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Am J Otolaryngol 41 (2020) 102681

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Association of pepsin and DNA damage in laryngopharyngeal reflux-related T

vocal fold polyps
Yuan-Feng Dai1, Jia-Jie Tan1, Chao-Qun Deng, Xiong Liu, Ze-Hong Lv, Xiang-Ping Li

Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China


Keywords: Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate if laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) plays a role as a risk factor for vocal fold
Vocal fold polyp polyps (VFPs), and if pepsin is associated with higher oxidative DNA damage of VFPs in the presence of LPR.
Laryngopharyngeal reflux Methods: Thirty patients with VFPs were recruited between 2017 and 2018. Prior to surgery, a laryngoscopy was
Pepsin performed on all subjects to evaluate VFPs. Polyp tissue and saliva samples were obtained scrupulously.
Oxidative DNA damage
Hematoxylin-eosin staining was performed for pathologic analysis. Immunohistochemistry and ELISA were used
to detect pepsin in tissue and saliva of VFP patients. 8-OHdG and p-H2AX expression was detected to measure
oxidative DNA damage in tissue. DNA damage was investigated in human immortalized laryngeal epithelial cells
exposed to pepsin.
Results: The pepsin concentration in saliva was significantly higher (t = 2.38, P = .024) in the pepsin positive
group. There was no significant difference in pepsin expression at different sites and pathological subtypes of
VFPs. The levels of 8-OHdG and p-H2AX were significantly higher in the pepsin positive group and positively
correlated with the tissue expression of pepsin. The concentration of pepsin in saliva also showed a significant
correlation with 8-OHdG levels. Expression of 8-OHdG and p-H2AX, and tail moment of the comet assay were
elevated in human immortalized laryngeal epithelial cells following treatment with pepsin.
Conclusion: Patients with VFPs have higher levels of oxidative DNA damage in the presence of pepsin reflux.
Pepsin may induce DNA damage in laryngeal epithelial cells and participate in the pathogenesis of VFPs.

1. Introduction level of laryngeal reflux (LPR); we further [11] discovered that 75% of
VFP patients had mild to moderate pepsin expression (a biomarker of
Hoarseness is the most common clinical symptom of voice disease, LPR [12]). Cumulative studies suggest LPR as a risk factor for VFP, and
which damages patients' communication ability and reduces their pepsin to be the key mediator. However, the underlying pathogenesis
quality of life [1]. Vocal fold polyp (VFP) is one of the most common and pathophysiological mechanisms remain unknown.
voice diseases associated with hoarseness. [2]. In recent years, lar- It has been gradually recognized that VFPs may result from time-
yngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) has received more attention in academic dependent accumulation of damaged cells and biomacromolecules ag-
circles as a risk factor for VFPs [3]. A recent study suggested that vocal gravated by persistent stimulation of LPR [13], in which chronic in-
cord mucosa may be more vulnerable in the presence of LPR, which flammation plays a part. Oxidative DNA damage is closely associated
reduces some of the protective mechanisms of mucosa (carbonic an- with a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases (such as cardiovascular
hydrase III, mucin, and E-cadherin) [4–7]. disease [14], chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [15], etc.), and
Reflux of gastric contents causing a series of throat, voice and even plays prerequisite roles in gastroesophageal reflux disease pathogenesis
respiratory diseases are referred to as LPR [8]. Approximately 10% of [16–18]. However, the role of oxidative damage in the pathogenesis of
clinic patients in otolaryngology have LPR-related symptoms, and up to VFPs—in the presence of LPR—remains unclear.
55% of patients with hoarseness have reflux in their throat [9]. Beltsis Therefore, in this study, the detection of pepsin levels in polyp tis-
et al. [10] reported that 72.2% of VFP patients had significantly higher sues was first performed to evaluate LPR. The levels of p-H2AX and 8-

Abbreviations: LPR, laryngopharyngeal reflux; VFPs, vocal fold polyps

Corresponding author at: Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, 1838 Guangzhou Avenue
North, Guangzhou 510515, China.
E-mail address: (X.-P. Li).
Contributed equally to this work.
Received 21 May 2020
Available online 13 August 2020
0196-0709/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Y.-F. Dai, et al. Am J Otolaryngol 41 (2020) 102681

