Wieczorek 2000

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1 September 2000

Optics Communications 183 Ž2000. 215–226


Mechanisms for multistability in a semiconductor laser with

optical injection
Sebastian Wieczorek , Bernd Krauskopf b, Daan Lenstra a

Faculty of Sciences, Vrije UniÕersiteit, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Engineering Mathematics, UniÕersity of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
Received 21 March 2000; received in revised form 2 June 2000; accepted 12 July 2000


We perform a detailed study of multistable behaviour in an optically injected semiconductor laser modeled by
single-mode three-dimensional rate equations. It turns out that there is a wealth of regions of bi- and multistability –
associated with bifurcations of periodic orbits – in the plane of injection strength and injection detuning. We follow such
bifurcations over a wide range of parameters, which reveals different mechanisms for multistability in the system. In this
way, we find, among others, the coexistence of two different periodic orbits with a chaotic attractor. Our results open new
possibilities for optical switching between several different outputs of the laser. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights

PACS: 42.50.Ne; 42.55.Px; 05.45.q b

Keywords: Laser with optical injection; Bifurcation diagram; Optical multistability; Hysteresis

1. Introduction complicated dynamical behaviour such as undamped

relaxation oscillations, quasiperiodicity, routes to
Semiconductor lasers subject to external optical chaos via period doubling and the break-up of tori,
injection have received a lot of attention, mainly due and homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations; see w4x
to applications such as injection locking w1x, fre- and references therein. More recently, there has been
quency stabilization w2x and chirp reduction w3x. From increased interest in these more complicated dynam-
a theoretical point of view, a laser with optical ics in the light of possible applications ranging from
injection is the simplest system with interesting dy- chaotic encryption and chaotic synchronization w5x to
namics allowing for bifurcation analysis and provid- optical computing w6x. In particular, bistability, that
ing a starting point towards understanding more is, the coexistence of two attractors for the same
complicated systems like mutually coupled lasers or values of the parameters, has been a focus of atten-
lasers with optical feedback. In semiconductor lasers tion for some time w4,7–13x because switching be-
optical injection produces an enormous variety of tween outputs with different intensities and spectral
properties may find applications in optical communi-
cations or logic gates. Bistability between periodic
Corresponding author. Tel.: q31-20-444-7860, fax: q31-20- and constant intensity outputs was found in experi-
444-7899; e-mail: sebek@nat.vu.nl ments w7,8,12x as well as in numerical studies w7,9x

0030-4018r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 0 - 4 0 1 8 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 8 6 7 - 1
216 S. Wieczorek et al.r Optics Communications 183 (2000) 215–226

and in theoretical work w13x. It was also reported that

an injected laser may exhibit coexistence of conser-
vative and dissipative behaviour w14x.
In this paper we attempt to give a global view on
bistability and, in fact, multistability in the laser with
injection by revealing and computing curves of bi-
furcations that lead to additional attractors. In this
way, we systematically find regions of multistability
between many other kinds of operation, such as
quasiperiodic oscillations, periodic signals of very
high period and chaos. This is highlighted by the two
examples in Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 1Ža. shows three
simultaneous attractors, namely a running phase so-
lution wFig. 1Žb.x, a periodic solution wFig. 1Žc.x and
quasiperiodic motion on a torus wFig. 1Žd.x. Multista-
bility can also be found in the presence of chaotic
attractors, as is shown in Fig. 2Ža., where the three
simultaneous attractors are two different periodic
Fig. 2. For K s 0.29 and v sy1.36 there is multistability be-
orbits wFig. 2Žb. and Žc.x and a chaotic attractor wFig. tween three different attractors Ža., namely a periodic orbit of
2Žd.x. Which of the attractors the system settles down period two Žb., a periodic orbit of period three Žc., and a chaotic
to depends on the initial condition. Furthermore, attractor Žd..
when a parameter is swept gradually through a re-
gion of multistability then one will find hysteresis
loops with sudden jumps from one attractor to an-
other at different values of the parameter, depending
on the direction of the sweep.
We would like to point out that we identified
these cases of multistability not by coincidence, but
instead by systematic investigation as a necessary
step on the route from the running phase solution to
locking of the laser; see Section 3 for details. In fact,
multistability should not be seen as an isolated phe-
nomenon, but as an integrated part of the bifurcation
diagram of the system. This point of view allows us
to identify multistability as part of a consistent pic-
ture. With powerful methods from bifurcation theory
we explore this picture and identify mechanisms that
create particular attractors. This provides new insight
into the origin of multistability in the laser with
injection. The two mechanisms we found for multi-
stability are a supercritical saddle-node of limit cycle
bifurcation and a subcritical torus bifurcation, and
this is explained in Section 3.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we introduce the rate equations, discuss the different
Fig. 1. For K s 0.743 and v sy2.93 there is multistability
between three different attractors Ža., namely the running phase
bifurcations and explain how they may contribute to
solution Žb., a large periodic orbit Žc., and quasiperiodic motion multistability. Examples of multistable behaviour are
on a torus. presented in Section 3, where we show how they
S. Wieczorek et al.r Optics Communications 183 (2000) 215–226 217

