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Self-Assessment of Teacher Leader Qualities

Adapted from

• Save this file as LastFirstName_TLQInitial.docx (KnowlesBeyonce_TLQInitial.docx)
• For each element, rate yourself in one of the following three categories (E/A/I). Be honest.
This is an opportunity to document growth
• Mark each box with an X
• Provide examples of your experiences in the leadership domain
• Identify areas within each domain where you are interested in growing as a teacher leader.
• Summarize your strengths and areas of possible growth.
• Boxes will expand as needed.
Exploring/Emerging (E) - a level of practice in which the teacher leader relies on ongoing
assistance from more experienced colleagues for support, guidance, and survival. The
teacher leader is moving toward becoming more self-directed and independent in her/his

Applying (A) - a level of practice in which the teacher leader is able to provide
independent leadership and easily applies what s/he has learned about leadership.

Integrating/Innovating (I) - a level of development in which the teacher leader is fully

skilled and confident. The Integrating/Innovating teacher leader contributing to the
broader educational community through staff development, research, or publication in
professional journals
Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and learning. E A I
Accomplished Teachers:
1. Recognize Individual Differences in Their Students and Adjust Their X
Practice Accordingly
2. Understand How Students Develop and Learn X
3. Treat Students Equitably X
4. Know Their Mission Transcends the Cognitive Development of Their X
Three examples of experience (i.e., if you Area of interest for growth
scored A or I, give examples)
• Since there are only 20 students in the • I would like to grow or get more guidance
classroom, my mentor/co-teacher and I on how to understand how students
get to personally know each and every one develop and learn, especially those
of the students and their families. We ask students who need extra support. I find
for surveys, as well as times for families myself always differentiating but
to chat with us. sometimes wonder if that is enough to
• Due to being a private school- we have help students in their learning and success
many resources and guidance on how to in kindergarten.
better serve our students. We have • I would also like to work more on the
instructional coaches topic of “knowing my mission transcends
(instructional/technology), learning the cognitive development of students.”
specialists (reading/math/school
psychologist) and administration (Head of
School, Associate Head of School, Lower
and Middle School Directors). We have
various times throughout the year that we
meet and talk about students who need
more support or challenges.
• As an educator, I am always trying to find
ways to better serve my students, while
also gaining knowledge on how to better
my teaching and help students succeed.
Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach E A I
those subjects to students.
Accomplished Teachers:
1. Command Specialized Knowledge of How to Convey a Subject to Students X
2. Generate Multiple Paths to Knowledge X
Three examples of experience (i.e., if you Area of interest for growth
scored A or I, give examples)
• I have a co-teacher, so we balance each • I would like to keep building multiple
other’s day with the material that we paths of knowledge for my students and
teach. I focus more on mathematics and for myself. Whether that be individual
reader’s workshop, while my co- research, suggestions from others, or
teacher/mentor teaches phonics/language attending PD/conferences, that would be
arts and writer’s workshop. We make sure very helpful in my growth as an educator.
to be aware and knowledgeable about
what we teach so we are prepared. We
also help each other out, if we need help.
• We keep learning and educating ourselves
when we don’t know how to teach a
certain subject or topic. We also give each
other tips/suggestions when needed,
especially as a new teacher.
• We also get suggestions from our
instructional coaches/admin on how to
better teach a topic. This past year, during
math, I have been working on making
sure students are not sitting on the rug for
so long- so they can be attentive and
understanding of the material.

Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring E A I

student learning.
Accomplished Teachers:
1. Call on Multiple Methods to Meet Their Instructional Goals X
2. Support Student Learning in Varied Settings and Groups X
3. Value Student Engagement X
4. Regularly Assess Student Progress X
5. Engage Students in the Learning Process X
Three examples of experience Area of interest for growth
(i.e., if you scored A or I, give examples)
• An area of growth for this area is to
• When teaching mathematics to the class, I continue building on these topics and
take mental or physical notes of student hopefully be able to move to integrating
engagement so that I can see what works and innovating by the end of the year. I
and what does not. This way I can better think all these subtopics are attainable by
prepare or know what to expect the next the end of the year, if I keep working on
time I continue a lesson. them.
• When teaching, I am always making sure
to check for understanding- whether that
be through exit tickets, hand signals, pair
conversations… this way I can assess
students, but also make sure I get a sense
of what they know and need more help
• I do my best to make learning fun and
engaging! I love to engage students in
their learning and sometimes get them
involved in the learning process so they
also do something that keeps their
learning fun. For example, I like doing
scavenger hunts with the class because
they love it and it keeps them engaged in
their learning.

Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn E A I

from experience.
Accomplished Teachers:
1. Make Difficult Choices That Test Their Professional Judgment X
2. Use Feedback and Research to Improve Their Practice and Positively X
Impact Student Learning
Three examples of experience Area of interest for growth
(i.e., if you scored A or I, give examples)
• Making difficult choices is one that I am
• As mentioned, my co-teacher/mentor and working on for sure these past few years
I use the feedback we are given from as an educator. I find myself making so
assessments or from leadership to make many decisions in the day- that I am
classroom decisions about student work mentally exhausted at times- especially
and progress. We take what we receive when teaching little ones. This is an area
and discuss ways to help support or of growth for me this semester and as a
challenge certain students who need it. professional.
• We also make sure to keep activities or
lessons in the classroom up to date-
depending on the class that we have that
year. Some students need more step by
steps, while others need more
• The best part about working closely with
my mentor is being able to back-each
other up in situations where we do need to
make those difficult choices regarding
student behavior/classroom management
and curriculum.
Proposition 5: Teachers are members of learning communities E A I
Accomplished Teachers:
1. Collaborate with Other Professionals to Improve School Effectiveness X
2. Work Collaboratively with Families X
3. Work Collaboratively with the Community X
Three examples of experience Area of interest for growth
(i.e., if you scored A or I, give examples)
• As a private school- we are always • Due to having certain people on campus
discussing with other schools or with do certain communications as a school- I
colleagues about our school effectiveness. rarely work collaboratively with the
My school recently went through community. We have a special
accreditation and we received some communications department who does all
feedback that is super helpful for us as that. I do communicate with my class
faculty and staff. parents via email and text- but not the
• As part of different school committees, community as a whole.
the K team makes sure to collaborate and
discuss what each committee had to say. I
am part of curriculum committee- so I
share ideas about how our school’s
curriculum is doing. This year we are
focusing on report cards and progress
• We also make sure to have weekly and
daily communication with our families so
they are aware of what is going on in and
out of the classroom.
Summary of Strengths and areas for growth
The summary of strengths for me during this self-assessment is that I am doing the best that I
can to help my students succeed in and out of the classroom. I work closely with my co-
teacher/mentor to strengthen our teaching and be better teachers. I also ask lots of
questions when needed, so that I can learn more from experienced teachers. I also make sure
to get to know my students so that I am able to serve and work with them better.

For my areas of growth, I would love to be more involved in my school’s decisions and be
able to speak out more on my ideas and thoughts so that I can collaborate and work more
with others. I am taking small steps though, by partaking in my school’s curriculum
committee and talking with other colleagues when possible.

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