Farm Animals 2

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Pilihan Ganda

1 . I wear.

for sport.

a. Sunglasses

b. T-shirt

c. Blouse

d. Skirt

2. Dona: What do you wear for camping?

Made: I wear

a. Jacket

b. Raincoat

c. Scarf

d. Uniform
3. What animals do swim?

a. Cow

b. Duck

c. Goat

d. Rooster

4. Animals that produse milk and meat are....

a. Cow

b. Rabbit

c. Sheep

d. Cat

5. There are two color of this clothes. We can wear it in school, What clothes is this?

a. Sweater
b. Pajama

c. Uniform

d. T-shirt

6. Translate in indonesian! "Duck" is......

1. Bebek

2. Kelinci

3. Angsa

4. Sapi

7. The sheep produces.....

a. Wool and meat

b. Fur

c. Eggs

d. Money
8. There is a pair of

a. Hat

b. Scarf

c. Blouse

d. Shoes

9. Chicken like to cat.....

a. Cupcake

b. Grainst

c. Fish

d. Carrot

10. The bee lives in a hive and produces.....

a. Egg
b. Flower

c. Honey

d. Sugar

B. Isian Singkat

1. It is raining today. Mr. Bayu wears when he goes to office.

2. The girls wears a skirt. The word skirt means....

3. The weather is hot, you have to wear a.... to protect your head from sunlight,

4. Santi wear..... before she go to bed.

5. A horse can.... fast

6. The goat, cow, sheep and horse eats..... 7. The rooster has red....on its head

8. Cows produce.....

9. Hen produce.....

10. A chicken likes to eat grains. The word underline means.....



Meat and Milk








B. Essay

1. Mention two kinds of farm animals that produces eggs!

2. What does you wear on a rainy day? Mention 31

3. Mention three kinds of animal that cat grass!. Translate this sentence into Indonesia:

4. "Shelly wears orange sweater and black pants".

5. "A cow eat grass, a cow produces milk and meat".

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) the letter A/B/C/D!

1. What grade are you in?

a. I am eleven years old

b. I am in fifth grade

2. An infirmary is beside the laboratory. The underline word means

a. di samping

. di dalam

b. earache
3 . I get........... (sakit kepala).

a . toothache

4. X: I'm looking for my friend.

X: she has long hair, round face and thin body

Kalimat pertanyaan yang tepat adalah

a. what is it?

b. what is your friend look like?


c. I like football

d. I have 3 sisters

e. di antara

d. bersebrangan

c. backache
d. headache

e. where is she?

d. who is she?

5. Is the school hall the toilet beside. Rearrange into good sentence... a. the school hall is beside the

b. the toilet is beside the

school hall

6. I usually wear raincoat on.

a. Rainy day

b. sunny day

c. the school hall toilet is beside

d. beside the school toilet is

7. Seta wears scarf and sweater on windy day. The underline word means.....
a. kaos panjang

b. switer

8. Do you wear jacket on sunny day? (ya)

b. no, I do not

c. windy day

d. cloudy day

c. kemeja

d. syal

c. no, she does not

d. yes, we do

a . yes, I do

9. 1 am going to buy a pair of sneakers. Which picture is suitable?


10. These are farm animal, except

a. cow

b. hen

e. rooster

d. giraffe

11. It eats grass and has four legs, what animal is it?

a. hen

12 . This animal can quack, it gives egg and meat. What is it?

a. goat

b. rabbit

c. sheep
d. duck

b. duck

c. horse

d. sheep

13. The correct statement for horse is.....

a. it cats grass and carries something on it's back

b. it eats carrot and gives meat

c. it eats grain and gives eggs d. it gives milk and meat

14. A cow has... on it's head

a. spurs 15. A hen eats grain. The underline word means

b. skin

c. tail

d. horn
a. ekor

16. ekor bahasa inggrisnya....

b. sayur

c. biji-bijian

d. rumput

a. tail

b. mouth

c. legs

d. wings

a goat


This animal always

wakes you up in the morning.

This animal is.....

b. rooster c. rabbit

18. It eats

grass and leaves, and gives wool. What

animal is it?

d. hen

a . play

a. chicken

19. Meilin and Nurul always... badminton on Sunday. (bermain) b. sheep c. rabbit

c. Crying

d. cow

b. played
d. cried

20 . Rudi usually... with his

a. swims

21. X: Seta, can you cook?

Y..... (ya)

friend on Sunday b. sleeps


c. writes

d. learns

a yes, I do

b. yes, I can

22. Sometimes Tigor plays skate. Rearrange these words into good sentence.

a. plays sometimes Tigor skate b. Tigor plays sometimes skate

23. Mrs. Luna never drinks milk. Never means

a. kadang-kadang

24. X...?

Y: No, I cannot dance.

Pertanyaan yang tepat adalah

a. do vou can dance?

b. selalu

b. you can dance?

d. I can sing, I do not

c. Tigor sometimes plays skate d. sometimes plays tigor skate

e. tidak pernah
c. can you dance?

25 . Saya kadang-kadang menonton bioskop. The correct translate is

a. I watching cinema sometimes

b. sometimes I watches cinema

d. biasanya

d. what do you do?

e. I sometimes watching cinema

d. I sometimes watch cinema

26. Dona went to Cuban rondo waterfall last holiday. The underline word means.

a. danau

b. air terjun

27. Many tress and animals live in the......

a river
b. lake

c. bendungan

d. museum

c. forest

d. city park

28. saya pergi menyelam Bersama keluarga. The correct translate is.....

a. I went camp with family

b. I went snorkeling with family

29. Last holiday, my family and I went hiking to the

a. river

b. mountain

30. Tigor visited the museum. Artinya.....

a. Tigor membangun musem

b. Tigor menyewa museum

Fill the blank with the correct answer!

c. cave

31. I always wear T-shirt. T-shirt artinya.....

c. I go to Malang with friends

d. I went fishing with family

d. beach

c. tigor tidur di museum

d. tigor mengunjungi museum

32. My father wears short pants on Sunny day. Sunny day artinya....

33. Chicken/hen gives people

34. Rabbit likes to eat

35. Rudi can cook. Arti kalimat tersebut adalah

36. Do you usually play basket on Sunday? (ya)....

37. Hani sometimes sings. Sometimes artinya 38. Fishing Dona on the river went. Jika disusun

39 . Parang Tritis beach is in the

40. We went swimming at the lake. Lake artinya....

Answer the questions correctly!

41. What is the meaning of legs?

42. What is the meaning of short tail?

43. What is the meaning of milk?

44. What is the meaning of bleats?

A sheep is a farm animal. It

has four legs and short tail. It

eats grass and leaves. It gives

people milk and meat, It.


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