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Experiment – 2

NAME : Jess John

ROLL NO : 32

State space formulation and PEAS properties for Natural Language Generation and
Understanding of Big Code for AI-Assisted Programming: A Review.
Learning Give State space formulation and PEAS properties for Natural Language Generation
Objective: and Understanding of Big Code for AI-Assisted Programming: A Review.
Learning Students will be able to give the PEAS properties and state space
Outcome: formulation for the case study in Experiment 1

Course CSL604.3
Outcome: (PO 3) Design/ development of solutions: Breadth and uniqueness of engineering
problems i.e. the extent to which problems are original and to which solutions have
previously been identified or codified
(PO 12) Life Long Learning

Bloom's Analysis,Create
PEAS PEAS Properties:
Properties: A. Performance Measure:
 Quality of code generation or documentation.
 Accuracy in code summarization and defect detection.
 Efficiency in assisting programmers during software
development tasks.
 Ethical considerations and adherence to privacy regulations.
B. Environment:
 Programming environments (IDEs) where AI-assisted
programming tools are integrated.
 Datasets of code snippets and programming tasks.
 Online repositories and platforms hosting code.
 Ethical and legal frameworks governing software development
and usage of AI models.
C. Actuators:
 Language model algorithms (e.g., transformer-based models)
for natural language understanding and generation.
 Code generation tools and APIs.
 User interfaces for interacting with AI-assisted programming
D. Sensors:
 Input code snippets and programming tasks provided by
 Evaluation metrics for assessing the quality and effectiveness
of generated code.
 Feedback from developers regarding the usefulness and
accuracy of AI-generated suggestions.
 Ethical and legal guidelines for handling sensitive code and

State Space State: The state in this context refers to the current status or
Formulation : configuration of the AI-assisted programming system, which
 The state of the language model being used (e.g., parameters, training
 The current code snippet or programming task being processed.
 The generated code or documentation.
 Ethical considerations and constraints.

Initial State: The initial state represents the starting point of the AI-
assisted programming process. It can be defined as follows:
 Language model initialized with pre-trained weights and parameters.
 Empty or minimal code snippet or programming task provided by the user.
 No generated code or documentation.
 Initial ethical considerations in place.

Actions: Actions are the operations or steps that the AI-assisted

programming system can take to transition from one state to
another. Possible actions include:
 Generating code or documentation based on the input code snippet or
programming task.
 Providing code completions or suggestions to assist the programmer.
 Performing defect detection or code summarization tasks.
 Updating the parameters of the language model based on feedback or
additional training data.
 Ensuring compliance with ethical guidelines and privacy regulations.

Transition Model: The transition model describes how the system's

state changes in response to the actions taken. It encompasses the
effects of each action on the system's components, such as:
 How the language model updates its internal representations based on the
input and generated code.
 The impact of generating code on the completeness and correctness of the
 How ethical considerations are addressed and integrated into the decision-
making process.

Goal Test: The goal test determines whether the system has achieved
its objective or reached a satisfactory state. In the context of the
AI-assisted programming system, the goal test may involve:
 Evaluating the quality of the generated code or documentation against
predefined criteria.
 Ensuring that the programmer's needs and requirements are adequately
 Verifying compliance with ethical guidelines and constraints.

Path Test: The path test evaluates the sequence of actions taken by
the system to reach the goal state. It involves:
 Assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of the AI-assisted programming
 Identifying any deviations from expected behavior or ethical lapses.
 Ensuring that the system's actions align with the user's intentions and

Dataset : 1. Experimental Treatment

2. Body Sensor Network
3. Medical Equipment and medical imaging system
4. previous Results

Outcome : PEAS Properties:

E. Performance Measure:
 Quality of code generation or documentation.
 Accuracy in code summarization and defect detection.
 Efficiency in assisting programmers during software
development tasks.
 Ethical considerations and adherence to privacy regulations.
F. Environment:
 Programming environments (IDEs) where AI-assisted
programming tools are integrated.
 Datasets of code snippets and programming tasks.
 Online repositories and platforms hosting code.
 Ethical and legal frameworks governing software development
and usage of AI models.
G. Actuators:
 Language model algorithms (e.g., transformer-based models)
for natural language understanding and generation.
 Code generation tools and APIs.
 User interfaces for interacting with AI-assisted programming
H. Sensors:
 Input code snippets and programming tasks provided by
 Evaluation metrics for assessing the quality and effectiveness
of generated code.
 Feedback from developers regarding the usefulness and
accuracy of AI-generated suggestions.
 Ethical and legal guidelines for handling sensitive code and
Conclusion : We get the information about of PEAS properties and state space formulation for the
case study in Experiment 1
References: Give References:

Natural Language Generation and Understanding of Big Code for AI-Assisted

Programming: A Review.

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