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A Quantitative Study of Financial Stress Factors and Coping Mechanisms

Among Grade 11 Senior High School Students in Notre Dame – Siena

College of General Santos City

A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department
Accounting, Business and Management Strand
Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements
In Practical Research 2



December 2023

This chapter presents the problem and the setting of the research study.

This chapter consists of seven parts that are cited in order, namely: 1.)

Introduction, which indicates the background and purpose of the study; 2.)

Statement of the problem, which specifies the problems in the study; 3.) Scope

and Delimitation, which determines the coverage and limitation of the study; 4.)

Significance of the study, which defines the benefits that may be gathered from

the results of the study; 5.) Definition of terms, which provide the conceptual and

operational definitions of important terms used in the study; 6.) Theoretical

Framework, which supplies the theories that serves as the foundation of the

research study; and 7.) Conceptual Framework, which represents the

relationship between independent and dependent variable.


Stress is all around us. We experience stress at home, work, and

elsewhere due to a variety of factors such as health, family, relationships,

personal, social, and financial issues. Generally, stress is not caused by a single

factor. It could be the result of multiple factors causing stress at the same time.

Poverty and financial crises are major stressors for many people. Financial stress

can be defined as an individual’s inability to meet financial obligations. Financial

stress can lead to psychological or emotional problems. According to studies,

financial stress can lead to depression and anxiety, poor health, difficulties in

completing a degree, or poor academic performance (Iqbal, et al., 2022).

According to Algorani (2023), coping is described as the ideas and actions

used to control stressful conditions both internally and externally. It is a phrase

used specifically to describe the mobilization of voluntary and conscious

behaviors, as opposed to "defense mechanisms," which are adaptive

subconscious or unconscious responses that both work to decrease or tolerate


Financial stress, according to Moore et al. (2021), may be a barrier to

academic performance because it hinders students from acquiring textbooks,

causes them to prioritize jobs over education, and prevents them from advancing

in their careers. Many kids in the local community are affected by financial issues

that cause financial hardship. This financial burden has the potential to limit not

just their immediate educational experiences, but also their future chances and

opportunities. Addressing financial stress among these students is critical for

ensuring fair access to high-quality education and expanded employment


It is important to understand that teenagers, especially those who are in

high school, are not invulnerable to financial issues, despite the fact that they are

usually associated with adults in their daily lives. As a result, high school students

are more vulnerable to a variety of financial pressures, which may have a

significant impact on their overall health, academic success, and prospects for

future financial stability. Financial stress can affect anyone, but it may be more

prevalent in low-income households. Stress can be brought on by not having

enough money to cover basic expenses like rent, bills, and groceries (Scott,


This research aims to explore the financial stress factors experienced by

Grade 11 senior high school students at Notre Dame-Siena College of General

Santos City and investigate the coping mechanisms and strategies they employ

to navigate these challenges. Understanding the financial stressors faced by

Grade 11 senior high school students is of paramount importance, as it can

inform teachers, parents, and lawmakers about the support systems needed to

lessen the negative consequences of financial stress on students' lives.

The data for the study will be collected through surveys issued to Grade

11 students at Notre Dame-Siena College in General Santos City. These surveys

are intended to collect important information regarding the types of financial

stressors that students face, the coping techniques they employ, their academic

achievement, and their overall mental well-being. Following that, the data will be

subjected to mathematical and statistical analysis in order to answer the study

questions and derive relevant conclusions on the financial stress experiences of

these students.

Statement of the Problem

This research has a concern regarding the financial stress encountered by

the Grade 11 students at Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City. In

order to obtain all of the necessary knowledge and information, the researchers

seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Which of the following source of financial stress affects the Grade 11

students of Notre Dame - Siena College of General Santos City?

1.1. Household Expenses

1.2. Tuition Fees

1.3. Daily Expenses

1.4. Miscellaneous Expenses

1.5. Parental Unemployment

2. In what degree does financial stress affects the following:

2.1. Academic Performance

2.2. Mental Well-Being

3. Which of the following coping mechanism benefits the Grade 11 Students of

Notre Dame - Siena College of General Santos City?

