (meat/meet) for dinner.
c. Tomorrow we’re going to the (beach/beech).
d. My uncle always has a good (tail/tale).
e. What is the (sum/some) of 10 + 15?

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12. Fill in the blank with the suitable synonyms word from the box below.

Maybe end woman light cash

Noon trash memo trip begin

a. Finish = ……………..
b. Lamp = ……………..
c. Money = ……………..
d. Midday = ……………..
e. Journey = ……………..
f. Start = ……………..
g. Note = ……………..
h. Garbage = ……………..
i. Lady = ……………..
j. Perhaps = ……………..

13. Identify the sentence, and write SIM if simple sentence, COM if compound
sentence, or CPX if complex sentence.

a. I study Math and my friend study English. ...………

b. Uncle Evan taught me how to play the guitar. …………
c. John like apples but his sister likes orange. .…………
d. Although many children play computer games, others prefer sports. ………….
e. The environment is being damaged because of human involvement. …………

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