occur naturally in the transition to locking. Conclu- creasing K corresponds to either increasing the
sions are drawn in Section 4. amount of injection or decreasing the pump current;
see Section 2 in w4x for further details.
We look at Eqs. Ž1. in the same spirit as in our
2. Background on the bifurcation diagram earlier work w4x which serves as a basis for this
study. The special merit of our method is that we
compute bifurcations with the package AUTO w15x
For a single-mode diode laser with monochro-
directly, without the necessity of integrating Eqs. Ž1..
matic optical injection the original three-dimensional
The package AUTO enables us to follow stationary
rate equations for the slowly varying complex elec-
points and periodic orbits as a parameter is varied
tric field E s E x q i E y and the normalized inversion
and then to detect when a bifurcation, that is, a
n are given by w4x
qualitative change of the dynamics, takes place. It is
Ė s K q Ž 12 Ž 1 q i a . n y i v . E , then possible to follow this bifurcation in two param-
eters, in our case in K and v ; for a more detailed
n˙ s y2 G n y Ž 1 q 2 Bn . Ž < E < 2 y 1 . . Ž 1. explanation of this method called continuation see
w16x and w15x and further references therein. In this
The optical reference frequency with respect to which way, we detect bifurcations of stationary points and
Eqs. Ž1. are formulated is the injected optical fre- periodic orbits and follow them in the Ž K, v .-plane,
quency w4x. There are five parameters of which the which results in a picture of regions of different
injected field strength K and the detuning of the dynamics in phase space; see also w4x. This approach
injected field from the solitary laser frequency v are is more accurate and less time consuming than trying
most important because they can be changed during to find regions of different dynamics by numerical
an experiment. The parameters B and G represent simulation of Eqs. Ž1., and most importantly, it is a
material properties of the laser and are fixed to the systematic method taking advantage of inherent
realistic values B s 0.015 and G s 0.035. The pa- properties of the system. Notice that identifying re-
rameter a is the linewidth enhancement factor. We gions of multistability by simulation requires trying a
focus on the case a s 2 throughout this paper, but large number of initial conditions, and some attrac-
would like to stress that multistability can be found tors may still be overlooked.
in the same way for other values of a . System Ž1. has an amazing complexity of bifurca-
To facilitate the interpretation of our results from tions. We do not show all of them here, but present
the experimental point of view w10,19x we now ex- in Fig. 3 the most important bifurcations that form
plain how to translate the scaled quantities from Eqs. the backbone of the dynamics; see w4x for more
Ž1.. The power of the injected field Pinj and its details. In Section 3 we will focus on additional
frequency v inj are bifurcation curves producing multistability in the
2 system. The bifurcation curves in Fig. 3 divide the
vR R1
Pinj s K 2 Ž K, v .-plane into regions of different dynamics. Each
žk/ Ž 1 y R1 .
P0 , v inj s vv R q vsol .
point in this plane corresponds to a particular phase
Ž 2. portrait, which may contain more than one attractor.
If parameters are changed so that a bifurcation curve
Here R 1 is the power reflectivity of the laser’s facet is crossed then the phase portrait will change qualita-
through which light is injected, v R and vsol are the tively. We also distinguish between sub- and super-
relaxation oscillation and solitary laser frequencies critical bifurcations. Black parts of bifurcation curves
of the free running laser, while k is the injected field correspond to supercritical bifurcations in which at-
rate. Furthermore, P0 is the power that the free tractors bifurcate and grey parts correspond to sub-
running laser emits through the facet R 1. Eqs. Ž1. are critical bifurcations of repelling objects. Subcritical
scaled in such a way that the free running laser is bifurcations are less important from an experimental
assumed to operate above threshold. The pump cur- point of view but we trace them out as they may
rent is then incorporated into K, meaning that in- produce stable objects Žfor instance in a subcritical
218 S. Wieczorek et al.r Optics Communications 183 (2000) 215–226

