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9D BIM (Lean Construction)

9D BIM Software (usBIM):

This dimension aims to:
• optimize construction processes
• reduce waste through the use of BIM.
• Lean construction involves a shift in focus from maximizing productivity to minimizing waste.
• Recommended tool for design, execution, and maintenance.
• Offers real-time collaboration, project sharing, and online work across devices.
1.Optimizing or Eliminating Non-Value-Added Activities:
1. Analyzing the entire production chain to identify and eliminate unnecessary or repetitive
2. Examples include optimizing transportation methods, such as using larger trucks to reduce
the number of trips.
2.Customer-Centric Approach:
1. Identifying customer needs through market research and satisfaction surveys.
2. Focusing on activities that add value to the customer to ensure smoother operations.
3.Standardizing Processes:
1. Adopting standardized construction processes to minimize site diversification.
2. Reducing variables to maintain predefined standards and improve the ability to manage
unforeseen events.
4.Optimizing Time:
1. Minimizing the time impact of activities like transport, waiting, processing, and inspection.
2. Enhancing work quality and meeting client delivery timelines.
5.Increasing Process Transparency:
1. Promoting greater participation of all stakeholders in the process.
2. Encouraging active and conscious intervention in the development of improvement
Comparison with Traditional Construction:
•Lean Construction:
1. Categorizes activities into those that add value and those that do not.
2. Value is directly tied to customer satisfaction.
3. Focuses on waste management and activity planning from project
•Traditional Construction:
1. Divides activities into sub-processes without consideration for
customer satisfaction.
2. Lacks careful waste management and preliminary activity planning.
•Elimination of Waste: Reduces inefficiencies and unnecessary processes.
•Customer Satisfaction: Aligns activities with customer needs, enhancing
•Standardization: Minimizes site diversification, making processes smoother and
•Time Optimization: Improves project timelines by optimizing various activities.
•Transparency: Facilitates greater stakeholder participation and informed

•Implementation Challenges: Transitioning from traditional methods to lean
construction may face resistance.
•Initial Planning Time: Requires comprehensive planning at the project's outset.
•Flexibility Concerns: Standardization may limit flexibility in unique project
In summary, 9D BIM, or lean construction, offers numerous advantages such as waste reduction, customer satisfaction, and improved
timelines. However, challenges may arise during implementation, and there could be concerns regarding initial planning time and
flexibility. The use of dedicated software like usBIM facilitates efficient project management.

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