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COPYRIGHT RESERVED End Sem(II) —EVS. (AECC) B/For Voc 2022 Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 100 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. viene meri orrd weet H St TR e | The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Sra & ae Tobe % ene F | Answer all questions. wet meat & aoe S| 1. Weather occurs in which layer of the atmosphere on the earth ? whan godt & argica aft fre aca F eter @ ? (a) Troposphere ait Weel (b) lonosphere ar ata BV - 169/11 (Tum over) (©) Mesosphere sft (d) Thermosphere ara apie Single bacterium in the soilinteracts with fet A or team ves va ec fe ree (@) Thewater va (b) Air 7 (©) Particles of soil aroundit eth ar tc At a (6) Allofthese eal a anit In biosphere energy is received from Saee sal um ere R (@) Thesun a (b) The interior of earth geal an areata, arr BV— 169/11 (2) Contd, (©) Both (a) and (b) (a) sit (b) att (4) Work one 4, The biosphere consists of sfraioe aa (a) Lakes te (b) Soil fei (c) Soil sediments fi were {@) Allofthese ea a wh 5. Deforestation is caused due to capil & aearg & orem ete (a) Silviculture sirret- rte By — 169/11 a (Tum over) (0) Construction of roads egal a1 Fafor (©) Rainfall anfer (@) Plantation of trees gata 6 Deforestation will decrease al A erg a aft. (@ Soilerosion Fer sryareT (b) Landslides ‘Rae (©) Soilfertlity ft At see (By Rainfa aut 7. Forests control drought by aH Pieiamr fa gre? (@) Preventing soil erosion fet & era a aaa BV- 169/11 (4) (b) Increasing oxygen afeiors agri (0) Increasing humidity and rainfall ken te ae agen (d) Preventing floods © argh teen 8. Whichis not a protected forest ? ifs aa aia oth 8 7 (a) Reserve forest arf a (b) Sanctuary are (©) Core of biosphere state a yt (@) Orchard ate Which of the following is a biotic factor ? ‘Preaferftan a arta Sten arc 8? (@) Plants af BV - 169/11 (5) (Tumover) 2 (0) Temperature 7m (©) Wind ™ (@) Light - ert 10. A product of photosynthesis is werner BigehT HI SeaTe e (a) Carbon dioxide cards craters (©) Water we (©) Oxygen sateen (@) Chlorophyil aati 11, Abiotic factors does not include arta rere arf Ae (@) Air ™ BV— 169/11 ) (&) Water va (© Soil ‘fret (@) Plants we 42. How many hot spots of biodiversity are in the world ? fava 3 da fairer & daaaetter Ba Fras 8? (@ 28 b)} 35 © 15 (@ 26 1 3 Which of the following is a climatic factor ? fra Ha ale werarg arm #7 (@) Nitrogen argo (©) Protein wa BV 169/11 (7) (Tum over) (c) Phosphorous BERNA (@) Temperature a 14. Which of the following is a top camivore ? fea 8 8 ate afd arene ? « (a) Tiger 7 (b) Crocodile TTS (©) Hawk tea (@) Allofthese ma ah 45) Which one of te folowing nthe fundamental concept of environment ? fier a ata ew yer um vata ar ae t ? (@) UNEP (b) Green Peace (©) WWF (9) Red Cross BV- 169/11 (8) 16. Environment is the life support that includes ‘hra merae: Tatar t (@) Air 7g (b) Water we (©) Land ort (@ Allofthese waa wt @® Average Annual Rainfall in india : area At thera anfitas aa 8: (@) 117CM 117 Bo who . &) 97M 97 Bo the (c) 125CM 125 ae to (d) 150CM 150 Be tho BV— 169/11 (9) (Tum over) 48, Biotic environment includes Be, aan eet B= {@) Producers ‘Prien (b) Consumers anita (©) Decomposers oma @ Allofthese iam 49, ____of our body weight is made up