physically to the undamping of the relaxation oscilla-

The running phase solution that exists for small
K, as well as the periodic orbit born on the Hopf
curve H, can undergo a number of bifurcations. A
periodic orbit may double its period, give rise to a
torus or disappear Žor appear. in a saddle-node of the
limit cycle bifurcation. We detect and follow these
bifurcations in the Ž K, v .-plane. Curves of period-
doubling bifurcations are denoted by P 1 and usually
form the first step in a period-doubling cascade to
chaos. From the point of view of multistability, a
very important bifurcation is the saddle-node of limit
cycle bifurcation, which results in the creation Žor
destruction. of two periodic orbits. Curves of
Fig. 3. The bifurcations of stationary points Ža. and limit cycles saddle-nodes of limit cycles are marked by SL. A
Žb. in the Ž K, v .-plane that form the backbone of the bifurcation
saddle and an attracting limit cycle bifurcate in the
supercritical case Žblack curve., and a saddle and
repelling limit cycle bifurcate in the subcritical case
torus bifurcation. or change to supercritical. Notice Žgrey curve.. The supercritical case generates an
that the bifurcation curves are interlinked and orga- extra attracting orbit, and it is one of the important
nized into a complicated web. We now discuss the mechanism leading to bi- or multistability in the
different bifurcations in some detail; as a general system. Physically, the appearance of a new orbit
reference see for example w16x. means that some resonance in the laser gets excited,
There are two bifurcations of stationary points, often because the operational parameters K and v
namely the saddle-node bifurcation SN and the Hopf drive the laser close to its relaxation frequency or
bifurcation H. In the saddle-node bifurcation two multiples thereof. For example in Fig. 3 the two
stationary points are created that exist inside the saddle-node of limit cycle bifurcation curves starting
triangle-shaped region bounded by SN. When the with a cusp at v f "1 represent a resonance be-
black part of SN is crossed one of the bifurcating tween the relaxation oscillation frequency of the
stationary points is an attractor. It physically corre- laser and the detuning of the injected light from the
sponds to the laser operating at constant power and free running laser frequency.
at the frequency of the injected light, meaning that Finally, in a torus bifurcation ŽNeimark–Sacker
the laser locks to the input signal. On the other hand, bifurcation of the Poincare´ map. a periodic orbit
along the gray part of the curve SN a repellor and a changes its stability and gives rise to a torus. Along
saddle point bifurcate, an event that is not noticed in the black part of a torus curve T the bifurcating torus
experiment or numerical simulation. In fact, there is is attracting, and along a grey part it is repelling. In
a global structure involved in the saddle-node bifur- the subcritical case Žalong a gray part of T . a
cation w4x: the two stationary points are born on a repelling limit cycle becomes attracting and gives
limit cycle. The limit cycle exists for K s 0 and its rise to a repelling torus. That means that an extra
period goes to infinity as SN is approached. How- attractor appears in the system and this may con-
ever, this is not the case for large values of the tribute to bi- or multistability. which constitute a
detuning v Žafter a codimension-two homoclinic second mechanism for multistability. Note as a re-
saddle-node bifurcation point on SN .. In the Hopf minder that the dynamics on the torus can be locked
bifurcation a stationary point changes its stability, or quasiperiodic, depending on whether the rotation
which gives rise to a periodic orbit. Along the black number is rational or not. From a physical point of
part of H an attracting periodic orbit is born from view the torus curves T which start from curves SL
the attracting stationary point, and this corresponds at v f "1 in Fig. 3 represent competition between
S. Wieczorek et al.r Optics Communications 183 (2000) 215–226 219

