Geography f2

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Student’s Mock Assessment Number........................



Time: 2:30 Hours Monday, 22th May, 2023 P.M

1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
2. Answer all questions. All answers must be written in the spaces provided.
3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70)
4. All writings must be in blue or black ink except diagrams which must be in pencil.
5. All communication devices, calculators and any unauthorized materials are not
allowed in the Mock Assessment room.
6. Write your Mock Assessment Number at the top right corner of every page.

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Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given
alternatives and write its letter in the box provided.
(i) Which type of means of transport among the following is the most convenient
and economical in carrying of liquid and gaseous product over long distances.
A. Air transport
B. Pipeline transport
C. Air plane transport
D. Marine transport

(ii) What is the best name of the form of energy that is created by the force of
flowing water from mountains or high landform?
A. Geothermal energy
B. Non-renewable energy
C. Hydro-electric power energy
D. Water falls energy

(iii) The following are the aspects of physical Geography, except;

A. Natural features of the Earth
B. Structure of the Earth
C. Distribution of plants and animals
D. Population growth and distribution

(iv) Malingumu is about to roof his apartments which are located at Mtumba in
Dodoma. He is interested in iron and steel materials and he wants to buy these
materials direct from the industry. What is the name of the form of
manufacturing industry where he can get these materials?
A. Craft industry
B. Fabrication industry
C. Metallurgical industry
D. Leather industry

(v) Which of the following statement is true regarding satellites?

A. All satellites are bigger than the Earth
B. All planets have satellites
C. Some planets have satellites, some do not.
D. The moon is a satellite that produces its own light.

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(vi) Masala is a Form Two student at Kishamapanda Secondary School. He had a

study tour in South Africa. Among other natural features, he enjoyed and
appreciated a feature where a piece of land enters the ocean. What is the name
of the feature which Masala appreciated and enjoyed?
A. Cape
B. Peninsula
C. Gulf
D. Strait

(vii) Chaurembo is one of the staff of CRDB Bank at Azikiwe Main Office in Dar
es Salaam. She is a banker and a Director of Customer Service Department.
Which category of human activity does Chaurembo execute?
A. Primary activity
B. Secondary activity
C. Tertiary activity
D. Banking activity

(viii) Moral decay is one of the negative impacts of tourism in areas with tourist
attractions such as beaches and night clubs in Tanzania. Which among the
following is the manifestation of moral decay?
A. Dressing style, food style and homosexuality
B. Prostitution, homosexuality and drug abuse.
C. Food style, prostitution and homosexuality
D. Language, dressing style and prostitution

(ix) What is the type of a scale which has been used to draw a map of a building
which shows all the details including doors, windows and rooms?
A. Large-scale
B. Medium scale
C. Small scale
D. Ratio scale

(x) What is the name of the process by which water is taken up by plants and
released into the atmosphere?
A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Precipitation
D. Transpiration
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QUESTION (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)

2. Match the descriptions of climate in List A with correct corresponding type of

climate in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the
corresponding item number in the table provided.

(i) The vegetation is evergreen with open woodlands A. Tundra climate
coupled with scattered trees.
B. Summer climate
(ii) This is the cold climate of the world. C. Mediterranean climate
(iii) Natural vegetation is very scanty and consists of D. Equatorial climate
mostly thorn scrubs bushes and cacti.
E. The hot desert climate
(iv) It is found between 50 and 150 North and South of F. Tropical climate
G. Winter climate
(v) Rains often come in the afternoon and are
accompanied by lightning and thunder storms.

List A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

List B

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SECTION B (70 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section
3. (a) You are the Secretary of the Geography Club at your school. Outline four (4)
professional occupations that require geographical knowledge and skills to Form One
students who are new members of your club.

(i) ________________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________________
(iii) ________________________________________________________________
(iv) ________________________________________________________________

(b) Explain the term geographical phenomena, with reference to relevant examples.