3.1. Minimize Expenses

3.2. Formulating Budget Plan

3.3. Seeking Financial Aid

3.4. Alternative Sources of Income

Hypotheses of the Study

1. H1: There is a significant relationship between the level of financial stress

experienced by Grade 11 Senior High School students and their adopted

coping mechanisms.

2. H1: Financial stress has a significant impact on the academic performance

of Grade 11 Senior High School students.

3. Ho: There is no significant difference in the coping mechanisms adopted by

Grade 11 SHS students across varying levels of financial stress.

Scope and Delimitation

This research only aims to examine the financial stress factors and coping

mechanisms of the Grade 11 Senior High School students of Notre Dame –

Siena College of General Santos City. This study will revolve solely on the main

problems presented beforehand, and anything beyond that is outside the scope

of this study. Furthermore, this research will only gather data within the walls of

Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City, specifically within the Grade

11 – ABM Senior High Scholl Students.

To collect data, the researchers will be collecting information efficiently

and properly through a premade set of questions collected and organized into a

questionnaire. The information gathered will only revolve around these questions,

and the data interpreted from this research will only base on the answers of the

questionnaire. Other questions, answers, and conclusions, that are not included

in the Statement of the Problem, or the questionnaire provided will be considered

as outside the scope of this study. The data will be collected during the face-to-

face classes of the students in Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos


Significance of the Study

This study aims to understand the financial stress factors among Grade 11

senior high school students and provide insights that can lead to improve

financial education and support systems in educational institutions. The

researchers believe that the result of the study will benefit the following:

To the School Administrators – This research can help them be aware

of the situation make the school experience less financially stressful for students,

potentially improving their academic performance and well-being. It provides

practical insights that administrators can use to foster a more supportive


To the Teachers – Teachers can use the findings of the study to create a

more supportive and effective learning environment, particularly for students

experiencing financial stress. This knowledge provides teachers with practical

strategies for improving all students’ educational experiences.

To the Parents – Parents can gain insights into their children’s financial

challenges, allowing them to provide more effective support, both emotionally

and financially. Understanding these difficulties enables parents to foster a

positive and supportive home environment.

To the Students – This research helps students understand their financial

concerns and how they deal with them, allowing them to seek help when

necessary. It provides a clearer picture of their own situation, increasing their

sense of control and ability to make informed decisions.

To the Researchers – This study provides a good example of how to look

at financial stress in schools for researchers. It can serve as a foundation for a

research and help everyone understand how financial stress affects students and

what can be done to help.

To the Future Researchers – This study serves as a starting point for

future researchers interested in researching financial stress in educational

settings, as well as a useful reference for their work. It lays the groundwork for

further investigation and comprehension of financial stress factors among


Definition of Terms

The following are the terms used in this research with their conceptual

definition and operational definition:

Academic Performance – The capacity of a student to complete

academic assignments, and it is evaluated using objective standards like final

course grades and grading point average (Matalka & Dwakat, 2022).

Academic performance, in this research, refers to the exact

measurements or variables used to examine and measure how Grade 11

students of Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City perform

academically while experiencing financial stress.

Coping Mechanisms – Refers to the patterns and behaviours individuals

rely on when attempting to deal with unusually stressful circumstances. People

frequently depend on these strategies to maintain their composure until they

adapt to the new situation (Cooks-Campbell, 2022).

In this study, coping mechanisms is the approaches, behaviours, or

actions that Grade 11 senior high school students of ND-SCGSC use to deal with

or manage the stress and difficulties associated with financial issues.

Financial Stress – The inability to meet basic financial obligations due to

a lack of funds. Unsurprisingly, low income is a major source of financial stress

(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2014).

Financial stress, in this study, is the quantifiable assessment of the

financial difficulties and pressures faced by senior high school students in Grade

11 at ND-SCGSC. It involves the systematic assessment of financial stress-

related factors.

Mental Health – It refers to one’s emotional, psychological, and social

well-being. The adaptability with which a person can cope with everyday

stressors is often used to assess a person’s mental health (Holmes, 2023).

In this research, mental health refers to the mental well-being or

psychological state of the Grade 11 Senior High School students in Notre Dame

– Siena College of General Santos City while struggling financially.

