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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. define paragraph;
B. identify the types of paragraph;
C. state the importance of knowing how to compose effective paragraphs, and
D. create paragraph outlines about the given topics.

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an
expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in various text types; reality,
fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and use of
information sources, active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and
logical connectors in journalistic writing.

Learning Competency
EN8WC-IIa-2.8: Compose effective paragraphs

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic
Composing Effective Paragraphs

B. References
English Module, Quarter 4

C. Materials
 Multi-modal Presentation
 Video Presentation
 Printed Materials
 Laptop
 Television
III. Procedure


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer

Good morning, class! Please stand so we can start our day In the name of the father and
with a short prayer. May I ask someone to lead the prayer? of the son and the Holy
Spirit… Amen.
You may now take your seats.

2. Checking of Attendance

Do we have absentees or excused today? (student answers)

Thank you.

3. Review

Now, let’s have a review of the last topic that you’ve Ma’am, the last topic that we
discussed. May I ask someone from the class to tell us what discussed is about
your last topic was? synthesizing.

Thank you, _____. What is synthesizing? Ma’am, synthesizing is

combining our existing
knowledge with new
information that we have

That’s right. Thank you, _____.

B. Motivation
Before we proceed with our new lesson, let us first have this
activity. I have here the different ingredients for making a
hamburger. In this activity, two of you will arrange the
hamburger in chronological order. We are going to choose
who will do the activity using a virtual claw machine. If your
name gets picked, you have to stand up and go in front. Is it Yes, ma’am.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

Thank you for participating in our activity. Do you know that
a hamburger can also be compared to a paragraph? Let’s
find out how through watching this video.

After watching the video, answer the following questions:

1. How was making a burger similar to writing a They are similar in a sense
paragraph? that they consist of parts that
need to be organized to be
2. Enumerate the elements of a paragraph that was
mentioned in the video? A paragraph consists of the
following parts: Introduction,
supporting details, and
3. If you could make your own paragraph like a burger,
how would make it? (Answers may vary)
4. Just like the burger, why is it important that our
paragraph is well organized? It’s important that our
paragraph is well organized so
that the readers can easily
make sense of what the text is
trying to say.
D. Development of the Lesson
How was making a burger similar to writing a paragraph?

Right. Now, can someone please enumerate the elements

of a paragraph that was mentioned in the video?

If you could make your own paragraph like a burger, how

would make it?

Just like the burger, why is it important that our paragraph is

well organized?

Writing Effective Paragraphs

In general, in order for a paragraph to be effective, it

must have three characteristics:

 Unity- which means all sentences in the paragraph

explain, develop and support the central idea.
 Development- effective paragraphs are not only unified,
but are fully developed as well, which means that they
don’t leave any significant question in the reader’s mind.
 Coherence- which means paragraphs are arranged
according to a definite plan, and as a result, all the
sentences “stick together” and lead readers smoothly
from the topic sentence to the concluding one.

E. Enrichment
To develop your skills in writing an effective paragraph, you
are now going to practice writing meaningful supporting
details through this activity called “Sentence Relay”. In this
activity, we will divide the class into four groups. Each group
will be given a worksheet which contains a paragraph
outline. I already provided the topics and the topic Yes, ma’am.
sentences. All you have to do now is to provide one
supporting detail for each topic. After writing one supporting
detail, you are going to pass the worksheet to the next
group. Are the instructions clear?
F. Generalization
Congratulations to everyone. You all did a good job in our Thank you, Ma’am.

Now, can someone tell the class why is it important for you
to know how to compose effective paragraphs when writing?

IV. Assessment

Read the sentences carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

1. It is a building block of essay development.

a. outline b. essay c. paragraph d. summary

2. It is a type of paragraph which introduces your topic.

a. conclusion b. introductory c. transitional d. body

3. It is a type of paragraph which develops your topic.

a. conclusion b. introductory c. transitional d. body

4. It is a type of paragraph which moves your readers from one aspect of it to another.

a. conclusion b. introductory c. transitional d. body

5. It is a type of paragraph which sums up the development of the topic.

a. conclusion b. introductory c. transitional d. body

6. These are the sentences that explain this main point.

a. topic b. topic sentence c. supporting details d. sentences

7. It states the main, or controlling, idea.

a. topic b. topic sentence c. supporting details d. sentences

8. It means all sentences in the paragraph explain, develop and support the central idea.

a. unity b. parallelism c. development c. coherence

9. It means that effective paragraphs don’t leave any significant question in the reader’s

a. unity b. parallelism c. development c. coherence

10. It means paragraphs are arranged according to a definite plan.

a. unity b. parallelism c. development c. coherence

V. Assignment

Write an essay out of the previous outline that you have created. Make sure that your
essay is well structured and the characteristics of an effective paragraph are observed. Your
output will be graded based on the rubric below:

5 4 3 2
Quality of The essay is well- The essay is The essay is The essay is not
writing written, organized, somehow well- organized but organized and
and informative. written, lacks lacks
organized, and information. information.

Grammar There are no There are few There are a There are a lot
and spelling, spelling, number of of spelling,
Mechanics punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, and
grammatical errors. grammatical punctuation, and grammatical
errors. grammatical errors.
Paragraph The three basic The three basic The three basic Some elements
Structure elements of a elements of a elements of a of a paragraph
paragraph are paragraph are paragraph are are not present.
present with present with few present but
enough supporting supporting lacks supporting
details. details. details.

Paragraph All of the three Only two Only one None of the
Effectiveness characteristics of characteristics characteristics characteristics
an effective of an effective of an effective of an effective
paragraph are paragraph are paragraph is paragraph are
observed. observed. observed. observed.
Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office II Pangasinan
San Vicente, Alcala, Pangasinan
School Year: 2022-2023

A Detailed Lesson Plan

English 8

Prepared by:
Kate Angelica Q. Yumul
Teaching Intern

Prepared for:
Rona C. Andres
Cooperating Teacher

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