the relaxation oscillation frequency and the detuning tribute to multistability and participate in the final
of the injected light from the free running laser bifurcation to locking. Here we will demonstrate that
frequency with many sub- and superharmonic reso- multistability is a natural part of this process.
nances which are not indicated in Fig. 3. There is a region in the Ž K, v .-plane where the
Note that in Fig. 3 we do not show all bifurcation running phase solution coexists with a stationary
curves in order to keep the figure simple. In the next point, and this was recently studied theoretically and
section, we will show additional bifurcation curves in experiments w8,11–13x. We start with this example
that are necessary to understand the occurrence of as it is the simplest case of bistability in the system
multistability in the transition to locking. and allows for a nice comparison between our ap-
proach and asymptotic formulas derived in w11,13x.
This bistability occurs for negative values of v
below the point v f y9.3 where the gray torus
bifurcation curve T crosses the saddle-node bifurca-
3. Mechanisms for multistability
tion curve SN; see the bifurcation diagram in Fig. 4.
At the moment we discuss what happens below the
The bifurcation diagram in Fig. 3 already hints at crossing point. In order to discuss the dynamics
the presence of regions with several coexisting at- above v f y9.3 we need to introduce more bifurca-
tractors and we will now study this in much more tion curves, which is done in the next paragraphs of
detail. To this end, we concentrate on the particularly this section. In the region below the crossing point at
important transition from the running phase solution v f y9.3 of SN and T the attracting stationary
that exists for small K to stable locking for larger point born on SN coexists with the running phase
values of K. The exact nature of this transition solution which disappears only on T. To illustrate
depends crucially on the value of the detuning v this we show representative phase portraits projected
w17x. To study how multistability appears we fix the onto the complex E-plane in Fig. 4 for fixed v s
detuning v to representative values and increase the y12 and increasing injection strength K, which
injection strength K. The transition and the occur- corresponds to moving along the dashed line in the
rence of multistability is then shown by a sequence bifurcation diagram. For small K there is only the
of phase portraits, which were computed with the running phase solution wFig. 4Ža.x. When K is in-
package DsTool w18x. At the same time, we show the creased the saddle-node bifurcation SN is crossed
extra bifurcation curves in the Ž K, v .-plane that are which generates an attracting stationary point wFig.
needed to understand the bifurcations we encounter 4Žb.x leading to bistability. The two attractors coexist
in this transition. Effectively we perform a cross up to the moment when the torus bifurcation T is
section through the bifurcation diagram, and we reached and the running phase solution disappears
indicate this clearly in the figures that follow. wFig. 4Žc.x. From now on we are left with a stable
For very low injection strength there is only one stationary point as the only attractor – the laser is
attractor, namely a limit cycle which is called the locked. Notice that this happens for large negative
running phase solution. It is a continuation of the detunings v where no attracting limit cycle is in-
constant intensity steady state of the free running volved in the saddle-node bifurcation. This bistabil-
laser Žwithout injection.. Physically, the running ity leads to a hysteresis loop when K is swept back
phase solution represents the laser operating at the and forth through the bifurcation values. When in-
free running laser frequency shifted due to injection. creasing K one follows the unlocked running phase
When the injection strength K is increased an enor- – without noticing the creation of a stable point on
mous variety of bifurcations appear until finally the SN – up to the torus bifurcation, where there is an
locking regime is reached where an attracting sta- abrupt jump to the locked solution. However, when
tionary point exist. The running phase solution may decreasing K from the locked solution the emer-
double its period, become a torus or transform into a gence of the running phase solution on T will be
chaotic attractor which subsequently disappears. In missed. Instead one will observe a sudden jump to
the mean time, new objects may arise which con- the running phase solution at SN where the locked
220 S. Wieczorek et al.r Optics Communications 183 (2000) 215–226