Theoretical Framework

According to Britt et al. (2015), Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) of Albert

Bandura is describing the influence of individual experiences, the action of

others, and environmental factors on the behaviour of individuals. Although

having many key components, this research only focuses on few that are

relevant in this study. These components are namely, Self-Control, which

describes how one regulates his or her own actions, reactions, and behaviours,

and Observational learning which describes how an individual learns from his or

her environment and adapts accordingly. Generally, it explains the relationship

between the person, their behaviour, and the environment, as seen on the figure

bellow (figure 1.)

Figure 1. Social Cognitive Theory Model

In this research, the Social Cognitive Theory is used to explain the

concept of financial stress, as well as the factors that affect it and the coping

mechanisms that are a result of these factors came to be. As the foundation of

this research, the model states that the behaviour of a person, which in this case

is the financial stress, is affected by the environment which is the factors. As a

result of financial stress, the person adapts to its environment and creates coping

mechanisms to adjust. Each one of these elements affect each other in a way
that if one of them changes, it will affect how they will interact with each other

and ultimately can affect each element.

Conceptual Framework

Facing financial problems makes life very tough because people can't

afford the things they need or want, and it's especially hard for students.

Students who don't have much money, needs to think a lot before buying things

for school projects because spending money will make their financial situation

even more difficult. Students dealing with financial stress experiences worry, fear,

and anxiety about their finances. This stress can even lead to physical problems

like trouble sleeping, headaches, and feeling tired all the time. When students

don't have enough money, it's tough for them to pay for school fees and projects

because these things cost a lot. This can make it harder for them to do well in

school. All this stress doesn't just affect students' grades; it also takes a toll on

their mental health. It can make them feel really depressed or anxious. In this

study, the researchers want to figure out what exactly is causing financial stress

for grade 11 senior high school students of Notre Dame-Siena College of

General Santos City and how they cope with these tough situations. The goal is

to understand the challenges students face and find ways to help them manage

their financial stress better.


Academic Performance
Financial Stress
and Mental Well-Being

Figure 2. Paradigm of the Conceptual Framework

As a result, the researchers theorize that the financial stress can affect the

Grade 11 students’ academic performance and mental well-being.



This chapter contains the ideas, completed thesis, generalization or

conclusion, methodologies, and so on. The researchers accumulated the

resources both from books in libraries and journals in the internet. Those that

were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant

and similar to the present study.

Review of Related Literature

This involves the systematic identification, location, and analysis of

documents containing information related to the research problem.

Financial Stress

According to the Department of Education (2022), financial stress

happens when it's tough to handle basic money responsibilities because there's

not enough money. Facing this situation makes the risk of becoming homeless

higher and can harm a person's health and mental well-being. It's no surprise

that having a low income is a big reason for dealing with financial stress. When

there's not enough money coming in, it creates problems that go beyond just the

bills. It can lead to more stress, anxiety, and even impact a person's physical and

mental health.

Beaconmm (2022) stated that financial stress is a significant issue, with a

majority of college students grappling with varying levels of anxiety regarding

money matters. Its impact is profound, influencing various aspects of life.

Moreover, while some may resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms as a

temporary escape from anxiety, these methods are detrimental to both physical

and mental health and can exacerbate stress in the long term.

Stress related to money for students is linked to inadequate retention,

poor academic performance, and poor well-being. Financial stress is one of the

stressors that may have an impact on a person’s life in many different ways. A

few students are already experiencing financial difficulties, which has an impact

on their academic achievement. Students may have mental health issues

including anxiety or depression as a result, in addition to low academic

achievement, bad health, and trouble completing their degrees (Prescott, 2016).
Factors of Financial Stress

According to Martínez-Jiménez (2023), students whose parents are less

educated tend to experience the negative impacts of parental worklessness more

significantly. The students may respond to a parent becoming jobless by feeling

like they must take more responsibility for the household when faced with

financial challenges. It's like they're dealing with more stress because they have

to handle things like chores and money matters that they might not have had to

worry about before. This added responsibility may, in turn, create additional

pressure on these students, potentially leading to negative impacts on their

health and academic performance.

