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Alphabet letters

The English alphabet has 26 letters. In alphabetical order they are.


Vowel letters
A E I O U /a e i o u

Cardinal numbers
Cardinal numbers show an exact number.
e.g. She has five books. He sees ten pencils.

Article is a word which is used with a noun or adjective to define or determine
Note: the article is actually demonstrative adjective.
The articles are divided into two parts.
1: - Definite article 2: - Indefinite article

1 Definite article
An article which is used to refer to a particular person or thing is known as the
definite article.
There is only one definite article in English language which is (The).
“The” is called the definite article, because it points out of some particular or

The definite article (the) is used the following ways.

➢ “The” is used before unique things in nature in their kind.
e.g. The sun The earth The sky The moon
➢ “The” is used before common nouns in order to be determined.
e.g. The man The boy The car
➢ “The” is used before ordinal numbers.
e.g. The first The second The 10th
➢ “The” is used before the superlative form of adjective.
e.g. The cleverest The tallest The must beautiful
➢ ”The” id used before double comparative form of an adjective.
e.g. The more iron is beaten, The stronger because
➢ “The” is used before singular nouns representing the whole class.
e.g. The cow is a useful animal.
➢ “The” is used before names of rivers, seas, deserts, and mountains.
e.g. The Amu River. The Ba Ba Mountain. The Bagh Ater
➢ “The” is used before directions nouns.
e.g. The north The west The east The south
➢ “The” is used before name of Newspaper, magazine.
e.g. The Kabul Times Newspaper. The Mursal Magazine.
➢ “The” is used before the historical buildings and historical events.
e.g. The Taj Mahal. The Bale Hesar. The Independence Day.
➢ “The” is used before names of nationalities, tribes, sects and communities.
e.g. The Muslims. The Arab. The Afghans.
➢ “The” is used when we talk about a particular person or things.
e.g. Let’s go to the park. (the park this city)
➢ “The” is used before some proper nouns.
e.g. The Afghanistan. The Suez Canal.
Note: “The” is the same for singular, plural and for all genders.
e.g. The book The books The boy The girl
Article The can not be used in the following ways.
➢ “The” can not be used before proper nouns.
e.g. The Ahmad (incorrect) Ahmad (correct)
e.g. The Kabul (incorrect) Kabul (correct)
➢ “The” can not be used before the months of the year.
e.g. The Jun (incorrect) Jun (correct)
➢ “The” can not be used before days of the week.
e.g. The Sunday (incorrect) Sunday (correct)
➢ “The” can not be used before the languages.
The Pashto (incorrect) Pashto (correct)
➢ “The” can not be used before names of diseases.
e.g. The Malaria (incorrect) Malaria (correct)
Indefinite Article
The indefinite article is related to the number (one) use in the sense (any
➢ There are two indefinite articles in English language which are a and an.
➢ Use “A” with an noun starting with a consonant letter on sound.
e.g. a book. a cup.
➢ When (U) give the sound of (Y) at the beginning of words (a) is used instead
of (an)
e.g. a university. a union.
➢ A can be used sometimes before people names and it indicates some one
e.g. A Mr. Popal came here yesterday.
➢ A is used with a certain words (Number, half, etc).
e.g. a hundred. a third. a quarter ¼. a half kilo.
➢ A is used with word like (few, little, lot of etc).
e.g. a few people. a lot of things. a little milk.
➢ Use “an” with a noun starting with a vowel letter.
e.g. an orange. an egg. an apple
➢ When a word start with a silent (H) and are pronounce like a vowel sound
we use (an).
e.g. an hour. (an our) an honest. (an onest)
Note: article a and an are not used before plural an uncountable nouns.
e.g. a books a water

noun is the name of person, place or thing.
e.g. Ahmad Kabul car
noun is divided into two parts.
1 countable noun 2 uncountable noun

countable noun
countable noun are those noun that we can count them.
e.g. one book tree books

uncountable noun
countable noun are those noun that we can’t count them.
e.g. Water

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