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1. Prepare a temporary slide to show pollen germination from the given

material “A1” and calculate the percentage of pollen germination....(5m)
i. Preparation ----(3M)
ii. Calculation of % germination----(2M)

Writing part:

Total number of Total number of pollen % of pollen germination

pollen grains(N) grain germinated(n) n/Nx100


Percentage of pollen germination=..........................


Prepare a temporary slide to show pollen tube growth on the stigma from
the given material “A2” and draw a neat labelled diagram of your

i. Preparation----(3M)
ii. Labelled diagram----(2M)





Prepare a temporary slide of given material “A3” by taking a transverse section

of ovary and report the number of locules and type of placentation...(5M)

i. Preparation ------(3M)
ii. Reporting the observation-------(2M)

Writing part:

i. Number of locules in a ovary of given flower-5(pentalocular

ii. Type of placentation- Axile placentation


Prepare a temporary slide to show nucleic acid staining from the given material
“A4” and report the shape of the cell and number of nuclei observed....(5M)

i. Preparation ....(3M)
ii. Reporting observation...(2M)

Writing part:

i. Shape of the cell: Rectangular

ii. Total number of nuclei per cell: single

2. Prepare a temporary slide of the given material “B” and

identify any one stage of the mitosis and comment on the
stage observed...(5M)
i. Preparation....(3M)
ii. Comment on the observed stage...(2M)
Prophase: chromatin becomes condensed thread like
structure called chromosome
Nuclear membrane and nucleolus starts disintegrating.
Metaphase: Nucleolus and nuclear membrane
disappears. Chromosomes are arranged on equatorial
plane of the cell. Each chromosome consists of two
chromatids held together at the centromere
Anaphase: Two sister chromatids of each chromosomes
separate due to the splitting of centromere and move
towards the opposite poles. Daughter chromosomes
during their movement appear v,J,L and I shaped
depending upon the position of the centromere.
Telophase : Daughter chromosomes reach the opposite
poles. They uncoil to form chromatin fibres. Nuclear
membrane and nucleoli reappear. Thus two daughter
nuclei appear at opposite poles.
( For diagram of each phase refer lab manual)

3. Identify and comment on the given pedigree chart “C” .....(3M)

i. Identification of type of pedigree....(1M)
ii. Comment...(2M)
a) Autosome linked dominate trait:
 Trait is inherited from either of the parent
 Trait expresses only in heterozygous condition
 Male and females are equally affected
 Pedigree is said to be vertical
 Ex; polydactyly, Dimple cheek

b) X- linked recessive trait:

 It show criss cross inheritance
 A carrier unaffected mother inherit the disease to son
 Males are more affected than female
 Ex; colour-blindness, haemophilia

c) Y-linked trait:
 Y- linked traits are limited to XY- males
 They are transmitted from male parents to male
 Y-linked inheritance is called holandric inheritance or
male sex linked inheritance. Ex: Hypertrichosis of ear

4. Identify “D” and comment......(3M)

i. Identification------(1M)
ii. Comment-----------(2M)

a) The given slide is “T.S. of Mammalian ovary”

 Ovary is externally covered by single layer of germinal
 The cortex has many ovarian follicles of different
stages(primary to matured Graafian follicle)
 Graafian follicle have secondary oocyte and fluid filled cavity
called antrum.
 Graafian follicle rupture to release the oocyte. This is called
b) The given slide is “T.S. of Mammalian Testis”
 Each testis is made up of about 250 compartment called
testicular lobules.
 Each lobule contains 2-3 coiled seminiferous tubules which are
lined by germinal epithelium.
 The germinal epithelium consist of spermatogonia and sertoli
 Spermatogonia undergo spermatogenesis to produce sperm.
Different cell stages of spermatogenesis like primary
spermatocytes , spermatids and spermatozoa are observed
from the periphery towards the lumen.

c) The given chart is “T.S. of Mammalian blastula”

 Blastula of mammal is called blastocyst.
 It consists of a covering trophoblast, an inner cell mass and
central fluid filled cavity called blastocoels.
 Trophoblast gives rise to extra embryonic membrane and helps
in implantation.
 Inner cell mass is oriented towards one side and is suspended
from the trophoblast like a honey comb.
 The trophoblast cells which cover over the inner cell mass are
called cells of Rauber.

d) The given slide/chart is “V.S ovary showing female gametophyte”
 Ovule is attached to the placenta by a stalk called funicle
 The ovule consists of two integuments and nucellus.
 Cells of nucellus provide nutrition to the developing
megaspore mother cell.
 Megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis results in 4 hapolid
megaspores .
 Out of which 3 disintegrated and remaining one develop into
matured embryosac.
 Matured embyosac consist of 7 cells and 8 nuclei.