Many students lack adequate financial knowledge and skills, making it

difficult to manage their finances effectively. This can lead to poor financial

decisions, such as impulse spending or relying on high-interest debt, which can

exacerbate financial stress. Fernando (2023) explained that financial literacy is

the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including

personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. Students who lack

financial literacy are more likely to make poor financial decisions, such as buying

and overspending on unnecessary things and not saving. These decisions can

lead to financial stress and long-term financial problems.

Another factor of financial stress is the rising tuition costs of the students.

Skagerberg, et al. (2022) said that as the cost of college rises and the burden of

student loans increases, more students drop out from school, fueling the idea

that getting an education isn’t worth it. The rising cost of tuition has a number of
negative consequences for students, it can make it more difficult for students to

afford to go to school.

The Impact of Financial Stress on Students

According to Robinson and Smith (2023), numerous individuals from

various corners of the world and diverse backgrounds are confronting financial

stress and uncertainty. Such financial challenges can significantly impact mental

and physical well-being, relationships, and the overall quality of life. It also

discusses and emphasizes the strategies that can assist in breaking this cycle,

alleviating the stress of financial issues, and rediscovering stability. Financial

stress can have a detrimental impact on students' mental and physical health.

The constant worry about finances can lead to increased anxiety, depression,

and stress, which can manifest in various physical symptoms such as

headaches, stomachaches, and difficulty sleeping. Financial stress can also

exacerbate existing mental health conditions, making it more difficult for students

to manage their symptoms and cope with the challenges of college life. The

pressure to maintain good grades while managing finances can lead to feelings

of hopelessness, isolation, and even suicidal thoughts.

Financial stress can significantly hinder students' academic performance.

When students are preoccupied with financial concerns, it can be challenging to

focus on their studies, leading to decreased concentration, motivation, and

engagement in class. The stress of managing finances can also disrupt sleep

patterns and contribute to fatigue, further impeding academic success. Studies

have shown that students experiencing financial stress are more likely to receive
lower grades, miss classes, and withdraw from courses altogether. The pressure

to make ends meet can also lead students to prioritize finding or working part-

time work over academic pursuits, reducing the time and energy they can devote

to their studies (Abrams, 2023).

Stress Coping Mechanisms

Scott (2023) advised students who are experiencing financial stress

should prioritize general stress management. As they strive to enhance their

financial circumstances, individuals can alleviate stress by incorporating stress-

reducing techniques and adopting lifestyle changes that promote a low-stress

environment. Engaging in practices such as maintaining a nutritious diet,

ensuring an adequate amount of nightly sleep, and incorporating regular physical

exercise has been associated with lowering stress levels. Additionally, exploring

mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing and yoga can be effective in

alleviating anxiety during challenging times.

Mcclanahan (2023) said that people commonly experience financial stress

at some point in their lives. Navigating through this stress can be overwhelming,

especially when one is uncertain about where to start. He suggested that it's

essential not to feel obligated to tackle this alone. Seeking an external

perspective can be beneficial in pinpointing areas for improvement. Financial

professionals are equipped with the expertise to offer planning services and

advice. Collaborating with a professional allows for the development of an

effective plan to save for one's most significant goals.

Review of Related Studies

This is a review of all the studies around a particular research problem.

This includes studies, inquiries or investigations already conducted to which the

present proposed study is related or has similarity.

Difficulties of Financially Unstable Students

According to the study conducted by Polinar et al. (2023), entitled "Reality

Check: Financial Challenges and Coping Mechanisms of the Grade 11

Students,” one factor contributing to the students' financial difficulties is their

reliance on one source of income. One of the children, the mother, or the father

in their household makes a fixed salary. Even if several family members have

part-time jobs to supplement their meager income, they still require more to meet

their basic demands. In this situation, students who require a daily allowance

may choose to work part-time jobs even at low pay in order to have some cash of

their own. They develop coping mechanisms to make ends meet to survive their

financial dilemma.

The study brings attention to a significant factor contributing to students'

financial difficulties: the reliance on a single income source within the family,

whether it be a fixed salary from the mother or the father. This corresponds to the

financial challenges being explored in the present research. Additionally, the

coping mechanisms observed in the students, such as engaging in low-paying

part-time jobs, reflect the adaptive measures that are the focus of our study.
The study of Norazlan, et al. (2020) entitled “The Financial Problems and

Academic Performance Among Public University Students in Malaysia”

concluded that students from wealthy backgrounds, where parents could afford

to give their kids money, may receive an ad-hoc weekly or monthly allowance

from their parents, which enables them to handle their finances and prevents

them from experiencing financial difficulties. Students from low-income families,

on the other hand, are forced to rely entirely on the education loans for which

they have applied, cut back on spending—some even having to skip meals in

order to save money. Paying for basic expenses like housing, food, and school

supplies could be difficult for students from low-income households whose

parents were unable to provide any allowance.

