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Cell Wall
Location; The cell wall is located outside the plant cell; however, it is absent in animal’s cell.
Composition; The cell wall is composed of cellulose in plants while in fungi it is made of chitin and in bacteria the cell
wall is made of protein and carbohydrates.
Thickness; The parenchymatous cells have thin cell wall because they have to prepare food and exchange of material take
place their cell walls so; to facilitate diffusion their cell wall is thin. Xylem vessel elements and tracheid have thick cell
wall as they have to provide support.
Structure; The cell wall is composed of two layers. The inner layer is called primary cell wall and the outer layer is called
secondary cell wall. The two layers are arranging in a criss-cross manner to each other.
Function; The cell wall provides shape, rigidity, protection and support to the cell.
2. Cell Membrane
Location; The plasma membrane is located inside the cell wall in plants cell while in animals cell it forms the outer most
Composition and structure; The cell membrane is composed of lipid bilayer and protein molecules. Some of the protein
molecule can float in the lipid while other stay embedded. This model of cell membrane is the fluid mosaic model.
Function; the cell membrane is selectively permeable. It controls the movement of material across the cell.
3. Cytoplasm
Location; the cytoplasm is the viscous opaque substance between the nucleus and the plasma membrane.
Composition; The cytoplasm is a complex fluid which consist of organic and inorganic material. The carbohydrate, lipid,
enzymes are organic while water, and salts are inorganic.
Function; The cytoplasm provides the site and condition to all metabolic reactions.
4. Cytoskeleton
Location: Cytoplasm
Composition: Cytoskeleton is composed of three main types of filaments. These are Microfilaments are the thinnest,
microtubules are the thickest and intermediate filaments within between the two.
Function: It is a supportive network and is responsible for cell shape and movement.
5. Nucleus
Location; the nucleus is present in center of animal cell while in plant cell it is pushed to one side because of large
Composition and structure; The nucleus is round object surrounded by nuclear membrane. The nuclear membrane is
double and is permeable. Inside the nucleus the fluid is called nucleoplasm. In the nucleoplasm two nucleoli and
chromosomes are present. The nucleoli are concerned with the formation of ribosomal RNA.
Function; The nucleus is called the brain of the cell because it controls all the function of the cell.

6. Ribosome
Location; they are present in cytoplasm either freely dispersed in cytoplasm or attached to RER.
Shape and structure; They are tiny granular structure not bounded by a membrane. They are formed in the nucleolus in
Function; They synthesize of protein. It is the only cell organelle that is present in prokaryotic cell.
7. Mitochondria
Location; Mitochondrion is located in the cytoplasm
Structure; Mitochondrion is surrounded by a double membrane structure. The outer membrane is smooth while the inner
membrane has folding called cristae that lie in the mitochondrial matrix. The cristae have small granular bodies called
elementary particles
Function; The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell that provides energy to the cell. It produced ATP (Adenosine
Triphosphate). The number of mitochondria depends on the energy requirements of the cell. The greater the energy
requirement of the cell greater will be the number of mitochondria.

8. Plastids
Location; They are present in the cytoplasm of plant cell only. They are not present in animal cell as they do not
synthesize their food. They are of three types. They are
; They are present in green part of plants especially in leaves. They have chlorophyll chloroplast. Chloroplast is bounded
by a double membrane. Inside the inner membrane in a fluid matrix called stroma. The stroma is made of protein and
other chemicals. The inner membrane stakes in the stroma. These stakes are called grana (sing. Granum). Inside the grana
photosynthesis takes pace in presence of sunlight.
Chromoplast is the second type of plastid. They are round. They impart color other than green. The color of fruits and
petals is due to different types of chromoplast. They help in pollination by attracting insects. Chlorophyll is actually a type
of chromoplast.
Leucoplast; They are found in roots and stem. They are colorless, tubular or of any other shape. Their function is to store
9. Endoplasmic Reticulum
Location; They are located in cytoplasm.
Structure; They consist of network of channels and cisternae (sing. cisterna) . they extend throughout the cytoplasm from
nuclear membrane to plasma membrane.
Types and function; They are of two types.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) It is non granular because ribosome are not attached to them. They synthesize
Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) It is granular because ribosomes are attached to them. They transport material from
one part of the cell to another part of the cell.
10. Golgi Apparatus
Location; They are located in cytoplasm.
Structure; They consist of network of smooth, flattened sac called cisternae (sac like structure) staked over each other.
They may also occur a network or meshwork or in filamentous form.
Function; The function of Golgi vesicles is to store the secretion and convert them to finished product and pack them in
their margin in round sac called Golgi vesicles which transport them outside the cell. The primary function of the Golgi
apparatus is to process and package macromolecules, such as proteins and lipids, after their synthesis and before they
make their way to their destination
11. Centrioles
Location; They are present in the cytoplasm near the nucleus of animal cells only. They are absent in higher plants.
Shape and structure; they are hollow cylindrical and contain nine triplets of microtubules.
Function; they help in spindle fiber formation. The spindle fibers help the chromosome move during cell division. They
also help in the formation of cilia and flagella.
12. Vacuoles
They are present in cytoplasm. Animal cell contain several small vacuoles while plant cell contains one large vacuole
which push the nucleus to one side. They are of two types.
The contractile vacuole which stores extra water and material and send them outside the nucleus. The food vacuole
presents in amoeba that digest the engulfed food.

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