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246 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute, 61, (5), 246-255 (2018)

[Regular Paper]

Application of Hydraulic Flow Unit for Pore Size Distribution Analysis

in Highly Heterogeneous Sandstone Reservoir: A Case Study

Atif ISMAIL†2),†3), Qamar YASIN†1), and Qizhen DU†1)*

School of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (East China),
66th Changjiang West Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao 266580, P. R. CHINA
Dept. of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, G.T. Road, Lahore 54890, PAKISTAN
Dept. of Geological Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, G.T. Road, Lahore 54890, PAKISTAN

(Received December 5, 2017)

Verifiable and accurate prediction of reservoir pore sizes from well logs in a well with no previous exposure of
core data is the desirable outcome for any technique intended to estimate pore size. Many methods are based on
core and crushed rock samples such as thin section analysis, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and mercury
intrusion capillary pressure (MICP) to characterize pore features but these methods are not commonly used
because of their high cost. This study introduces a cost-effective approach to establish a relationship between
hydraulic flow unit and pore size distribution using routine core analysis data and geophysical well logs. Multi-
parameter cluster analysis is used to classify the reservoir rock volume into hydraulic flow unit with similar rock
characteristics using reservoir quality index (RQI) and flow zone indicators. Well log and core analysis data
were used to identify the hydraulic flow unit in the reservoir interval. The discriminant approach was then applied
to the predicted hydraulic flow unit to access the range of pore sizes. The predicted hydraulic flow unit with high
porosity and permeability and high RQI revealed a range of pore sizes (macro and mega pores). Comparing the
obtained results with high-resolution rock thin section study and available empirical approaches indicated verifi-
able and satisfactory results. The study can extrapolate the pore size information vertically as well as in the
neighboring wells in a quite simple and economical way.

Pore size classification, Hydraulic flow unit, SEM, Porosity, Permeability

1. Introduction stones7)∼9). Permeability varies in the range from

nanopores to megapores. Absolute permeability mea-
Production of hydrocarbons in Pakistan is dominated sured in various shales by different analytical methods
by extraction from poor-quality reservoir rock1),2). generally falls into the nano Darcy range10),11). A com-
Economical production from such reservoirs requires mon potential problem is that core samples for pulse
good understanding of the relationships between poros- decay measurement may include induced fractures that
ity, permeability, pore structure and other rock proper- affect the measurements12).
ties3). Reservoir permeability, porosity, and pore size A large number of methods including empirical equa-
are directly related to the fluid flow capacity, storage tions and other low-cost and easily measurable parame-
capacity, and reservoir performance, respectively4),5). ters, such as permeability and porosity for quantifying
In addition to porosity and permeability of the tight pore sizes, have been introduced in the last decades.
sand, pore structure is one of the main challenging areas Winland’s empirical equation suggests that the highest
in reservoir characterization, which depends on pore statistical correlation that permits the calculation of
size, shape, volume, specific surface area and spatial pore-throat radius corresponds to the 35th percentile of
distribution6). the cumulative mercury saturation curve and is called r35.
Permeability in tight rocks including shale/mudstone This parameter is interpreted as the point where the
is of typically several orders of magnitude lower than in modal pore aperture occurs and the pore network
coarse-grained lithology, such as siltstones and sand- becomes interconnected, and continuous fluid path
through the sample is established13).
Winland’s empirical equation is used as a helpful

To whom correspondence should be addressed. evaluative technique and can be utilized as a somewhat