In alignment with the research on financial stress factors and coping

mechanisms among Grade 11 Senior High School students, Norazlan et al.’s

study (2020) sheds light on a parallel scenario observed in public university

students in Malaysia. Their findings reveal a noteworthy connection between

financial backgrounds and academic performance. This parallel emphasizes the

relevance of this research in understanding how financial stress manifests in the

academic context of Grade 11 students, thereby aiding in the formulation of

effective coping strategies.

The study of Shange (2018) entitled “Experiences of students facing

financial difficulties to access higher Education in the case of the University of

KwaZulu-Natal” stated that students who come from backgrounds with fewer

advantages face challenges when moving from their familiar settings to diverse
and demanding educational institutions. Their disadvantaged backgrounds bring

about significant financial challenges, which, in turn, negatively affect their

academic performance. Navigating both the financial constraints and the

academic demands of a diverse educational environment becomes a

considerable hurdle for these students. Recognizing and addressing these

specific challenges is essential, and providing tailored support is crucial to

fostering their success in academics.

Connecting this to our study about money stress and ways to handle it

among Grade 11 students at Notre Dame – Siena College in General Santos

City, we see similar challenges. Shange's findings highlight the need to

understand and deal with money stress factors in different educational settings. It

emphasizes how important it is to give tailored support to help these students do

well in school at Notre Dame – Siena College.

According to Lim, et al. (2014), in their study “Financial Stress, Self-

Efficiency, and Financial Help-Seeking Behavior of College Students,” that to

afford the rising cost of education, students turn to borrowing and, as a result,

many graduate with debt. Consequently, two-thirds of four-year college students

report having completed their degree with some form of debt. Recent national

surveys show that college students’ debt and other related financial situations are

one of the leading causes of stress. Finances were ranked as the second largest

stressor among college students, following academics, in the National College

Health Assessment.
As the investigation delves into the financial challenges faced by senior

high school students, similarities emerge. The growing burden of educational

expenses may lead students to adopt coping strategies like seeking financial

help or taking loans. Referencing Lim, et al.’s findings, it is anticipated that

financial concerns among Grade 11 students could impact not only their current

academic journey but also have lasting effects, resembling the trends observed

in college students graduating with accumulated debt.

Effects of Financial Stress

According to the study by Moore, et al. (2021), entitled "A Qualitative

Examination on the Impacts of Financial Stress on College Student's Well-

Being,” financial stress can make it tough for students to move forward in their

studies. It might stop them from buying the books they need, make them choose

work over school, and stand in the way of reaching their career goals. Dealing

with money problems doesn’t just affect grades; it can affect the bigger picture of

learning and working towards future ambitions.

This study holds significant relevance to our research because similar

challenges might be encountered by the grade 11 students, wherein financial

stress could potentially hinder access to crucial study materials, prompt a shift in

priorities towards work, and act as a deterrent to the pursuit of their career

aspirations. This correlation underscores the significance of the ongoing research

in comprehending how the Grade 11 students in Notre Dame-Siena College of

General Santos City navigate financial stress and devising tailored coping

mechanisms to address their unique circumstances.

In the study of Sharma and Bhat (2020) with the title, “Financial Stress,

Health & its Coping Mechanism,” it was said that financial stress is a common

problem affecting every household to some degree. Recent studies have found

that the risks of several significant health problems increase when people worry

about their financial situation. Financial stress can have a direct impact on the

students’ family’s health also. Financial stress not only affects the ability to

function and avoid bad habits, it also affects a person’s ability to think clearly.