of water. ert wit a a oh A aaeT | (@) 08 ) 07 (© 08 @) 09 20. The Gas that destroys chlorophyilin plant leaves fa ot te aftat & aeitfees a ae ea (@) CO, BV- 169/11 (10) Contd (0) SOs (©) H2S + 8) SOz 21. Ghosttown is related with garg are a aa: + (9) Mining we (b) Land Siide goer @ (©) Earth-quake wea (d) Cyclones arate in which state density of population is the lowest ? fea cea 8 orien at aaa wad fit? (2) Sikkim fafa (©) Jammu and Kashmir wed arate BV— 169/11 (mt) (Tum over) (6). Arunachal Pradesh reo FER (@) Nagaland amras, 23. Maintaining biodiversity in natural habitats is called sarap Seafarer eae wre en: (@) Exsitu ifBafs err ©) Insite fear eer (c)_ In Vitro: wfadh aie (d) InMasses arate ea 24, When Wild life act was passed 7 wea sta qa safe aa afta got 7 (@) 1982 BV ~ 169/11 (12) 925. 26. BV - 160/11 (b) 1978 (©) 1976 4a) 1972 Wildlife week is celebrated on aea-sfrart BaTe ara STAT : fa) 1-7 October (b) 15th-218t October {gy 1stJune-7" June (@) 15May—4 June Planned management of natural resources is sarpfers dened an Prati wera & (@) Not possible awa aah (©) Noteasy TE aT (6) Called conservation dem Fer are F (@) Called depletion aah we ren & (13) (Tum over) 27. Whichofthe folowing solisbestfor plant growth 7 ahah fad tn oft ae re ae 7 + (@) Loamy soil » wai fat (b) Clay Fea fret (©) Gravel ang (8) Sandy Soil “ih fe 28. The natural cause forthe extinction of species is sweat & Parga BA ar are sre 8 {ay Floods ag (e) Hunting free (c) Industrialisation stint » (d) Destruction of natural habitats segs sare a fare, BV— 169/11 (14) Contd. 29. There is a decrease in because of deforestation. ait & ae & ar (a) Soil erosion Banh ong? | gel TTT (©) Global warming afere aT (0) Rainfall safer (@) Drought ey 30. The total surface of the water on the earth surface is: geht A aoe wear gare: (a) 6.5% (b) 69% (©) 71% © 75% BV ~ 169/11 (15) (Tumover) 41, Percentage of earth surface which is covered by oceans and seas is: edt oor aftr eT ath wal a caraaitea 8 : (a) 50% (b) 65% (©) 85% (d) 97% 3 Forest prevent soil erosion by binding soil particle intheir: a fd & soit at or Hf atoar fidt & aera at date: (@) Leaves w (&) Roots a (©) Buds act (@ Stems a BV - 169/11 (18) cand 3) Percentage of earth which is covered by "freshwater is aia oh a ot got A ee eT rea (@) 8% (b) 13% (6) 3% (@) None of these waa aid ati 34. Narmada Bachao Aaandolan is related to safer aera ater #1 Hay —— 48 (a) Tehri Reet (b) Bhakra Nangal reg FTE Jey Sardar Sarovar wen wT (@) Rihand fees BV- 169/11 (17) (Tum over) 435, Soil binding is done in the best way by ge ah es 8 Fra TT (a) Algae tara (0) Grasses wa (c) Mycorthizae nfs (@ Allofthese waa af 36, Deforestation causes ait Asaf hae: (a) Pollution aw (b) No Floods at arg agi {6) Soil Erosion WaT aa (@) None of these waa ae ae BV— 169/11 (18) Contd. 37. Over 75% Marine pollution comes from 75% & safes age eee TAT 8 : (a) Land aia a (&) Oceans wera & (©) Seas ara (d) ControlAreas aaa aaa @ wen aid the Chernobyl aisaster occur ? ‘aciifires srr aa ge ft 7 (a) 1976 = (b) 1986 (©) 1996 (@ 2000 39. What is the main source of nuclear radiation ? swcaey areor ar geen ita we 8 ? {@)_ Nuclear Power Plant weary Sal saa (©). Sunlight We A ert BV 169/11 (19) (Tum over) (o) Atmospheric air recta a (@) Volcanoes 40, State true or false : Nuclear energy is only harmful etree ama ear sat tera B (a) Tre wa (b) False mera (@_ What are Khetri mines famous for 7 ad Al Geel Pea fore wha & 7 (2) Coal are (©) Cooper ae (©) Iron ‘ater (@) Gold a eaceltl (20) Contd &2) Which is India's oldest oil producing state 7 ares an ah Geet et se Tea aA 7 (a) Jharkhand was (6) Arunachal Pradesh RENT AT (c) Karnataka ates .