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AIM : Speed control of single phase Induction Motor using single phase voltage


Serial No. Name of Type Rating Quantity

1 Multimeter 600 V, 10 A 1
2 Tachometer 20,000 rpm 1
3 Ammeter MC 5/10 A 1
4 DSO 1
5 Voltage 300 V 1
6 Current 0-10A 1


Machine Induction Motor DC Generator

Type 1ɸ DC
Power 1 hp 1 hp
Voltage 230 V 220 V
Speed 1500 rpm 1500 rpm
Current 7A 4A

THEORY : AC voltage controller is an electronic module based on

either TRIACs, SCRs or IGBTs, which converts a fixed voltage, fixed
frequency alternating current (AC) electrical input supply to obtain variable voltage in

Voltage controllers work in two different ways:

A) On-and-Off Control
B) Phase Control

In an On-and-Off Controller, thyristors are used to switch on the circuits for a few
cycles of voltage and off for certain cycles, thus altering the total RMS voltage value
of the output and acting as a high speed AC switch. The rapid switching results in
high frequency distortion artifacts which can cause a rise in temperature, and may
lead to interference in nearby electronics. Such designs are not practical except in low
power applications.

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In Phase Angle Control, thyristors are used to half the voltage cycle during input. By
controlling the phase angle or trigger angle, the output RMS voltage of the load can
be varied. The thyristor is turned on for every half-cycle and switched off for each
remaining half-cycle. The phase angle is the position at which the thyristor is
switched on. If the load is a combination of resistance and inductance, the current
cycle lags the voltage cycle, decreasing overall power output.

Nowadays the Thyristor voltage controller method is preferred for varying the voltage.

Two back to back thyristors are used in series with the single phase induction motor
load and their triggering angles are controlled to control the output voltage. Each
thyristor is used only for a particular half cycle (either positive or negative). The
firing pulses are to be connected with proper synchronization so as to produce the
desirable control. Only that part of the concerned half cycle reaches the output after
that particular thyristor is fired. Similar action takes place with the other thyristor in
the other half cycle also.

For triggering two thyristors used in series with the induction motor in anti parallel
configuration two different triggering signals are generated using the two 180 degree
apart output voltages produced from a centre tap transformer output. These two
signals are used to feed the 2 LEDs present at the input side of 2 Optocoupler IC
MCT-2E.The outputs from this optocoupler are amplified by using an emitter
follower circuit before feeding them to the two gates (G1 & G2) and cathodes ( K1 &
K2) respectively.The DC power for these circuits are also derived by using two
separate Transformers to get the desired isolation required for triggering two anti
parallel thyristor pair.

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Control Cum
Triggering Circuit


230 V AC V V
50 HZ T2

Rheostat Load


200 V DC

1) Switch on the mains power by using the Mains MCB. Now switch the input power
to the ON position of the main controller unit, the green colour power ON indicator
should start glowing.

2) To start the single phase induction motor under load condition, press the spring
loaded switch downwards for few seconds and then release. The firing angle control
potentiometer should be at the maximum clockwise position i.e. at the position for
minimum firing delay angle. Thus the motor is started at the minimum AC voltage

3) After single phase induction motor start, slowly change the phase angle adjustment
potentiometer to change the output conduction period as per the requirement to vary
the output voltage.

4) Two Voltmeter and two Ammeter are used for input output voltage measurement
and input output current measurement respectively.

5) Operate the motor by varying the firing angle without switching the field power on
and observe the change in motor speed. This is no load condition.

6) Now operate the motor at different loads by suitably varying the firing angle after
switching the field power on and observe the change in motor speed. The loading are
of 2A, 1A, 0.5A rating and are separately operated through separately connected
switch so load from 0. 5A to 3.5A may be applied at the step of 0.5A.

7) DSO should be connected across thyristor to get the waveform for the calculation
of firing angle.

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Loading Condition : ____1A__& 2A____

Serial Input Output Output Pulse Speed Firing

No. Voltage Voltage current Width Angle


Firing Angle (α) = (1 - F x P ) x 1800

Where F = Supply Frequency (in Hz)

P = Pulse Width (in milli seconds)

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1) Speed Vs Firing Angle

2) Voltage Vs Firing Angle


In the above experiment by varying firing angle (α), different speeds are achieved.
Hence induction motor speed control is done.

1) Connection should be crosscheck.
2) Loading must be in step.
3) Keep an eye on output current.

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Ques 1. What is Phase Angle Control ?

Ques 2. What is low slip region and high slip region in Induction motor ?

Ques 3. Write the expression for VORMS for resistive load in AC voltage controller

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Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Experiment No. 05 Date:

TITLE: Speed control of single phase Induction Motor using single phase voltage
Name:_______________________________ Sem: _____________ Year:
Adm. No. ___________________

Experimental Data:-

Loading Condition : ____1A__& 2A____

Serial Input Output Output Pulse Speed Firing

No. Voltage Voltage current Width Angle

(Instructor’s Signature with Date)

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