Relating this to the researchers’ study on Grade 11 students at Notre

Dame-Siena College in General Santos City, this connection suggests that

understanding the implications of financial stress is crucial. It implies that the

well-being of students and their families could be intricately linked to financial

stress, potentially affecting health and cognitive abilities. This reinforces the

importance of the researchers’ study in exploring the specific dynamics of

financial stress and its potential impact on the health and overall functioning of

Grade 11 students and their families in the institution.

The study of Usman and Banu (2019), entitled “A Study on Impact of

Financial Stress on Students’ Academics” stated that worse grades and fewer

credit hours are obtained by students who are susceptible to financial hardship.

Due to financial difficulties or concerns, the students who had this kind of

disruption in their studies were more stressed about their personal finances and

were advised to think about lowering their course loads or taking a semester off.

It was shown that students who thought their academic performance was

impacted by concerns about money or finance for their education performed

worse academically. Fostering their academic achievement requires identifying,

resolving, and offering customized help for their particular difficulties.

Similar issues arise when we relate this to our study on coping

mechanisms and financial stress among Grade 11 students at Notre Dame-Siena

College in General Santos City. The study highlights how financial stress affects

students in terms of academic performance, health issues, and financial

practices and it also focus attention on the significance of providing financial help

to students.

A study conducted by Tesfaw and Yitayih (2018) entitled “A Study on

Financial Stress and Coping Strategies Among Students in Rift Valley University,

Ethiopia,” indicated that financial stress has the potential to adversely impact

academic performance. Additionally, participants recognized both effective and

less effective coping strategies that young adult students could employ to handle

the adverse effects of financial stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the

financial stress experienced by students and to explore the strategies they utilize

in managing the adverse effects caused by their financial circumstances.

This study was related to the researchers as this study delves around the

critical topic of Financial Stress and Coping Strategies among Students. Their

investigation delved into the influence of stress on students' academic

performance and highlighted the effectiveness of coping mechanisms in aiding

students to manage the challenges associated with financial stress.

Coping Strategies of Students

In the research study conducted by Britt, et al. (2016) titled "Financial

Stress, Coping Strategy, and Academic Achievement of College Students," the

authors investigate the intricate factors influencing financial stress among college

students. Their findings reveal that financial stress is impacted by subjective

financial knowledge, the availability of financial resources, and individual

perceptions. Notably, the study suggests that alleviating financial stress and

enhancing academic achievement can be achieved through increasing financial

resources and providing educational opportunities for students to augment their

financial knowledge. This research underscores the importance of addressing

financial stress factors in the college setting to promote improved academic


Their study provides insights into the causes of financial stress, like

knowing about money and having enough resources, which can apply to the high

school context. It also explores how students cope with financial stress, which is

similar to the researcher research focus. The idea of improving financial

knowledge and resources from their study can guide them interventions.

In the study conducted by Slavich and Irwin (2014) with the title “From

Stress to Inflammation and Major Depressive Disorder: A Social Signal

Transduction Theory of Depression” they said that according to Taylor and

Stanton coping is becoming more widely acknowledged for its substantial

influence on stress-related mental and physical health outcomes as well as its

potential for intervention. Coping is defined as action-oriented and intrapsychic

attempts to manage the demands created by stressful events. Individual

variances in optimism, mastery, self-esteem, and social support are among the

coping resources they reviewed. They also looked at appraisal and coping

processes, particularly those characterised by approach or avoidance.

Additionally, they discussed the neural foundations of coping that may provide

insight into the assessment of coping interventions, as well as the genesis of

coping resources and processes in genes, early life experiences, and gene-

environment interactions.

Slavich and Irwin examine appraisal and coping processes, specifically

those characterized by approach or avoidance. This aspect aligns with the

ongoing investigation into the coping mechanisms employed by Grade 11

students confronting financial stressors. Moreover, their exploration of the neural

foundations of coping provides insights that could be valuable in evaluating

coping interventions—a facet pertinent to the research’s objective of

comprehending effective coping strategies.


This chapter aims to explain and present the methods that will be used by

researchers to achieve the purpose of the study. This chapter includes the

research design, research locale, research respondents, research instrument,

data gathering, and data analysis.

Research Design

This study is a quantitative research, which is the process of gathering

and analysing numerical data. It can be used to identify patterns and averages,

to make predictions, to test causal relationships, and to generalise results to

wider populations. The quantitative methods emphasise precise measurements

and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data gathered through

surveys, polls, and other types of research, as well as the manipulation of

statistical data using computing methods (Bhandari, 2023).