(d) Assam re @) What is low grade brown coal called ? ‘fre Hoh x ates wh aT EAE? (a) Bituminous fagire (b) Anthracite witene (©) Lignite ‘ferme (@) None of these wa a ate ae BV- 169/11 (21) (Tum over) 44, Name the mineral which is used to reduce cavity za afr ar arm aera PAT SIA RT BR ay % fore fort aren: {@) Silicon ‘faferaia (0) Flourte weitee (©) Aluminium oxide watttan aise + (9) Lime stone we New agricuture policy was started in aight tA mm aE: (a) 2000 (®) 2001 (©) 2005 (4) 2010 BV- 169/11 (22) Contd. 48. Main source of water to the soilis fied A oh a pon ata ® {a) Rainfall afer (b) River a (©) Canal ae (0) Lakes va 47. Energy ait (a) Isreleased werittra 8 ga (b) Is absorbed satin (© Flows ach (@) None ofthese waa ae ae BV- 169/11 inan ecosystem. wm orien aa | (23) (Tum over) G) Tre pyramid ofthe numberin a single trees wizidena Roitet: «_{@) Upright in ® Inverted we (©) Spindle shaped wt sree (@) None of these waa a 49. The term ecology was introduced by | ‘fetta ee ben fae a en 7 (a) Tansiey ee TT (©) Odum tga er (©) Ramdeo Mishra caea fie ert (@) Haecke! eam BV - 169/11 (24) Contd ©) Kyoto Protocol Agreement was signed in pital srarerter east ge reer fis rm: (@) 1997 _fb) 1990 (©) 1985 (@) 1980 5 Biodiversity can be broadly classified into how many types ? ha Patten a ae ate oe Pes ear A args fae saat? @2 (b) 5 ©) 3 @) 4 8: Terracing in an effective method of soil conservation yar dea Ay mere fate A etter warT : (2) Plains cd (b) Hilly Areas werd a BV— 169/11 (25) (Tum over) (©) Water Areas wa 8 (@) Desert Areas ‘rear 8a ) Rightto information act was enacted from: gear ie ffi @ fi ere (@) 2000 -p) 2005 (6) 2002 (@) 1999 @. Tomadoes are common in wi Homes (@) China a fb) USA rar (©) India ar () Bangladesh arent BV— 169/11 (26) Contd: GB) National Institute of Disaster Management is located at afta sree wpe ies Fea B = (@) Pune ga (©) Midnapur ‘freange F (©) New Delhi a ha (@) Calcutta aera (66) Aplace where an earthquake originates is called ae ear eet a sera et 8: (Qy Focus a (b) Tsunami ort (©) Faultline av ar @) Epicenter wah BV - 169/11 (27) (Tum over) 87. Liquids with pH less than are acidic. (o) 1994 @ pH em are 7a atta Ba 4a) 1972 (@) 10 9 60. The world has a population of os fea anion : @7 (@) 4billion & Infrared radiations can pass through Asa Saree fafa ya aA E : (b) billion (@) Thick wall Gam a dae (©) Sbillion ) Glass 5K ata (@- 7 billion (©) Water 73 a 61. Population explosion has occured in the last (@) Log years. weg aT Rea ail eaten fester | 59. The Wildlife Protection Act was enacted (a) 500 arasta cram safafras saftratira fen me a : (b) 300 (@) 1986 (© 700 (b) 1974 @ 150 BV- 169/11 (28) Contd. BV- 169/11 (29) (Tum over) (64) Doubling te (Ta) can be calculated by heme was introduced @ kisan creat Gar (KCC) sone “Brett eo a Fs arent ae B 7 inwhich year ? " (@ Tad=70/¢ ars tea (Bet ae Pred Af eerie ay fo) Td=70xr (@) 2001 (d) Td=70+r ) 2008 5. Where is the headquarter of the National Human (©) 1998 Rights Commission 7 (@) 1999 “a arene orn ar arora eat? 63. No country can make progress until__— are -(@) Delhi educated. feet NE a ana es we aT a TH (©) Mumbai Fates ae 8 1 wat (@) Old people (©) Ahmedabad ean rere (0) Women (@) Kolkata after, Rs (© Adults Prohibition of child labour dealt with the article sara om Bite dea a Fe wre (a) 26 (d) None of these () 25 wi a aid ei BV - 169/11 (31) (Tum over) EN Sed (30) Contd ae (oy 24 (6) None of these wid att ai 67. Which of the following is not a factor of social change in India ? pea a ah wren ere RRs oT TET AEE 7 (a) Caste anf (b) Religionalism wire (©) Language ar (@) Census sere 68. Carbon released in atmosphere increase the level of argc # att wan ards, % eae at agro & (@) Methane sta (b) Green House Gases ais esa ta Bv- 169/11 (32) Contd. (©) Airpollutn aR (d) Gases aa 69. Sulfur dioxide is produced by ‘wer sree ffir at: () Lightning strikes faweh fred @ (©) Volcanic eruptions rere Prete & (©) Gasoline engine sect torr (d) Allofthese Faw 70. Which has caused maximum damage to the Indian Forests ? ‘a erecta sore ah ad sere ga Gor? (@) Selective harvesting frattem wafer ® Block Cutting aie afin 8V- 169/11 (33) (Tum over) iL (@) Taungya Cuttvation den fi at (@ Jhum Cultivation waad The Name given to the diversion channels of the Western Himalayas is cafe feorera & sreada Saet at fee seat aT a (@) Phalodi watt (0) Johads ates +{6) Guls orKuls wage (@) Khadins ate 72. Ground water is accessed by. ae maagatsre? | (@) Driling Wells path fete BV- 169/11 (34) Contd (b)_ Drip irrigation fu fevard (©) Check bunds atu A ata (6) Constructing canal ae a Fa 73. Outcomes of contaminated rain water is ‘afta aal sear ftom 8: (@) Acid rains recta aah (b) Drought a © Flood “ane (d) Sandstorms. oH 74. Maximum use of freshwater is in HS ard ar afte seein Rr 8: (@) Agricutture wi BV~ 169/11 (35) (Tum over) (b), Domesticuse gas (c)_ Industry am (d) Piscicutture Reet TF 75. INSAT systemis which type of ? rate fire fea va TR? (a) Satelite ame (b} Geostationary satelite fen se (©) Sun Synchronous satellite i grates sae (@) Orbital satelite ‘afta Se (JB. The Endangered faunas : arora tat (@), Greatindian Bustard wera untae (0) Viviparous Toad fafatca ae BV - 169/11 (36) Conta. (c) Forest Ow aR (d) Kashmiri Stag watt feo ® The vehicle used to carry the sensor in remote sensing is Rate Seen # ax a oa & far eae eT a ‘are are 8 = (@) Camera oa (b) Shuttle wea (©) Scanner ar (@) Platform aeaid 78. The function of tree piantation is celebrated through ‘gearttam a ard ware ara (@) Environment Day vafarm fara BV— 169/11 (37) (Tum over) stfen eres fe ki 0,, CO, aN, yore (o) Vanikaran : afte % (a) Troposphere (@) Social Forestry Programme eian _arafree aa archon (0) Homosphere {g) Vasant Mahotsav aunt sa TTT (©) Exosphere 79. The restricted distribution of species in a small aftsirga # areais called (@ Sretosphere wae GR a a F wonitat & aftafire Farr at ae ‘aman wea # rene: 81. The pyramid of number's inverted inthe case of (@ Biome eon a frre ra AA sear HB 7 (a) Parasitic food chain Sr Niche rte ara ofr are (b) Grassland ecosystem (©) Endemism wma ar fer ieee aa Tefen (©) Forestecosystem (@) Ecosphere aa RRA at eit {d)-Lake