Table 1 Table 2
Pepsin IHC in the tissue of VFP patients.⁎ Clinical features/ pathological classification of the subjects.
Pepsin IHC levels Clinical features/pathological classification Number of cases

− + ++ +++ Total Unilateral/bilateral

Unilateral polyps 14(47%)
5(16.67%) 17(56.67%) 8(26.67%) 0(0%) 30(100%) Bilateral polyps 16(53%)
Anatomic site

IHC, Immunohistochemistry. The anterior commissure 7(23%)
The edge of the vocal cord 23(77%)
Pathological changes
OHdG in polyp tissues were also detected to assess the level of DNA
Edematous polyps 18(60%)
oxidative damage, further analyzing the relationship between DNA Vascular polyps 8(26.7%)
damage and LPR-related VFPs. In addition, cytological experiments Fibrous polyps 4(13.3%)
were conducted using immortalized laryngeal epithelial cells to in-
vestigate if pepsin causes DNA damage in laryngeal epithelial cells,
further exploring the potential role of LPR in the pathophysiology of cultured in serum-free keratinocyte growth media KGM™-2 (LONZA,
VFPs. Basel, Switzerland).

2. Materials and methods 2.3. Histological analysis

2.1. Subjects Specimens were paraffin-embedded and made into continuous sec-
tions for histological analysis. Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining was
In this study, 30 patients (15 males and 15 females, average age of evaluated and subjects were divided into four groups according to
35.13 years [95% confidence interval, 30.46–39.80 years]) with VFPs histological features: Edematous polyps, vascular polyps, and fibrous
were recruited from the Department of Otolaryngology of Nanfang polyps.
Hospital, China between 2017 and 2018. Patients with acute or chronic
infection of the upper respiratory tract, history of pharyngeal surgery, 2.4. Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
malignant tumor or diabetes were excluded [11]. This study was ap-
proved by the Ethics Committee of Nanfang Hospital (NO. NFEC- After being dewaxed and rehydrated, tissue sections were incubated
201607-K2–01). Informed consent was signed by each participant prior in 0.05 M (pH 6.0) citrate buffer at high temperature and high pressure
to the start of any procedure. (150 Kpa, 100 °C) for 5 min to retrieve the antigen. Thereafter, sections
were stained with primary antibodies against pepsin (1:400, USCN
2.2. Cell culture LIFE, Texas, USA), 8-OHdG (1:200, BIOSS, Beijing, China) and p-H2AX
(1:500, Cell Signaling Technology, Beverly, MA, USA) at 4 °C for 16 h.
The human immortalized ventricle Bmi1 cell line (hV-Bmi1) and the Sequential sections from the same tissue blocks were stained at least
human immortalized subglottic Bmi1 cell line (hSG-Bmi1) induced with twice by the same procedure. Sections were evaluated by two in-
Bmi-1 were established as described previously [19]. They were vestigators blinded to this study and scored as follows: The proportion

Fig. 1. Immunohistochemical analysis of pepsin (400×). (A) positive control: (gastric mucosa) intracytoplasmic brown granules in chief cells. (B) Negative control
(phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) replacing primary antibody): no brown intracytoplasmic granules in most cells. (C) Moderately positive sample in pepsin-positive
group: light brown colour in the cytoplasm of laryngeal squamous epithelial cells interstitially. (D) Weakly positive sample in the pepsin-negative group: yellowish
brown in the cytoplasm of a few epithelial cells. (E) Negative sample in the pepsin-negative group: no brown staining. (F) Salivary pepsin levels: pepsin-positive
group had a higher level of pepsin in saliva than did the pepsin-negative group. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

