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UNIT: 07


Class: 3rd Time: One week Date:

Purpose: To recognize the present perfect in the affirmative and interrogative form.
Learning evidence: To write an article about the festivities in their community.

ACTIVITY 1. Let’s describe the image and answer the question:

What do you already know about Santa Claus?

Figure 1
The image portrays …………………………
It seems that…………………………………
With respect to the question, to the best of my
knowledge, Santa Claus…………………

Retrived form:


ACTIVITY 2. Now, let’s read the article about “who is Santa Claus… really?”.

Who is Santa Claus… Really?

Santa Claus is the most loved Christina character on the day of Christmas.
What do you know about Santa Claus?
When I was a Young boy, I knew exactly who Santa Claus was. He
was a fat, friendly, old man with a long, white beard that visited my
home once a year to put many toys under the Christmas tree. He
came only if my sister and I had been good – and only if we were

Then, early the next morning, after we woke up, we ran downstairs
to open all our gifts (I never understood why my parents always
seemed so tired on Christmas morning). As I got older, however, I
stopped believing in Santa Claus.

Many years later, I asked myself the question, “who is Santa Claus … really?” the answer surprised me. Santa Claus
was a real person. He was a Greek man; a Christian called Saint Nicholas who lived about 1,700 years ago in the
area that is now Turkey. He was famous because he gave many gifts to poor people. About a thousand years later,
many people in Europe began the tradition of giving gifts to children to remember Saint Nicholas. The modern
picture of Santa Claus – an old man dressed in red and white, with long white beard – started about two hundred
years ago in the United States and Canada.

Nowadays, he is also known as Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Santy or just Santa. Saint Nicholas died a
very long time ago but I like to believe that the real “Santa Claus” lives in all of us. He is the goodness and love in
our hearts that reminds us that true happiness comes from giving to other people.

Retrived form:


ACTIVITY 3. Let's analyze the following information about the use of “PRESENT PERFECT”.

When we say that 'something has happened', this is usually new information:
● Ouch I've cut my finger.
● The road is closed. There's been (there has been) an accident.
● (from the news) Police have arrested two men in connection with the robbery.

When we use the present perfect, there is a connection with now. The action in the past has a result now:
● 'Where's your key?' 'I don't know. I've Lost it.' (=I don't have it now)
● He told me his name, but I've forgotten it. (= I can't remember it now)
● 'Is Sally here?' 'No, she's gone out.' (=she is out now)
● I can't find my bag. Have you seen it? (= Do you know where it is now?)


Retrived form:

ACTIVITY 4. Let´s analyze the following information about Past Participle verbs: REGULAR and IRREGULAR VERBS

Retrived form:

Retrived form:

ACTIVITY 5. Now, read the situation and answer the questions

Read the situations and write sentences. Use the following verbs in the present perfect:

arrive break fall go up grow improve lose

1. Tom is looking for his key. He can´t find it. Tom has lost his key__________________
2. Lisa can´t walk and her leg is in plaster. Lisa________________________________
3. Last week the bus fare was $1.80. Now it is $ 2. The bus fare_________________________
4. Maria´s English wasn´t very good. Now it is better. Her English__________________________
5. Dan didn´t have a beard before. Now he has a beard. Dan _______________________________
6. This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. The letter___________________________
7. The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12. The________________________________

ACTIVITY 6. Let´s choose the correct answer.

1. You ________ the train. It left five minutes ago.

a) ´ve missed
b) ´re missed
2. My father _______ a new car.
a) ´s buy
b) ´s bought
3. I´m not hungry, __________ my dinner
a) I´ve just had
b) I´ve had just
4. Tom and Celia have ________ to the cinema.
a) Went
b) Gone
5. There aren´t any cakes. Someone ________ them.
a) Has eaten
b) Eats
6. They aren´t here. They´ve _________
a) Just left
b) Just to leave
7. We ____________ finished our homework, so we can go out now.
a) Already have
b) Have already
8. Martha can´t go skiing. She ________ her arm.
a) ´s broke
b) ´s broken

ACTIVITY 7. Complete the following sentences:

1. The student ________________ the test yet (not / to write)

2. Tim and Joe ________________the boxes into the house yet (not / to carry)
3. It _________________ to snow. (not / to start)
4. The cat ____________________ onto the table yet. (not / to jump)
5. I _________________ the castle. (not / to visit)
6. We _________________ out of the room all day. (not / to go)
7. Fred _________________ the money back so far. (not / to give)

ACTIVITY 8. Now, Let's write (Ket activity – Writing)

Write a postcard of about 50 to 80 words describing the best holiday you have ever had using the present perfect.
Follow the guidelines below:

● → What has been your best holiday?

● → Where did you spend this celebration?
● → What did you do during this time?
● → Who did you spend it with?

Remember that postcards, just like letters, must have a salutation such as Dear friend, Hi Maria!, etc and a
farewell, like: See you soon! Regards, etcetera.

Date: ____________



ACTIVITY 10. Now, write an article (100 to 150 words) describing the best festivities you have ever had in your
family and community, using the present prefect.

● Include the different parts of the article.

● Make use of the grammar learned in this unit (present perfect, Conditionals, etc)
● Christmas vocabulary.
● Read the rubric in the annex

ACTIVITY 11: Now, let’s think about what we learnt in this lesson and tick ( ) one option in the Self- Evaluation

In lesson 3, we learned … Need help Good Excellent

Past participle verbs
The present perfect in affirmativ e and negative form.
How to write an article.


● Murphy, R. (2015). English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press

● Englisch – (2022). Negations in the Present Perfect. Retrieved on October 28 th 2022 from:
● Oxford University Press. (2022). Unit 10 – exercise 1 - Present Perfect: affirmative. Retrieved on October 28
th 2022 from:


Patricia Kahn C, Docente COAR, Ucayali-Perú

Annex 1
IB rubric (Writing)

Mark Level descriptor Level descriptor


0 The work does not reach a standard The work does not reach a standard described by the
described by the descriptors below. descriptors below.

1-3 Command of the language is limited. The task is partially fulfilled.

Vocabulary is sometimes appropriate to Few ideas are relevant to the task.
the task. Ideas are stated, but with no development.
Some basic grammatical structures are Ideas are not clearly presented and do not follow a logical
used. structure, making the message difficult to determine.
Language contains errors in basic
structures and errors interfere with

4-6 Command of the language is partially The task is generally fulfilled.

effective. Some ideas are relevant to the task.
Vocabulary is generally appropriate to the Ideas are outlined, but are not fully developed.
task and varied. Ideas are generally clearly presented and the response is
A variety of basic grammatical structures generally structured in a logical manner, leading to a mostly
is used. successful delivery of the message.
Language is mostly accurate for basic
structures. Errors at times interfere with

7-9 Command of the language is effective The task is fulfilled.

and mostly accurate. Most ideas are relevant to the task.
Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and Ideas are developed well, with some detail and examples.
varied. Ideas are clearly presented and the response is structured in
A variety of basic grammatical structures a logical manner, supporting the delivery of the message.
is used effectively.
Language is mostly accurate. Occasional
errors in basic do not interfere with

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