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Thursday, February 15th, 2024

15th street, Avenue lake, London, England

42nd street, Avenue lake, London, England

Dear Mr. John

I was made aware of your statement on musical education and I really do respect it.
Yet, I believe there are 2 sides to this debated argument that lies on the school’s
decision; there are both disadvantages and advantages for everything.

There are many disadvantages on this topic. First on the list is, learning music can
make some children unfocused and lethargic in class as perhaps their main focus
can be on music, that is not for all since most people can control that matter.
Secondly, it can take time away from student’s studies. Last but not least, it can take
time in school from other core subjects that could need more time.

Although there are disadvantages, there are multiple advantages. It has been
scientifically proven that music can improve certain aspects that work in the brain
improve intelligence quote or “IQ”. It can also enhance performance by making
students enter flow state, which is also scientifically proven. It can also help people
who are socially awkward and find it a struggle to make friends to make some
lifetime friends who play related instruments and have similar hobbies. It can also
help the school’s reputation by having famous choruses the students participate in.

I believe the school should make music classes non-mandatory and have them in
breaks and that would probably benefit the school. Ultimately, the decision is yours
and I hope you understand my view and take on this matter.

Warm regards, Mostafa

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