Y.-F. Dai, et al. Am J Otolaryngol 41 (2020) 102681

Fig. 2. Clinical features and pathological classifications of vocal fold polyps (VFPs): (A) Unilateral polyp. (B) Bilateral polyp. (C) Polyp in anterior commissure. (D)
polyp at the edge of vocal fold. (E) Edematous type: lamina propria with edema, inflammation cell infusion (Hematein-Eosin (HE) staining, ×400). (F) Vascular type:
vessel proliferation, dilatation thrombosis, lamina propria with red cells and a few inflammation cells (HE staining, ×400). (G) Fibrous type: lamina propria with
fibrous and a few inflammation cells (HE staining, ×400). (H) Tissue expression of pepsin in unilateral polyp and bilateral polyp groups. (I) Tissue expression of
pepsin in polyps that occurred in different positions (anterior commissure, or the edge of vocal cord). (J) Tissue expression of pepsin in polyps with different
pathological changes (edematous, vascular or fibrous polyps). (K) Salivary pepsin levels in unilateral or bilateral polyps. (L) Salivary pepsin levels of polyps occurred
in different positions (anterior commissure, or the edge of vocal cord). (M) Salivary pepsin levels in polyps with different pathological changes (edematous, vascular
or fibrous polyps). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

score of positive cells: < 1% stained cells, 0; 2–25%, 1; 26–50%, 2; 2.5. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
51–75%, 3; > 75%, 4; intensity score of staining: no staining, 0; di-
luted, 1; moderate, 2; strong, 3 points. The gross score was calculated Pepsin concentration in saliva was detected by a rigorous proce-
by multiplying the proportion score and intensity score, graduated as dure. Sputum (≥3.0 mL) in the hypopharynx was collected with a deep
negative (0–1), weak (1–4), medium (5–8) and strong positive (9–12) cough from all participants and stored in liquid nitrogen until detection.
[20]. The assay was performed by an investigator blinded to the study. All
specimens were rewarmed and attenuated with deionized water prior to

Y.-F. Dai, et al. Am J Otolaryngol 41 (2020) 102681

Table 3 2.7. Comet assay

Pepsin expression in different types of VFPs.⁎
Pepsin IHC t P The comet assay was performed to determine DNA damage induced
by pepsin. In brief, both hV-Bmi1 and hSG-Bmi1 cells were treated with
− + ++ pepsin continuously for 6 h each day for 5 d, isolated by enzymatic
digestion, and mixed with (low-melting) agarose on agarose-covered
Unilateral polyps (n = 14) 3 10 1 −0.93 0.36 frosted slides at 4 °C. After 1 h, slides were incubated in lysis buffer
Bilateral polyps (n = 16) 5 7 4 (10 mM Tris, pH 10, 2.5 M NaCl, 100 mM EDTA, 1% Triton X-100, 10%
Anatomic site DMSO) for 1 h, and separation of fragmented DNA was performed by
The anterior commissure (n = 7) 3 3 1 −0.86 0.40 gel electrophoresis (25 V; 300 mA, 20 min) in alkaline conditions.
The edge of vocal cord (n = 23) 5 14 4
Following neutralization (400 mM Tris buffer, pH 7.5), the tail moment
Pathological changes
Edematous polyps (n = 18) 5 11 2 0.873 0.43 was calculated for 50 cells from each of the two duplicate slides using
Vascular polyps (n = 8) 1 5 2 TriTek CometScore™ software. DNA damage was quantitated by mea-
Fibrous polyps (n = 4) 2 1 1 suring the tail moment, product of the tail length and fraction of total
DNA [21].

IHC, Immunohistochemistry.

detection. Thereafter, specimens were centrifuged at 2500g for 20 min 2.8. Western blot analysis
at 4 °C (Eppendorf, AG, Germany). The supernatants were assayed using
an ELISA kit (USCN LIFE, Houston, TX, USA) and a pepsin standard The hV-Bmi1 and hSG-Bmi1 cells were collected after pepsin
curve fitted by a dose-response curve was used to calculate the con- treatment using RIPA buffer. Lysates were separated on 10% sodium
centration of pepsin in units of ng/mL. dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and
subsequently transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) mem-
branes (Millipore, Burlington, MA, USA). Membranes were incubated
2.6. Immunocytochemical analysis with primary p-H2AX antibody (1:1000, Cell Signaling Technology)
overnight at 4 °C, and analyzed by western blotting.
Both hV-Bmi1 and hSG-Bmi1 cells were treated with different con-
centrations of pepsin (0 mg/mL, 0.1 mg/mL, or 1 mg/mL) at a pH 7 for 2.9. Statistical analysis
6 h/d for 5 d. Thereafter, cells were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and
cytospun onto microscopic slides. Fixed cells were hydrated with Percentages are used to describe qualitative variables, whereas
varying concentrations of alcohol and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), mean values (maximum and minimum) are used to describe continuous
incubated with the primary antibodies against 8-OHdG (1:200, BIOSS, variables. Mann-Whitney U test was used for discontinuous variables
Beijing, China) overnight at 4 °C, and detected using HRP-conjugated and Student's t-test was used for continuous variables. Spearman's
secondary antibody. Cells were stained with hematoxylin and imaged correlation coefficient was used to analyze the correlation between the
using an inverted microscope (Olympus, Beijing, China). pepsin positive group and negative group. All statistical analyses were
performed using SPSS version 19.0 (SPSS, Inc., IBM, Armonk, NY, USA).
A P value < .05 was considered statistically significant. A sufficient
number of cases should be enrolled to ensure the statistical power

