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Dia.lims: l. questids 16-40 e&h senlen@ has tour und€nin€d ed. or ph@' fte tou. und6rtin.

prrb orL''e steje @ mdked (a), (B), (c), and (D) rdentiry h6 !!e hed Frd or ph@ dEt mu.r
be cha.ged in ods tor lhe aenle@ io be gEmmalically @red Th.n on you. arcrcr sh6! iind lhe
numbs of fl. qu€stion 5nd ill in the Bp€€ tEl coresponds !o tl6 LtLr ol the.n@r tlu chos. h*

Mead h*s.E.bout tE $h. siz6 h.n Eb n5.

- -t)
'Ih. sontdco should €3d. 'ltaddladc ae aboul u1e sne sl2. .s Ebr'N, blt tl.y havo h€vier
bodi.s, shon6 iail6, and lonqs brll6.' nDEfoE, yoo shoud cno@ ansr (a).

--r MEll Nori. €Ged ----

when -------
lm6tu . 6unw sld o@ao
Tns snlsoe should @d, 'When @Ell qpois ereed imporE, s @unty is s.ld ti. haE a tbde
suDloe.'ThercfoB, you ahould choo* ansar (C).

Nw begin wd. on lhe queslons.

16. Sck{ins.are
_ thal uibn n c can r€due in. *ver lv of colds bui nol pB€rtion o'e1@r.s
------- 'e
€hptu3ied by slakeholdeE orjF tuc€live p\amaceuii€l businss.

17. S mons WeiL, a E@ich exisienlialist viiei was rcspeled as much &lbcr som&hal

lhll@phy e4l&I her cl. ty in wdfng.

1a ,ttdrd ng lo tl'€ l4E!gd.hhent rcgulalon. p6ple {ho ac silr LsFs old, €€rsumhs

19. Regord lune.up€ and orrchang*.8 rmpoftnr ior gc p.fomane of a car a. !la!!!l
ro 1tsia.@ mav
bno tun b n* .n.dr $e €r 3 €ng r
20. WIrlpg! by 516.9 wlnd. ih€ ulrdfiB @ed on $e mou.taln .lope. !b!ed w[h small vllages
lo'd.g &!e 5OO0 pepl6 qE@!l!q $.n hon6
21 FsEd 0'lmnsEirnsinoo _---r
- oricsand eanomles, Eu@p€an Union@untr6 are

h hamessino wind enercv

22. h a po l el ere.rion, the ooliticia n s adven sement on p me-lime (el4lsion is a c!,]!jel hctor lhal

deremnho rhe oulcome ol lhe e e.rion for [recandidale


23 Su riu. dioxrde @4lsirEq in tE po uled an of lh€ cdnlry's nonh€rn rcsion ! @Ni.tenlly 4e!t!re!
le n lim€s lhe level con sid€red €eE by inlemal o.a sla ndad.

24 rn ih6 l6re 20F cenrury GeneEl ihbuohoutAd. re€ mmorainino- about

rh€ ditrcully of fulrq qualil5ed

ta!l!e.1!l1894, the exploitalon of shale s.3 b st a standstill b€€us. pric.B h€v. drcpp€d lo

on y a ftaclion or i!9 boom l6vs s.

26. Th 6 shipwreok or a BiiiGh sh ip vqsbs! ii the hy walec ol canada s No.lhred PasaOe I 40 te3!!
ago, aas iound enrombed bene.lh sewn-toot-deep $l d ioe.

a!91o5r or.r-e bid<r5d nj/ soJr\ra ds losaret

belo€ w {Er *h ir, pigeorsar€ also

abre i' odei l llcIlqlv€s in lhe sky by €ading lhe pGilion of lh€ 3u n .nd lh. slaB.

sedous y hju red by !!!,2! Malala, only fin€6n y6€B old, b€@m o ih€ svplel or @u896 and

mnvioton * a youns champion fdhund ror lhe ighl to €ducalion for all gids in Pakisbn.

BudaDest sllrid on bofl b. nks of !19 Danu be River ls lamou6 lor !hCi! 6 p.s which d w Gl€ r knM
for iE nedidi^a p6pedi.3 from undercrcundlhermal6pdngs

AltroroF fie i*o ol her rerorl! casLal ------r - slml.
adr.hEd h€t .1 lh€y rec dsligtEd at€n lh€/

une:oededrvm.r€.chorh€ron@mpusallhesame uiteFryln London.

- _------- bes w th rsdd 6k n

rcrioious ntualE .nd fesl v l es i. lhe old oity of Lhasa !!

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