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Journal for Quality in Women's Health


ISSN: 2615-6660 (print); 2615-6644 (online) Vol.6 No 1. March 2023. Page. 1-6

Tersedia online di


Fianelda Lake1, Arina Chusnatayaini2
1,2Midwifery Study Program, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Strada Indonesia Institute

of Health Sciences, Kediri, Indonesia

Received: June 28, 2022; Accepted: March 7, 2023; Published: March 20, 2023

Background : The use of gadgets has a detrimental effect on children's interpersonal skills
if they are used too often. The influence of gadgets on children's learning processes has an
effect on children's learning processes so that children become more dependent on
cellphones rather than choosing to study .Destination. Identifying the use of gadget media,
Identifying early childhood development, Analyzing the relationship between gadget media
use and early childhood development
Method : The process carried out in this literature review is to review and look for several
research journal articles published through an electronic database. The data base used to do
the search is: Google Scholar, The keyword used to do the search is "The influence of gadget
use on early childhood develomp" for International articles used to search is "gadgets OR
early childhood development",
Result : The results of the literature review and discussion of journals can show that there
is an influence on the use of gadget media with early childhood development, it is said that
Gadgets can affect aspects of cognitive, social-emotional development, religious and moral
values, language and physical-motor aspects of children. The use of gadgets appropriately
and correctly can be a stimulating medium that is able to develop all aspects of children's
development optimally according to their age stages. Vice versa, excessive and
unsupervised use of gadgets will also have bad consequences for children's development in
the future
Conclusion : Now children's social lives are more affected by technology. More often early
childhood interacts with gadgets and also cyberspace affects the child's thinking power
towards something outside of this, he will also feel unfamiliar with the surrounding
environment due to lack of social interaction. However, technological advances can also help
children's creativity if their use is balanced with children's interaction with the surrounding
environment. They know how to leverage technology to satisfy their desire to play. Parents
should supervise when their children play gadgets so that they are not too dependent on
gadgets and do not forget to socialize with the surrounding environment.

Keywords : Gadgets

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Journal for Quality in Women's Health (JQWH )

1. INTRODUCTION and English and the year of publication

The development of technology in between 2016-2021.
today's era has made a lot of progress. This The types of studies analyzed are all
development is characterized by the kinds of research that, The effect of gadget
emergence of an item called a gadget so use on early childhood development. The
that it facilitates human activities, for literature sources used are at least 3 data
example, being able to find information bases (Pubmed, Wiley, Springer Link,
quickly. According to (Syahudin, Proquest, Science Direct, Clinical Key,
2019)'gadget is an electronic object that is Research Gate, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Sage,
used as communication by humans such as Medline, EBSCO, Google Scholar, and
cellphones, computers and others. At first others). Describes what keywords are used
the use of gadgets was only used by adults, in article searches by using boolean
but in this modern era, gadgets are also operators (AND, OR, NOT, NEST,
widely used in children. Quotation Mark).
At this time the world is experiencing a
disaster with the emergence of the 'corona 3. RESULTS
virus which is very scary, this virus is The results of the literature review and
invisible to the human eye because its size discussion of journals can show that there
is very small if infected with the corona is an influence on the use of gadget media
virus will experience shortness of breath to with early childhood development, it is
the worst death. Many people are affected said that Gadgets can affect aspects of
by this virus both in terms of economic, cognitive, social-emotional development,
social and also educational.'The impact of religious and moral values, language and
the corona virus' in the social field is that physical-motor aspects of children. The use
humans are prohibited from carrying out of gadgets appropriately and correctly can
activities that are group / restricted so that be a stimulating medium that is able to
in the field of education is also affected, develop all aspects of children's
namely many elementary schools, development optimally according to their
covering all their students to prevent age stages. Vice versa, excessive and
Covid-19 from becoming more unsupervised use of gadgets will also have
widespread, then learning that was bad consequences for children's
originally face-to-face 'but now uses online development in the future
learning using gadgets using gadgets.
A. Identifying the use of gadget media
The process carried out in this literature According to research conducted by
review is to review and look for several Titik mukarromah (2019) on the impact of
research journal articles published through gadget use on the social development of
an electronic database. The data base used early childhood in the faithful hamlet of
to do the search is: Google Scholar, The the earth in seputih sub-district, the results
keyword used to do the search is "The of the study explained that based on the
influence of gadget use on early childhood results of interviews from 5 parents and 5
develomp" for International articles used early childhood that giving directions to
to search is "gadgets OR early childhood children is indeed very necessary because
development", Reference search is limited early childhood does not have a limit of
to articles available in full text that can be good reasoning ability and belom can
accessed by researchers, using Indonesian distinguish which is good and which is not