E-mail: arbitrary “net pay cut-off” point in evaluating a reser-

J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst., Vol. 61, No. 5, 2018


voir zone. An updip trap occurs caused by a reduction

in the pore throat size below a certain value, which
Winland28) estimated to be 0.5 μm, and later confirmed
by Pittman14). Since then the 0.5 μm pore throat size
cut-off is used for arbitrary net pay determination in
other reservoirs14)∼16).
Reservoir rock is classified into five petrophysical
categories based on the r35 pore throat radius17), which
is the dominant control on the permeability and flow
characteristics of the reservoirs.
(1) P o r e t h r o a t r a d i u s >10 μ m i s d e f i n e d a s
(2) Pore throat radius >2 μm and <10 μm is defined
as ‘Macroporous’
(3) Pore throat radius >0.5 μm and <2 μm is defined
as ‘Mesoporous’
(4) Pore throat radius >0.1 μm and <0.5 μm is de-
fined as ‘Microporous’ Fig. 1 Base Map of Study Area
(5) P o r e t h r o a t r a d i u s <0.1 μ m i s d e f i n e d a s
‘Nanoporous’ ervoir rock.
The concept of hydraulic flow unit has been used The present study used a simple and cost-effective
extensively as a technique to predict reservoir rock approach to predict pore size distribution in a complex
properties with reliable accuracy. Amaefule et al.18) heterogeneous reservoir (porosity 10 to 30 % and per-
introduced the terms Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) and meability 0.01 to 1000 mD) based on routine core anal-
Reservoir Quality Index to characterize the hydraulic ysis data of 237 samples and geophysical well logs
flow unit using the Kozeny-Carmen (K-C) model and obtained from the Sawan-07, Sawan-02, and Sawan-3B
predicted permeability in a reservoir interval with no wells in the Sawan field of the Middle Indus Basin of
exposure of the core data. Pakistan (Fig. 1). All well logs required for this study
Hydraulic flow unit is a rather simple approach were present in the studied wells. Sand-shale layers in
which is defined as a distinct interval of reservoir rock the lower reservoir section of the Sawan-3B well caused
containing unique characteristics of rock properties successive increase and decrease of porosity in the well.
such as porosity, permeability and pore geometry19). The grain size of the studied sandstone is medium to
Therefore, reservoir performance can be estimated by coarse grain and relatively well sorted26).
dividing the reservoir into various hydraulic flow unit,
of which the key rock properties can be estimated with 2. Characterization of Hydraulic Unit
sufficient accuracy20). According to Gunter et al.21),
that similarity in pore geometry is an indication of iden- Winland Dale from Amoco first proposed the empiri-
tical diagenetic processes occurring during deposition cal equation between porosity, permeability, and pore
of rock. throat radius to obtain net pay cut-off from mercury
The Cretaceous Lower Goru sandstones are extremely invasion tests in clastic rocks which was unpublished,
heterogeneous reservoir rocks located in the Middle but was later released by Kolodzie27):
Indus basin22) and are a main strategic reservoir in log r35 = 0.732 + 0.588 log K air - 0.864 log f (1)
Pakistan with an ultimate recovery of more than 1 TCF
(Trillion Cubic Feet). The Goru formation is divided The development of the Winland empirical equa-
into two parts based on the lithological features. The tion14),28) identified a range of experimentally derived
upper part of the Goru formation is shale whereas the equations for the calculation of pore-throat radius cor-
lower part mainly consists of sandstone. The deposi- responding to range from 10 to 75 % of the cumulative
tional environment of the upper part of the formation is mercury saturation curve in increments of 5 %. The
generally considered to be of marine origin whereas the best correlation coefficient (r) was obtained by a multi-
lower part was formed in deltaic environments. ple regression analysis for the equation of r25, taking
Sembar shale is the underlying layer to the Lower Goru log K as the dependent variable.
sands23),24). The Lower Goru sandstones have been log r25 = 0.204 + 0.531 log K air - 0.350 log f (2)
frequently described and discussed1),23),25),26). However,
all previous studies were limited to determine the pore Where r25 is the pore aperture radius corresponding to
size distribution either for high porosity and permeability the 25th percentile of mercury saturation, r35 is the pore
range or low porosity and permeability range in the res- aperture radius corresponding to the 35th percentile of