5. Identify “E” and comment.....(2M)

i. Identification with scientific name----(1M)
ii. Comment -------(1M)
Writing part:

a) The given chart/slide is identified as Entamoeba histolytica

 It is an endoparasite in the intestine of human.
 It causes amoebic dysentery
 Symptoms: frequent loose mucous filled watery stool
 Severe abdominal pain and spasm.
 Blood in motion
b) The given chart/slide is identified as Plasmodium vivax
 Plasmodium causes Malaria fever in human host
 Symptoms: intermittent high fever with chill
 Headache and muscular pains
 Loss of appetite and sleeplessness.
c) The given specimen is Ascaris lumbricoides.
 Ascaris is an endoparasite in the intestine of man.
 Ascaris causes a disease called Ascariasis.
 Symptoms; irregular bowl with abdominal pain
 Indigestion and loss of appetite
 Anaemia and fatigue,vomiting
d) The given chart/ slide is Trichophyton rubrum
 Trichophyton is an ectoparasite on man
 It causes ringworm infection
 Symptoms: Ring shaped fluid filled lesions in the skin
 Itching in the region of infection.
 Nails become discoloured, thickened and brittle.
6. Identify “F” and comment........(2M)
Identification .........(1M)
a) Tendrils of passion flower plant and thorns of pomegranate.
 Tendrils of passion flower and thorns of pomegranate are
homologous to one another as both arise from the axillary
 Tendrils of passion flower help the plant in climbing but thorns
of pomegranate are defensive in function.
b) Tendrils of vitis and thorns of Carissa:
 Tendrils of vitis and thorns of Carissa are homologous to one
another as both are modified terminal buds.
 The tendrils help the plant in climbing while the thorns help in
c) Tendrils of cardiospermum and bulbil of Agave
 The tendrils of cardiospermum and bulbils of Agave are
homologous to one another as both are the modified flower
 The tendrils help the plant in climbing while the bulbils help in
d) Scale leaves of onion and spines of opuntia
 The scale leaves in onion and spines in opuntia are homologous
to one another as both are modifications of leaves
 The scale leaves of onion store water and food while spines in
opuntia are sharp and defensive in function.
e) Tendrils of pea and tendrils of vitis
 Both are analogous to one another as they are similar in
structure and function but different in origin.
 Tendrils of pea are the modified leaves and the tendrils of vitis
are the modified terminal buds.
 The tendrils help the plant in anchorage
f) Modified underground stem and modified root
 Modified underground stem(ginger) are analogous to modified
roots(carrot) as they are similar in their structure and function
but dissimilar in origin.
 Both are storage in function. They store water and food
g) Phylloclade, cladode and leaves
 A phylloclade is a green coloured, photosynthetic , flattened
stem of several nodes and internodes (eg; opuntia)
 A cladode is a green coloured, photosynthetic , flattened
branch of a stem with one or two internode.
 Both phylloclade and cladode are leaf like stem modification.
They are analogous to leaf as they are green in colour and
perform photosynthesis.
h) Forelimbs of bat and fore limbs of man
 Forelimbs of bat and man have same type of bones namely
humerus, radium ,ulna, carpals ,metacarpals and phalanges
 The fore limbs of bat help in flight
 In man forelimbs perform various functions
 Origin of forelimb of bat and man is same, function is different
and hence called homologous organs.
i) Wings of birds and wings of butterfly
 Both are analogous to one another
 Wings of butterfly is covered by chitinaceous structure ,it is a
lifeless organ
 Wings of birds is made out of bones and feather. Both organs
are having different origin but evolved for performing same
( for diagram refer lab manual)
j) Comment on artificial hybridisation

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