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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1128
Email Address: | Website Address:


Name: Mary Anne A. Malibiran__________________________ Score:

Joyce P. Tumambing____________________________
Section: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________

Part 1: Show the proof for each statement.

Criteria Point #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Correctness of concepts used 3
Flow of explanation or proof 1
Grammar and typographical 1
Total 5

1. Let x , y ∈ R . The relation ≡ is given by x ≡ y if and only if x− y ∈ Z , that is x− y is

an integer. Prove that ≡ is an equivalence relation.

i. For all x ∈ R. Then, x−x=0 , 0 ∈ Z . Thus, ≡ is reflexive.

ii. Suppose x , y ∈ R and xRy . Then, x− y ∈ Z . Since

y−x =−(x− y), y−x ∈ Z . Thus, ≡ is symmetric.

iii. If x , y ∈ R , xRy and yRz , then, x− y and y−z ∈ Z . Hence,

(x− y )+( y−z)=x – z which implies that yRz since x – z ∈ Z . Thus, ≡ is transitive.

Therefore, ≡ is an equivalence relation. ∎

2. Let f : R → R such that f ( x )=x 3. Prove that f is a bijection.

Let x 1 , x 2 ∈ R . Suppose f ( x 1 ) =f ( x 2 ) . By definition of f , x 1 =x 2 .
3 3

√3 x 13 =√3 x 23
x 1=x 2
Thus, f is one-to-one.
Let y ∈ R . Take x=√3 y ∈ R . Then, f ( x )=( √3 y ) = y .
Thus, f is onto.∎

3. Let g :Z → N such that g ( x )=|x|. Show that g is not one-to-one but onto.

Consider g (−1 )=1 and g ( 1 )=1 but −1 ≠1 . Thus, g is not one-to-one.

Let y ∈ Z . Take x= y and x=− y ∈ Z . Then,

g ( x )=| y|= y

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1128
Email Address: | Website Address:

g ( x )=|− y|= y .
Thus, g is onto. ∎
4. Suppose that m and n are relatively prime and r is an integer. Prove that there
are integers x and y such that mx+ ny=r .

Suppose m and n are relatively prime, their greatest common divisor (gcd)
is 1. By Theorem 12, for any nonzero integers m and n , there exists integers x
and y such that gcd (m , n)=mx+ny . Since gcd ( m, n )=1 , mx+ ny=1. For any integer
r , multiply both sides byr to get mxr +nyr =r where x and y ∈ Z . Therefore, there
are integers x and y such that mx+ ny=r . ∎

5. Let S be the set of integers. If a , b ∈ S , define aRb if a+ b is even. Prove that R is

an equivalence relation and determine the equivalence classes of S.

i. For all a ∈ S , a+a is even. By definition of even number, a+ a=2k , where
k is integer. Since k ∈ S , we have aRa for all a ∈ S . Thus R is reflexive.

ii. Suppose aRb ,where a , b ∈ S . By definition of R , a+b is even. Then by

definition of even number, a+ b=2 k where k is an even number. By commutative
property of addition, b+ a=2 k . Since k ∈ S , we get aRb .Thus, R is symmetric.

iii. If aRb and bRx where a , b , x ∈ S . By definition of R , a+b is even and b+ x

is even. Then by definition of even number, a+ b=2 k and b+ x =2 q. Thus,
a+ x=2 ( k +q ) , which implies that aRx since k + q ∈ S . Hence, R is transitive.

Therefore, R is equivalence relation. ∎

Equivalence Classes of R
[ −1 ] R :=¿ integers R – related to −1 : { … ,−7−5 ,−3 ,−1 ,1 , 3 , 5 ,7 , … }
[ 0 ] R :=¿ integers R – related to 0 : { … ,−6 ,−4 ,−2 ,0 , 2 , 4 , 6 , … }
[ 1 ] R :=¿ integers R – related to 1 : { … ,−7−5 ,−3 ,−1 ,1 , 3 , 5 ,7 , … }
[ 2 ] R :=¿ integers R – related to 2 : { … ,−6 ,−4 ,−2 , 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 , … }

Part 2: Determine the answer for each part. No need for a proof for this part.
Points are indicated for each item.
1. For n=25, find all positive integers less than n and relatively prime to n. (2

1 , 2, 3 , 4 ,6 ,7 , 8 , 9 , 11,12 , 13 , 14 , 16 ,17 ,18 , 19 , 21, 22 , 23 ,24 are all the positive

integers less than 25 and relatively prime to 25.

2. Determine the gcd gcd (50 , 21). What is the value of s and t such that
gcd ( 50 , 21 )=50 s+21 t ? (2 points)

50=21 ( 2 ) +8
21=8 (2 )+5

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 980-0385; 980-0387; 980-0392 to 94; 425-7158 to 62 loc. 1128
Email Address: | Website Address:

8=5 ( 1 )+ 3
5=3 (1 )+2
3=2 ( 1 ) +1
2=2 ( 1 ) +0

The gcd ⁡(50 , 21) is 1.

1=3−2 ( 1 )
¿ 3− [ 5−3 ( 1 ) ] (1 )
¿ 3−5 ( 1 ) −3 ( 1 )
¿ 3 ( 2 )−5 ( 1 )
¿ [ 8−5 (1 ) ] ( 2 )−5 ( 1 )
¿ 8 ( 2 )−5 ( 2 ) −5 (1 )
¿ 8 ( 2 )−5 ( 3 )
¿ 8 ( 2 )− [ 21−8 ( 2 ) ] (3 )
¿ 8 ( 2 )−21 ( 3 ) −8 ( 6 )
¿ 8 ( 8 ) −21 ( 3 )
¿ [ 50−21 ( 2 ) ] ( 8 )−21 ( 3 )
¿ 50 ( 8 )−21 ( 16 )−21 ( 3 )
¿ 50 ( 8 )−21 ( 19 )
¿ 50 ( 8 ) +21 (−19 )

Hence, s=8 and t=−19.

3. Determine the lcm(21 , 50).

|a ∙ b|
lcm ( a , b )=
gcd ⁡( a , b)

|21 ∙50|
lcm ( 21 ,50 )=
gcd ⁡(21 ,50)
¿ 1050

The lcm ( 21 ,50 ) is 1050 .

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

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