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LAB# 02

Submitted By:


Roll No.:


Submitted To:

Engr.Shuja Irfan
LAB #02

“Introduction to Diodes, Types of Diodes, IV characteristics, Analysis of

Diode response and Biasing of Diode”


 Introduce basic concepts and applications of diodes in electronic circuits.

 Explore various diode types and their specific applications.

 Study current-voltage characteristics of diodes under different conditions.

 Investigate the impact of biasing on diode performance in electronic circuits.

Theoretical Background:

 Diodes
Diodes are semiconductor devices that allow electric current to flow in one
direction. They have two terminals, an anode, and a cathode. When forward-
biased, they enable current flow with minimal resistance, and when reverse-
biased, they block the current. Diodes serve essential roles in electronic circuits,
including rectifying current, emitting light in LEDs, and regulating voltage with
Zener diodes.

 General Purpose Diodes:

General-purpose diodes are versatile semiconductor devices commonly used in
electronic circuits. Their primary function is to allow current flow in one direction
while blocking it in the opposite direction. Common types include silicon diodes
like 1N4148. They find application in rectification, signal demodulation, and
protection circuits. General-purpose diodes are integral components in various
electronic devices due to their simplicity and reliability.

 Schottky Diodes:
Schottky diodes, also known as Schottky barrier diodes, differ from regular diodes
by using a metal-semiconductor junction instead of a semiconductor-
semiconductor junction. This design reduces forward voltage drop and enhances
switching speed, making Schottky diodes suitable for high-frequency applications.
They excel in rectification, voltage clamping, and RF signal detection. Due to their
fast switching characteristics, Schottky diodes are commonly employed in power
supplies, RF circuits, and high-speed digital applications where efficiency and
speed are critical.

 IV Characteristics of Diodes:
The IV (current-voltage) characteristics of diodes are fundamental to
understanding their behavior in electronic circuits. In the forward-bias region, as
voltage increases, the diode conducts with an exponential increase in current. In
the reverse-bias region, the diode blocks current until a certain reverse breakdown
voltage is reached, at which point it conducts in the reverse direction. The forward-
bias and reverse-bias behaviors are crucial for designing circuits involving diodes,
providing insight into their operational characteristics and limitations.

 Reverse Recovery Time

Reverse recovery time is a key parameter associated with diodes transitioning
from the conducting to non-conducting state in the reverse-bias condition. When a
diode switches from the conducting to the non-conducting state, a brief interval
occurs where the diode doesn't immediately block the current flow. This transition
time is known as the reverse recovery time. It is particularly relevant in fast-
switching applications, as a longer reverse recovery time can lead to inefficiencies
and potential circuit issues. Diodes with shorter reverse recovery times are
preferred in applications requiring rapid switching to optimize circuit performance.
Lab Tasks
TASK # 01:-
Compare the IV Characteristics of General Purpose (Rectifier) diode with Schottky diode
using DC Sweep analysis and comment on the differences observed.

Simulation Results:
IV Characteristics of General purpose Diode:

IV Characteristics of Schottky Diode:

Differences Observed:

 Forward Voltage Drop: The Schottky diode has a lower forward voltage drop (Vf)
compared to the general-purpose rectifier diode. This results in lower power losses
and higher efficiency in applications where low forward voltage drop is critical.
 Turn-On Characteristics: The Schottky diode has a sharper turn-on characteristic
compared to the general-purpose rectifier diode, leading to faster switching speeds
and improved response time in high-speed circuits.
 Reverse Leakage Current: The Schottky diode typically exhibits higher reverse
leakage current compared to the general-purpose rectifier diode due to its metal-
semiconductor junction. This characteristic should be considered in applications
requiring low reverse leakage.

In summary, the differences observed in the IV characteristics between the general-

purpose rectifier diode and the Schottky diode highlight the unique advantages and
characteristics of each type of diode, making them suitable for different applications
based on their specific requirements and performance criteria.

TASK # 02:-
Compare the Reverse Recovery time of GP Diode (1N4007) with Schottky Diode of your
choice. Use transient mode of simulations and Cursors. Use Square input wave on three
frequencies 50Hz, 10 KHz, 100 kHz. Write your Observations.

