Grade 7 - Term II 2024 - Hujurat Ayah 12 To Ayah 18 and Mulk 1 To 5 MODEL QP

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Al Manar Tarbiyah

Grade 7 Term II Exam – Feb 2024

[Portion Surah Hujurat [Ayah 12 to 18] & Surah Al Mulk [ayah 1 to 5]]


Section A (0.5 marks each)

Write the word meaning of the below:

 ‫ َز َّي َّن ا ٱلَّسَم ٓاَء ٱلُّد ْن َي ا ِبَمَص ٰـ ِبيَح‬:indeed we have adorned the rearst heaven

 ‫َه ْل َت َر ٰى ِمن ُفُط وٍر‬: can you see any rifts

 ‫ َي ٰٓـَأُّيَها ٱلَّن اُس ِإَّن ا َخ َلْق َن ٰـ ُك م ِّمن َذ َكٍۢر َو ُأنَث ٰى‬:oh man kind we have creater you form man and woman

 ‫ – َي ُم ُّن وَن َع َلْي َك َأْن َأْس َلُمو۟ا‬they have considered to you that they have accepted islam

 ‫ – وٱُهَّلل َبِص يٌۢر ِبَم ا َت ْع َم ُلوَن‬and ALLAH is the all seer of what you do

 ‫ – ٱَّلِذى َخ َلَق ٱْلَم ْو َت َو ٱْلَح َي ٰو َة‬and life death created The One Who
 ‫ُتِط يُعو۟ا ٱَهَّلل َو َر ُسوَلُهۥ‬:and If you obey ALLAH and his messenger

 ‫ ِإَّن ٱَهَّلل َي ْع َلُم َغ ْي َب ٱلَّس َمٰـ َٰو ِت َو ٱَأْلْر ِض‬-indeed ALLAH knows the unseen aspects of the heavens and the

Section B (3 marks each)

 What does Allah mean by saying - ‫َو ٱْلَح َي ٰو َة ِلَي ْب ُلَو ُك ْم َأُّي ُك ْم َأْح َس ُن َعَماًۭل‬
 Answer that wich of you is the best in deed and he is the most forgiving

 write word to word meaning for - ‫ِإَّن ٱَهَّلل َي ْع َلُم َغْي َب ٱلَّس َمٰـ َٰو ِت َو ٱَأْلْر ِض ۚ َو ٱُهَّلل َبِص يٌۢر ِبَما َت ْع َم ُلوَن‬

 answer: indeed allah knows the unseen aspects of the hevens and the earth and allah is the all
seeing of wht you do

 In surah Mulk – Allah is asking us to look somewhere again and again. Where is it and Why?
 Verse 3:

 "Who has created seven heavens, layered one above the other. You will see no fault in the
creation of the Most Merciful. So, turn your vision [back] - do you see any breaks?"

 Here, Allah invites us to contemplate the flawless creation of the seven heavens by
repeatedly turning our vision back to them. However, the emphasis is not on a specific
physical location but on contemplating the immensity and perfection of His creation.

 In Surah Hujurat – Allah is mentioning about people striving about their wealth and their lives. What
is it about?

 Answer verse 15, Allah speaks about true believers being those who strive with their wealth and lives
in the cause of Allah,

 Supporting religious and charitable activities financially.Defending good and fighting against
evil, potentially even through physical struggle in certain situations.Using your skills and
Al Manar Tarbiyah
Grade 7 Term II Exam – Feb 2024

[Portion Surah Hujurat [Ayah 12 to 18] & Surah Al Mulk [ayah 1 to 5]]


talents to benefit others and uplift the community.

 In surah Mulk - Allah is glorifying his Noble Self – write the details.

 Write the virtues of Surah Al Mulk

 Answer

advised us to read Surah Mulk every night before sleeping. The virtue of reciting Surah
Mulk before sleep is excellent, as The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whoever recites Surah Al
Mulk every night is saved from the torment of the grave.”

 All of the mankind are the children of Adam and Hawwa – Explain (pg 206)

Section C (4 marks each)

 List the difference between a believer and a Muslim
 Answer
 In surah hujrat it states there is a difference between a muslim and a beliver a muslim is a person
who has faith and taqawa and a muslin is a person who was born in to the religion as is and either
has no faith or some faith and no taqawa

 Allah acceptes repentance from backbiting and slander. Explain (pg 205)

 Honor is earned through Taqwa (pg 207)

 Write word to word meaning of the below ayah

‫َيُم ُّن وَن َع َلْي َك َأْن َأْس َلُمو۟ا ۖ ُقل اَّل َت ُم ُّن و۟ا َع َلَّى ِإْس َلٰـَم ُك مۖ َب ِل ٱُهَّلل َيُمُّن َع َلْي ُك ْم َأْن َهَد ٰى ُك ْم ِلِإْل يَمٰـ ِن ِإن ُك نُتْم َص ٰـِدِقيَن‬
Indeed allah knows the unseen acpects of the hevens and the earth ,and all is the all seeing of what you do

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