Fig. 4. Bifurcation diagram in the Ž K, v .-plane showing how the torus bifurcation curve T crosses the saddle-node bifurcation curve SN.
This opens up a region of bistability between a stationary point and a limit cycle. The respective attractors are shown in panels Ža. through
Žc. as projections onto the Ž E x , E y .-plane. v s y12 and from Ža. to Žc. K takes the values: 5, 7.5, and 9.

solution disappears. This is a classic example of torus is born when the curve T is crossed wFig. 5Žb.x.
hysteresis which has been brought out nicely in w8x. When K is increased further, the dynamics on the
We now show that the transition to locking and torus locks, which means that there is an attracting
the ensuing multistability can be much more compli- limit cycle on the torus wFig. 5Žc. and Žd.x. In other
cated. Fig. 5 presents the transition to locking for a words, a resonance tongue Žnot shown in the bifurca-
fixed positive detuning of v s 0.85. This corre- tion diagram in Fig. 5. was entered. At some point
sponds to the cross section through the bifurcation the black part of the saddle-node of limit cycle
diagram along the dashed line; for higher values of bifurcation curve SL is crossed and an extra attract-
the injection K we refer to Fig. 3. Corresponding ing limit cycle appears wFig. 5Žc.x that coexist with
phase portraits along this transition are shown as the locked orbits on the torus wFig. 5Žc. and Žd.x. This
projections onto the complex E-plane, where the is an example of how a saddle-node of limit cycle
origin is marked with a cross. This makes it easy to bifurcation leads to multistability. With a further
distinguish between running phase solutions, which increase of K the torus breaks up into a chaotic
surround the origin, and relaxation oscillations, which attractor and the periodic orbit coexist with chaos
do not. For small values of K the running phase wFig. 5Že.x. Next, the chaotic attractor disappears
solution is the only attractor wFig. 5Ža.x. An attracting wFig. 5Žf.x and then the periodic orbit period-doubles
S. Wieczorek et al.r Optics Communications 183 (2000) 215–226 221

Fig. 5. Bifurcation diagram in the Ž K, v .-plane together with representative phase portraits for fixed v s 0.85 and changing K as indicated
by the dashed line. Shown are projections of attractors onto the Ž E x , E y .-plane. Different attractors are distinguished by different shades of
gray. From Ža. to Žh. K takes the values: 0.05, 0.106,0.117, 0.118, 0.123, 0.13, 0.4 and 1.1.

when the big black curve P 1 in Fig. 3 is crossed If we follow the running phase solution by in-
wFig. 5Žg.x. For a yet higher value of K there is an creasing K for fixed v s y1.36 we observe multi-
inverse period-doubling, again on crossing the big stability not only due to a saddle-node of limit cycle
black curve P 1 in Fig. 3, after which the limit cycle bifurcation, but also due to a subcritical torus bifur-
shrinks in size wFig. 5Žg.x. It finally disappears in the cation. This transition corresponds to the dashed
Hopf bifurcation on the black branch of the curve H, cross section through the bifurcation diagram shown
after which the only attractor is an attracting station- in Fig. 6. Starting from the running phase solution
ary point so that the laser is locked to the input. wFig. 6Ža.x, first we cross the gray part of SL2 Žbut
222 S. Wieczorek et al.r Optics Communications 183 (2000) 215–226

Fig. 6. Bifurcation diagram in the Ž K, v .-plane together with representative phase portraits for fixed v s y1.36 and changing K as
indicated by the dashed line. Shown are projections of attractors onto the Ž E y ,n.-plane. Different attractors are distinguished by different
shades of gray. From Ža. to Žh. K takes the values: 0.1, 0.22, 0.24, 0.27, 0.29, 0.3, 0.44, and 0.48.