J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst., Vol. 61, No. 5, 2018


mercury saturation, ‘Kair’ is the uncorrected air perme-

ability (mD), and ‘f’ is porosity in percentage.
The concept of the mean hydraulic-unit radius is a
significant approach to determine the hydraulic unit,
based on appropriate relationships between capillary
pressure, porosity, permeability, and geological varia-
tion in the reservoir rock4).
k 1 f
0.0314 = (3)
fe fg t S vgr (1 - f )
Where Svgr is specific surface area per unit grain vol-
ume, f is porosity, fg is shape factor and τ is tortuosity
Equation (3) can be written as follows18),21):
RQI = FZI ¥ f z (4)
Where ‘FZI (µm)’ represents the flow zone indicator.
FZI is the only petrophysical property related to geo- Fig. 2 Methodology and Work Flow
logical conditions based on mineral grain that is used to
divide the reservoir interval into homogeneous sub- Sawan-02, and Sawan-3B wells. Thin section and
groups. ‘fz’ represents the normalized porosity and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses were
can be defined as: also available from the literature. The sandstone model
composition was determined from all thin sections at
RQI = 0.0314 (5) 300 points per thin section26).
The facies analysis of these samples was achieved
Where ‘RQI’ represent reservoir quality index, ‘fe’ for based on sedimentological core descriptions and wire-
core porosity, and ‘k’ for core permeability. line log data. Permeability measurements were per-
fe formed in a Hassler type core holder with 400 psi con-
fz = (6) fining stress. Porosity was estimated by injection of
(1 - f e )
helium at 120 kPa pressure using a helium pycnometer,
The value of FZI is given at the intercept of a unit- and the grain volume (Vg) and pore volumes of the sam-
slope line with the coordinate fz=1, on a log-log plot ples were measured using the helium pycnometer.
of RQI versus fz. Each value of FZI can be attributed On the basis of lithological variations, the Lower
to a single hydraulic flow unit (HFU). Goru formation is divided into the A, B, and C inter-
The hydraulic flow unit is a part of hydrocarbon res- vals26). The Lower Goru acts as a heterogeneous sand-
ervoir that is uniform in the horizontal and vertical di- stone reservoir, so the porosity and permeability data
rections and has similar static and dynamic characteris- can be divided into low permeable and high permeable
tics. Each hydraulic flow unit has consistent pore zones to distinguish the pore size distribution by vari-
geometry, i.e. pore size and distribution within the res- ous approaches.
ervoir rock. Application of the hydraulic flow unit The reservoir rock volume was divided into hydraulic
approach requires estimation of the porosity and perme- flow unit using the estimated reservoir quality parame-
ability from well logs. The hybrid model developed ters including reservoir quality index, normalized
by Ismail et al.29) was used as a source of permeability porosity and flow zone indicator Eqs. (2) and (3).
in the studied reservoir interval and the density log was These distinct hydraulic flow unit were then used to
used to calculate porosity. The permeability and analyze the pore size distribution. The available thin
porosity were used to estimate the reservoir quality section study was compared with the proposed hydraulic
index and normalized porosity. The calculated param- flow unit, and lateral and vertical distribution of the
eters were drawn on the log-log plot to identify the pore size geometry. The complete methodology and
hydraulic flow unit in the studied interval on the basis work flow of this study are described in Fig. 2.
of the well log analysis.
4. Results and Discussion
3. Material and Methods
The main detrital mineralogical components in the
More than 237 core samples were collected from the Goru formation are detrital quartz, mafic volcanic rock
Lower Goru formation in the Sawan gas field, Pakistan. fragments (VRF), mica and feldspar (Fig. 3). The
These samples were obtained from the Sawan-07, reservoir quality parts of the A and B intervals are clas-

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Fig. 3 Classification of Sawan Sandstone26)

Table 1●Distribution of Porosity and Permeability Ranges in Pore


Pore size Porosity [%] Permeability [mD]