Fig. 3. Immunohistochemical analysis of 8-OHdG (400×). (A) Positive control (laryngeal carcinoma): sepia nucleus in most cells. (B) Negative control (PBS replacing
primary antibody). (C) Strong positive sample in 8-OHdG positive group: sepia nucleus in parts of cells. (D) Moderately positive sample in 8-OHdG positive group:
light brown nuclei in parts of cells. (E) Weakly positive sample in 8-OHdG-negative group: yellowish brown nuclei in a few epithelial cells. (F) Negative sample in 8-
OHdG-negative group: no brown staining observed. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

Y.-F. Dai, et al. Am J Otolaryngol 41 (2020) 102681

Fig. 4. Immunohistochemical analysis of p-H2AX (400×). (A) Positive control (laryngeal carcinoma): sepia nucleus in most cells. (B) Negative control (PBS replacing
primary antibody). (C) Strong positive sample in p-H2AX-positive group: sepia nucleus in cells. (D) Moderately positive sample in p-H2AX-positive group: light
brown nuclei in parts of cells. (E) Weakly positive sample in p-H2AX-negative group: yellowish brown nuclei in a few epithelial cells. (F) Negative sample in p-H2AX-
negative group: no brown staining. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 4 (3.94 ± 0.93 ng/mL) (Fig. 1F).

Expression of 8-OHdG in pepsin positive group and pepsin negative group
3.2. Clinical features and pathological classification of VFPs

− + ++ +++ As shown in Table 2, the subjects were further grouped according to

clinical and pathological characteristics, such as unilateral polyps and
Pepsin positive group 1 6 10 5 −2.358 0.018⁎ bilateral polyps (Fig. 2A and B); the lesions located in the anterior
(n = 22)
commissure or in the edge of the vocal cord (Fig. 2C and D); edematous
Pepsin negative group 4 2 1 1
(n = 8) polyps (manifested as edema in the mesenchyme, with moderate in-
flammatory cell infiltration), vascular polyps (manifested as angiogen-
IHC, Immunohistochemistry; P < 0.05. esis, dilatation and occasional thrombosis, with invasion of some red

blood cells and a large number of inflammatory cells in the me-

Table 5 senchyme) and fibrous polyps (manifested as fibrinoid degeneration
Expression of P-H2AX in pepsin positive group and pepsin negative group tissue. and slight inflammatory cell infiltration in the mesenchyme) (Figs. 2E-

− + ++ +++
3.3. Pepsin expression in different types of VFPs
Pepsin positive group 1 4 14 3 −2.873 0.004⁎
(n = 22)
Pepsin negative group 4 2 2 0
Tissue expression of pepsin in different clinical classifications of
(n = 8) VFPs is described in Table 3. There was no significant difference in
tissue expression of pepsin between unilateral and bilateral polyps

