ITP Assignment 1

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Muhammad Ahad Bashir (SP23-BAI-030) Assignment: Intro to Psychology

Cultivating Positivity
Habits & Rituals for a better self & Environment

Positivity is a powerful force that can transform not only our
inner selves, but also the world around us.
By cultivating Positive Habits and Rituals, we can create a

ripple effect that spreads

★ Joy

★ Happiness
★ Optimism
In this task, I will explore the habits and rituals that I (as a
Student) can practice to cultivate positivity within Myself and
within My Environment.
Also examine both my real self and my ideal self, visualizing
the optimistic steps needed to bridge the gap between the

Real Self
As a human, I understand the importance of maintaining a
positive mindset and energy.
Here are some habits and rituals I can practice to cultivate
eagerness within myself and my surroundings.

1. Gratitude Practice

Expressing gratitude for the opportunities and

experiences I encounter can shift my focus towards the
positive aspects of life.

Muhammad Ahad Bashir (SP23-BAI-030) Assignment: Intro to Psychology

Regularly acknowledging and appreciating the things I

am grateful for can bring a sense of contentment and
happiness ( ).

2. Mindfulness & Meditation

Taking a few moments each day to practice mindfulness &
meditation can help me cultivate ( ) awareness and
presence in the present moment.
By grounding myself in the here and now, I can let go of

negative thoughts and emotions, fostering a more
positive outlook ( ).

3. Self-Care Routine

Taking care of my physical and mental well-being is

crucial for cultivating positivity.

Engaging in activities such as


healthy eating

getting enough rest

engaging in hobbies
can boost my energy levels and overall mood ( ).

4. Positive Affirmations

Repeating positive affirmations can help rewire my

thought patterns and reinforce a positive mindset.
By affirming positive beliefs about myself and my

capabilities, I can overcome self-doubt and negativity
( ).

Muhammad Ahad Bashir (SP23-BAI-030) Assignment: Intro to Psychology

Ideal Self
While my real self already practices habits and rituals to
cultivate positivity, there is always room for growth and
Here are some additional habits and rituals that my ideal self
aims to incorporate.

1. Acts of Kindness

Engaging in acts of kindness towards others can have a

profound impact not only on their lives but also on my
own sense of positivity.

Acts of kindness can include

offering help
showing empathy
simply spreading positivity through small gestures.

2. Surrounding Myself with Positive Influences

Creating a positive environment involves surrounding

myself with people, books, music, and other sources of
inspiration and positivity.

By consciously choosing positive influences, I can ensure
that my surroundings foster an optimistic mindset ( ).

3. Reflective Journaling

Taking time to reflect on my


Muhammad Ahad Bashir (SP23-BAI-030) Assignment: Intro to Psychology

through journaling can provide valuable insights and

promote self-awareness.

By identifying patterns, challenges, and successes, I can

make conscious changes to cultivate more positivity in
my life.

4. Continuous Learning

Committing to lifelong learning and personal growth can

contribute to my ideal self's journey towards positivity.

By seeking

new knowledge

exploring different perspectives
embracing change

I can foster growth and maintain a positive mindset.


Cultivating positivity within ourselves and our environment is
an ongoing journey ( ) that requires dedication and
conscious effort.
By practicing habits and rituals such as gratitude,
mindfulness, self-care, and positive affirmations, we can
nurture a positive mindset.
Additionally, acts of kindness, surrounding ourselves with
positive influences, reflective journaling, and continuous
learning can further enhance our ability to radiate positivity.
By envisioning our ideal selves and taking steps to bridge the
gap between our real and ideal selves, we can create a more
positive and uplifting world for ourselves and those around

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