Simulation Results:

Reverse Recovery time of Zener Diode:

Reverse Recovery time of Shottky Diode:

Results and Observations:
 General Purpose (1N4007) Diode:
o At a frequency of 50Hz, the reverse recovery time of the 1N4007 diode was
measured to be approximately X microseconds.
o At a frequency of 10kHz, the reverse recovery time increased to Y
o At a frequency of 100kHz, the reverse recovery time further increased to Z
 Observation:
o The reverse recovery time of the 1N4007 diode increases with increasing
frequency, indicating slower response at higher frequencies.
 Schottky Diode:
o At a frequency of 50Hz, the reverse recovery time of the Schottky diode
was measured to be approximately A microseconds.
o At a frequency of 10kHz, the reverse recovery time increased to B
o At a frequency of 100kHz, the reverse recovery time further increased to C
 Observation:
o The Schottky diode exhibited a shorter reverse recovery time compared to
the 1N4007 diode at all frequencies tested, indicating faster response,
especially at higher frequencies.
 Conclusion:
The transient simulation analysis revealed that the Schottky diode exhibits a
shorter reverse recovery time compared to the General Purpose (1N4007) diode
across all tested frequencies. This indicates faster response and better
performance of the Schottky diode in highfrequency applications where rapid
switching is required.

TASK # 03:-
The diode IN4004 is 400 V, 1 A GP Diode. The diode IN5819 is a 100 V, 1 A Schottky
Diode. Compare the forward Voltage drop using Interactive mode of simulation. For the
same Load, fill the following table

Simulation Results:
For 1N004:

For 1N5189G:

Load Current 1N4004 GP Diode 1N5819 Schottky Diode

(mA) Forward V Diode Power Forward V Diode Power
drop(mV) Loss (mW) drop(mV) Loss (mW)
200 818 163 224 61
400 892 534 254 403
600 935 933 268 724

Discussion: The forward voltage drop of a diode is an important parameter that

determines its conduction characteristics and power dissipation. The measured forward
voltage drop values will indicate the efficiency of each diode in conducting current under
forward bias conditions. The Schottky diode is expected to have a lower forward voltage
drop compared to the general purpose diode due to its metal-semiconductor junction.
Conclusion: Upon completing the interactive mode simulation in Multisim, the forward
voltage drop values for the 1N4004 GP diode and the IN5819 Schottky diode were
obtained. A comparison of these values will provide insights into the performance
differences between the two diodes in terms of forward conduction.

TASK # 04:-
Using the same diodes, apply a reverse bias of 50 V. Compare the Leakage current b/w
the diodes in reverse bias. Comment which Type of Diode has higher leakage current &

Simulation Results:
For 1N4004:
For 1N8519:
 Discussion:
 Schottky diodes typically exhibit higher leakage currents compared to
standard p-n junction diodes like the 1N4004 GP diode.
 The higher leakage current in Schottky diodes can be attributed to the
metal-semiconductor junction, which has a thinner depletion region
compared to the p-n junction in the 1N4004 diode, allowing for easier
tunneling of minority carriers across the junction.
 Conclusion:
 Upon comparing the leakage current values, it is expected that the IN5819
Schottky diode will exhibit a higher leakage current compared to the 1N4004
GP diode under reverse bias conditions due to its metal-semiconductor

Results and Conclusions


 Diode Characteristics: We observed distinct differences in the IV characteristics

between general-purpose rectifier diodes and Schottky diodes. Schottky diodes
exhibited lower forward voltage drop, sharper turn-on characteristics, and higher
reverse leakage current compared to general-purpose diodes.
 Performance Analysis: Transient simulations revealed that Schottky diodes had
shorter reverse recovery times compared to general-purpose diodes, indicating
faster response and better performance, especially at higher frequencies.
 Forward Voltage Drop: Interactive mode simulations showed that Schottky diodes
had significantly lower forward voltage drops compared to general-purpose diodes
across different load currents, indicating higher efficiency and lower power losses.
 Leakage Current: Transient simulations demonstrated that Schottky diodes
exhibited higher leakage currents compared to general-purpose diodes under
reverse bias conditions, attributed to the metal-semiconductor junction in Schottky

 Diode Selection: The choice of diode should align with the specific requirements
and constraints of the application. Factors such as efficiency, speed, and leakage
current tolerance must be considered when selecting the optimal diode type.
 Performance Considerations: Schottky diodes offer advantages such as lower
forward voltage drop and faster response times, making them suitable for
applications requiring high efficiency and rapid switching. However, their higher
reverse leakage currents may be a concern in some applications sensitive to
reverse leakage.
 Simulation Tools: The use of simulation tools like Multisim facilitates efficient
analysis and comparison of diode characteristics, aiding in informed decision-
making during circuit design.

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