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How to Make CCTV

Arranged By:
 Afdalu Khairi
 Nabila Dwi Rahma
 Ratu Rizki Illahi
 Reyhan Exsa Kurniawan
 Yinsi Yunika Oktian
 Yopi Pamadela

Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

SMK Negeri 1 Pasir Penyu

Praise and gratitude author extends to the presence of Allah SWT who has given His mercy and
grace so that the author can complete this Internship report as well as possible. as required and in
accordance with the curriculum of SMKN 1 Pasir Penyu Especially in the Department of Computer
and Network Engineering that every student is required to take part in an internship

As for the title of this internship report is the "How To Make CCTV Using a Webcam".Cctv itself
is a tool used to monitor a place. There are many types and forms of CCTV itself, but the author
chooses to use a webcam as the media that I will use In accordance with the title that the author
stretcher, this report will discuss about CCTV starting from what CCTV is, what is its history, what
tools will be used and how to assemble it

During the writing of this internship report, the author received a lot of support both in terms of
morals and information. In this opportunity, the writer would like to thank:

1.Mrs.Titik Arlinda, S.Kom as a supervising teacher

2. Mrs.Asni Ibrahim, S.Pd as a companion teacher and mentor in the preparation of this internship

The author realizes that this report still has many shortcomings. Therefore, the authors expect
constructive criticism and suggestions to improve this report. Finally, the author says thank you and
I hope this report is useful
Table of Content

Table of Content.........................................................................................................
Chapter I : Introduction
1.1 Background......................................................................................................
1.2 Objection..........................................................................................................
1.3 Problems..........................................................................................................
Chapter II : Disscussion
2.1 Literature Review.............................................................................................
2.2 Tool and Materials ...........................................................................................
2.3 How to Work....................................................................................................
Chapter III : Closing
3.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................
3.2 Suggestion........................................................................................................
Chapter 1 : Introduction

Along with the development of technology, various kinds of the latest innovations in the
field of technology began to emerge, one of which was in the security sector. In order to
provide convenience in maintaining security from criminal acts, we need a tool that from
action can monitor the area around us for 24 hours, namely with a surveillance camera or
better known as CCTV.
CCTV or Closed Circuit Television was first discovered by an engineer from Germany
named Walter Brunch. developments-cctv The first time CCTV was used at the launch of the
V-II rocket in 1942, the first CCTV was produced by Siemens AG. The use of CCTV serves as a
supervisor for the process of launching the rocket so that it can be seen if something goes
wrong or not and to avoid the enthusiasm of the German people in order to avoid the risk of
launching the rocket.
7 years between the use of CCTV for the first time, namely in 1947, America used CCTV
produced by a company called Vericon. In that year, the crime rate in New York was so
great that the US government ordered the installation of cameras in every street to reduce,
eradicate and stop crime. With the use of CCTV if there are suspicious people the police can
easily find that person with the CCTV footage.
11 years later 1960, in England for the first time using CCTV, the city government of
London used CCTV to monitor public places, observing crowds of people who were
conducting demonstrations against the British monarchy. With the help of CCTV, the
government can see demonstrations that occur peacefully or violently, and of course if
there is a riot the government can easily control the action.
At this time, CCTV still uses cameras with low resolutions, resulting in poor images and
black and white. The system used by CCTV at that time was also with coaxial cable, namely
1 camera for 1 monitor.
In 1970 CCTV appeared with the Mulpiplexer VCR system, which is a system where one
monitor can be used for several cameras. The good thing with the creation of this system,
can reduce operational costs to buy monitors as many cameras are used. But in this day and
age CCTV still produces a poor picture, so the objects recorded by the camera are not clearly
visible. Then in the 1990s, CCTV was created which was getting better with a DVR system or
digital video recorder. With this system the resolution of the camera is high so that the
images can be seen clearly.
Indonesia itself knew CCTV around 1995, and its use was only in large offices, but after
the May 1998 riots the use of CCTV increased. And around 2004 the police started using
CCTV in public spaces as traffic monitoring. It's not impossible, the development of CCTV is
getting more sophisticated starting from the image resolution, size, usage and the system
used by CCTV
Basically, CCTV is a surveillance tool that we commonly find in various public areas
such as offices and development centers. CCTV using a webcam can be a cheap security
system solution. Installing CCTV in an area is the most modern and effective way to monitor
and prevent crime in that area

1.2. Objection
1.Knowing CCTV in more detail
2.Knowing how to make CCTV from webcam
3.Mengetahui cara menggunakan CCTV webcam di Laptop

1.3. Problem
1. What is CCTV?
2. How to make cctv from webcam
3. Bagaimana cara menggunakan CCTV webcam di laptop
Chapter 2 : Disscussion