Megapore > 20 > 400
Macropore 14-26 10-400
Mesopore 10-15 0.7-10
Micropore 0.06-0.16 0.04-0.7
Nanopore < 0.14 < 0.04

sified as quartz arenites, whereas the C interval contains

a significant amount of VRF.
The other important minerals are carbonate frag-
ments, muscovite, strongly altered biotite, and chert26).
Tourmaline and zircon and some rutile occur as acces-
sory minerals. Diagenetic components are quartz
cement, chlorite cement, carbonates (mainly calcite and
Fe-dolomite cement), and glauconite. The sandstones
are characterized as medium to coarse-grained and
Fig. 4●(a) Pore Size Distribution Using Pittman15) r25 Equation; (b)
moderately to well-sorted with differing degrees of Pore Size Distribution Using Winland28) r35 Equation
The core measured porosity values of the Lower
Goru formation reveal low to excellent porosities, rang- were greater than by the Winland method27) except in
ing from 6 to 30 %. The permeability values range micro and nano pores. The result showed that mean
from 0.01 to 1252 mD (Table 1). pore throat sizes from the previous approach14),15) are
4. 1. Routine Core Analysis 29.754, 5.567, 0.965, 0.2651, and 0.068 μm for mega,
The measured porosity and permeability were used macro, meso, micro, and nano pores, respectively.
in the Winland27) and Pittman14) empirical equations to Similarly, the mean pore throat sizes from the
examine the pore size distribution and their reliability Winland27) approach were 28.939, 5.301, 0.882, 0.2441,
to the heterogeneous sandstones reservoir. In particu- and 0.077 μm for mega, macro, meso, micro, and nano
lar, both equations are based on uncorrected air perme- pores, respectively (Fig. 4).
abilities, whereas the use of corrected permeability values To differentiate the reservoir interval into various
in the Winland equation would result in smaller values pore sizes (megapores, mesopores, macropores, micro-
for smaller pore size than in the Pittman equation14),15). pores, and nanopores), the r25 was plotted against
The mean values of pore sizes previously reported14),15) porosity and permeability values (Fig. 5). The result

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Fig. 6 Pore Size Distribution (r25) vs. Hydraulic Flow Unit (HFU)

flow unit as shown in Fig. 5. It is important to note

that each of these hydraulic flow unit (HFU1, HFU2,
HFU3, HFU4, HFU5, and HFU6) have unique pore ge-
ometry and bedding characteristics which result in con-
sistent flow of fluid through the porous media. Gunter
et al.21) stated that similarity in pore geometry is an in-
dication of similar diagenetic processes during deposi-
tion of rock. Note that hydraulic flow unit with greater
RQI and FZI values will behave like a better quality res-
ervoir in terms of fluid flow through its pore spaces.
Based on the hydraulic flow unit and flow character-
istics (porosity and permeability), the reservoir pore
size can be classified into megapores (HFU5 and
HFU6), macropores (HFU3 and HFU4), mesopores
(HFU2 and HFU3), micropores (HFU1 and HFU2) and
nanopores (HFU1) (Fig. 5 and Table 1).
In particular, HFU3 (mesopores), HFU2 (micropores)
and HFU1 (nanopores) reflect heterogeneity in the res-
ervoir interval with porosity range from 10 to 20 % and
permeability of less than 10 mD. These hydraulic
flow unit also have various types of pore distribution
Fig. 5●(a) Porosity vs. Permeability for Pore Size Distribution; (b)
with lowest reservoir quality index and flow zone indi-
Pore Size Distribution in Hydraulic Flow Unit (HFU) Using
Core Analysis Data cator. Therefore, permeability is directly related to
pore sizes and pore throat radii. The selection of per-
foration interval should be designed on the basis of the
indicates that the data is well sorted and porosity and identified hydraulic flow unit.
permeability have a strong relationship to distinguish Comparing the obtained results from the predicted
the pore size distribution. HFUs with the empirical equation Pittman15) indicate
4. 2. Hydraulic Flow Unit Classification the reliability and accuracy of the proposed technique
To identify the optimal number of hydraulic flow in the heterogeneous reservoir rock. Figure 6 con-
unit, the reservoir rock properties including RQI and firms that the mega and macro pores in HFU4, HFU5,
normalized porosity are plotted against FZI (Fig. 5). and HFU6 have pore sizes from 0 to 60 μm with a high
Sampling data lying along the straight line correlation percentage of pore distribution, indicating that such a
with unit slope have the same FZI and could be classi- flow unit will reflect better quality reservoir rock with
fied into six discrete rock types indicating six hydraulic high fluid flow through the pore spaces.