(c) You are a knowledgeable and distinguished student in Geography subject at

your school. In four (4) points, show the interrelationship between geographical

(i) ________________________________________________________________

(ii) ________________________________________________________________

(iii) ________________________________________________________________

(iv) ________________________________________________________________
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4. (a) You are the participant of a Global Young Astronomers summit in Geneva
(Switzerland) representing Tanzania. In four (4) points explain to the world, why the
planet Earth is the only planet which is known so far to support life.

(i) ________________________________________________________________

(ii) ________________________________________________________________

(iii) ________________________________________________________________

(iv) ________________________________________________________________

(b) You are a competent and talented student in Geography subject particularly in
the topic of the “Major Features of the Earth’s Surface”. With reference to
relevant examples, help a form one student to differentiate between plains and

(c) You are a member of Tanzania Marine Environment Protection Team, explain
to the villagers of Mbegani (Bagamoyo), along the coast of Indian Ocean, why
continental shelves are suitable grounds for fishing?

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5. (a) As a young and upcoming climatologist, explain the meaning of climate change
with reference to relevant examples.

(b) Human beings face several challenges for survival due to climate change. With
reference to relevant examples, explain two (2) impacts of climate change in

(i) ________________________________________________________________

(ii) ________________________________________________________________

(c) In Tanzania, weather forecasting is done by the Tanzania Meteological Agency

(TMA). In two (2) points convince your friend Mbishi who does not appreciate
the importance of weather forecasting in day-to-day life.

(i) ________________________________________________________________

(i) ________________________________________________________________

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6. (a) Read carefully the hypothetical map of Olmotoni and then answer the questions
that follow:

(i) By showing clearly all steps, find the distance of all-weather road bound surface
from grid reference 370200 to 390260 in kilometres.
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(ii) With reference from the map, identify two (2) natural and two (2) artificial
features from the map.

(b) Differentiate between Northings and Eastings


(c) What are the two (2) challenges of using place names in locating position of
places on the earth’s surface and upon maps.

(i) ______________________________________________________________

(ii) ______________________________________________________________

(d) Why latitude and longitudes are considered the most geographical way of giving
position. Give one (1) reasons.

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(e) The natural and artificial landscape features are represented on maps by means
of symbols and signs. What qualities should symbols and signs have in giving
important information on maps? Give two (2) qualities.

(i) ____________________________________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________________________________

7. Study the photograph below then answer the questions that follow;

(a) What is the name of the crop shown on the photograph above?

(b) What are the necessary conditions for the growth of the crop you have identified
in (a) above, in terms of; rainfall, temperature, soil, and altitude?
(i) ________________________________________________________________

(ii) ________________________________________________________________

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(iii) ________________________________________________________________

(iv) ________________________________________________________________

(c) Identify four (4) main uses of the crop shown on the photograph in Tanzania.

(i) ________________________________________________________________

(ii) ________________________________________________________________

(iii) ________________________________________________________________

(iv) ________________________________________________________________

(d) Name four (4) major producing regions in Tanzania of the crop identified in
(i) above.
(i) _______________________________________________________________
(ii) _______________________________________________________________
(iii) _______________________________________________________________
(iv) _______________________________________________________________

8. (a) You have a privilege to meet the Minister responsible for Forest and Natural
Resources for Tanzania. In four (4) points appreciate efforts made by the
Tanzania government in conserving forests.

(i) ________________________________________________________________

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(ii) ________________________________________________________________

(iii) ________________________________________________________________

(iv) ________________________________________________________________

(b) In one (1) point, explain the importance of forests in the environment

(i) ________________________________________________________________

9. You are the Minister responsible for minerals in Tanzania, and you have the honour
of being the guest of honour in an inaugural ceremony of a new gold mine site
discovered in Chunya Mbeya.

(a) In four (4) points state the contribution of the new gold site to the economy of
(i) ______________________________________________________________

(ii) ______________________________________________________________

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(iii) ______________________________________________________________

(iv) ______________________________________________________________

(b) Propose one (1) way to minimize negative effects of mining activities on the
(i) ______________________________________________________________

SECTION C (15 Marks)

Answer question ten (10)
10. “Access to water is fundamental to economic and social development”. Explain six
(6) ways of conserving water.

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