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Mendoza, Jaylou
BSTM 2.2 A

When a mother prepares meals, she is doing more
than just cooking; she is also making ethical
decisions. She chooses her ingredients carefully,
considers health and sustainability, and educates
her children to value food and the environment.
After eating together, the children help to wash
the dishes, learning the value of cleanliness and
conservation. Through these routine efforts, the
family not only feeds their bodies but also their
ideals, resulting in a brighter future for everyone.

The photo demonstrates an unethical practice: the
apparent disregard for proper garbage disposal. The
graphic depicts people irresponsibly depositing garbage in
public places rather than using authorized containers. This
behavior not only leads to environmental damage, but it
also shows a disregard for community places and the well-
being of others. It shows a self-centered worldview that
favors convenience over the larger good, eventually
continuing a cycle of environmental deterioration and
societal irresponsibility. Addressing such neglect
necessitates a shift in thinking toward accountability and
communal responsibility for protecting our common
The image of someone being generous to a
beggar captures a simple yet profound moral
ethic: kindness. In that moment, it's about
acknowledging each other's humanity and
reaching out to aid someone in need. It serves as a
reminder that tiny acts of kindness can have a
significant impact not just on the recipient's life,
but also on our own. It is about cultivating
empathy, compassion, and a feeling of
community, with the ultimate goal of making the
world a better place for everyone.

An immoral act depicted in a photo showing
killing is a stark violation of the most
fundamental ethical principles governing
human behavior. It's a striking reminder of
the massive harm done to people and society
as a whole. Such behaviors weaken empathy
and moral principles, harming the very fabric
of our humanity. Confronting this evil
necessitates a shared commitment to
fostering peace, justice, and respect for all
A photo capturing people adhering to the law
reflects a fundamental aspect of legal ethics and
societal order. Individuals who follow the law and
regulations help to create a sense of safety and
justice for everybody. It is about upholding
shared principles and duties while ensuring that
everyone is treated fairly and equally. In essence,
it demonstrates how collective commitment to
the law promotes harmony and mutual respect
among our communities.

The photo depicting illegal drug use raises
significant ethical problems. It's not just
about breaking the law; it's about the harm
done to people and communities. Drug
misuse leads to addiction, crime, and
violence, which harms both the individual and
others around them. Addressing this issue
involves compassion, knowledge, and
assistance for those suffering from addiction.
It is about preserving lives and creating
better, safer communities for all.

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