IHC, Immunohistochemistry; P < .05. (t = −0.93, P = .36, Fig. 2H). There was also no significant difference
in pepsin level in saliva between the unilateral group (5.97 ± 4.88 ng/
(1 − β) > 0.75. mL) and bilateral group (8.11 ± 7.91 ng/mL) (t = −0.87, P = .39,
Fig. 2K). By analyzing the different locations of polyps, we found that
3. Results there was no significant difference in tissue expression of pepsin be-
tween the anterior commissure group and the group at the edge of the
3.1. Pepsin IHC in patients with VFPs vocal cord (t = −0.86, P = .40, Fig. 2I). There was also no significant
difference in the pepsin level of saliva between the anterior commissure
The result of pepsin IHC in the tissue is shown in Table 1 and group (4.63 ± 3.40 ng/mL) and the group at the edge of vocal cord
Figs. 1A–E. According to the result, patients were divided into a pepsin (7.87 ± 7.25 ng/mL) (t = −1.13, P = .27, Fig. 2L).
positive group (10 men, 12 women; average age, 35.55 years [95% Further pathological analysis showed that there was no significant
confidence interval (CI), 30.48–40.61 years]) and a negative group (5 difference (P > .05, Fig. 2J) in tissue expression of pepsin among the
men, 3 women; average age, 34.00 years [95% CI, 20.68–47.32 years]). edematous, vascular, and fibrous groups. There was still no significant
Further analysis showed that pepsin concentration in saliva was difference in pepsin level of saliva between the edematous group
8.26 ± 1.56 ng/mL in the pepsin positive group, which was sig- (8.85 ± 7.77 ng/mL), the vascular group (4.75 ± 3.49 ng/mL), and
nificantly higher (t = 2.38, P = .024) than that in the negative group the fibrous group (4.02 ± 3.35 ng/mL) (P > .05, Fig. 2M).

Y.-F. Dai, et al. Am J Otolaryngol 41 (2020) 102681

(caption on next page)

Y.-F. Dai, et al. Am J Otolaryngol 41 (2020) 102681

Fig. 5. (A) Expression of 8-OHdG in tissue pepsin positive and negative groups. (B) Expression of p-H2AX in tissue pepsin positive and negative groups. (C)
Continuous sections from three different tissue showed pepsin, 8-OHdG, and p-H2AX expressed congruously (mostly expressed in basal layer of epithelium). (D)
Correlation analysis between concentrations of pepsin in saliva and 8-OHdG level in tissue. (E) Correlation analysis between concentrations of pepsin in saliva and p-
H2AX level in tissue.