J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst., Vol. 61, No. 5, 2018


Fig. 7●Pore Size Distribution in Hydraulic Flow Unit (HFU) Using

Well log Data
Fig. 8●Comparison of Hydraulic Flow Unit (HFU) Estimated from
Well log and Core Data Analysis

Mercury injection saturation increases with decreased

pore size, but also depends on the pore size distribution. from unconnected pores and to distinguish bulk miner-
High mercury injection pressure is needed to inject the alogy from reactive mineralogy as a function of pore
fluid into a more complex network. size.
Nine (9) hydraulic flow units were identified in the Obtained thin sections were analyzed to generate
studied reservoir interval on the basis of well log analy- high-resolution binary images showing pore-space ver-
sis as shown in Fig. 7. HFU1, HFU2, and HFU3 con- sus non-pore space using a laser scanning microscope
sist of mainly macropores whereas HFU4, HFU5, (LSM 700) with imager Z2m (Zeiss). The pore and
HFU6, and HFU7 contain both macro and megapores. pore throat sizes were determined from these binary im-
High disruption can be observed in HFU8 and HFU9 ages at a scale of 250 μm on the same reservoir inter-
inferring the presence of a mixed type of pores with val, and the results are compared with the proposed
random flow potential due to the heterogeneity of the technique.
reservoir. Any regular trend of FZI is absent in HFU8 In general, the Lower Goru sandstones mainly con-
and HFU9. Flow potential of the hydraulic flow unit sist of quartz arenite that shows advanced diagenetic
increases from HFU1 to HFU9. The hydraulic flow alteration throughout the entire type section. The
unit identified from well log analysis, i.e. HFU1, HFU2, sandstones are medium to coarse-grained and moder-
HFU3, HFU4, HFU5, HFU6, HFU7 and HFU8, all ately to well-sorted with differing degrees of compac-
overlap with the core analysis prediction. The results tion. The grain-size distribution with chlorite rims
reveal that log prediction identified higher flow zone ranges from less than 0.06 to greater than 2 mm26).
indicator values than core analysis data. The sample 3304.5 m (Fig. 9) is characterized by
The estimated data points identifying the hydraulic high amounts of Fe-chlorite and Fe-dolomite cementa-
flow unit on a log-log plot of normalized porosity and tion and calcite cementation. The prevalent cement is
reservoir quality index revealed that lower region as quartz (Q), carbonate, and chlorite (Chlr), commonly
well as upper region data points of core and well log with a patchy distribution. Secondary porosity formed
data are not consistent with the hydraulic flow unit. because of dissolution of feldspar grains (Fsp) (Fig. 9)
The A and C areas in the plot illustrate those regions and VRF. Good porosity and permeability can be
where the hydraulic flow unit are not consistent, i.e. observed in the thin sections. In some locations, these
identified as mega and nanopores. In contrast, the B components had been fully dissolved and only the chlo-
area of the plot shows a region where the identified rite rims covering the grains remain.
hydraulic flow unit agreed with the well log and core In a typical two-dimensional cross-section of the
data prediction (Fig. 8). rock, four megapores (P1=pore size/pore throat size=
4. 3. Petrographic Image Analysis 77/14.5, P3=53/8.3, P4=37.5/10.41, P5=35.41/12)
Petrographic image analysis is a very useful tech- and one macropore (P2=19/12.5) are identified from
nique that provides a method to separate connected the binary image at a scale of 250 μm (Fig. 9). The

