Guest Experience Workbook

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Course Workbook

Delivering Your Ultimate

Guest Experience

How to Differentiate Your Restaurant,

Delight Your Guests & Create More Loyalty
& Positive WOM
In this course, you and your staff will learn a simple, but powerful, way to dramatically improve your
restaurant’s guest experience at every step of your guest’s journey while you learn how to create a
superior guest experience that will lead to both sales and profit growth.

How to Use This Workbook

1. On the following pages, first read the bulleted Key Points for the lesson you’re about
to view and then fill in the blanks as you watch the video.

2. Space is also provided for your own notes as well as your ideas about how to apply
the information and act on it.
Lesson #1: Guest Experience Overview
 The one thing that drives your restaurant’s results more than anything else is
 Legendary restauranteur Danny Meyer says, “Business, like life, is all about how you make
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

Lesson #2: What the Guest Wants

 You need to learn a guest driven strategy that’s focused on the guest experience (service and
hospitality as well as quality and execution) throughout your entire guest journey because that’s
what the _______________________________________.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

“Delivering Your Ultimate Guest Experience” Learning System Workbook

Lesson #3: Guest Experience Leaders Outperform
 It’s impossible to talk about restaurant guest experience leaders without at least mentioning
fast food chain _____________________________.
 World class guest experiences don’t happen by chance, they are the result of an ________
_________________________ guest journey.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

Lesson #5: The Power of Emotion

 “People are not rational beings with occasional emotions; they are ____________________
beings with occasional rational thought.”
 You need to focus on building an experience that’s not only supported by high quality and
competent service, but also on________________________, the human element, which has the
biggest impact on how your guests feel about their experience.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

“Delivering Your Ultimate Guest Experience” Learning System Workbook

Lesson #6: What Drives the Guest Experience
 Concept, execution, and hospitality influence your guests’ emotional outcomes, but we believe
it's_______________________, the quality and sincerity of the personal interactions, that really
drives a disproportionate share of the emotional responses.
 It’s the quality of the personal interactions between __________________________________
that produces those absolutely priceless positive emotional outcomes in your guests.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

Lesson #7: Consider the Five Senses

 The five senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell) shape and influence the customer
experience and nowhere is this more important than in the ___________________________.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

“Delivering Your Ultimate Guest Experience” Learning System Workbook

Lesson #9: The Guest Journey
 Within each stage of the guest journey, it’s important to note that every touchpoint in each
stage has the potential to produce an _______________________response from the guest.
 Understanding and detailing your ________________________can give you the tools to be very
intentional and very specific about designing the type of guest experience your guests want.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

Lesson #10: An Unintentional Guest Journey

 At every touchpoint, the guest’s experience can impact the guest at an emotional level and
ultimately determine whether or not the guest __________________________________.
 At each touchpoint, we're going to get either a _________________________________ or
________________________ emotional response from the guest.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

“Delivering Your Ultimate Guest Experience” Learning System Workbook

Lesson #11: An Intentional Guest Journey
 An “intentional” guest journey starts by putting yourself in _____________________________
and thinking deeply about the desired emotional responses the guest wants to feel at each
individual touchpoint.
 It’s important your staff is trained and prepared to deliver your intentionally designed guest
journey and that they understand the emotional impact _________________ have on the guest
experience and ______________ it matters!
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

Lesson #12: Guests at Risk

 If your managers and your staff understand the emotional dynamics of the guest journey and
they have the tools to respond appropriately to mistakes and complaints, they’ll have a good
chance of turning those negative events into_______________________________________.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

“Delivering Your Ultimate Guest Experience” Learning System Workbook

Lesson #13: Stages & Touchpoints
 Delivering your ultimate guest experience begins with identifying the stages of your guest
journey and your key guest ___________________ from beginning to end.
 A touchpoint is any guest activity or staff interaction at any stage of the guest journey that has
the potential to cause an _____________________________ response.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

Lesson #15: Guest Journey Worksheet

 It’s important to choose a single touchpoint and go through the entire worksheet to implement
your changes to that touchpoint before taking on another one so as not to _______________
your managers and staff by trying to work on multiple touchpoints at the same time.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

“Delivering Your Ultimate Guest Experience” Learning System Workbook

Lesson #16: Design Your Guest Journey
 For each touchpoint, select a team made up of at least one _______________________ and two
or more ______________________________ who are very experienced in the touchpoint area.
 To ensure any behavior, no matter how basic or obvious it is to you, it MUST be documented,
taught and ______________________________ over and over again.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

Lesson #17: Document Your Guest Journey

 In step 4 of the worksheet, you list the _______________________________needed to create
the desired guest outcomes.
 When it comes to over-the-top opportunities, your __________________________ and your
_________________________________ are sure to come up with some great, creative ideas.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

“Delivering Your Ultimate Guest Experience” Learning System Workbook

Lesson #18: Deliver Your Guest Journey
 Training should always begin with explaining the ____________.
 Recognizing even small improvements is very powerful in getting your people to step up and
__________________________ of your new, improved ways of orchestrating the guest journey.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

Lesson #19: Getting Started

 Your guest experience is THE single most important factor to your ________________________
and it’s the one thing that can give you a genuine competitive advantage in your local market.
 Make sure everyone on your team understands the process and most importantly the WHY, why
creating a ______________________________________________is in everyone’s best interest.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

“Delivering Your Ultimate Guest Experience” Learning System Workbook

Lesson #21: Key Points
 The “one thing” that drives restaurant success more than anything else is clearly the quality and
consistency of the __________________________________________.
 If you consistently create a better experience for your guests, your guests will take care of you
and your people by making your place their________________________________________.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?

Lesson #22: Guest at Risk Supplemental

 It’s vitally important to regularly remind your staff that mistakes and complaints are
 Complaints are an opportunity to _________________________________________________.
 The three steps for resolving complaints are: 1) immediately _____________________, 2) take
______________________________, and 3) make it ______________________.
How can I apply this?
What action(s) should I take?
Congratulations on completing this course!

“Delivering Your Ultimate Guest Experience” Learning System Workbook

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