3.4. Further analysis of pepsin expression and 8-OHdG/p-H2AX levels vesicles may be activated, causing mitochondrial dysfunction and cell
damage [24].
As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, 8-OHdG and p-H2AX were localized in Patients with VFPs present varying clinical symptoms and signs, and
the epithelial layer, which was similar to pepsin, but mainly in karyon. different sizes and locations of polyps can affect pronunciation quality
Mann-Whitney rank-sum test showed significant differences in the IHC differently [25]. By analyzing the pathological changes of the epithelial
score of 8-OHdG (P = .018, Table 4) and p-H2AX (P = .004, Table 5) in layer, basal layer, and lamina propria layer in tissue samples of patients
tissue between the pepsin positive and negative groups. Tissue ex- with VFPs, Martins et al. [26] found that morphological changes of
pression of 8-OHdG and p-H2AX were higher in the pepsin positive VFPs mainly occurred in lamina propria layer, including edema, an-
group than the negative group (Fig. 5A and B). Moreover, pepsin ex- giogenesis, and inflammation. The most common changes were inter-
pression positively correlated with the expression of 8-OHdG stitial edema, vascular proliferation with congestion, and congestion
(r = 0.527, P = .001) and p-H2AX (r = 0.460, P = .005, Fig. 5C). As [26]. Previous studies confirmed that LPR is associated with the oc-
illustrated in Fig. 5D and E, pepsin concentration in saliva positively currence of VFPs [3], but there is no report about the association be-
correlated with 8-OHdG (r = 0.406, P = .013) in tissue but not with P- tween LPR and different clinical or pathological classifications. In this
H2AX (r = 0.293, P = .058). study, we analyzed the association between pepsin expression and
different positions of VFPs (unilateral or bilateral, anterior commissure
3.5. Pepsin induced DNA damage in human immortalized laryngeal or edge of the vocal cord) and different pathological types (edematous,
epithelial cells vascular, and fibrous). We found that there is no significant difference
in the pepsin expression between groups of different locations and pa-
As DNA damage may be a risk factor for LPR related VFPs, we thologic types of VFPs, suggesting that pepsin does not cause specific
sought to understand the regulation of DNA damage by pepsin in locations of polyps, nor does it cause specific pathological classifica-
human immortalized laryngeal epithelial cells. To investigate if pepsin tions.
causes DNA damage, hV-Bmi1 and hSG-Bmi1 cells, two types of human Current literature illustrates that the main etiology of VFPs is micro
immortalized laryngeal epithelial cells, were incubated with pepsin. trauma of the vocal cord, which resulted from vibrations, and magni-
Fig. 6 shows representative pictures. Pepsin was able to induce 8-OHdG fied by external invasive factors (such as LPR). Expansion of vocal cord
in both hV-Bmi1 and hSG-Bmi1 cells and increased concurrently with impingement and repeated injury-repair will initiate the inflammatory
increasing pepsin concentrations (Fig. 6A). Furthermore, we examined response and generate Reinke's space edema, vascular dilation, or
P-H2AX by western blotting and found that P-H2AX expression in- congestion, etc. [27–29]. DNA damage, well known as a critical factor
creased following exposure to different concentrations of pepsin in hV- of apoptosis, aging and tumorigenesis, has attracted the attention of
Bmi1 and hSG-Bmi1 cells (Fig. 6B). Comet assay showed that the tail scientists again in recent years, owing to its role in chronic inflamma-
moment significantly increased from 0.14 ± 0.04 to 1.00 ± 0.21 and tion [30–32]. 8-OHdG and p-H2AX are regarded as biomarkers of DNA
from 0.14 ± 0.04 to 2.88 ± 0.29 when hV-Bmi1 cells were treated damage. As a typical product of guanine oxidative damage in DNA, 8-
with 0.1 mg/mL and 1 mg/mL pepsin, respectively (t-test, P < .0001). OHdG is utilized to quantify oxidative damage of nucleic acids [33]. P-
Similarly, the tail moment increased from 0.08 ± 0.03 to 0.91 ± 0.20 H2AX, the phosphorylated form of histone H2AX, is a specific indicator
and from 0.08 ± 0.03 to 2.40 ± 0.30 in hSG-Bmi1 cells (t-test, in detection of early DNA double-stranded structure damage [34]. This
P < .0001, Fig. 6C), indicating that pepsin may cause DNA damage. study showed that expression of 8-OHdG and p-H2AX increased in
pepsin positive group tissue and 8-OHdG expression in tissue positively
correlated with pepsin concentration in patient's saliva, suggesting that
4. Discussion DNA damage, especially oxidative damage, was aggravated in the lar-
yngeal epithelium of VFP patients with LPR. Furthermore, IHC analysis
It is generally believed that LPR is a risk factor for VFP formation, revealed that 8-OHdG and p-H2AX levels were raised as the pepsin level
but the specific molecular biological mechanisms have not been fully increased. In cells with pepsin, 8-OHdG and p-H2AX expression was
elucidated. This study explores the direct effects of different reflux enhanced, whereas in cells without pepsin, the expression of 8-OHdG
substances such as pepsin, bile acid and gastric acid on the laryngeal and p-H2AX was weak, which further suggested that the presence of
mucosa and effectively and accurately clarifies the role of LPR to vocal pepsin in laryngeal epithelial mucosa was closely related to the oc-
cord polyp. Here, pepsin which the main invasive component of LPR currence of DNA damage. Thus, we believe that pepsin reflux to the
[22] was detected in tissue of patients with VFPs. The positive rate of laryngeal epithelial mucosa may promote DNA oxidative damage and
pepsin is 73.33%, confirming that laryngeal refluxes were widely pre- double-stranded breaks.
sent in VFPs. Further analysis of pepsin ELISA in saliva showed that DNA oxidative damage is closely related to several diseases (such as
patients with pepsin positive expression in tissue also had a higher level cardiovascular disease [35], chronic obstructive bronchitis [36], etc.).
of pepsin in saliva. Normally, gastric gas may carry a small amount of The damage to the human body is multi-linked, wide-ranging, and plays
pepsin through the esophagus to the surface of the airway, but this part a decisive role in the pathogenesis of several human diseases. Studies
of pepsin can eventually be expelled with airway secretions. However, have confirmed that gastroesophageal reflux stimulation can cause
patients with VFPs usually show excessive movement of the exhalation DNA damage to esophageal mucosal epithelium. Li [37] proved that in
muscle owing to abnormal pronunciation, which increases the regur- Barrett's esophagus acid reflux increases intracellular calcium, activates
gitation of gastric content and pepsin level [23]. This pepsin cannot be NOX5-S, and increases ROS production, which causes DNA damage.
completely excreted from the airway, and adheres to the mucosal epi- Bhardwaj [38] certified that acidic bile salts induce ROS, such as hy-
thelium of the pharynx and larynx (manifested as a higher level of drogen peroxide and superoxide in esophageal cells, which in turn,
pepsin in saliva). It is taken up by receptor mediated endocytosis and rapidly induces DNA damage. Pepsin, gastric acid, and bile acid are the
found in late endosomes and the trans-reticular Golgi. When reflux main components of gastric reflux, and reflux to non-gastric tissue can
reoccurred, pH in the airway mucosal surface could fall below 6, and cause serious damage to the epithelial mucosa. It is clear that gastric
pepsin adsorbed on the surface of mucosal epithelial cells or stored in