this will not be observed.. Then the saddle-node of attracting orbit wFig. 6Žd.x. When K is increased
limit cycle isola SL3 is crossed, where a limit cycle further the repelling running phase doubles its period
is born that has three times the basic period. This on the gray part of P 1. Notice that this bifurcation
new period-three orbit coexist with the running phase does not concern attracting objects and is not visible
solution wFig. 6Žb.x. Next, the running phase solution in the phase portrait panels where we only plot
becomes repelling and it gives rise to an attracting attractors. The next bifurcation is the subcritical
torus wFig. 6Žc.x when the black curve T is crossed. torus bifurcation of the limit cycle whose period is
The dynamics on the torus then locks to a high-period twice the basic period. It takes place along the short,
S. Wieczorek et al.r Optics Communications 183 (2000) 215–226 223

gray torus curve which starts from where the black as the black branch of SN is approached wFig. 6Žh.x
curve T connects to P 1 Žcalled a 1:2 resonance and then it disappears on SN when an attracting
point.. In this bifurcation a period-two, unstable stationary point is born on the limit cycle and the
running phase solution becomes attracting by giving laser becomes locked.
rise to an unstable torus. That is how an extra A different situation is present for a detuning v
attracting orbit of twice the basic period appears, so smaller than y2.3, but above the crossing point
that we now have the coexistence of two periodic v f y9.3 of the two bifurcation curves SN and T ;
orbits and a chaotic attractor wFig. 6Že.x that appeared compare Figs. 6 and 4. There exist an attracting orbit
through the break up of the attracting torus win panels inside a repelling torus on the left side of the subcrit-
Fig. 6Žc. and Žd.x. This is exactly the instance of ical curve T. As T is approached from the left, the
multistability that was illustrated in Fig. 2. Next the repelling torus shrinks onto the attracting orbit. The
chaotic attractor disappears wFig. 6Žf.x and the attract- orbit becomes repelling after T is crossed and the
ing orbit goes through the period doubling bubble repelling torus disappears. In the saddle-node bifur-
P 2 wFig. 6Žg.x. Going further, SL3 is crossed again cation SN another attracting orbit disappears. This
and the period-three orbit disappears wFig. 6Žh.x. The means that there must be two attracting orbits on the
remaining limit cycle increases its period to infinity left side of T. Because the running phase solution is

Fig. 7. Bifurcation diagram in the Ž K, v .-plane together with representative phase portraits for fixed v s y2.48 and changing K as
indicated by the dashed line. Shown are projections of attractors onto the Ž E y ,n.-plane. Different attractors are distinguished by different
shades of gray. From Ža. to Žf. K takes the values: 0.1, 0.5, 0.6, 0.65 and 1.17.
224 S. Wieczorek et al.r Optics Communications 183 (2000) 215–226

the only attractor for very low values of K the other tached to it. If we increase the injection strength K
attracting limit cycle must be born somewhere on the for fixed v s y2.45, as is indicated by the dashed
way to locking. Following the nature of the problem line in Fig. 7, then the running phase solution wFig.
we found a saddle-node of limit cycle bifurcation 7Ža.x is the only attractor up to the moment when we
which generates the ‘missing’ limit cycle. The corre- cross the black part of SL2 . An attracting orbit of
sponding bifurcation curve SL shown in Fig. 7 turns twice the basic period is born in this bifurcation and
out to be an isola with the torus bifurcation curve T 2 we have bistability wFig. 7Žb.x. Increasing K further,
and the period-doubling bifurcation curve P 2 at- the black part of P 2 is crossed and the limit cycle

