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Lesson Plan in English 9

Learning Competency: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author
Specific Objectives :
At the end of the lesson, 80%of the students are able to:
1. Explain what are the social issues present on the texts.
2. Compare and contrast the texts using Venn diagram.
3. Appreciate the texts through writing an essay relating their life experiences.
Topic: “Letters from Teddy” and “Thank you, ma’am”
Laptop, cartolina, marker, and snacks (for the prices)

1. Prayer
 The teacher will call the next prayer leader.
2. Checking of Attendance
 The teacher will ask the students which students are absent.
3. Collecting or Checking of Assignments

A1 Activity
1. Review
2. Motivation
( use the crane machine game)
3. Activity Proper
Setting of Standards:
To get the students ready for the story that we will read today, the teacher will
have the activity “Jigsaw Puzzle” wherein, the students will have to solve a puzzle. The
puzzle is an image related to the story.
 The students will have five (5) minutes to finished this activity.
 The class will be divided in 2 groups.
 Each group will have to solve the jigsaw puzzle.
 While the groups are busy solving the jigsaw, the teacher will roam
around to see their works and encourage students to participate.
 The group will have to yell “finish!” once they are done. Whoever
finishes first will get five (5) points but the group would still receive
three (3) points.
A2 Analysis
Once the students are done, the teacher will post on the board the puzzle that they have
solved. The teacher will then ask each group to answer the following questions which will reveal
what do the students think about the image.
Questions to ask:
1. Who do you think is the lady in the image?
2. How about the guy? Who do you think is he?
3. Do you think they are related? Are they siblings or lover?
4. Why is the guy staring so much at his reflection?

A3 Abstraction
The teacher will discuss the Elements of the Story but for students to better understand
the topic, the teacher will utilize the myth “Narcissus and Echo”.
In conducting the reading of the myth;
 The class will be divided into two (2) groups.
 Each group will have a copy of the myth “Narcissus and Echo”
 The groups will then have ten (10) minutes to read the myth carefully and

Following the reading, the teacher will conduct an interactive exercise based on the
section that they have read.
 On the board, the teacher will post the word “Narcissus and Echo”, and on the
other side of the board will be “Story Bank”
 The “Story Bank” will contain sentences that are derived from the myth.
 Each group will choose two (2) representatives that will collaborate in doing
the activity.
 They will have to arrange and paste the sentences from the “Sentences Bank”
under the “Narcissus and Echo” in chronological order.
 The groups must complete this activity in 5 minutes.
 After that, one student must explain their work. Which means they will have
to re-tell the story on their own words.
 Once the students have finished discussing their works, the teacher will ask
the following questions which will make the students understand the
significance of Elements of a story in identifying the theme of the myth or
story. This part will also assist the teacher in switching and introducing the
1.What do you think the myth's theme is?
2.How did you come up with the theme?
3.What if the scene in which Narcissus saw his reflection in the
water is missing? Would you still be able to pick out the theme?
 After the teacher has introduced the topic, the teacher will then start discussing
the elements of the story. In this discussion, the students will mostly be listening
but the teacher will still ask questions to the students from time to time.

A4 Application
To know if the students have fully understood the topic, the teacher will give them a
group task. The students will have the same group and they will have to finish the tasks in fifteen
(15) minutes.
Using the myth “Narcissus and Echo”, supply the correct details from the story
that are asked below. Be guided with the chart and write briefly your answers in the right
column. (2 points each)
Elements of the story







Compose an original short story, consisting of 3 paragraphs only. Make sure that all
the elements of the story are present. (40 points)


Originality 10

Plot 10

Creativity 10

Organization 10

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