ecosystem 80. The life supporting gases such as Op, C0, 2” Wie oR N, are primarily concentrated in BV- 169/11 (39) (Tumover) BV- 169/11 (38) Contd @) Imourcountry the percentage of land under forest is about at be aah rent PT eT eT # (@) 20% (b) 19% (© 28% (a) 30% 83. Nitrogen constitutes about 78% of the atmosphere regia ene 70% arya TE wT : (@) Byvolume ama (>) By weight wna (c) Bymass yom a (d) None of these waa at att BV - 169/11 (40) Contd, @. Where was the first control fission of an atom carried out 7 perry a1 Tee Feta Fete are Pe re at 7 (a) India (©) Russia wat (@) Germany wots &. Approximately how many percentage of electricity produced by nuclear power in the world ? gfe wero ral are sere fret a cri see ‘wferera 8 7 (@) 10% ©) 14% © 17% @) 20% BV— 169/11 (41) (Tumover) 96, One method of Nitrogen fixation I? nature is by sg aan en A (a) ‘Thunderstorm fare (o) Rain at (©) Lightning renee (d) Storm aint 87. Which ofthe following is the major constituent of Air? fra 88 aaah he ara aya vest? (a) Oxygen stadia (py Nitrogen argon (0) C02 arcrergorags (d) Chlorine wife BV - 169/11 (42) Contd. 88. Which occupies the highest position on the earth ? ahaa eh wang a teen gan 8? (Sea . ™B (b) Mountain de (c) Grass land are a fare (d) Desert fer 68. When is AIDS Prevention Day celebrated 7 ‘uae een Rea aa wae aren 8? (a) 1stJanuary (0) ‘tstApri -(c) 6th December -{dy 1st December 90. Non-renewable resource is srrtareotte area 8 (a) Air ay BV~ 169/11 (43) (Tumover) | () Water () W-c a (@) Allofthese (9) Mineral waa mh ata @® Which ofthe folowing places is termed as Cold (@) Forest Desert of our country ? are ‘at BF sa sore at der tera ae ane 7 91. The word environmentis derived from «(@) Ladakh ‘wafer ree A seaft ER : are (@) Greek 4) Leh ee ae (b) French (c) Ooty ia wa (©) Spenin - (@) Manali atime wah (@) English aisha 94. Which of the following is not a part of a geological disaster ? 92. Which of the following UV radiations is responsible e138 a a aver een ah? for causing sun bums and skin cancer ? eri Fr UV Fare evel aft are ae Be (2) Volcanoes et arena (a) U-A (b) Earthquake (ob) UV-B = BV - 169/11 (44) Contd. BV~ 1g 9/44 (45) (Tumover) L (©) Tsunami ap (@) Sea Surge aft sort @}. Whats the rank of India in the world for natural disaster after China as per UNISDR ? LUNISOR 3 sree ti are ge soe TA una a fae fata eat? (a) Third (b) Second (©) Seventh (@) Eight 96. Whatis the reason for the causes of drought ? aan ame? (@) Floods ag (b) Tsunami ar BV- 169/11 (46) Conta. (©) Landslide were (A) Excessive use of ground and surface water Se he ae et ar reins eri GD Atfirst world environment summit was held in vba fra aan as atten pan (ar 1972 + (b) 1971 (©) 1974 (@ 1992 98. Considering biodiversity animals can be classified as ‘fafa ah eat qe ara ah artiga Pen on ent (9) Fauna ta (©) Flora areata (©) Sativum aa (@) Pisum 5 fee BV~ 169/11 (47) (Tumover) | | 99. The thorns forest are found in : aieen aa oP aa & : (a) Tamil Nadu afrerag (b) U.P. FR WAT & Rajasthan TSI (d) Bihar fae 100. Which of the following is not a Kharif Crop ? fre § a aah arte A wae a2? (a) Groundnut arf (b) Maize AraT (c) Lentil - wR (d) Paddy ut —— * BV — 169/11 (600) (48) End Sem(I!)—EVS (AECC) B/For Voc

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