Furthermore, the design of this study is descriptive. Descriptive research

design, also known as survey research, gathers numerical data to address

inquiries on the accurate status of the study’s subject. Descriptive research

design used a variety of research methods to study one or more variables

(McCombes, 2019). The researchers intentionally selected research design as

the design of this study. The most appropriate approach for this study is the

descriptive research design as the study aims to investigate the financial stress

factors and coping mechanisms among the Grade 11 Senior High School

students at Notre Dame-Siena College in General Santos City.

A Quantitative Study of Financial Stress Factors and Coping

Mechanisms Among Grade 11 Senior High School Students
in Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City


• Draft a questionnaire 1. Assess the level of
factors of financial
• Deliver the
questionnaire to be
stress, its effects, and
Financial reviewed by the validator coping mechanisms of
Grade 11 senior high
Stress • Revise the school students.

• Deliver letters for notice,

approval, and consent 2. Determine if
• Delivery of letter of financial stress has a
Academic consent to the significant impact on
respondents the academic
Performance performance of Grade
and Mental • Dissemination of
11 senior high school
Well-Being students.
• Collect data

Figure 3. Research Design

Figure 3 shows the research design which contains the process that this

study will undergo. Under the input bar is the dependent and independent

variables. The process bar contains the processes the researchers will undergo

to collect the data needed. Lastly, the output bar contains the desired outcomes

of the researchers.

Research Locale

This research will be carried out at Notre Dame-Siena College in General

Santos City during the academic year 2022-2023. Notre Dame-Siena College in

General Santos City is a prestigious private Catholic school known for its

outstanding students and the high quality of education it provides. This school is

run by the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena

located in General Santos City, South Cotabato, Philippines. The researchers will

conduct this study at Notre Dame-Siena College in General Santos City not only

because it is where the respondents study, but also because it emphasises the
study's local relevance. The research focuses on a specific school in order to

address issues and concerns that are directly relevant to the students at Notre

Dame-Siena College in General Santos City. This focused approach ensures that

the findings are not only academically significant but also practically relevant to

the ND-SCGSC student population.

Figure 4. Map of Notre Dame – Siena College of General Santos City

This figure shows the map of Notre Dame – Siena College of General

Santos City where the study was done.

Research Respondents

Purposive sampling refers to a collection of non-probability sampling

methods where units are chosen based on attributes that are necessary for your

sample. Put differently, purposive sampling involves “on purpose” unit selection.
Also referred to as judgmental sampling, this sampling technique depends on the

researcher’s judgement in order to determine which people, situations, or events

will yield the most information in order to meet the goals of the study

(Nikolopoulou, 2023).

The purposive sampling technique comes into many types: maximum

variation sampling, homogeneous sampling, typical case sampling, extreme or

deviant case sampling, critical case sampling, total population sampling, and

expert sampling. In this research, the researchers will use total population

sampling to select the respondents. Total population sampling is a type of

purposive sampling technique that involves examining the entire population that

have a particular set of characteristics (e.g., specific attributes/traits, experience,

knowledge, skills, exposure to an event, etc.).

The Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Notre Dame-Siena College

of General Santos City were selected using the total population sampling. The

researchers believes that they are enough to meet the needed data and

information in this study. Here are all the grade 11 students of Notre Dame-Siena

College of General Santos City: From the strand of Science, Technology,

Engineering and Math education, a) Our Lady of Divine Providence with 38

respondents, b) Our Lady of Lourdes with 39 respondents, c) Our Lady of

Perpetual Help with 39 respondents, and d) Our Lady of the Rosary with also 39

respondents. Next is from the Humanities and Social Sciences strand, e) Our

Lady of Guadalupe with 37 respondents, and f) Our Lady of Manaoag with 37

respondents. Lastly, the strand of Accountancy, Business and Management, g)

Our Lady of Fatima with 43 respondents. If all combined together, the

researchers have a total of 272 respondents.