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Journal for Quality in Women's Health (JQWH )

good for used as much as his curiosity was having many opportunities to work
still very high. This is where the role of together and understand the perspectives
parents as givers of directions and monitor and feelings of others. In the event of a
the use of children's gadgets is very problem, they will learn how to cope with
necessary. feelings of frustration, anger and
Meanwhile, according to research disappointment, meaning that the child
conducted by Nurhaeda (2018) on the will learn to control the emotions of the
impact of gadget use in early childhood in problem and find a solution or a way out
Islamic pan-dangan in integrated paud with other friends.
mutiara hati palu, the results of the study According to research conducted by
showed that the impact of gadget influence Fitra mayenti (2018) on the impact of
on child development is very much. The gadget use on early childhood
impact given in terms of education in development in early childhood and
Indonesia is a positive impact and a kindergarten of Islamic cadets in
negative impact. Pekanbaru, the results of the study showed
Then according to research conducted that the percentage of child development
by Putri hana pebriana (2017) on the in kindergarten and paud Taruna Islama
analysis of gadget use on social interaction according to their age was 95 percent
ability In early childhood, the results of the greater than the development of children
study showed that dependence on gadgets who did not match their age, namely 5
in children is due to the length of duration percent. This shows that kindergarten and
in using gadgets. From the discussion paud taruna Islam children camping
above, the researcher assumes that the according to age are very good, but there
development process occurs continuously are still a small percentage of children who
and is interrelated between components experience developmental disorders
and other components. So, when a child according to the age of the child.
grows older, indirectly the child's According to research conducted by
personality also matures. This Salis khoiriyati, saripah (2018) on the
development is determined by the process influence of social media on the
of maturation of the organs of the body and development of cognitive intelligence in
occurs in every normal human being so early childhood, the results of the study
that we can take into account beforehand. show that the family environment is very
Thus, we can estimate at what age a person influential on the development of children,
will begin to speak, at what age a person one of which is on the cognitive
will begin to stop growing. development of children. Giving social
media in the form of YouTube can have a
B. Identifying early childhood bad influence if children watch it alone
development without being accompanied by their
According to research conducted by parents. Because YouTube can be easily
Vira anggraini (2018) on the analysis of the accessed online, which includes Universal
development of social aspects through the videos that can be reached by anyone. Thus
use of gadgets in early childhood 4-6 years, the provision of stimulus, the child must be
the results of the study show that optimal accompanied by parents, so that the child
development, children need to get does not model the ugliness of what they
stimulation from the environment. The see.
provision of stimulation must be given in Gadgets are a very practical
the right time with an adequate amount, communication medium both among
for which parents must know correctly children and adults. The use of gadgets in
about the child's situation as well as be early childhood is something that has an
sensitive to his needs. The opportunity to impact on its users, both positive and
play with other children results in them negative impacts. Thus the use of gadgets

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in early childhood should be within a According to research conducted by

certain period of time and with good Titik mukarromah (2019) on the impact of
supervision by parents. The role of parents gadget use on the social development of
is very important as a figure to accompany, early childhood in the hamlet of setia bumi
supervise, and direct the use of gadgets to sub-district as white as a lot, the results of
be beneficial for the growth and the study explained that Gadgets are
development of early childhood. objects with unique characteristics, have
From the discussion above, units with high performance and are
researchers assume that using gadgets related to size and cost. Meanwhile, social
with a duration of more than 2 hours per development is a condition of a person's
day has changed behavior. The impact is a ability to have an adventure according to
positive impact, children easily find social demands. Social development in
information about learning, and make it children is intended as the development of
easier to communicate with friends. children's behavior in adjusting to the rules
However, the negative impact caused by that apply in the society where they live.
gadgets, has an effect on the development According to research conducted by
of child psychology, especially aspects of Fitra mayenti (2018) on the Impact of
emotional growth and moral development. gadget use on early childhood
In emotional growth, children who use development in early childhood in early
gadgets become irritable, like to disobey, childhood and islamic cadets in
imitate behavior in gadgets and talk to Pekanbaru, the results of the study show
themselves on gadgets. Meanwhile, its that Gadgets have the potential to make
influence on moral development, has an children quickly satisfied with the
impact on discipline, children become lazy knowledge they have gained so that they
to do anything, abandon their obligation to consider what they get from the internet or
worship, and reduce learning time due to other technologies is the most complete
playing games too often. and final knowledge. In fact, there are so
many things that must be explored
C. Analyzing the relationship between through the traditional learning process
gadget media use and early and the internet cannot replace the depth
childhood development of knowledge. If you don't pay attention,
According to research conducted by then there will be a tendency for future
Putri hana pebriana (2017) on the analysis generations to become a generation that is
of gadget use on social interaction ability in quickly satisfied and tends to think
early childhood, the results of the study shallowly. .
showed that dependence on gadgets in From the discussion above,
children is due to the length of duration in researchers assume that the introduction of
using gadgets. Playing gadgets with a gadgets in children from an early age can
fairly long duration and carried out every have a meaningful impact and influence on
day, can make children develop in an early childhood both physically and
antisocial personal direction. The impact mentally. The impact and influence caused
caused by this is actually to make children can be in the form of both positive and
more individualistic because over time it negative influences on the development of
causes forgetting to communicate and a child. Therefore, the parental / teacher
interact with the surrounding supervision factor is very necessary in
environment, it can cause social interaction protecting children from the influence of
between children and the community, the gadgets. Gadgets can influence aspects of
surrounding environment decreases, and cognitive, social-emotional development,
even fades. religious and moral values, language as
well as the physical-motor aspects of the

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