Fig. 8. Bifurcation diagram in the Ž K, v .-plane together with representative phase portraits for fixed v s y2.93 and changing K as
indicated by the dashed line. Shown are projections of attractors onto the Ž E y ,n.-plane. Different attractors are distinguished by different
shades of gray. From Ža. to Žh. K takes the values: 0.2, 0.5, 0.705, 0.71, 0.735, 0.88, 0.89, and 1.4
S. Wieczorek et al.r Optics Communications 183 (2000) 215–226 225

born on SL2 doubles its period wFig. 7Žc.x and later cations, which naturally gives rise to multistability.
undergoes an inverse period-doubling wFig. 7Žd.x. Indeed multistability is not an isolated phenomenon,
The two orbits coexist until the gray torus bifurca- but an integral part of the intricate pattern of inter-
tion curve T is reached where the running phase linked bifurcations that constitute the bifurcation dia-
solution disappears. From there on, we have one gram of the laser with optical injection.
attracting orbit wFig. 7Že.x whose period goes to From an experimental point of view the dynamics
infinity as SN is approached. After crossing SN the of semiconductor lasers is examined mostly by look-
laser is locked. ing at RIN spectra or optical spectra w19x. In an
If we look at the bifurcation diagram in Fig. 7 for experiment multistability shows up as an abrupt
v values smaller than y2.9 Žbut still above v f change in the observed spectra. There are two possi-
y9.3. then we notice that there is the same problem bilities. First, a spectrum can jump erratically be-
as previously. We need to find out where the second tween two spectra for fixed parameter values, and
attracting orbit is generated that bifurcates on SN. this corresponds to the coexistence of attractors and
Again, we find another saddle-node of limit cycle jumps between them due to noise. Second, an abrupt
bifurcation curve which is presented in Fig. 8. The change in the spectrum may occur when parameters
bifurcation diagram in Fig. 8 is more complicated, are changed. To test for bi- or multistability one
because we added more bifurcation curves that are would have to sweep parameters back and forth and
necessary to understand the transition to locking for check for hysteresis effects, that is, for changes in
a fixed detuning of v s y2.93. This reveals some the spectrum occurring at different parameter values.
regions where more then two different attractors Abrupt jumps in spectra indicating coexisting attrac-
coexist. Starting with the running phase solution tors have been seen in experiments w20x.
wFig. 8Ža.x and increasing K leads to crossing the
saddle-node of limit cycle curve SL2 where an at-
tracting orbit of twice the basic period is born wFig. 4. Conclusions
8Žb.x. Increasing K further we cross the torus bifur-
cation curve T 2 where the periodic orbit coming We gave a global view on multistability, that is,
from SL2 bifurcates to a torus wFig. 8Žc.x. Next a the coexistence of different attractors, in the full
second curve SL2 is crossed and an attracting limit three-dimensional rate equation model describing a
cycle is born which coexist with the torus and the semiconductor laser with optical injection. Methods
running phase solution wFig. 8Žd.x. This is the exam- from bifurcation theory allowed us to identify new
ple of multistability that we used for illustration in regions in parameter space where two and even three
Fig. 1. The dynamics on the torus then locks Ža different attractors, such as stationary points, limit
resonance tongue was entered. and the orbit born on cycles of several periods, quasiperiodic oscillations
the second curve SL2 undergoes period-doubling on and chaos, coexist. It turns out that multistability is a
P 2 wFig. 8Že.x. Then, as K is increased further, the necessary ingredient in different possible transitions
torus breaks up and disappears wFig. 8Žf.x. The orbit from a running phase solution to locking as the
that was born on the second curve SL2 undergoes an injection strength is increased for different Žbut fixed.
inverse period-doubling bifurcation wFig. 8Žg.x, and values of the detuning. Our findings agree with
then the running phase solution disappears in the existing experimental and theoretical results and pre-
torus bifurcation T wFig. 8Žh.x. The remaining limit dict new dynamical behavior which has not been
cycle disappears at SN after which the laser locks to observed yet. We expect that some of the multistabil-
the input signal. ities we found along the route to locking will mani-
The above cases clearly show that there are two fest itself as clear hysteresis loops in experiments.
mechanisms leading to multistability in the system: We identified coexisting attractors of very differ-
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tion and the subcritical torus bifurcation. The transi- tral properties of the laser. This may be useful for
tion to locking generally involves a complicated new applications. Switching between a periodic orbit
interplay between these mechanisms and other bifur- and the locked solution or between two periodic
226 S. Wieczorek et al.r Optics Communications 183 (2000) 215–226

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