2.1. Literature Review

CCTV stands for Closed Circuit Television so it can be interpreted literally as a closed
television line. So, the definition of CCTV is different from the usual television channels
because it will not broadcast signals to the public. Instead it sends the video camera to the
monitor either via cable, wireless transmitter or over the internet. The resulting images and
videos can be recorded and stored on a disc.
CCTV is a tool that can record an event or an event without using an operator. The signals
captured by CCTV are closed or no longer distributed to the public like television broadcasts.
Usually this CCTV camera is used to provide full surveillance of an area automatically
without using officers in its implementation such as shops, housing, traffic, offices and

CCTV systems usually consist of fixed (dedicated) communication between cameras and
monitors. Modern CCTV technology consists of connected systems with a camera that can
be moved (rotated, bent and zoomed) and can be remotely operated via the control room,
and can be connected to the a network either LAN, Wireless-LAN or internet.

For its type, CCTV on the market can be found in 2 types. This type of CCTV is a type of
analog CCTV and CCTV with an IP camera. 1. Analog CCTV Analog CCTV is one of the oldest
types of CCTV on the market. This CCTV is a CCTV that works manually. For the advantages,
usually analog CCTV has a cheaper price and has an uncomplicated system. Unfortunately,
this type of CCTV is vulnerable because the stored memory or video can be lost due to being

2. CCTV with IP camera

For CCTV with an IP camera, it usually works using an internet connection. This causes the
storage of this CCTV camera to be more secure. However, this type of CCTV still has
drawbacks, namely in terms of the price which is quite expensive. Another advantage of this
type of CCTV is the image it produces. Usually this IP camera will produce clearer images
because of the higher resolution.
The control mechanism on CCTV cameras allows users to move the camera's point of view
vertically, horizontally, or adjust the viewing distance (focus). Based on the control
mechanism, CCTV cameras can be divided into:
Motorized CCTV Camera
Motorized CCTV Camera is a camera equipped with a motor to move the point of view or
focus remotely. Motorized cameras include several types of cameras such as zoom cameras
and speed dome cameras.

Fixed Camera CCTV

Fixed Camera CCTV is a camera whose viewing angle and focus must be set manually during

2.2Tools and Materials

1) USB Camera or Webcam
This camera functions to replace CCTV cameras, you can use webcams, used cellphone
cameras or the like
2) USB Extension Port Male & Female
We need the male and female ports of this USB Extension to connect the cable from the
camera and the usb cable on the PC/laptop
3) UTP cable or LAN cable
UTP cable or LAN cable used as a longer delivery medium
4) Computer or Laptop
For specs, it is recommended to have 4 GB of RAM and above and a minimum Intel Celeron
processor. Because the software we use is not too heavy, we don't really need a laptop with
too high specs.
5) Solder and Tin
Has a function to connect a UTP or LAN cable with a USB Extension cable
6) Scissors
Used for cutting cables, tidying cables and cutting duct tape
7) Matches
Used to open the skin of the copper layer that is inside the label
8) Duct tape
To coat the cable connection to make it more secure
9.Crimping pliers
Used for cutting and stripping cables
10) Supporting Software or Applications
The software we use is Alfred camera, the advantage is that this software can be used on a
laptop or cellphone and can be used to connect the two

2.3. How to Make

How to make cctv from webcam
1. Cut the UTP / LAN cable as long as 8 meters and then peel the protective skin at the end
until the copper part is visible. The goal is so that the cable can be connected with a USB
Extension cable
2. Cut the end of the USB Extension cable to take the male and female ports, leave a little
part of the cable near the port and then peel it off so that the copper part is visible. The goal
is so that the cable can be connected with a UTP/LAN cable
3. Connect the two cables with solder and lead so that electricity can flow and data
transmission can be carried out properly.
4. Then tighten it with duct tape to make it safer and not prone to electrocution
5. Plug the webcam's usb port into the female USB Extension port and plug the male USB
Extension port into the laptop's USB port
6.Open Alfred Camera, then login with google account
7. Automatically will appear the image display from the webcam camera.
Chapter 3 : Closing

Conclusions from making CCTV using webcams can be concluded about understanding the
CCTV system using webcams, among others:
1. The structured system can provide convenience for supervision or monitoring in a class
or a room.
2. The compiled system can work quickly and can be viewed on the admin/server
3. Level monitoring for 24 hours.
4. There are still many shortcomings in the manufacture of this cctv system so it is still
needed for the refinement process

1. It would be better if this system was added with facilities that could be on for 24 hours
without being accompanied by turning on the laptop/computer.
2. It is better if the cctv can be added with a current source from the battery so that it can
stay lit even in a power outage
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