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KC- 2

Let’s have a short

vocabulary review!
a: b:
1. What are they?

c: d:

e: f:

Chicken vs turkey
Goose vs duck
2. What are they?

a: b:

c: d:

e: f:
Let’s read aloud these
excerpts :)
Suddenly, an acorn fell from the oak tree. The acorn hit Chicken Licken’s head.
He ran around the tree, yelling, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling! I must tell the

“Where are you going? What’s the matter?” asked Cocky Locky,
“We are all off to tell the King,” said Cocky Locky.

“Oh no!” said Goosey Loosey, “what shall we do?”

“Who will tell the King the sky is falling?” cried Chicken Licken.
“Silly bird,” said Foxy Loxy, “the sky can’t fall.”

Right at that moment an acorn fell from the oak tree. It landed on Foxy Loxy’s head.
Foxy Loxy looked up in a daze. All he could see was the sky. “Oh no, the sky really is
falling,” he said.

“Well, maybe it was just an acorn, after all,” said Chicken Licken.

They were all so angry they chased him all the way back to the farmyard!
Movie clip:
Discussion questions
Discussion questions:
• How do you think Chicken Licken felt at the end of the story? Do you think
he was happy to find he had made a mistake?
Discussion questions:
• Even though Chicken Little was wrong that the sky was falling, do you think
he did a good thing? How would you describe his quest to find the king?
• If you were the friend of Chicken Licken, what would you tell Chicken
• If the sky fell, what would you do?
Discussion questions:
• If the sky fell, what would you do?
Animals boardgame
Which one would you like to read first? :D

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