Y.-F. Dai, et al. Am J Otolaryngol 41 (2020) 102681

(caption on next page)

Y.-F. Dai, et al. Am J Otolaryngol 41 (2020) 102681

Fig. 6. (A) Induction of 8-OHdG by pepsin in human immortalized laryngeal epithelial cells. Cells were treated with different concentrations of pepsin, and 8-OHdG
was determined by immunohistochemical staining; (B) Treatment with pepsin induces DNA damage in human immortalized laryngeal epithelial cells. Treated cells
were analyzed for p-H2AX following treatment with different concentrations of pepsin using western blotting; (C) DNA damage was analyzed following treatment
with different concentrations of pepsin using the alkaline comet assay. Representative comet images are shown.

acid and bile acid stimulation can cause DNA damage to esophageal laryngopharyngeal reflux disease.
mucosal epithelium, but it is not clear if pepsin—the main invasive
component of LPR—can cause DNA damage to laryngeal mucosa. Funding
Therefore, we detected DNA damage by stimulating human im-
mortalized laryngeal epithelial cells with different concentrations of This work was supported by the National Natural Science
pepsin, and showed that the expression of 8-OHdG and p-H2AX, and the Foundation of China (grant number 81400452).
tail moment of the comet assay significantly increased. It was proved
further that pepsin might cause DNA damage in laryngeal epithelial Declaration of competing interest
cells. The existence of pepsin in LPR is tantamount to a continuous or
low-intensity stimulation of the pharynx and larynx mucosa. This long- There are no potential conflicts of interest regarding the study,
term and repeated chemical stimulation will damage laryngeal epi- authorship, or publication of this article.
thelial cells and cause changes in DNA structure. DNA damage can in-
crease genetic instability and lead to changes in enzyme and protein Acknowledgments
function [39], up-regulate pro-inflammatory cytokines at the tran-
scriptional level to induce increased secretion of cytokines, which am- The authors acknowledge the collaboration of participants in this
plifies the inflammatory cascade [40]. Therefore, we speculated that study.
pepsin reflux might aggravate DNA damage in laryngeal epithelial cells, CRediT author statement
thereby promoting abnormal repair of laryngeal epithelial mucosal Yuan-Feng Dai: Conceptualization, Writing - original draft, formal
damage, increasing the secretion of inflammatory cytokines, which analysis; Jia-Jie Tan: Writing – original draft, Formal analysis; Chao-
results in a chronic inflammatory microenvironment and promotes the Qun Deng: Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing; Xiong Liu:
formation of inflammatory lesions such as VFPs. Data curation, Writing – review & editing; Ze-Hong Lv: Data curation,
We believe that these findings reveal a novel mechanism of pepsin- Writing – review & editing; Xiang-Ping Li: Conceptualization, Writing -
induced cell injury and have an important clinical significance for pa- original draft. All authors are accountable for all aspects of the work
tients with VFP, especially for those who continue to use maximum acid and approved the final manuscript.
inhibition therapy. Based on our preliminary evidence, testing for
pepsin in VFP patients may help determine if LPR is involved in the References
pathogenesis of the disease, potentially aiding clinicians to consider
anti-reflux treatment strategies. Pepsin, which stimulates laryngeal [1] Wallis L, Jackson-Menaldi C, Holland W, et al. Vocal fold nodule vs. vocal fold
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