Criteria for the selection of respondents in this study:

a) The respondent must be a student enrolled at Notre Dame-Siena College

of General Santos City.

b) The respondent must be a Grade 11 Senior High School Student majoring

in either the strand of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

education, Humanities and Social Sciences, or Accountancy, Business

and Management.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use an online survey questionnaire to gather data for

this study. They will use a self-made questionnaire to extract the proper and

complete information needed to answer the objectives of this study. The

questionnaire will consist of three (3) parts: Part I: Source of Financial Stress;

Part II: Effects of Financial Stress and, Part III: Coping Mechanisms.

Part I. Source of Financial Stress. This part of the questionnaire

determines the factors or sources of the financial stress that the Grade 11

students are experiencing. The researchers will use the Likert Scale to measure

the level of stress of the students with the following sources or factors that will be

mentioned. The table below shows the scale that will be used to interpret the

level of stress of the students with the sources that will be mentioned:
Table 1. Scale of the Grade 11 Students’ Level of Stress on the Sources of

Financial Stress

Scale Verbal Interpretation

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Neutral

4 Agree

5 Strongly Agree

Part II. Effects of Financial Stress. This questionnaire will consist of five

(5) questions. In this part, the researchers will use the Likert Scale to know or

measure the level of the effects of financial stress to the students. The table

below shows the scale that will be used to interpret the level of the effects of

financial stress:

Table 2. Scale of the Grade 11 Students’ Level of the Effects of Financial


Scale Verbal Interpretation

1 Very Unlikely

2 Unlikely

3 Neutral

4 Likely

5 Very Likely
Part III. Coping Mechanisms. This questionnaire will determine the

coping mechanisms that the Grade 11 students uses to help against financial

stress. The researchers will also use the Likert Scale here to know the level of

the effectiveness of the coping mechanisms that will be mentioned. The table

below shows the scale that will be used to interpret the level of the effectiveness

of coping mechanisms:

Table 3. Scale of the Grade 11 Students’ Level of the Effectiveness of

Coping Mechanisms

Scale Verbal Interpretation

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Neutral

4 Agree

5 Strongly Agree

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to collect information in a methodical manner, the researchers

engaged and employed the following procedures:

The initial step involves gathering the class list of Grade 11 students at

Notre Dame-Siena College in General Santos City, essential for the study's

implementation. Subsequently, a questionnaire will be devised, subject to review

and approval by our research adviser. Upon approval, instead of producing a

printed survey, an online survey questionnaire using Google Forms will be


To seek consent, a letter will be crafted and distributed to relevant school

authorities, including the School Principal, Senior High School Academic

Coordinator, class advisers, and the respondents. Approval will be obtained by

having respondents answer the online survey questionnaire in a face-to-face

setting following established conditions, protocols, and ethical standards.

Following approval from the research adviser, respondents will be

informed of the specific date and time for the survey. During the survey,

confidentiality of responses will be assured, and respondents will be provided

with the link to the online survey questionnaire. Each respondent will use their

smartphones and provided internet connectivity, with researchers offering

guidance to prevent confusion. After completion, researchers will exit the survey


Finally, the collected data from the answered online survey questionnaires

will be analyzed and interpreted to derive meaningful results.

Statistical Treatment

To analyze the data objectively, the following statistical tool was utilized in

the study.

Weighted Mean. A weighted average, often referred to as the weighted

mean, is a form of mean that assigns varying degrees of importance to the

values within a dataset. Unlike the standard average, also known as the
arithmetic mean, which treats all observations equally, the weighted average

considers the unequal significance of individual values. When employing a

weighted mean, analysts take into account the relative importance of each value

in the dataset by assigning specific weights during calculations. This approach

proves beneficial when there is a need to factor in the varying degrees of

importance among the values, allowing for a more nuanced and context-specific

analysis (Ganti, 2023).

Frequency and Percentage Distribution. A data presentation that

indicates the proportion of observations for each data point or set of data points

is known as a percentage frequency distribution. It will be utilized in the research

study as it helps the data being analyzed to have a visualization outcome of it. It

helps the researchers to display data that specifies the percentage of

observations that exist for each data point gathered.

The research will employ Weighted Mean and Frequency and Percentage

Distribution as statistical tools for analysis. These methods, falling under

descriptive statistics, have been chosen for their effectiveness in addressing the

research questions, ensuring precision and accuracy in the study's results and


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