J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst., Vol. 61, No. 5, 2018


Fig. 10●Thin Section Study of Sample 3407.2 m of Sawan-3B Well

Fig. 9●(a) Thin Section Study of Sample 3304.5 m of Sawan-2 Well
(PPL: idiomorphic quartz outgrowths (Qo) partially filling
(PPL: dissolution of feldspar grains (Fsp) and alteration of
the pores after chlorite rims (Chlr); Q=quartz, Gc=grain
volcanic rock fragments (VRF); Chl=chlorite, Chlr=chlo-
contact, P=porosity 15.3 %), (b) Binary Image (pores
rite rim, Q=quartz; porosity 22 %), (b) Binary Image (pores
white, pore size red) of Sample 3407.2 m of Sawan-3B
white, pore size red) of Sample 3304.5 m of Sawan-02 Well

pores are marked in white color with a black back- to Sawan-2. In general, the low range of gamma ray
ground and the pore throat size and pore size are shown response in the Sawan-3B well at the studied depth
with red dots. indicate better quality of reservoir rock in terms of
The sample 3407.2 m (Sawan-3B) contains quartz porosity, permeability, and pore size.
(Q) cements as both pore filling and as idiomorphic 4. 4. Curve Matching Technique
quartz outgrowths. Quartz overgrowths and out- In recent years, lithological information has been
growths occur preferentially where chlorite rims cover- obtained from the well log response including pattern
ing detrital quartz grains are thin or discontinuous. recognition and pattern classification4),30). To increase
The sample shows good porosity and pores are mostly the advantages of conventional well logs, the authors
interconnected which enhance the reservoir characteris- have incorporated the gamma-ray log response, HFU
tics. Secondary porosity is also present due to disso- and thin section to analyze the lateral and vertical varia-
lution and fracturing, which are also important in estab- tions of pore structure geometry in nearby wells. A
lishing the Goru formation as a good potential reservoir large deflection of gamma-ray log curve was observed
(Fig. 10). in the Sawan-02 well compared to the Sawan-03 well at
The sample 3307.2 m demonstrates two macropores studied depths. The increase in the gamma ray
(P1=pore size/pore throat size=68.75/20.83 and P2= response at 3304.5 m in the Sawan-02 well is due to the
52.08/12.5) on the binary image at a scale of 250 μm addition of clay mineralogy in the reservoir lithology,
(Fig. 10). The pores are marked in white color with a which can be seen in the thin section analysis, whereas
black background and the pore throat size and pore size the gamma ray response was low in the Sawan-3B well
are shown with red dots. at 3407.2 m depth. Relatively clean sandstone was
The pore size of a core sample of Sawan-3B indicated observed in the Sawan-3B well, which is evident from
high pore throat size at recommended mercury satura- the thin section analysis, causing lower gamma-ray log
tion of 25 %, whereas a core sample from Sawan-2 readings. The porosity estimated from the well log
showed relatively low pore throat size (Fig. 11). analysis is low at the studied depth in the Sawan-2 well
Similar characteristics of studied rock samples can be compared to the Sawan-3B well but the range of pore
observed in Fig. 12, where the gamma ray response is sizes is higher in the Sawan-02 well. The large grain
relatively low for Sawan-3B core samples as compared sizes of the quartz in the Sawan-3B well resulted in this

