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Nuclear power refers to the huge energy obtained

by splitting the nuclei of heavy elements such as uranium and plutonium.
During the splitting or bust of nuclei from heavy elements like uranium and
plutonium much energy is released in form of super heat. (This heat can be
used to generate electrical power.
Japan is the island country located at the northern part
of Pacific Ocean. Japan found at the Eastern part of North and South Korea.
Japan as a nation affected greatly by nuclear power especially during the
Second World War. The following are the eight dangers of nuclear power to
the country like japan:-
Environmental impacts: the nuclear radioactivity
can harm the plants, animals, water bodies etc. for example the radioactivity
leaked to the air, soil and sea during Fukushima nuclear accident 2011, led
burned of shipments, vegetables and fish in Japan.
Health impact: nuclear energy is not healthy friend to
the human being. As the nuclear radiation may result chronic diseases like
leukemia, cancer, respiratory disease etc. as the cancer rate among population
living in proximity to Fukushima and Chernobyl especially children rose
significantly in the years after incidents.
Nuclear accident may result death: normally the
nuclear accidents are not easily controllable. As most of the time nuclear
accident caused by natural disasters which uncontrollable. For example in 1986
about 30 employees died after huge explosion in Chernobyl nuclear disaster
Ukraine also about 50000 people died and the other 2.5 million Ukrainians are
still dealing with the health tribulations associated with nuclear weapons.
National insecurity. When the nuclear rest on wrong
hands may lead great disaster to the nation. For example terrorists may use
nuclear to creates nuclear weapons and harm civilians also terrorists may
disturb the nuclear plants hence national disaster.
It is economic costful: the nuclear power production
may sound good in economy, but in fact it risk for the country’s economy as it
uses about 9$ to 10$ billion dollars to establish. Also the reactors maintenance
is very costiful.
Nuclear power is not renewable resource: this
means that the daily mining on uranium is needed to ensure constant
availability of nuclear power hence it is more time use resource unlike
renewable resource.
Large land space occupation: land is very
important resource to support many economic activities. There the country like
Japan is n danger land shortage due increasing number of nuclear reactor
stations with regard that Japan is an island where its large area is mountainous
Nuclear power influence riots and oppositions
from civilian: following the great impact and danger of nuclear. Many japans
citizens are against it. For example the nuclear bombs dropped at Nagasaki and
Hiroshima became the lesson to Japanese. Apart from that the Fukusima
nuclear accident which result many people to be evicted from their region led
faithless toward the Japanese government, as about 100000 people evacuated
from their home as to avoid nuclear danger.
Therefore; the location with nuclear power in
japan can be shown through the following sketch map:-
Generally; nuclear power is not only dangers but also
good as it has many significance to the economy of japan, such significances
are like It generates the electricity power, It enhances industrial, It generates
government income and it increases the country’s status in political power.

The Question was:-

9. Discuss eight (8) dangers of nuclear power to the country like japan
NOTE: Question is not written in the answer booklet, write only its number.
Answered by Shacksy
Tell: 0777779888

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