J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst., Vol. 61, No. 5, 2018


image analysis can achieve verifiable and satisfactory

Use of hydraulic flow unit can provide satisfactory
estimates of pore size, but cannot estimate pore-throat
radius in the reservoir. In contrast, the Winland28) and
Pittman15) equations provide poor estimation of mean
pore size but can measure pore-throat radius. The
identified pore sizes from thin sections and the hydraulic
flow unit showed a strong relationship. Poor sorting
of the grain size in the thin section of the Sawan-02
well resulted in multiple pore sizes in the reservoir sec-
tion. Mega and macro pores were identified from the
thin section whereas the hydraulic flow unit approach
indicated macropores. The thin sections showed that
grain size was relatively greater in the Sawan-3B well
than in the Sawan-02. The pores identified from the
hydraulic flow unit and thin sections had very good
agreement because both techniques indicated macro
pores. The sensitivity of the curve matching technique
depends on the calculation of the parameters involved
in identification of the hydraulic flow unit. The curve
matching technique gives acceptable results if the prop-
erties calculated from well log incorporate adequate
quality checks.

5. Conclusions

In this study, petrophysical parameters combined

with thin section study were used to analyze the pore
size distribution of the heterogeneous Lower Goru for-
Fig. 11●Mercury Injection Saturation vs. Pore Throat Size for Core mation, Sawan gas field, Pakistan. The following
Samples (3304.5 m) of Sawan-2 Well and Sample 3407.2 m
of Sawan-3B Well
conclusions can be drawn from the pore structure
assessment of the Lower Goru formation:
(1) Six hydraulic flow unit were identified in the reser-
lower pore size. The specific pattern of the log against voir interval based on similar rock properties. These
the pore size estimations was observed for the identified discrete hydraulic flow unit contained unique pore ge-
hydraulic flow unit in the Sawan-07 well. Figure 12 ometry and were classified as megapores (HFU5 and
shows that the log correlation in the Sawan-07, Sawan-02, HFU6), macropores (HFU3 and HFU4), mesopores
and Sawan-3B (pattern recognition) wells combined (HFU2 and HFU3), micropores (HFU1 and HFU2) and
with the hydraulic flow unit reflected the pore size dis- nanopores (HFU1).
tribution laterally and vertically. (2) The proposed hydraulic flow unit were only depen-
The similar log pattern and background flow units dent on the rock properties of a given reservoir and can
(shown in a circle) indicate the same pore size classifi- be applied to any reservoir to divide the rock interval
cation that contributes most to the overall porosity and into various flow unit based on similar petrophysical
permeability. The attached thin section photos of each properties. Furthermore, this approach can be applied
sample show the type of pore structure reflected by the to extend the relationship of pore size distribution in
hydraulic flow unit in nearby wells of the field. off-set wells.
The thin section in Sawan-3B corresponds to HFU4 (3) The equations for r35 of Winland (Kolodzie27)) and
and indicates macropores with pore throat size from r25 of Pittman15) were partially helpful because using
12.5 to 20.83 μm as shown in Fig. 12. The thin sec- the heterogeneous porosity and permeability values as
tion of Sawan-02 corresponds to HFU6 and indicates independent variables in these equations yielded lower
megapores with pore throat size ranging from 8.3 to p o r e - t h r o a t r a d i u s a n d p o r e s i z e d i s t r i bu t i o n .
14.5 μ m a n d 4.16 t o 31.25 μ m , r e s p e c t i v e l y. However, the plots of calculated pore size distribution
Therefore, integration of the proposed technique were consistent with the actual trends of the Winland
(HFU6) and mean pore throat size of 29.9 μm and and Pittman equations for high and low permeability
28.9 μm by Winland28) and Pittman15), and petrographic values (0.01 to 1000 mD) and provided a better estima-

J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst., Vol. 61, No. 5, 2018


Fig. 12●Lateral and Vertical Modelling of Pore Properties; Track 1: gamma ray response and thin section analysis
of Sawan-02 well, Track 2: gamma ray response and hydraulic flow unit, Track 3: gamma ray response
and thin section analysis of Sawan-3B well

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